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Being a framecel Is my death sentence



May 9, 2024
There is no way to cope with living like this for me
There is no way to live as a man with a small frame you are just forced to be a subhuman

Everytime I look at myself in the mirror my body looks so fucked up to me
My shoulders are so narrow compared to every other man I meet

I was wearing shorts today since I had nothing else to wear
I walked into my kitchen to get some food and saw my reflection on the backdoor

My legs are so strangely skinny and thin Ive never seen another guy with legs like mine in person
The only guy with similar legs Ive seen Is that youtuber penguinz0 and he was mocked for them by his fans
He is very similar to me in general He also has skinny wrists and hands like me
Im probably around the same size as him too
I dont get the face and fame halo he has though

Being a manlet is brutal because you will see people be mocked online for the same traits you have constantly so you are constantly taking shots everywhere you go

Alot of the time I am worse off then the people I see being mocked too
Im sure people mock me behind my back constantly
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Every time I see my hands or wrists I am filled with a deep disappointment and embarrassment the same with my feet

My hands and feet are smaller then alot of foids hands and feet
Fucking brutal

Theres no way I can feel masculine like this
All Ive ever wanted is to be a man
I would watch films or play games with masculine characters in them as a kid And Imagine myself growing up to be like them
I always wanted to be like woods from Bo1 when I was a kid
But this never happened

You might be thinking I care about my frame mainly because I wont get pussy and obviously that is apart of it

but since I realised awhile ago how little chance with women I have Ive stopped caring about it as much as other men do

I feel like I could just cope with escortcelling anytime I feel like fucking and At this point I barely see anything to love About women except their appearance so I don't really care about relationships

I might rarely fantasise about having a relationship I'm sure most of you do the same
I know that these relationships wouldn't be possible in the real world though just because its not in womens nature to love like how I always imagined relationships to be

Even If I woke up as a Chad tommorow and a woman gave me her “love and affection”
I would know that she doesnt actually love me and she just loves my genes

I would just fuck her and move on like most chads do after they make this realisation of Womens nature

Ive noticed once most men realise its over with women they get caught up on that even when they have other things going for them in life
They have other skills and talents and many ways to cope But they can never get past failing with women

They might be ugly but they still normally have good or atleast average frames and look masculine since from what I can tell Its not common to be a framecel

They can act in masculine ways that I cant they can fight and be self confident
I was watching one of dbdrs recent videos and he was talking about how he was always scared of life because His view of life was being taught to him by his 4’8 mum who is scared of everything because she is small

He said how his mum would always get scared if someone knocked on the door and for his whole life he would too because of her
but then he realised that he is a big 5’11 guy and he can just knock this guy out if he does anything unlike his 4’8 mum

I remember sitting there and thinking that I could never have that confidence
I don't get to feel like this I have to live life Like a mouse

My problem is I have no way to cope with this like some people do
some men genuinely dont care about any of this at all but Like how other men have been caught up on the women I have been caught up on wanting to be a man

This probably comes from being bullied and treated like shit My whole life but
there is something in my psyche that just obsesses over being masculine or just getting respect from men in general so I know I wont be treated like shit again

Ive noticed that shia labeouf is kind of like this too and he is somewhat of a framecel too
He was also abused in his childhood and had a rough life so I feel this combination of shitframe and abuse leads to this mindset in some men

This is probably where those cringy coping gymaxxed manlet type of people that try to force being overly masculine come from and I would be one of them If I had a better frame and less self awareness

I want to be capable of violence I want to be able to act in a masculine way not letting anyone mistreat me or stop me from doing anything I want to do

But I have to act in a pathetic way because Im incapable of defending myself

This goes against the way I was naturally when I was younger
I would always try to defend other people Or stand up for myself but that was beaten out of me after I realised I am physically incapable of doing this because of my weak body

Instead of being that person I was forced to become a shell of my previous self and someone that I dont want to be
I don't want to live like a pathetic mouse

All I want now Is to be able to Be something close to who I want to be but
This obviously isnt possible with a small weak frame
So its like im just being torn up inside everyday when I have these desires and then I look in the mirror and see them crumble infront of me

All of my dreams in life have been destroyed by my shitty fucking genes
I dont see anyway I could ever cope with this
Everyday I have to get mogged constantly in everything But especially In height and frame
Being a framecel has genuinely fucked up my mental state and most of my insecurity in life comes from this as you can tell

Idec about being short I am only 5’6 or 5’7 which is obviously a bad height to be but I can cope with this
but Being a framelet is just fucking constant embarrassment
Especially while being short

Most of my problems in life were caused by being a framecel
All the bullying in my life came from this

being A framecel is half the reason I will eventually kill myself as well as living a meaningless shitty disadvantaged life

At this point I would rather be A big ugly masculine guy who gets no women vs a short framelet chad Who can fuck as much As he wants but gets no respect like Justin beiber when he was younger

Life isnt just about fucking like most men seem to think it is
Its obviously an important part of life but Theres more to it then that

As the ugly big guy I could cope with escorts and it would be alot more enjoyable for me then it would be now since It would feel better to fuck If I felt more masculine

Im still going to do It soon anyway though Cause I just want to fuck a bitch at this point
Inb4 escortcels are fakecels :soy: Or your a cuck for paying an escort:soy:

Idgaf like I said I want to fuck a bitch

I dont even get how anyone can think an escortcel is a fakecel if youve gotten to the point where having to pay to get pussy is the only way you can get it you are obviously an incel even if you have sex with the escort

When you have sex with an escort it isnt the real sex that normies and chad get it is just the mechanical function of it
There or no affection or attraction behind it
Except the attraction She has towards your money:feelskek:

I guess you could say that paying a bitch to spread her legs is cucked but idc Since I feel like fucking so I am willing to pay for it
Atleast it isnt as bad as when OF cucks pay just to get pics instead of actually fucking
And I know that sounds like cope but Its true

I didn't really want to post this because I find it embarrassing but Many users here admit to things that are also embarrassing and I like to keep it real and be honest If I can

This will also show another perspective of What being a framecel can do to a nigga

Thats if anyone fucking reads it anyway

We should All try to talk about our life experiences honestly so that They can be atleast somewhat documented for other people to see whether they are normies or other incels
Even though it wont make normies feel any sympathy for us or change anything about the nature of the world or the way we are treated
it will show the effects being an incel can have on someone whether you are a manlet or you are deformed whatever fault you have

anyone could have been like us if they were unlucky enough
we are aren’t special in anyway and neither are the chads or normies that got lucky in life

Its all just fucking luck at the end of the day
Luck will either make or break you

I turned on these fucking caps somehow but I cba to retype all of that in the normal text

Have a good day may saint hamudi bless you
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Iam 5'2 with small frame so u can imagine
Iam 5'2 with small frame so u can imagine
No I cant imagine man thats fucking brutal
I would genuinely be in mental pain constantly more then I already am

If you can cope with that in any way then you are alot stronger mentally then me
Is that you on that photo?
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Is that you on that photo?
View attachment 1185130
No :feelskek:
Thats the youtuber I was talking about
I was just using him as example to show what I look like Cause I am either a similar size to him or smaller
We have a similar body type too but I have less muscle then him

I just wanted to show an example because I always see people say they are framecels but then I will see a pic of them and they are just an average sized guy
You can get away with a below average frame if you are pretty boy (which i assume you arent)
It's brutal having a narrow frame. I have good height, so that alone helps stop bullying, luckily. I still have that I have narrow clavicles. wide hips. and female sized wrists. If I didn't have the height I'd be absolutely screwed. I simply hate now having a masculine upper body bone structure and having such crappy muscle genetics.
It's brutal having a narrow frame. I have good height, so that alone helps stop bullying, luckily. I still have that I have narrow clavicles. wide hips. and female sized wrists. If I didn't have the height I'd be absolutely screwed. I simply hate now having a masculine upper body bone structure and having such crappy muscle genetics.
Having feminine proportions is fucking brutal too Im lucky I didnt get feminine hips because I must have had something wrong With my test levels to end up like this because my dad isnt like this

He is a framecel but he just has sloped shoulders and a small frame the rest of his features are normal
Having feminine proportions is fucking brutal too Im lucky I didnt get feminine hips because I must have had something wrong With my test levels to end up like this because my dad isnt like this

He is a framecel but he just has sloped shoulders and a small frame the rest of his features are normal
Yeah man. My narrow shoulders look way too small for my height and my wide hips just make it worse. It sucks
Maybe if you eat more you could fill your frame atleast and work your legs. When you work your legs they produce myostatin which is a chemical that makes your genes allow for more muscle growth
Lose the weight
Lose what weight, lol? I’m 155 pounds at 6 feet tall and look skinny as fuck. I just have genetically wide hips and narrow clavicles. I’m actually lean already and my abs are visible
its sad that even charlie got cucked, I wanted his relationship to be a success for some reason
its sad that even charlie got cucked, I wanted his relationship to be a success for some reason
this is why I gave up with women He is a manlet and a framelet like me but With a better face and he still got cucked

Theres just no way you can win like this

keep in mind this guy Is well off from youtube and somewhat famous too and could barely keep a nerdy 5/10 white girl

Tbf he should have gotten with an asian girl or any other race except white
He would have had more chance of keeping the relationship
Is this a man or a woman on the right ?

If woman, is this his girlfriend ??
It looks like a guy

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This is his ex gf She left him recently Idk If she cheated or not
But apparently they both “mutually agreed to split up” so take from that what You will

Brutal mog
I can't tell if I have a good frame or a shit frame tbh
Maybe if you eat more you could fill your frame atleast and work your legs. When you work your legs they produce myostatin which is a chemical that makes your genes allow for more muscle growth
Even if I filled in my frame I would still be small
I have ectomorph genes with a small frame
Look at penguinz0 he is gymmaxed to his natty potential and is still small you wouldnt even notice that he works out

I am thinking of starting to work out again just for the sake of it but Idk if I will stick to it enough to see results
I can't tell if I have a good frame or a shit frame tbh
Its easy to tell
If you have good proportions and you are atleast average sized or bigger then you have a good frame if not then you have a shit frame

You probably just have an average frame if you cant tell whether its good or not
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I was called megamind in highschool due to my disproportionate head size to body size. Think stereotypical alien
I was called megamind in highschool due to my disproportionate head size to body size. Think stereotypical alien
People used to call me big head too before my frame grew a bit
Which I guess is similar

Its not even like I have a big head my head is tiny
At least you aren't obese : )
At least you aren't obese : )
I take back what I said it would be worse to be obese depending on if you are tall or not because it would come with more health problems
If you are average height or short while obese it would be brutal

Either flaw stands out alot from the crowd for negative reasons though so they are similar in that way
Like what
Well your medical problems get taken seriously because you aren't obese and shit. You can guarantee that you can fit inside Rollercoasters and bus seats.
Well your medical problems get taken seriously because you aren't obese and shit. You can guarantee that you can fit inside Rollercoasters and bus seats.
I barely even go outside because of being a framecel It doesnt matter if I cant fit into rollercoasters or buses since I barely ever use them
Well your medical problems get taken seriously because you aren't obese and shit. You can guarantee that you can fit inside Rollercoasters and bus seats.
Thats brutal How you couldnt think of any other benefits apart from that :feelskek:
Thats brutal How you couldnt think of any other benefits apart from that :feelskek:
I don't experience the world. All I do is go to doctors appoints via bus and I like Rollercoaster lol
I don't experience the world. All I do is go to doctors appoints via bus and I like Rollercoaster lol
Fair enough I can see how that would be annoying
I went on some rollercoasters recently tbf but that doesnt make up for being a framecel

How obese are you what is your height and weight??
Im guessing you weren't always obese since you said you like going on rollercoasters so you must have been able to fit on them at some point
Lose what weight, lol? I’m 155 pounds at 6 feet tall and look skinny as fuck. I just have genetically wide hips and narrow clavicles. I’m actually lean already and my abs are visible
Even if I filled in my frame I would still be small
I have ectomorph genes with a small frame
Look at penguinz0 he is gymmaxed to his natty potential and is still small you wouldnt even notice that he works out

I am thinking of starting to work out again just for the sake of it but Idk if I will stick to it enough to see results
Hey man all power to you, life is a gamble and in gambling there are two types of people winners and quitters, so keep playing till you win. Then workout for the sake of strength. You cant change the past but today is a gift thats why it's called present.

Hey man all power to you, life is a gamble and in gambling there are two types of people winners and quitters, so keep playing till you win. Then workout for the sake of strength. You cant change the past but today is a gift thats why it's called present.

Just keep gambling bro

Dont forget that The house always wins

Hey man all power to you, life is a gamble and in gambling there are two types of people winners and quitters, so keep playing till you win. Then workout for the sake of strength. You cant change the past but today is a gift thats why it's called present.
Yeah man, I do go gym for the extra strength. I still look skinny, but it’s not quite so bad as when I was even skinnier from not going to the gym
Brutal post and very relatable :feelscry:

I'm 30 and I'm getting framemogged and wristmogged by high school girls. No joke, no exaggeration.

Absolutely fucking brutal to be a man and a framecel. Frame is what should set you apart from women.

Male sexual dimophisms are broad shoulders, large forearms and thick wrists. You are not a man if you're a framecel.

Framecel is a subhuman truecel trait.
Brutal post and very relatable :feelscry:

I'm 30 and I'm getting framemogged and wristmogged by high school girls. No joke, no exaggeration.

Absolutely fucking brutal to be a man and a framecel. Frame is what should set you apart from women.

Male sexual dimophisms are broad shoulders, large forearms and thick wrists. You are not a man if you're a framecel.

Framecel is a subhuman truecel trait.
Being a framecel Is genuinely one of the worst ways to live as a man

The only way its made tolerable is if you have a good face but if you dont its going to be a brutal life
Even if you have a good face people will probably still treat you like shit because they are jealous and you are a target
frame is cope if you're somehow tall and have a decent face.

Face and height is everything.
Im guessing you didnt even read what I wrote
i did the read the entire thing I am just saying that many people obsess over the framepill but it is nothing special in comparison to the height and facepill.

My main concerns as usual are face and height , small frame is not that noticeable many get away with it.
i have a relatively good frame, but i can imagine the feeling of getting emasculated by 99% of other men you encounter, brutal.
No :feelskek:
Thats the youtuber I was talking about
I was just using him as example to show what I look like Cause I am either a similar size to him or smaller
We have a similar body type too but I have less muscle then him

I just wanted to show an example because I always see people say they are framecels but then I will see a pic of them and they are just an average sized guy
Lol he is a giant head turbomanlet and he goes full soy and ridicules every male? He mogs me BTW, I'm even shorter with equally big head, but I don't shit on males who mog me into oblivion to suck up to reddit trannies and roasties. .
i did the read the entire thing I am just saying that many people obsess over the framepill but it is nothing special in comparison to the height and facepill.

My main concerns as usual are face and height , small frame is not that noticeable many get away with it.
I dont care about being attractive to foids anymore I just want to be masculine
So I can live the way I want to live

when Other people complain about the small frame pill they are probably coping since they arent tall with a decent face like you said but it still makes your life alot shitter since you feel emasculated constantly
I dont care about being attractive to foids anymore I just want to be masculine
So I can live the way I want to live

Like I said In this post Most men are too caught up on women its all any of you ever think about but theres more to life then women
I feel the same way unfortunately I am a manlet and at 5'5 good luck to appear masculine or threatening we were all cucked by nature.

My frame is not that bad its always been face and height.
I dont care about being attractive to foids anymore I just want to be masculine
So I can live the way I want to live

when Other people complain about the small frame pill they are probably coping since they arent tall with a decent face like you said but it still makes your life alot shitter since you feel emasculated constantly
Trust me if you weren't 5'7 you wouldnt even mind your small frame height is your main failo.
I feel the same way unfortunately I am a manlet and at 5'5 good luck to appear masculine or threatening we were all cucked by nature.

My frame is not that bad its always been face and height.
Face and height would have been important to me in the past but I dont care as much about women now

The only reason I ever wanted to be attractive was to have a relationship with a foid
But none of them are capable of genuine love so Idgaf anymore

We were born just to be mocked for our manletism
Face and height would have been important to me in the past but I dont care as much about women now

The only reason I ever wanted to be attractive was to have a relationship with a foid
But none of them are capable of genuine love so Idgaf anymore

We were born just to be mocked for our manletism
They are capable of genuine loving only CHAD brother.

We will never get into a relationship unless we betabuxxed but thats cucked.

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