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BBC: Inside The Secret World Of Incels: That's it. We're done. They interviewed the most insane nutjobs they could find. CFM kept saying "feeemeylz"



You didn't know? Dude was always a massive larper, dunno why so many people on here liked him back in the day

You have no idea, dude even made fun of virgins on discord, and boasted about having GF's, its a wonder he even lasted this long on this forum without being banned
You didn't know? Dude was always a massive larper, dunno why so many people on here liked him back in the day

I remember seeing his videos some time ago linked on 4chan, but I never bothered being around places like this until this year, so im not familiar with all the posters.

This is my first time using/being on registered forums since the mid 2000s
Did they say why he wasn't added? Honestly the docu really needed more variety, the whole thing was just catfishman, a gay and an irishman who doesn't even consider himself incel, which honestly made it pretty dull to watch. Guess that's probably why Tom got fired.
They used 2 of HIS voice clips from a phonecall ages ago when HE was drunk. NEET didn't exactly back out. He just left it too long so they dropped him.
Am I a cuck for feeling kinda bad for the dad who lost his daughter?

Although ngl, feel good that my profile got featured for 2 seconds.
Hang on, you just accused me of strawmanning your argument when that is exactly what you’ve just done to me;
Its an entertaining source of schadenfreude though, and I think that's literally the point of the those murders, that's the difference between the "violent incels" and the "peaceful incels", you guys are coping and were being realistic, we like the murders because they are entertaining and a sources of revenge, you are against them because you hope society seeing incels in a different light will somehow make a difference, were the ones getting what we want because we have realistic standards of cause and effect, were not supporting the violence because we believe it will "make a difference" or "do something", that's ya'll cope, so don't project your standards onto our actions, were not trying ot make anything happen, its entertainment
I never stated that I believe anything will make a difference, I wasn’t juxtaposing violence v non-violence with the insinuation that non-violence will bring about change like some MLK / Malcom X scenario, I readily admit that neither will bring about change. That is why I said I am not coping. If you genuinely believe murdering randomers is ‘getting back at society’ then it is certainly you who is both coping and performing mental gymnastics because that makes as much sense as ER killing his 3 nerdy Asian roommates in what is supposed be revenge against ‘society at large.’

You are coping if you believe that indiscriminate targets represent some kind of concerted societal ideal, you want to see people die because you are pissed off with your own situation (which I do half understand) but then you have transgressed into the realm of cope by inventing some half-baked justification as to why the death of these random people you don’t know = getting revenge on society at large.
Am I a cuck for feeling kinda bad for the dad who lost his daughter?

Although ngl, feel good that my profile got featured for 2 seconds.
If you are then I'm a cuck too tbh. He seemed to have empathized with ER, which made me think that he's a good man
Those are the kinds of men they want to interview. They need to follow the narrative because scare mongering is what gets them money so they have to find obnoxious attention-hungry cringey guys. If they go after guys that are too autistic they run the risk of making people sympathetic for them and if they find someone who is too intelligent they run the risk of the person using logic and swaying the opinions of the viewers.

This is why this site or any other incel-related site shouldn't allow """blackpilled""" normies or sex havers to post

Agree 100%
It’s just embarrassing
I never stated that I believe anything will make a difference

Your statement of agreement:
I have possibly never agreed more with a post than this, that is not a cucked opinion. Anyone posting that kind of shit cares more about scoring minor victories against normies and women than actually spreading the blackpill and you’re right, those posts should be removed.

The implication of this statement is that posting the violent stuff somehow negatively impacts the spreading of the black pill, and it doesn't, it doesn't make a difference, in fact the violent shit helps spread it more, I'd argue the opposite of what your statement implies here

The statement you agreed with:
Man fuck catfish man, of course they had to interview some literal retard in order to make us look bad. Jfl theres so many fakecels who larp as incels and act fucking autistic and make us look bad. Call me a cuck but that's why the hundreds of "I hate women I'm glad they get raped/whatever" threads should just be taken down, it makes us look bad and actual incels are to depressed to have such rage. Fakecels are ruining it for the test of us jfl
What's funny is that I was asked to be on this bbc doc because they saw my youtube channel

The implication of "it makes us look bad" is that "us looking good" would somehow make a difference in our plight, and it won't
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Is that what the weird modified voice shit was?
Pretty much. They made him sound like he was part of a elite occult club, like a masked elite man.
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JFL at that Jew soyboy Matt.
Your statement of agreement:

The implication of this statement is that posting the violent stuff somehow affects the spreading of the black pill, and it doesn't, it doesn't make a difference, in fact the violent shit helps spread it more, I'd argue the opposite of what your statement implies here

The statement you agreed with:

The implication of "it makes us look bad" is that "us looking good" would somehow make a difference in our plight, and it won't
I can understand why you thought that, but I’m referring to it harming the perception of incels who are non-sadists who may be on the fence about the blackpill due to the belief that - because of the screeching of edgelord autists - ‘Blackpill ideology’ therefore encompasses some sadistic desire to kill nondescript innocents in the pursuit of some indiscernible political end (an endeavour which makes absolutely no sense) when in fact it does not necessarily.
I can understand why you thought that, but I’m referring to it harming the perception of incels who are non-sadists who may be on the fence about the blackpill

Guys like that are just "lukewarm black pillers", they are one IOI away from denouncing the black pill and thinking "maybe I'm wrong" JFL

Nothing of value is lost by guys like that being dissuaded by "extremism", the black pill as a concept is inherently extreme and world altering, it will change your life and the way you look at things forever, if a little violence and/or psychopathy is enough to chase you away then you wouldn't have embraced the black pill anyways

What you are suggesting is like lowering the standards of a test to increase the pass rate, sure you'll get more "success stories" but you'll have people who are less qualified and competent in that field, we don't need "lukewarm black pillers" who are just going to infiltrate, attain knowledge of our "networks" over years (some incels meet up and share personal details), and then one day "find the light" and "ascend" and start doxxing guys for being misogynists and not being "enlightened" by their "trials as an incel"

You are pretty much arguing we should set the stage for "sleeper agents" to congregate, any guy who is chased away by the violent aspects of inceldom, does not bear enough hate for society and women to permenantly remain black pilled, at some point they will falter, they will revert back to being blue pilled, and many incels will pay the price for that by being doxxed or having their information leaked
I didn't think they would be that brazen about it and literally start the video with associating unfucked men, basically the nerds of the past with fucking terrorists.
Imagine how bizarre and out of place it would be to associate nerds in highschools of the 80s and 90s eras in particular in movies with fucking terrorism.

This is so weird. And the way they show it all. Like we venture into the secret killer cave of the Incels. wow
LOL Oreoman is in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This "documentary" was completely and utterly worthless.
No insight, no information, nothing of value.
There is no battle, there is no winning, the dice was cast before we were born and there is nothing we can do about it
Most of us wouldnt be incels if we lived a hundred years ago, before feminism. Hell even 20 years ago before mainstream internet and social media is a paradise compared to this, and its evident from all studies about sex that inceldom increased massively after the advent of smartphones. There is a lot that can be done.
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Who is the catfish guy and where do I find his videos? What a legend.:feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
This "documentary" was completely and utterly worthless.
No insight, no information, nothing of value.

I agree worhtless documentary, they never spoke about the fixation with looks, hair, how tall you are, the sexual market value of men and female the way that females have it so much easier etc.... provide no solution and no insight.

Like always they don't take these issues seriously, if anyone tries to discuss them, they are ignored.. especially by women
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JFl you are literally arguing that you can only be a "true incel" if you are pathetic limp wristed cuck with no drive, sorry, you need to fuck off with that shit, guys like you need to do the incel community a favor and just kill yourselves off (IF YOU ARE SOOOOOO DEPRESSED AND BROKEN)

This part here made me think to check my email (which I haven't checked in a while)

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It's not about being limpwristed, we should still critisize society and women and shit. It's just about not looking autistic
Cherry picking at its finest. In a wishful thinking setting, I would love for a mainstream news outlet to interview a rational incel with a proven track record of failing with women for reasons beyond their control, but trying to report the truth with a neutral archetype wouldn't generate buzz marketing for them. It's all about viewer count/click-bait nowadays, and not what the average person should know about us and why we think the way we do. It wouldn't be "interesting" enough.
Now they'll not hire you cuz they suspect that you may shoot the place up cuz you're ugly.
This is already occurring in the 6ix of Toronto.
If you don't look, tall, act, speak, and Jew the 100s up like Drake, Toronto womyn would care less if you rot alone and die somewhere.
Cherry picking at its finest. In a wishful thinking setting, I would love for a mainstream news outlet to interview a rational incel with a proven track record of failing with women for reasons beyond their control, but trying to report the truth with a neutral archetype wouldn't generate buzz marketing for them. It's all about viewer count/click-bait nowadays, and not what the average person should know about us and why we think the way we do. It wouldn't be "interesting" enough.
It's a propaganda piece to scare the masses.. it is the media.. like what did you expect? Them to actually do research? They are literal bugs and should have the squirming worm inside their mouths disregarded for eternity.
It's a propaganda piece to scare the masses.. it is the media.. like what did you expect? Them to actually do research? They are literal bugs and should have the squirming worm inside their mouths disregarded for eternity.

That's why I said "wishful thinking", but I absolutely agree with you. The talking heads are just about viewer count and nothing more.
Danm catfishman eye area mogs the fuck out of mine
Thank god I chose not to be a part of his documentary. CFM looks like a gay scuba diver
BBC and ond other left-wing liberal media is information control at it's finest.
Mirror for when JewTube takes it down

It was pretty much a catfishman documentary, he takes up at least half of it. Seems they really struggled to get people willing to be interviewed.

Honestly it was boring as fuck.

i expected worse
>documentary about incels
>they interview men who had/have sex
>call it "secret" even though it's not secret at all and all incel related forums are open to the public
I expected nothing less from them
I actually respect catfish man after this, most incels when they are interviewed turn into soyboys soft pussies, which I find pathetic.

Not him tho. Based cfm. Respect
damn that was boring
Im not an incel without hate... I am full of hate.. fuck this world
This makes me very angry. Video is full of lies and I hate how the so-called "incel" they chose called our forum an "eco chamber". We are publicly viewable and have posted the blackpill for anyone to see and argue against. Since many of us are introverted thinkers, we also tend to put more time and effort into our thoughts about this than the general public. However, their biological drives and herd mentality are threatening our survival. If they go Nazi on us I am sure there will be many more ERs in the future.
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Guys like that are just "lukewarm black pillers", they are one IOI away from denouncing the black pill and thinking "maybe I'm wrong" JFL
Not true, most ugly people are already blackpilled in all but name on almost every level by their 20’s. They understand that they are at a major disadvantage because of the way they look and that is why this place resonates with them and they make good members of the community.

Then you have the edgelords who equate indiscriminate violence with ‘revenge against society’ which only has negative effects, draws the eye of the media, brings in LARPers and fakecels, increases the likelihood of restrictions on the site and various other negative repercussions. It’s much like how the 9/11 attacks did not achieve their intended goal of wounding western civilisation in any way. It merely galvanised it against the perpetrators ultimately spelling their destruction, and this is what you are doing.
You are pretty much arguing we should set the stage for "sleeper agents" to congregate, any guy who is chased away by the violent aspects of inceldom, does not bear enough hate for society and women to permenantly remain black pilled, at some point they will falter, they will revert back to being bluepilled, and many incels will pay the price for that by being doxxed or having their information leaked
This is ridiculous, you are coping so hard I can’t believe it. This is such an utterly childish view of reality. It’s as if in your mind blackpilled and bluepilled are like the light and dark sides of the force or something, and that once you adhere to either one you become a ‘soldier’ or ‘agent’ for that side, JFL man.

These are lonely guys who can’t get laid we are talking about. Most people just want to get on with their shitty lives, they don’t have this militant edgelord mentality of ‘fighting for one side or the other’ they do not have the time nor the desire to dox their fellow virgins ‘betraying their side’ as if it’s Ephialtes of Trachis or Benedict Arnold or something like that.

Stop being paranoid and worrying about ‘sleeper agents’ who plan on doxxing you, you are wasting your time worrying about non-existent threats that having no baring on reality.
This is entire documentary was comprised of a fucking autistic retard, a soyboy, and a metal chadcel, btw all of which are not an accurate representation of a real incel JFL.
This is entire documentary was comprised of a fucking autistic retard, a soyboy, and a metal chadcel, btw all of which are not an accurate representation of a real incel JFL.
The soyboy looks familiar like a Jew I knew in college who talked behind my back. The Jew wore a very similar hat and had the Israeli facial structure.
This is already occurring in the 6ix of Toronto.
If you don't look, tall, act, speak, and Jew the 100s up like Drake, Toronto womyn would care less if you rot alone and die somewhere.
Every message/thread of your involves Toronto, isn’t it an ethnic shithole filled with curries/arabs? What seems to be the issue?
Man fuck catfish man, of course they had to interview some literal retard in order to make us look bad. Jfl theres so many fakecels who larp as incels and act fucking autistic and make us look bad. Call me a cuck but that's why the hundreds of "I hate women I'm glad they get raped/whatever" threads should just be taken down, it makes us look bad and actual incels are to depressed to have such rage. Fakecels are ruining it for the test of us jfl
What's funny is that I was asked to be on this bbc doc because they saw my youtube channel

So people that rage arent incel? Alright then :feelstastyman:
The only thing redeeming about that documentary was CFM, his segments were hilarious.

Especially when he got a DERPY haircut and she no-showed.
>documentary about incels
>they interview men who had/have sex
>call it "secret" even though it's not secret at all and all incel related forums are open to the public

This is why this site or any other incel-related site shouldn't allow """blackpilled""" normies or sex havers to post and represent incels because they will always be the loudest and most willing to participate in these ridiculous documentaries. Catfishman is a deranged sex haver. He in absolutely no way represents incels because he's not a virgin.
All facts. I've been saying this for awhile now. I don't give a fuck about what anyone says or how long it's been, people who have had success PERIOD in their lives with a foid without payment lifemog the shit out of real incels who have never had it. This is why it is extremely disrespectful and insulting when blackpilled normies act like they have it as bad as an untouched subhuman.
True incels are unattractive virgins and usually quiet aspie beta males who spend 90% of their time in their rooms browsing the internet, playing vidya, watching anime etc.
Agreed. This doesn't apply to "Incels" who've had any success in the past with a foid. You're not a fucking incel, you're just another low tier normie going through a dry spell. This needed to be said. I'm glad someone finally acknowledged the whole truth on this matter.
I demand mods to ban all "blackpilled" sex havers and self identified normalfags. This includes FaceandLMS or whatever his name is. He was banned for bragging before. He's had sex many times, he's a 6'3" Tyronelite. Ban this fucking sex haver already. I don't give a shit if he makes some faggy low effort redpill videos and podcasts with his fellow blackpilled sex havers. He's not an incel, he simply doesn't belong here. I'm singling him out specifically because he's the most popular "blackpilled" sex haver/normie here. What's ironic is sex havers and normalfags are always the most popular users here.

This site is called incels.co, not blackpill.co. This is a site for INCELS to share their experiences and blackpills. This site has turned into a zoo and the loudest members who end up in these shitty documentaries are always sex-havers and blackpilled normalfags.

If you have any integrity you will meet these demands.
This site and community :soy: is being destroyed by normalfag infiltrators and you're letting it happen because you want to be "inclusive." Fuck that. These are the kind of people representing us in documentaries. Catfishfag is a deranged sex haver who developed schizophrenia a few years ago and then he joined this site larping as an incel.
This is a site for incels and only incels should be allowed to post here. Only verified incels should be in documentaries.
Who's going to be allowed next, "blackpilled" foids and tradthots? Celebrities?

I demand at least a response from mods. This is a revolution and we want normalfags and sex havers to go back to facebook, twitter, reddit, youtube or whatever other normalfag infested virtual shithole they came from.

Catfishman, you faggot. If you're reading this I just want to let you know you're a normgroid and your little buddy FaceandLMS is done. This isn't reddit, you normalfags.
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