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LifeFuel Based Taliban bans all education for women

yup, also they will get more curious on what they are missing if you give them even a slight taste of knowledge.
Dear Sir, I withdraw my comment for good reasoning and your certainly massive fists. Not sure which one comes first.
They can just asked their Husbands/sons/Brothers/Fathers all about Henry David Thoreau if necessary. They need to focus on being better Wives/mothers/sisters/Daughters for that privilege.
Taliban is more progressive than most western governments. This should be compulsory world wide in 2023.
They're far more capable of sustaining their traditions and codes than us saudis nowadays:feelsaww:
Saudis are madkhalicucks and need to do khuruj against yahudi bin salman
Isn't it crazy how in the past, multiple civilizations who have never came in contact with each other all somehow had the idea of barring women from things like this? Almost like something bad happened to all of these civilizations when they gave women freedom.

You go one week on a college campus and you find out why.

I'm not an authoritarian by any means who believes in government brutality and violence, but I can most certainly see the reasoning why these groups are so adamant to put women in a specific place.
Isn't it crazy how in the past, multiple civilizations who have never came in contact with each other all somehow had the idea of barring women from things like this? Almost like something bad happened to all of these civilizations when they gave women freedom.

You go one week on a college campus and you find out why.

I'm not an authoritarian by any means who believes in government brutality and violence, but I can most certainly see the reasoning why these groups are so adamant to put women in a specific place.
There's a reason matriarch societies all fall apart
This problem stems from the fact that liberals use university as breeding grounds for feminism. They saw what was going on in Iran and had to shut the source down.
The reason is that most societies give any rights to foids in my opinion is because we have became too soft. Foids should know their place and only serve males. I have much respect for men who just take it and subject foids to their rightful standing. If only more men like us would do that. Especially in the UK!
Trying to educate females is a waste of time and resources.
All they care about in the end is reproducing more incels and sex so it's not a crime anyway.
The only things educating women leads to is a collapse of the birthrate and them pushing degenerate and fifth column sjw politics.
Exactly. Educating foids is not pointless. It's a damage to society
Western liberal materialist feminist capitalist shit of a society is a scum
sadly even western conservatives are cuckolds. They still aren't blackpilled enough on the female question
Isn't it crazy how in the past, multiple civilizations who have never came in contact with each other all somehow had the idea of barring women from things like this? Almost like something bad happened to all of these civilizations when they gave women freedom.

You go one week on a college campus and you find out why.

I'm not an authoritarian by any means who believes in government brutality and violence, but I can most certainly see the reasoning why these groups are so adamant to put women in a specific place.
Ancient athens was not authoritarian but they simply treated foids how they should be treated. Are you authoritarian for denying minors political rights and personal freedom?
sadly even western conservatives are cuckolds. They still aren't blackpilled enough on the female question
They are not blackpilled at all. They started oppose feminism only because it started defending trannies into female sports
We should get back to foid oppression so they know their place, pleasing ALL men. Or force them to it, at least.
If you allow women to have rights they will oppress men much worse
reading the comments made me lose 10% of my energy
They can just asked their Husbands/sons/Brothers/Fathers all about Henry David Thoreau if necessary. They need to focus on being better Wives/mothers/sisters/Daughters for that privilege.
talibans should control whole world then everyone will be at peace
It is probably the only way how to avoid the matriarchy and the hypergamy. :forcedsmile:
This is seriously the best news I've ever heard, in any country, in the entire world, ever. Afganistan is going to be a utopia in 20 or 30 years. Imagine a country where all women are treated the way they should be treated, as birthing units, as servants, or caregivers with no rights.
They've also banned cunts from working. Holy fucking based.

Yes that's right, females, it's time to go back to sucking your husband's cock, making babies, cooking food, and babysitting, because that's all you're good for.
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make the Taliban great again
All women are meant to be are things for men to fuck and maje babies with, they don't need education
Ironically this is what real diversity of thought and culture looks like. Suppose I don’t agree with what another society is doing. Well boo-fucking-hoo, not our country and they don’t share western values.

This kind of thing always shows leftist wokies for the hypocrites they are. They don’t want real diversity of thought, they want conformance. Recall they’re always saying colonization of other cultures is bad? Lol — lmao even. Funny how that flies out the window when something like this comes up — oh now the west should force them to adhere to our ways.

They want everyone else in the world to be forced to bend the knee to their ideology under penalty.

In America we mutilate men’s dicks (including mine fuck you mom and pop) and nobody bats an eye. In bumfuck Africa they do all kinds of retarded shit. The west has been infested by leftist soy mental retardation. Etc etc. So long as another country isn’t threatening us and our way of life they should be allowed to set their own rules.

I actually am a believer in true free speech and letting people express positions that I disagree with or find offensive without penalty, but I’ve come to realize almost no one thinks this way irl. People really want others to be forced to bend to their will by force — it’s literally been the soy leftist redditor playbook for ages now. These people are hypocrites and the moment the shoe is on the other foot they change their tune (remember how they cried about free speech when Twitter was taken over? What happened to “they’re a private company they can do what they want” huh? God I hate sheep normie hypocrites dude).
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All women are meant to be are things for men to fuck and maje babies with, they don't need education
Men and women are adapted by evolution for different things.

Say what you will about the taliban, I’d probably find a lot of what they do horrible, “but” I bet they won’t have an incel problem and normal men will actually be able to build their own family. Meanwhile in the west we have an incel population spiraling out of control because women have been given too much privilege and power. If it’s pushed too far men grow angry and there becomes risk of society destabilizing.

Women mock men for this, but nothing matters more to men than sex and a valuable relationship where they can build their own family. If you deprive too many men of that there is risk of violent correction.

Now, that may not happen in the west because men have been so effectively indoctrinated and here most men can find some measure of cope in fantasy. But I’m just rambling, what do I know?
Western nations should reflect on why Afghanistan doesn't want to be like them.

They can silence their own people, but they can't trick other countries.

The Taliban knows what happens if they lose their culture. That's why they're beating the holy shit out of anyone who wants them to follow the West.

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