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Being a virgin doesn't matter if you're a Chad

Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
NFL 6'3'' Chad player Tim Tebow, a virgin.

Tebow holds a firm stance in favor of faith-based abstinence, and has publicly stated that he has maintained his virginity.[243][244] Tebow is a group leader for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, an organization which mandates that all leaders sign a Statement of Sexual Purity which states that sex outside marriage and homosexual acts are unacceptable to God.[245][246]

This is him with his fiancee, a former miss universe from South Africa, a high tier Stacy



Football’s most famous virgin is pretty close to losing his V-card. This afternoon former NFL quarterback and devout Christian Tim Tebow announced his engagement to former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters on his Instagram page.

After the announcement everyone on the Internet made the same joke about Tebow finally being able to have sex.

JFL at all the bluepilled copers here thinking a virgin Chad isn't popular among women and that virginity matters.

It's all about LOOKS.

Virginity is not a turn off for women, being ugly is. When women say they don't like virgins is because they assume they're ugly.
I actually respect this volcel King. Doesn't want to participate in all the degenerate filth that all the other young fucks do
A lot of people here are coping thinking that not losing virginity young enough made them incels for life.

It literally doesn't matter. If you were good looking like this Chad, you could get a 9/10 girlfriend later on even as a 30-something year old male virgin.

The reason why you can't is because you don't look good enough.

I actually respect this volcel King. Doesn't want to participate in all the degenerate filth that all the other young fucks do

He is proof that volcels are legit.
jfl if you think he hasn't had sex with random escorts under fake name
There's a big difference between being a virgin out of your own volition (volcel) and being a virgin involuntarily (incel). People will always treat volcels with respect because they know that volcels always had the capability of having sex, they just made the choice not to; whereas incels never had that capability.
I bet 100% his fiance got fucked by tons of dudes so why the fuck is he marrying her?
Hes cucked himself but has no problem with his fiance having rode the cock carousel
If he was a 5’6 framecel he would not be with her
He has at the very least had his dick sucked tbqh. People that make a big show of being religious are usually full of shit.
There's a big difference between being a virgin out of your own volition (volcel) and being a virgin involuntarily (incel). People will always treat volcels with respect because they know that volcels always had the capability of having sex, they just made the choice not to; whereas incels never had that capability.

The thing is there are bluepilled people here thinking their virginity is making them unpopular with women and not their subpar looks.

If they were good looking, they could claim they were volcel and women wouldn't care.
Virgin but not Incel teehee
chad wins always, doesnt matter how much u try
Of course, it doesn't. Chad could live whole life in jungle and even though he can't read or say anything, foids will still be all wet. They will be saying shit like: "muh noble savage!" "Tarzan"".

Chad always wins.
Chad takes virginity
Nothing matters for chad,he will still have SMV.But being a virgin strongly impacts normies
Cope. Openly saying that you are a virgin decreases your SMV, no matter your looks. Some chads might still have enough high SMV to ascend anyway though, but they would be even better off if they LARPed as slayers instead.
Lmao at this autistic coping, yes Chad can still get laid but so what? He is Chad and your example is even millionaire NFL Chad. Do you seriously think for your average 5/10 it would be the same? Looks are by far the most important thing obviously but saying that everything else has 0 importance is extreme autism.
Lmao at this autistic coping, yes Chad can still get laid but so what? He is Chad and your example is even millionaire NFL Chad. Do you seriously think for your average 5/10 it would be the same? Looks are by far the most important thing obviously but saying that everything else has 0 importance is extreme autism.

A 5/10 has shitty life just like any sub8 man, it doesn't matter what he does.
High IQ Chad.

Knows will be ridiculed for small dick, so copes with christianity
A 5/10 has shitty life just like any sub8 man, it doesn't matter what he does.
Yes it does, these are the things that can literally make it or break it for a low tier normie guy.
Tebow is a Chad-lite at best.
Yes it does, these are the things that can literally make it or break it for a low tier normie guy.

JFL if you think a non-virgin sub8 man has anything going for him in the dating scene unless maybe getting an occasional ugly roastie.

If virginity was such a big deal, escortcels here would be better off and ascend.

If you are sub8 man you get NOTHING of value.
Tebow is a Chad-lite at best.

He will get married to a 9/10 Stacy.

He is 6'3'' with great frame + athleticism.
JFL if you think a non-virgin sub8 man has anything going for him in the dating scene unless maybe getting an occasional ugly roastie.

If virginity was such a big deal, escortcels here would be better off and ascend.

If you are sub8 man you get NOTHING of value.
JFL at the autism of you sub8 theory copers, you expect me to believe that you get out of your basement and only see model tier guys have ok women lol. Also you are making a lot of logical leaps, first you show us virgin Chad as evidence (who of course still retains enough SMV to get laid) and now you assume that escortcels would get such an increase in their SMV that they can ascend just by not being virgins.
and now you assume that escortcels would get such an increase in their SMV that they can ascend just by not being virgins.

That's what you assume because you base value in bluepilled things like virginity being important.

It literally doesn't matter.
That's what you assume because you base value in bluepilled things like virginity being important.

It literally doesn't matter.
I assume what? It's literally proven and I have life experience about it as I showed in the other thread, women think about these things especially if you are not Chad. On the other hand you want me to believe that only literal models get decent women JFL at your autism.
I assume what? It's literally proven and I have life experience about it as I showed in the other thread, women think about these things especially if you are not Chad. On the other hand you want me to believe that only literal models get decent women JFL at your autism.

They only think it's bad because of the ugly male failo effect. If Chad is a virgin he is seen as a cool moral man.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that not having a social media account is terrible as well when I know Chads who never had not even a facebook account.

You are very bluepilled, you still need to learn
They only think it's bad because of the ugly male failo effect. If Chad is a virgin he is seen as a cool moral man.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that not having a social media account is terrible as well when I know Chads who never had not even a facebook account.

You are very bluepilled, you still need to learn
Social media is actually not that important. You are a massive edgy cunt who likes to act this way because he thinks it makes him look cool, but in the end you only look horribly autistic. Proof is that you keep bringing up Chad examples as if they were your usual guy, while in actuality your ordinary guy is at least 2,5 points below lol. Guess you are one of these retards who think things like "Chad can never get out of his basement and still get laid, so why should I? It's not true that you must get out of the basement to get pussy!" The absolute state of you.
Social media is actually not that important. You are a massive edgy cunt who likes to act this way because he thinks it makes him look cool, but in the end you only look horribly autistic. Proof is that you keep bringing up Chad examples as if they were your usual guy, while in actuality your ordinary guy is at least 2,5 points below lol. Guess you are one of these retards who think things like "Chad can never get out of his basement and still get laid, so why should I? It's not true that you must get out of the basement to get pussy!" The absolute state of you.

Do you think an ordinary non-virgin guy can get a former miss universe stacy like the VIRGIN Chad got?

Do you think this woman would choose a non-virgin balding 30-year-old 6/10 normie over the VIRGIN Chad?

JFL at the bluepillers here.

It doesn't matter what normies do, they will never get the top tier women Chad gets. They will get scraps and their effort won't be worth the reward. It has zero sense.
Do you think an ordinary non-virgin guy can get a former miss universe stacy like the VIRGIN Chad got?

Do you think this woman would choose a non-virgin balding 30-year-old 6/10 normie over the VIRGIN Chad?

JFL at the bluepillers here.

It doesn't matter what normies do, they will never get the top tier women Chad gets. They will get scraps and their effort won't be worth the reward. It has zero sense.
What the fuck are you saying you gigaautist, I never ever talked about any of these things. Looks like you are on shrooms or something. Chad can get Stacy and Norman can't? Wow really? I am truly shocked.
What the fuck are you saying you gigaautist, I never ever talked about any of these things. Looks like you are on shrooms or something. Chad can get Stacy and Norman can't? Wow really? I am truly shocked.

If you can't get a Stacy there is no point in the current Western society. You will be seen as inferior and Chads will gf-mog you. No one will give you any respect just because you aren't a virgin anymore if you have a 4/10 fat ugly girlfriend.

In the West, you only count if you are a winner, you need to get the absolute best. I know normies who have ugly average looking girlfriends and their lives are shit. No one cares about them. They might just as well be virgins, it wouldn't make a difference.

Either you get a Stacy girlfriend or your dating life doesn't exist.

The only way a normal girlfriend would be valuable is if she would be a virgin but she isn't.
If you can't get a Stacy there is no point in the current Western society. You will be seen as inferior and Chads will gf-mog you. No one will give you any respect just because you aren't a virgin anymore if you have a 4/10 fat ugly girlfriend.

In the West, you only count if you are a winner, you need to get the absolute best. I know normies who have ugly average looking girlfriends and their lives are shit. No one cares about them. They might just as well be virgins, it wouldn't make a difference.

Either you get a Stacy girlfriend or your dating life doesn't exist.

The only way a normal girlfriend would be valuable is if she would be a virgin but she isn't.
Extreme standardcel detected lol, you really only think using extremes. Women for you are either Stacies or 4/10 landwhales and you don't really seem to value anything below Stacy tier because you want to prove something to society it looks like. I am not sure how we can have a discussion if you are bent on being so illogical. Oh and btw often even Chad dates Beckies and sometimes even landwhales.
Extreme standardcel detected lol, you really only think using extremes. Women for you are either Stacies or 4/10 landwhales and you don't really seem to value anything below Stacy tier because you want to prove something to society it looks like. I am not sure how we can have a discussion if you are bent on being so illogical. Oh and btw often even Chad dates Beckies and sometimes even landwhales.

You think that society doesn't value you because you virgin while the fact is that society doesn't value you because you aren't Chad.

Non-virgin sub8 men get treated like trash too.

I don't have high standards but I realize if I stopped being a virgin that wouldn't solve anything in terms of my standing in society.
Didn't read the thread, but you should stop caring about volcels. They don't matter.
You think that society doesn't value you because you virgin while the fact is that society doesn't value you because you aren't Chad.

Non-virgin sub8 men get treated like trash too.

I don't have high standards but I realize if I stopped being a virgin that wouldn't solve anything in terms of my standing in society.
Society does value you less than Chad but it doesn't mean that you have absolutely no value for not being it and that all non-Chads have absolutely the same null value, there is clearly a middle ground.
Not being a virgin would solve that you don't get your SMV reduced once they find out that you are a virgin, especially if you are an oldcel or close to it. Also you will have less chances of having sex or kissing awkwardly because it's your first time.
Society does value you less than Chad but it doesn't mean that you have absolutely no value for not being it and that all non-Chads have absolutely the same null value, there is clearly a middle ground.
Not being a virgin would solve that you don't get your SMV reduced once they find out that you are a virgin, especially if you are an oldcel or close to it. Also you will have less chances of having sex or kissing awkwardly because it's your first time.

Who gives a shit. As a sub8 man, I have no chance to even get close to having sex either way unless it's prostitution which I'm not interested in.
Who gives a shit. As a sub8 man, I have no chance to even get close to having sex either way unless it's prostitution which I'm not interested in.
You are totally right I have never seen a 7/10 have free sex.
You are totally right I have never seen a 7/10 have free sex.

Nothing is free if you are a sub8 man. You have to pay for it one way or another. Only Chad gets true love.
Nothing is free if you are a sub8 man. You have to pay for it one way or another. Only Chad gets true love.
Why would you expect to have everything handed to you for free and without any effort though? Almost no-one gets it.
He’s probably not a virgin.
Why would you expect to have everything handed to you for free and without any effort though? Almost no-one gets it.

Because no matter what effort you put into it, you will not get even 1% of what Chad gets.

It's different with other things, for example if I put effort into learning a language, I will speak it fluently eventually. If I train boxing, I will become relatively good after certain time etc.

But no matter what I do I won't have a dating life that would be worth the effort.
Because no matter what effort you put into it, you will not get even 1% of what Chad gets.

It's different with other things, for example if I put effort into learning a language, I will speak it fluently eventually. If I train boxing, I will become relatively good after certain time etc.

But no matter what I do I won't have a dating life that would be worth the effort.
Maybe but if I could get 0,5% of what Bill Gates has I'd still be pretty rich and live a good life, don't you think? Being obsessed with being on top of everything is immodest and unbecoming of a Christian I'd say.
If you train you will be realtively good at box but you will not necessarily become a champion, now I am not saying everyone can become attractive enough to have a good life or we wouldn't be here but it's ridiculous to complain and rot just because you can't be in the 10% of Chads.
Maybe but if I could get 0,5% of what Bill Gates has I'd still be pretty rich and live a good life, don't you think? Being obsessed with being on top of everything is immodest and unbecoming of a Christian I'd say.

I'm just telling you how it is in the West. Either you are the best or you are nothing.
I'm just telling you how it is in the West. Either you are the best or you are nothing.
Such extreme opinion are rarely correct, keep crying for Chadlites or even normies.
Such a big injustice, at least he doesn't have big tiddy goth gf, instead his reward is old used up chestlet roastie.

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