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being able to beat people up > getting laid

  • Thread starter Mirin' BadrHari
  • Start date

Mirin' BadrHari

Feb 3, 2018
I'll admit I'm an incel, but at least I can beat the shit outta most people easily. I'm a roided 6'2" 245 lbs muay thai fighter. I cope by muay thai, busting ass in the gym and roiding. I also sometimes do coke, but that's irrelevant. 

so even tho I'm an incel, I could kill the majority of people easily in a street fight. if a guy with a hot girlfriend pissed me off, I'd cripple him for life. 

so who really won in the end? the guy who has sex with hot girls or me, who has the power to hospitalize people?
HOly shit. The levels of cope are off the charts
Have fun in jail.
i'd rather have a gf tbh and get my ass beat everyday
so who really won in the end? the guy who has sex with hot girls or me, who has the power to hospitalize people?

> so who really won in the end? the guy who has sex with hot girls or me, who buttrapes males in jail?
I wish I knew how to fight, but I'm too broke to afford an mma gym membership. You cannot win as a broke incel.
Why are people worshiping badr hari wtf is going on
I'll admit I'm an incel, but at least I can beat the shit outta most people easily. I'm a roided 6'2" 245 lbs muay thai fighter. I cope by muay thai, busting ass in the gym and roiding. I also sometimes do coke, but that's irrelevant. 

so even tho I'm an incel, I could kill the majority of people easily in a street fight. if a guy with a hot girlfriend pissed me off, I'd cripple him for life. 

so who really won in the end? the guy who has sex with hot girls or me, who has the power to hospitalize people?

1. Bullshit, you watch UFC and maybe go to the gym and that's about it.

2. At 245 you'd be way too heavy for Muay Thai.

3. Two or three street trash normies could kick your ass in a fight.

4. A 10 year old could kill you with a gun or a knife.

5. You also "have the power" to rob a bank or rape pretty much any woman. Good luck getting away with it.

6. Idiot. Pls leave.
Would take love and sex over strength any day of the week.

And JFL @ OP on roids talkin like that's a good thing.
Martialartscel said:
1. Bullshit, you watch UFC and maybe go to the gym and that's about it.

2. At 245 you'd be way too heavy for Muay Thai.

3. Two or three street trash normies could kick your ass in a fight.

4. A 10 year old could kill you with a gun or a knife.

5. You also "have the power" to rob a bank or rape pretty much any woman. Good luck getting away with it.

6. Idiot. Pls leave.

I dare you to say this shit face to face. you'd never do it, you little pussy. you'd be too scared. but I promise you.. I promise you, if you ever said this shit to my face, you wouldn't be alive right now. you're very lucky you're hiding behind your screen in your mom's basement. very lucky indeed..
Me too im fit as fuck. MY STAMINA IS TOP TIER.
back in highschool we had shuttle run test idk if you know that shit its like a beep test. Every girl stopped at level 5-6. Most guys at 9-10
Jocks at 11 and moi i kept running until level 13. All the girls where like wtf he is really fit. Lmfao.
That is what 10 years of intensive training brings you. (Still no p in v but who cares right  :'( ) I can pass the millatary tests easly i beat evrey chad IM NUMBER ONE BITCHES.

I dare you to say this shit face to face. you'd never do it, you little pussy. you'd be too scared. but I promise you.. I promise you, if you ever said this shit to my face, you wouldn't be alive right now. you're very lucky you're hiding behind your screen in your mom's basement. very lucky indeed..


I dare you to say this shit face to face. you'd never do it, you little pussy. you'd be too scared. but I promise you.. I promise you, if you ever said this shit to my face, you wouldn't be alive right now. you're very lucky you're hiding behind your screen in your mom's basement. very lucky indeed..

Come to Amsterdam, I'll beat you up.
_incelinside said:
HOly shit. The levels of cope are off the charts
If an ugly guy beats a good looking guy, even if its a complete kickass, people will side with the good looking one.
Mirin BadrHari said:
Martialartscel said:
1. Bullshit, you watch UFC and maybe go to the gym and that's about it.
2. At 245 you'd be way too heavy for Muay Thai.
3. Two or three street trash normies could kick your ass in a fight.
4. A 10 year old could kill you with a gun or a knife.
5. You also "have the power" to rob a bank or rape pretty much any woman. Good luck getting away with it.
6. Idiot. Pls leave.
I dare you to say this shit face to face. you'd never do it, you little pussy. you'd be too scared. but I promise you.. I promise you, if you ever said this shit to my face, you wouldn't be alive right now. you're very lucky you're hiding behind your screen in your mom's basement. very lucky indeed..
LMFAO internet tough guy...
Martialartscel said:
I'll admit I'm an incel, but at least I can beat the shit outta most people easily. I'm a roided 6'2" 245 lbs muay thai fighter. I cope by muay thai, busting ass in the gym and roiding. I also sometimes do coke, but that's irrelevant.
so even tho I'm an incel, I could kill the majority of people easily in a street fight. if a guy with a hot girlfriend pissed me off, I'd cripple him for life.
so who really won in the end? the guy who has sex with hot girls or me, who has the power to hospitalize people?
3. Two or three street trash normies could kick your ass in a fight.

Makes me LOL when "trained" fighters beat their chests. None of the shit matters when you're up against a proper grade A thug who's been in an actual street fight or two. Mr Technique is over here trying to try some triangle lock shit, while he's getting pounded by the street fighting brute.
Jockcel said:
LMFAO internet tough guy...

kek at acting tough to a bunch of losers on a incel website
I guess I could relate to you on some level OP.

I too refuse to be weaker than Normies and Chads.

But we don't live in the type of society, where men have to physically fight each other men to steal or win over women.

Also women prefer pretty boys over high T ogrecels. As pretty boys have a high trust harmonious face unlike high T ogrecels having a low trust face, which seems quite uninviting/unwelcoming for women to have contact with you).
I've watched all parts of ip man, I'm a supreme wing chun practicioner I can take fags like you in dozens at once

I dare you to say this shit face to face. you'd never do it, you little pussy. you'd be too scared. but I promise you.. I promise you, if you ever said this shit to my face, you wouldn't be alive right now. you're very lucky you're hiding behind your screen in your mom's basement. very lucky indeed..

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Zyros said:
If an ugly guy beats a good looking guy, even if its a complete kickass, people will side with the good looking one.
100% agreed, even if you're in the right, people may still view you as a bully.
Akarin said:
I've watched all parts of ip man, I'm a supreme wing chun practicioner I can take fags like you in dozens at once
Sadness said:
I'm a gay loser and I deserve to die. I'm such a fucking loser, I literally spent my whole day writing a bullshit paragraph. damn, I'm so gay! I want to fucking end it, but I don't how..

just set yourself on fire, you little sub-human. you deserve a painful, horrific death. 

do it now.
Kek, yes. OP is een kutmarokkaan. #minder

Mensen in usa weten niet hoe kut de meeste zijn #minder
Who cares about the ability to beat people up when we live in the age of weaponry, no one is going to go to a fight unarmed, they are gonna bring a gun or knife.
Crustaciouse said:
Who cares about the ability to beat people up when we live in the age of weaponry, no one is going to go to a fight unarmed, they are gonna bring a gun or knife.

weapons have been out there for centuries, you fucking idiot.
Op reminds me of one mental I met who believed he is fighting Mayweather later this year lol
Mirin BadrHari said:
Crustaciouse said:
Who cares about the ability to beat people up when we live in the age of weaponry, no one is going to go to a fight unarmed, they are gonna bring a gun or knife.
weapons have been out there for centuries, you fucking idiot.
Then no one takes the ability to fight seriously, if you try to fight some guy, has just going to stab the shit out of you.
And why would I need to know how to fight when I can just gun someone down?
When you win a fight against someone, he doesn't just accept it and surrender. He comes back with a bat, or a knife, or his brothers or whatever. You're basically asking for a war. If you go looking for trouble and always offensively fight, you know what's gonna happen? Someone will eventually show up at your doorstep with a gun and blow your head off.

That's my moral advice to you.
I'll admit I'm an incel, but at least I can beat the shit outta most people easily. I'm a roided 6'2" 245 lbs muay thai fighter. I cope by muay thai, busting ass in the gym and roiding. I also sometimes do coke, but that's irrelevant. 

so even tho I'm an incel, I could kill the majority of people easily in a street fight. if a guy with a hot girlfriend pissed me off, I'd cripple him for life. 

so who really won in the end? the guy who has sex with hot girls or me, who has the power to hospitalize people?

YOOOOOOOO a fellow beast here!

I'm 6'2" 250 lbs gymcel

In hs I used to beat the shit out of bullies and Chad's to protect incels. Srsly it's good to see another aggressive incel high T guy on here
blackpill_incel said:
YOOOOOOOO a fellow beast here!

I'm 6'2" 250 lbs gymcel

In hs I used to beat the shit out of bullies and Chad's to protect incels. Srsly it's good to see another aggressive incel high T guy on here

lol hes trolling, hes not really 6ft2 245
lol i would call all my turkish cousins and would beat u up bro. Stop coping
Good. The world must fear you.
Haha I cope the same way
Incel_Dikshit said:
Me too im fit as fuck. MY STAMINA IS TOP TIER.
back in highschool we had shuttle run test idk if you know that shit its like a beep test. Every girl stopped at level 5-6. Most guys at 9-10
Jocks at 11 and moi i kept running until level 13. All the girls where like wtf he is really fit. Lmfao.
That is what 10 years of intensive training brings you. (Still no p in v but who cares right :'( ) I can pass the millatary tests easly i beat evrey chad IM NUMBER ONE BITCHES.

lmao the pacer test?

it's different here in the USA, there's laps for each beep. i was a wrestler back then so i was pretty in-shape

it was me and this haitian guy every single time, up past 130

all the pussy kids quit like 20-30 laps in lmao.

OP, stop coping. a fucking 5 year old kid could just shoot you and that's that.

in fact if a fucking monkey was given an AK it could also effectively gun you down right then and there

i'm not even making fun of you, it's good that you're that strong and fit, but in 2018? no one really cares man. people packing heat out there bro, no one's going to fight you unarmed.


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I dare you to say this shit face to face. you'd never do it, you little pussy. you'd be too scared. but I promise you.. I promise you, if you ever said this shit to my face, you wouldn't be alive right now. you're very lucky you're hiding behind your screen in your mom's basement. very lucky indeed..

We got ourselves a badass.
Coke is holding you back. 

It inhibits the natural desire to eat, and you probably smoke cigarettes too because they go hand in hand. Trust me, I know.
OP should become a vigilante or something...
Sadness said:
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

_incelinside said:
HOly shit. The levels of cope are off the charts
to OP
The small mma guy taking on a big guy is kind of cringy, it seems like a lot of them are fantasizing about taking on big men. Most of the fights, I've seen the bigger guys won, you guys are deluding yourselves, if you think you can take on OP, and blackpilled_incel. Muh speed and hurt durr stamina won't save you from guys like OP.
It would be top kek to go around bullying weaker normies in front of their gfs. You could probably upset a few and enjoy their insecurity
topKek at people saying a street thug would win vs a *potential* roided Muay Thai specialist. Street thugs arn't shit, I'm high inhib and could fuck up some retard who tries to act tough in front of his GF to me

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