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BBC: Inside The Secret World Of Incels: That's it. We're done. They interviewed the most insane nutjobs they could find. CFM kept saying "feeemeylz"



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017

We're all terrorists now. Forget saying that you're an "incel without hate". Forget saying that you're an incel who doesn't want to murder anyone, forget saying that your only hope is to have a good life and a girlfried. Nope. As soon as anyone SUSPECTS that you can't get a gf or are having troubles finding one, you will be lumped in with CFM, Alek Minassian, ER, Cho, etc.

Who cares?

We're getting a step closer to de facto sub5 laws. HR departments -- mostly made of women -- in the past may have not hired you cuz you didn't look hot. Now they'll not hire you cuz they suspect that you may shoot the place up cuz you're ugly. This website's host will soon be in breach of some international anti-terrorism law and will have to ramp up its security, in case "forces" decide to take it down by any means possible.

And all this is is an attempt to sweep our legit data, statistics, anecdotes, reports and evidecnce under the carpet. They won't debate us if they think our mere existence is a crime.

Brace yourselves, guys.
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We're all terrorists now. Forget saying that you're an "incel without hate".forget saying that you're an incel who doesn't want to murder anyone, forget saying that you're only hope is to have a good life and a girlfried. Nope. As soon as anyone SUSPECTS that you can't get a gf or are having troubles finding one, you will be lumped in with CFM, Alek Minassian, ER, Cho, etc.

Who cares?

We're getting a step closer to de facto sub5 laws. HR departments -- mostly made of women -- in the past may have not hired you cuz you didn't look hot. Now they'll not hire you cuz they suspect that you may shoot the place up cuz you're ugly. This website's host will soon be in breach of some international anti-terrorism law and will have to ramp up its security, in case "forces" decide to take it down by any means possible.

And all this is is an attempt to sweep our legit data, statistics, anecdotes, reports and evidecnce under the carpet. They won't debate us if they think our mere existence is a crime.

Brace yourselves, guys.
The future looks promising.
Pin pin pin @knajjd
> inside the secret world of incels

> “secret”

our forum is viewable to anyone
And so the disenfranchisement of men continues, especially ugly men. We're in for a violent future.
They can break down my door and lock me away, I don't give a fuck to be honest.
>documentary about incels
>they interview men who had/have sex
>call it "secret" even though it's not secret at all and all incel related forums are open to the public

This is why this site or any other incel-related site shouldn't allow """blackpilled""" normies or sex havers to post and represent incels because they will always be the loudest and most willing to participate in these ridiculous documentaries. Catfishman is a deranged sex haver. He in absolutely no way represents incels because he's not a virgin.

True incels are unattractive virgins and usually quiet aspie beta males who spend 90% of their time in their rooms browsing the internet, playing vidya, watching anime etc.
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lol I'm not going to watch it. It looks retarded as fuck and its going to be full of lies. the whole thing looks boring anyways.
>documentary about incels
>they interview men who had/have sex
>call it "secret" even though it's not secret at all and all incel related forums are open to the public

This is why this site or any other incel-related site shouldn't allow """blackpilled""" average or above average looking sex havers to post and represent incels. Catfishman is a deranged sex haver. He in absolutely no way represents incels because he's not a virgin.

True incels are unattractive virgins and usually aspie beta males who spend 90% of their time in their rooms browsing the internet, playing vidya, watching anime etc.
That is a Media ambush they want to manipulate Masses to think incels are terrorists
someone make an edgy logo

branding :feelsthink:
Catfishman is a mentally ill fakecel retard
Seems they really struggled to get people willing to be interviewed.
nah, they didn't. they even shot some parts with other incels. the reason why they arent in the doc is because the BBC chose not to add those clips.
The part where the girl he was catfishing didn’t show up was so pathetic, I feel like even the interviewer felt sorry for him.
I think they forgot the part where catfishman fucked like 100 different females. His videos are entertaining though but he was never "incel" by any definition.
Is there an archive of catfishman's old videos? Or grotesque's?
@FACEandLMS you should have gone on it man, you would have actually proposed arguments instead of being typecast into a preconceived narrative.
Man fuck catfish man, of course they had to interview some literal retard in order to make us look bad. Jfl theres so many fakecels who larp as incels and act fucking autistic and make us look bad. Call me a cuck but that's why the hundreds of "I hate women I'm glad they get raped/whatever" threads should just be taken down, it makes us look bad and actual incels are to depressed to have such rage. Fakecels are ruining it for the test of us jfl
What's funny is that I was asked to be on this bbc doc because they saw my youtube channel
He's a man of action, healthy debate is for nerds and subhumans anyway, and no matter how much you use le science in defending your cause you'll still be hated so whatever
it makes us look bad and actual incels are to depressed to have such rage. Fakecels are ruining it for the test of us jfl

JFl you are literally arguing that you can only be a "true incel" if you are pathetic limp wristed cuck with no drive, sorry, you need to fuck off with that shit, guys like you need to do the incel community a favor and just kill yourselves off (IF YOU ARE SOOOOOO DEPRESSED AND BROKEN)

What's funny is that I was asked to be on this bbc doc because they saw my youtube channel

This part here made me think to check my email (which I haven't checked in a while)


It was shit, I skipped the first 10 minutes because it was all about Elliot Rodger. Actually skipped through the rest, that Canadian bitch was annoying, putting in the heads of her students that they could be killed for sexually rejecting a man.

If anything is dangerous its people like her and the media pigeonholing ALL sexually unsuccessful heterosexual males as ticking time bombs!
JFl you are literally arguing that you can only be a "true incel" if you are pathetic limp wristed cuck with no drive, sorry, you need to fuck off with that shit, guys like you need to do the incel community a favor and just kill yourselves off (IF YOU ARE SOOOOOO DEPRESSED AND BROKEN)

This part here made me think to check my email (which I haven't checked in a while)

View attachment 130641

I don't give a fuck tbh
Catfishman is a mentally ill fakecel retard
Word. He sounded like a lunatic on the "NonSequitur Show". This obese character waddling in the dry winter landscape with a bane-mask and forced laughter taking centre stage in the (((documentary))) is not a good representation of what inceldom is.
It was shit, I skipped the first 10 minutes because it was all about Elliot Rodger. Actually skipped through the rest, that Canadian bitch was annoying, putting in the heads of her students that they could be killed for sexually rejecting a man.

If anything is dangerous its people like her and the media pigeonholing ALL sexually unsuccessful heterosexual males as ticking time bombs!
She’s Canadian?
I can pay her a visit tbh

A grin I couldn't stop came upon me @5:32

Ah the tears of normies, maybe if you didn't raise a roastie she'd still be alive, oh well, nothing of value was lost anyways
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I grin I couldn't stop came upon me @5:32

Ah the tears of normies, maybe if you didn't raise a roastie she'd still be alive, oh well, nothing of value was lost anyways
@catfishman23 you autist
Man fuck catfish man, of course they had to interview some literal retard in order to make us look bad. Jfl theres so many fakecels who larp as incels and act fucking autistic and make us look bad. Call me a cuck but that's why the hundreds of "I hate women I'm glad they get raped/whatever" threads should just be taken down, it makes us look bad and actual incels are to depressed to have such rage. Fakecels are ruining it for the test of us jfl
What's funny is that I was asked to be on this bbc doc because they saw my youtube channel
I have possibly never agreed more with a post than this, that is not a cucked opinion. Anyone posting that kind of shit cares more about scoring minor victories against normies and women than actually spreading the blackpill and you’re right, those posts should be removed.
I have possibly never agreed more with a post than this, that is not a cucked opinion. Anyone posting that kind of shit cares more about scoring minor victories against normies and women than actually spreading the blackpill and you’re right, those posts should be removed.

You are one of those "muh awareness" retards I take it, you have literally no common sense at all if you think like this

Awareness on an issue doesn't matter if nothing can be done to change it

In order for society to help us, it would have to violate women's rights, by restricting how hypergamous they are allowed to be in some form or fashion, and society will NEVER do this

So what is the point of awareness if nothing will ever change, awareness means nothing, societies exist to serve and benefit women and children, men are the caretakers, the expendable resources, it doesn't matter if society is aware of our problems so long as they are dependent on us "taking one for the team" for the sake of sustaining said society

You guys need to stop coping, the black pill gets spread regardless of whether its spread peacefully or not, in fact the irony of your argument is that INCEL MASS SHOOTINGS (VIOLENT INCELDOM) IS THE REASON WHY THE BLACK PILL IS AS KNOWN AS IT IS TODAY
BBC, CFM, that alone tells me how it’s gonna go.
You are one of those "muh awareness" retards I take it, you have literally no common sense at all if you think like this

Awareness on an issue doesn't matter if nothing can be done to change it

In order for society to help us, it would have to violate women's rights, by restricting how hypergamous they are allowed to be in some form or fashion, and society will NEVER do this

So what is the point of awareness if nothing will ever change, awareness means nothing, societies exist to serve and benefit women and children, men are the caretakers, the expendable resources, it doesn't matter if society is aware of our problems so long as they are dependent on us "taking one for the team" for the sake of sustaining said society

You guys need to stop coping, the black pill gets spread regardless of whether its spread peacefully or not, in fact the irony of your argument is that INCEL MASS SHOOTINGS (VIOLENT INCELDOM) IS THE REASON WHY THE BLACK PILL IS AS KNOWN AS IT IS TODAY
Yes but do you know what else won’t do anything? Indiscriminately murdering random people.

Fantasising about world domination may be a fun cope because it makes you feel powerful or gives you the feeling that in some way you are less of a cuck because you are ‘fighting back’ but the truth lies in what you already said; nothing will ever change.

There is no battle, there is no winning, the dice was cast before we were born and there is nothing we can do about it.

If you want to cope by imagining that you are in some way ‘getting back’ at the world through advocating for the deaths of random pedestrians like an autist edgelord then be my guest but the truth is there is nothing you can ever do, no amount of people you could ever kill that would have even the most minute impact on your goal of achieving your political ends.

The fact I admit this shows that it is you who is coping, and not I. I do not particularly care about the people of the world, though seeing them suffering does not alleviate my own and as such I am more inclined to LDAR than waste my time rejoicing at the fact some random female dies in a fire or something like that. If you want to cope in that way then Go ahead but just lol at pointing the finger at the more apathetic-cels around and calling them the copers, that is pure projection and I know you’re smart so you should be able to see that.
Catfishman looked like he was on drugs or something.
I will welcome any change,my friends.
Yes but do you know what else won’t do anything? Indiscriminately murdering random people.

Its an entertaining source of schadenfreude though, and I think that's literally the point of the those murders, that's the difference between the "violent incels" and the "peaceful incels", you guys are coping and were being realistic, we like the murders because they are entertaining and a sources of revenge, you are against them because you hope society seeing incels in a different light will somehow make a difference, were the ones getting what we want because we have realistic standards of cause and effect, were not supporting the violence because we believe it will "make a difference" or "do something", that's ya'll cope, so don't project your standards onto our actions, were not trying ot make anything happen, its entertainment

The fact I admit this shows that it is you who is coping, and not I

Bravo, 10/10, that is some amazing mental gymanstics, I've never seen this shit before

1. Speak as if "playing nice" will make a difference
2. Project that mindset onto the actions of others and tell them their way of thinking doesn't make a difference (when that's not their intention to begin with)
3. Argue that the fact that you stated the obvious about yourself and strawmanned the other side is proof they are coping

Did you take course to get this good at mental gymnastics?
Anyone else find the documentary funny? :lul:
A grin I couldn't stop came upon me @5:32

Ah the tears of normies, maybe if you didn't raise a roastie she'd still be alive, oh well, nothing of value was lost anyways
I don't think people who go ER are generally that picky when it comes to targets.
It was pretty much a catfishman documentary, he takes up at least half of it. Seems they really struggled to get people willing to be interviewed.

Honestly it was boring as fuck.

catfishman the guy who isnt even an incel and had an ex gf?

Especially catfishman's parts :feelskek:

I knew if a documentary was done they'd purposefully pick this retard, he's like the perfect strawman



I don't give a shit, none of you should.
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