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LifeFuel Based sand dad honor killed his rostie daughters

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I disagree you cannot draw a line that way.
Had the Egyptian used his god-given brain, he would have realized his whore daughters would have been punished naturally (break-ups, disillusionment with Chads and finally repentance)
Whores never learn. Or you would see old rosties siding with incels and the blackpill, but they're the most who are against it usually.
Whores never learn. Or you would see old rosties siding with incels and the blackpill, but they're the most who are against it usually.
Though Successful progenitors dont need to associate with genetic dead-ends like us
Though Successful progenitors dont need to associate with genetic dead-ends like us
We're not "genetic dead ends". If they see us that way then their deaths should be lifefuel to us. The only reason we're not getting our looksmatches is because of feminism and foids voting, and cucked laws. Without those, things would be more in order.
We're not "genetic dead ends". If they see us that way then their deaths should be lifefuel to us. The only reason we're not getting our looksmatches is because of feminism and foids voting, and cucked laws. Without those, things would be more in order.
No I assure you it is not. Feminism is ok I dont have an issue with. It is jewish media that brainwashed women to deviate from their true roles in society as nurturers and housewives. These retard wahmen think its empowering to work 70 hr corporate "bullshit" jobs looking pretty and shit to their bosses and coworkers instead of setting up their kids futures
Feminism is ok I dont have an issue with.
You believe in patriarchy, the wage gap and rape culture?
It is jewish media that brainwashed women to deviate from their true roles in society as nurturers and housewives. These retard wahmen think its empowering to work 70 hr corporate "bullshit" jobs looking pretty and shit to their bosses and coworkers instead of setting up their kids futures
That's what feminism tells them to do too.
No I assure you it is not. Feminism is ok I dont have an issue with. It is jewish media that brainwashed women to deviate from their true roles in society as nurturers and housewives. These retard wahmen think its empowering to work 70 hr corporate "bullshit" jobs looking pretty and shit to their bosses and coworkers instead of setting up their kids futures and
No I assure you it is not. Feminism is ok I dont have an issue with. It is jewish media that brainwashed women to deviate from their true roles in society as nurturers and housewives. These retard wahmen think its empowering to work 70 hr corporate "bullshit" jobs looking pretty and shit to their bosses and coworkers instead of setting up their kids futures
You believe in patriarchy, the wage gap and rape culture?

That's what feminism tells them to do too.
Yes it was prominent in the past.
Look at state of India my man, and you goras wonder why curry women flock to other ethnicities in droves.
I mean I like feminism so I aint gonna talk shit, but third wave feminism is pretty co-opted
Yes it was prominent in the past.
Look at state of India my man, and you goras wonder why curry women flock to other ethnicities in droves.
How was it prominent in the past? Not allowing rosties to vote because they didn't get drafted or work in hard labor jobs made sense. The "sexual revolution" was garbage as well. Rosties deserve to be slut shamed for being hypergamous chad dick chasers. Simps who cuck themselves for used rosties in their 30's+ are low t faggots. India is also one of the most cucked middle eastern places in the world. The less cucked middle eastern countries put their foids in line a lot better.
I mean I like feminism so I aint gonna talk shit, but third wave feminism is pretty co-opted
Feminism doesn't do anything for non-chad men, it only steals our taxes and allows useless cunts to vote for laws that take away our rights.
that's the wat it should be done
That man is a hero. We need more fathers like him.
How was it prominent in the past? Not allowing rosties to vote because they didn't get drafted or work in hard labor jobs made sense. The "sexual revolution" was garbage as well. Rosties deserve to be slut shamed for being hypergamous chad dick chasers. Simps who cuck themselves for used rosties in their 30's+ are low t faggots. India is also one of the most cucked middle eastern places in the world. The less cucked middle eastern countries put their foids in line a lot better.

Feminism doesn't do anything for non-chad men, it only steals our taxes and allows useless cunts to vote for laws that take away our rights.

That man is a hero. We need more fathers like him.
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A system that considers blacks 3/5 of a vote does not lend any credibility to me. The same notion applies to removing women from participating in society as equals.

India as a society is faring well much better than tribal dysfunctional african, arab, ching chong societies, except the odd curry subhuman chimping out here and there.
People are much warmer and more recirporactive towards ideas of women empowerment for a society that sorely needs unity.

feminism should not be expected to do anything for men. Its a women empowerment mveoment afterall. And no one is stealing right bro. give me an irl example
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India as a society is faring well much better than tribal dysfunctional african, arab, ching chong societies, except the odd curry subhuman chimping out here and there.
People are much warmer and more recirporactive towards ideas of women empowerment for a society that sorely needs unity.

feminism should not be expected to do anything for men. Its a women empowerment mveoment afterall. And no one is stealing rights due to that bro too black and white of a generalization. give me an irl example
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Bro how so? Black people were considered 3/5 of a vote, the inhumanity of that system lends no credibility to the idea that removing women as equals in society makes society functional.
Black men aren't less physically or mentally capable than white men. They also don't get pussy passes in prison sentencing, it's actually the opposite for black men. Black rosties never had it nearly as bad as black men any time in history. Women are not equal until they earn it. Their votes shouldn't count until they contribute as much taxes as men, or only count according to the percent they contribute. Might as well let kids vote on laws that can effect us for "euality".
Though one thing I'd like to say, manwhores exists.
Those are called chads, fuck them also.
India is pretty cucked but it is cucked in a good way. Fathers there discipline their kids but respect women in most cases. Except the odd curry retard rapist here and there.
There's no reason to respect chad dick chasers. Rosties need to learn to respect their looksmatches instead of being hypergamous thots.
Meh feminism should be expected to do anything for men. Its a women empowerment mveoment afterall
Hypergamous entitled whores don't need empowering.
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Yeah, it seemed like it's from IT.
feminism should not be expected to do anything for men. Its a women empowerment mveoment afterall. And no one is stealing right bro. give me an irl example
They can get men fired in jobs for asking a foid for her number, or get away with false rape accusations, dovorce laws, child custody laws, foid affirmative action mandated in the best jobs and schools, lower prison sentences, etc. It's supposed to do things for men if it's about making everyone equal, even low status men. But of course it's only for entitled whores. Which is why it must be abolished, with their lies about rape culture and the wage gap.
Black men aren't less physically or mentally capable than white men. They also don't get pussy passes in prison sentencing, it's actually the opposite for black men. Black rosties never had it nearly as bad as black men any time in history. Women are not equal until they earn it. Their votes shouldn't count until they contribute as much taxes as men, or only count according to the percent they contribute. Might as well let kids vote on laws that can effect us for "euality".
Those are called chads, fuck them also.
There's no reason to respect chad dick chasers. Rosties need to learn to respect their looksmatches instead of being hypergamous thots.

Hypergamous entitled whores don't need empowering.

Yeah, it seemed like it's from IT.

They can get men fired in jobs for asking a foid for her number, or get away with false rape accusations, dovorce laws, child custody laws, foid affirmative action mandated in the best jobs and schools, lower prison sentences, etc. It's supposed to do things for men if it's about making everyone equal, even low status men. But of course it's only for entitled whores. Which is why it must be abolished, with their lies about rape culture and the wage gap.

Foids should have the right to do all that, and the law will take care of those malcontents who make joke of the legal system case by case with extreme predjuedice.
Bro I feel like there is symmetry with our discontent with society but I am more easy going. What convinced you to think like this? personal experience or just being young and convinced by someone else?

I feel like measuring someone ability to contributing to society via paying taxes i.e wageing is pretty 1900s bro. You should have more faith in society, all of us are educated atleast up until highschool. Wahmen can sometimes make rational voting decisions
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Foids should have the right to do all that, and the law will take care of those malcontents who make joke of the legal system case by case with extreme predjuedice.
You think those cunts should have affirmative action in the best schools and jobs, be able to divorce rape their husbands, get custody of their children 95% of the time, and easily make rape accusations with no evidence? The cucked laws almost never punish them for taking advantage of those things.
Bro I feel like there is symmetry with our discontent with society but I am more easy going. What convinced you to think like this? personal experience or just being young and convinced by someone else?
I'm in my 30's so I have lots of personal experience, and learned a lot from facts and other men. You seemed to have gotten all your info from the typical feminist sources.
I feel like measuring someone ability to contributing to society via paying taxes i.e wageing is pretty 1900s bro. You should have more faith in society, all of us are educated atleast up until highschool. Wahmen can sometimes make rational decisions
If people don't earn the right to make big decisions then they shouldn't be making them, that causes disasters like we have today with 80% of men being incels or nearly incels, and violent crimes and prison rates being much worse than the 1900's.
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LoL, "Saddam cosplayer" that's some racist shit but because his a sand criminal it's ok. Hypocrisy.
LoL, "Saddam cosplayer" that's some racist shit but because his a sand criminal it's ok. Hypocrisy.
That soycuck would never say something like that about a black guy, unless he did something to some poor wahmen ofc.
That's sounds fascist to me and historically fascist society 100% fail.
Why not look toward a successful society like ancient India or China? Why were they 50% of the world economy apiece at 1 point?
Why not emulate them and instill modern notions of women empowerment?
As far as I know India was successful in art, math, sciences, economy due to having the rigidity of the caste system. The warrior, priests, and the worker, merchant classes worked in unison to make that happen.

Im in my early 20s but I know how stupid women are. I hope you find your significant other and treat her like a queen. I am sure you will, and renounce toxic ideology. Wish you the best

Wish I could have showed you actual figures and research but nobody got time fo dat. Its 4am over here EST.
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That's sounds fascist to me and historically fascist society 100% fail.
This is the definition of fascism.
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It's feminist cunts who use the government to control and suppress low status men. Low status men are the most oppressed people in the world, not useless "empowered" cunts who just bitch and scream for more privileges every day at men's expense.
Why not look toward a successful society like ancient India or China? Why were they 50% of the world economy apiece at 1 point?
Why not emulate them and instill modern notions of women empowerment?
The word "empowering" means to give free power to someone who doesn't have it. That's cucked and shouldn't be a modern notion, it should die out.
As far as I know India was successful in art, math, sciences, economy due to having the rigidity of the caste system. The warrior, priests, and the worker, merchant classes worked in unison to make that happen.
80% of their men also weren't pretty much incels.
Im in my early 20s but I know how stupid women are. I hope you find your significant other and treat her like a queen. I am sure you will, and renounce toxic ideology. Wish you the best
The only ideology that's toxic is feminism. The only foids who deserve to be treated as respectable wives are non-chad chasing whores, who are fertile and in their teens or early 20's.
This is the definition of fascism.
View attachment 254409

It's feminist cunts who use the government to control and suppress low status men. Low status men are the most oppressed people in the world, not useless "empowered" cunts who just bitch and scream for more privileges every day at men's expense.

The word "empowering" means to give free power to someone who doesn't have it. That's cucked and shouldn't be a modern notion, it should die out.

80% of their men also weren't pretty much incels.

The only ideology that's toxic is feminism. The only foids who deserve to be treated as respectable wives are non-chad chasing whores, who are fertile and in their teens or early 20's.
Ehm not really it is rule by force and of the few (by leaving out the foids). Dont hit me with the dictionary lol.
I mean we are technically in KaliYuga so your points applies, all morals fail women get loose, society gets greedy and destructive etc.
Who here betting on Atlas comet to wipe us out or yellowstone lmao
Ehm not really it is rule by force and of the few (by leaving out the foids). Dont hit me with the dictionary lol.
I didn't say let a few rule, that's cucked as well. I'm against giving foids unearned rights and privileges, the same way men have to earn them. And never just "listen and believe" any rostie's crap.
I didn't say let a few rule, that's cucked as well. I'm against giving foids unearned rights and privileges, the same way men have to earn them. And never just "listen and believe" any rostie's crap.
I hear you but I am a Sikh. Women have just as much claim to society as us men. I will never concede that point my fren
I hear you but I am a Sikh. Women have just as much claim to society as us men. I will never not concede that point my freidn
Then you will never listen to logic if you hold your religion above anything. I've also spoke to sikhs who don't put pussy on a pedestal, they shame chad chasing whores as well.
Well haha you don't know me well. I frown upon pre-marriage sexytimes and its a sin. Sex is for procreation not fun. I would be interested in hearing those guy's viewpoints but alas they are most likely card carrying hypocrtical punjabis with no moral foundation to stand on. I bet you they drink as well

nice talking to you man, but dont convince ppl murder is a correct course of action. That is thinking that will lead you and other to hell
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Well haha you don't know me well. I frown upon pre-marriage sexytimes and its a sin. Sex is for procreation not fun. I would be interested in hearing those guy's viewpoints but alas
Then you shouldn't be ok with whoredom and cuckdom, and the sexual revolution, which is second wave feminism.
Yes, I suppose I didnt make my stance clear enough which is my mistake. But srsly dont give incels ammo to think murdering their daughter or another is ok.
Not ok fren, afterall what Jesus would think?
Yes, I suppose I didnt make my stance clear enough which is my mistake. But srsly dont give incels ammo to think murdering their daughter or another is ok.
Not ok fren, afterall what Jesus would think?
Extreme ways to fight against whoredom that puts incels in their situation is ok in my book. It may not be the most effective way by killing, that's why I'd just disown my whore daughters if I had any. But that father is cool to me because he got rid of two whores that would've made a lot of incel's lives hell. I wish he didn't have to do that and they weren't whores, but they clearly were, so no sympathy.
Brother please start going to Church, Mandir, Mosque (whatever applies) and rid yourself of this toxicity. It will rot you from inside and you will never live the true life you can have under God.my 2 canadian renminbi
I also hope other incles who think along the same lines change for the better. Usually I would advise to delete thread but I am hopeful, maybe some ppl got a positive msg out of this.

I dont know tho cuz it seems its only us two in this thread rofl
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Brother please start going to Church, Mandir, Mosque (whatever applies) and rid yourself of this toxicity. It will rot you from inside and you will never live the true life you can have under God.my 2 canadian renminbi
If I go to a mosque my main goal would only be turn the muslimcels into non-cucks. Islam also says to kill whores and adulterers, so that father was just following his religion, which must be respected by liberals.

Show me a passage, its easy to twist and disturb the context of written holy text
Zina gets them 100 lashes in islam. They only get stoned to death if they were married and cheated. I forgot because I'm not that religious.

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No Shariah law prescirbes them to do stoned to death after marriage. Now go and convince me that Shariah law is based on Quran and not backwards ass arab traditions. Bro you need to truth seek and not blindly hate women fucking hell im losing my patience with ur narrowmindness
No Shariah law prescirbes them to do stoned to death after marriage. Now go and convince me that Shariah law is based on Quran and not backwards ass arab traditions. Bro you need to truth seek and not blindly hate women fucking hell im losing my patience with ur narrowmindness
I only hate whoredom, not all women. If there are non-whores who go for their looksmatches and don't chase chads then I won't hate them. It's not "blindly hating women" like a lot of feminists think when someone criticizes females.

Sharia law must be followed by muslims, it has nothing to do with "backwards ass arab traditions."

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Lmao you are grasping at straws now boyo.

You have not proved that Shariah law is a viable interpration of Quran based on quoting "yahoo asnwers" (does anyone rmbr that?) type posts.
I am not a islamic scholar but I can pick your ill informed arguments apart so easily. Imagine if you actually debated a muslim.
come on baby this is not right admit you wrong
No I assure you it is not. Feminism is ok I dont have an issue with. It is jewish media that brainwashed women to deviate from their true roles in society as nurturers and housewives. These retard wahmen think its empowering to work 70 hr corporate "bullshit" jobs looking pretty and shit to their bosses and coworkers instead of setting up their kids futures

What do you think Gloria Steinem is, you dumb fucking cuck? Feminism is the reason we're in this damn mess.

Another faggot infiltrator greycel.
What do you think Gloria Steinem is, you dumb fucking cuck? Feminism is the reason we're in this damn mess.

Another faggot infiltrator greycel.
Hello unbased epartment?
First wave feminism is good for society.
Third wave is destructive got it you very smart boi :)))))))
Lmao you are grasping at straws now boyo.

You have not proved that Shariah law is a viable interpration of Quran based on quoting "ask me yahoo" (does anyone rmbr that) type posts.
I am not a islamic scholar but I can pick your ill informed arguments apart so easily. Imagine if you actually debated a muslim.
come on baby this is not right admit you wrong
Every real muslim who's not cucked by liberal propaganda agrees with sharia. I'm sure you can find cucks online who disagree, but true muslims believe and respect sharia law. Not everything is in the quran, somethings come from hadiths and scholars who knew the prophet as well.
Scholars epithets are man-made, i.e not part of Quran i.e not Islam not fuck out of here with your misinformation.
Ive made it easy for you since its so easy to counter a generalization. But once you start bringing research in I will slap you into submission you misguided woman hater faggit
Scholar epithets s are man-made, i.e not part of Quran i.e not Islam not fuck out of here with your misinformation
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Scholars are man-made, i.e not part of Quran i.e not Islam not fuck out of here with your misinformation
The prophet ordered muslims to follow the scholars. It's not man made if it was told to be followed by the messenger of allah.
Hello unbased epartment?
First wave feminism is good for society.
Third wave is destructive got it you very smart boi :)))))))

You're promoting feminism on a black pilled incel forum?


Which subreddit did you come from, you soy guzzling faggot?
The prophet ordered muslims to follow the scholars. It's not man made if it was told to be followed by the messenger of allah.
Show me this declaration.
In Sikhism our Gurus lead by succession thru the SGGS, which is the everlasting spirit of our admittingly new religion.
I doubt Prophet Muhammed would allow his religion to be distored by scholar interpreations over time. Its simply illogical. Prove me otherwise, onus on you
You're promoting feminism on a black pilled incel forum?


Which subreddit did you come from, you soy guzzling faggot?
Hello again. Thanks for getting back to me unbased department. I left you a middle finger to help you reconsider what you just said.
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No Shariah law prescirbes them to do stoned to death after marriage. Now go and convince me that Shariah law is based on Quran and not backwards ass arab traditions. Bro you need to truth seek and not blindly hate women fucking hell im losing my patience with ur narrowmindness
View attachment 254441
That man is a hero. We need more fathers like him.

Sharia Law is more so based on hadith rather then the Qur'an, none the less that he is correct, the daughters should have been flogged for Zina in this case not outright killed. Another thing the Prophet has told us to do is to obey the laws of the country we are staying at, if we are a immigrant. So yea, there's another reason to not ever move to a western country if you plan on wanting a wife and kids.
Feminism is ok
Uh...What? No it isn't, we are not "equal" under God. As such both genders have their own special rules for them.
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Sharia Law is more so based on hadith rather then the Qur'an, none the less that he is correct, the daughters should have been flogged for Zina in this case not outright killed. Another thing the Prophet has told us to do is to obey the laws of the country we are staying at, if we are a immigrant. So yea, there's another reason to not ever move to a western country if you plan on wanting a wife and kids.

Uh...What? No it isn't, we are not "equal" under God. As such both genders have their own special rules for them.
I see but can you point me to a well research article explaining the hadith that prescribes lawful punishment that would occur should "zina" be commited?I need to understand the source and origins of this hadith. I appreciate that you are adding a reasonable POV to this thread btw
Hello again. Thanks for getting back to me unbased department. I left you a middle finger to help you reconsider what you just said.

Kill yourself, cuck.
Kill yourself, cuck.
Thank you sir, I wish you the best in life and hope you actually reconsider what you said. God bless you
*blocks you and sends your phone# to multiple pajeet PNK scammers*
This guy gives a good explanation on why muslims follow the four main scholars.

View attachment 254486
Thanks but I hate to say this is low-tier research. Am expecting thousand yr old manuscripts not some Quora user pontificating without sources. plz bro i believe in you. Explain how it adds to your argument that Rajm (stoning after adultery bonded in marriage) is valid and "Islamic". All I know Quran (True source of God)>Respected Scholar>Hadith>Acceptance by Muslims at large. Which is need clarification on, am not convinced and you are porbably not convienced either.. Also explain at elite level what all that Islamic words mean not all of us are Muslims....

But the biggest issue here is that you enormous faggit you hate women to the point of agreeing and encouraging honor killing, and you will asnwer to Allah for that injustice. Go and say sorry retard
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Show me this declaration.
In Sikhism our Gurus lead by succession thru the SGGS, which is the everlasting spirit of our admittingly new religion.
I doubt Prophet Muhammed would allow his religion to be distored by scholar interpreations over time. Its simply illogical. Prove me otherwise, onus on you
This guy gives a good explanation on why muslims follow the four main scholars.

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Sharia Law is more so based on hadith rather then the Qur'an, none the less that he is correct, the daughters should have been flogged for Zina in this case not outright killed. Another thing the Prophet has told us to do is to obey the laws of the country we are staying at, if we are a immigrant. So yea, there's another reason to not ever move to a western country if you plan on wanting a wife and kids.
High iq. You're obviously a more knowledgeable muslim than me. The father did something against islam, but I'm not religious, so I can still think he's based.
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I see but can you point me to a well research article explaining the hadith that prescribes lawful punishment that would occur should "zina" be commited?I need to understand the source and origins of this hadith. I appreciate that you are adding a reasonable POV to this thread btw
If you are looking for concrete evidence that such and such isn't/is allowed, that isn't going to happen. Because that evidence would still depend on the how the author percieves a verse for example. But i digress:
First off we have something from the Qur'an itself actually:
"And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way." -Qur'an 17:32
"The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment." -Qur'an 24:2
I could probably dig through the Hadiths from dawn til dusk but you get the idea, it is widely agreed upon that the punishment is 100 lashes for when zina is comited, and stonning to death when adultery is comited. I might go look for more hadiths later on regarding this stuff, just not in the mood to do citing and stuff.
Thank you sir, I wish you the best in life and hope you actually reconsider what you said. God bless you
*blocks you and sends your phone# to multiple pajeet PNK scammers*


Feminism is going to turn curryland from a 3rd world shithole into a cancerous 3rd world shithole. But you've already drunk the Koolaid, so you've got blinders on to the damage it's going to do in the coming generations.
If you are looking for concrete evidence that such and such isn't/is allowed, that isn't going to happen. Because that evidence would still depend on the how the author percieves a verse for example. But i digress:
First off we have something from the Qur'an itself actually:
"And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way." -Qur'an 17:32
"The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment." -Qur'an 24:2
I could probably dig through the Hadiths from dawn til dusk but you get the idea, it is widely agreed upon that the punishment is 100 lashes for when zina is comited, and stonning to death when adultery is comited. I might go look for more hadiths later on regarding this stuff, just not in the mood to do citing and stuff.
Wow thank you so much brother. Do you have any books reccomendations on topic of Raj'm?
I would love to read more on this topic
Ramandan Mubarak by the way :)
Wow thank you so much brother. Do you have any books reccomendations on topic of Raj'm?
I would love to read more on this topic
Ramandan Mubarak by the way :)
Ramadan Mubarak to you to, may Allah ease your life.
I suppose you can just go from from hadith to hadith and read everything, but obviously there is alot of books to read through so yea. Sahih Muslim, chapter 8 in particular i believe might be a good start?
Ramadan Mubarak to you to, may Allah ease your life.
I suppose you can just go from from hadith to hadith and read everything, but obviously there is alot of books to read through so yea. Sahih Muslim, chapter 8 in particular i believe might be a good start?
Thank you bhaijaan for the tip.
Its pandemic time so might as well, read up on this. I encourage the OP and other skeptical Muslims, to read more into this.
I made the mistake believing then disbelieving at a young age then getting back into religion once I found out how this world really works. Am 23 now.
It is hell on Earth for the majority.
Please don't ignore your spiritual side if anything!
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