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Ban Discussion Megathread

of course she should have been banned a long time ago that's not my point, my point was that people liked him for doing his job correctly.

also both him and cocksucker never warned or banned someone who calling them faggots, but we now get up to 4 days ban for even jokingly insulting the mods.
Don't forget the vague and nebulous indictment of "misinformation." People have gotten banned for saying things mods don't like, but are true.

I don't know which switches were flipped to cause this kind of harsh and disproportionate punishment from the mods, but shit's getting worrying, buddy boyo.
Okay lets make a deal just give me some fucking sex on my fucking small stinky prick and I will stop posting (it is never going to happen) I am fucking incel KHHV
I don't have sex tbh.
:feelskek: Look when in the end Grippi will be the least gay.

I'm sure they are just joking that way, few times i saw Grippi serious he didn't seem gay at all, he is serious and cool in real life or so he says :feelshaha: it's what inceldom does to men, they watch too much anime and start doing gay jokes.
gripmaxxing is a faggot
and u are retarded
"grippi" :feelswhat:
[UWSL]but we now get up to 4 days ban for even jokingly insulting the mods.[/UWSL]
Only if it’s done on our serious boards/topics such as ID, suggestions, ban appeals, ban mega discussion thread etc, etc.:feelsthink:

Yet that applies to users as well ie if someone insults you for example on these more serious boards or topics then we will gladly hand out a 1-4 day ban on them as well, but you’ve got to report it, as we mods are not omnipotent and don’t always see all that’s going on or gone on. :feelswhere:

That said off topic is where you can call me, eachother, other mods etc every name in the book and no one would or should ever ban you for it and if they do I will quickly reverse it as soon as I learn of it. :feelsUgh:
gripmaxxing is a faggot
and u are retarded
"grippi" :feelswhat:
Nah he is cool. I rather have faggots here than bragging fakecels.
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Nah he is cool. I rather have faggots here then bragging fakecels.
Dmwugsw004931 png332404
Only one grip maxing I do is Gymtraining to make my dick stroke deathgrip even harder!!!! I call my hand on my small prick fucking DEATH CLUTCH!!!!
Be careful with that not to eunichmaxx:feelsohgod:
negro please

>forum owned by a dissident and a neo nazi
>can't speak against authority
Then why haven’t I banned you, mecoja, based meme, eradicator and nice try permaneantly by now? :feelswhere:

All of you constantly assume the worst of me or my actions only to time and time again be soundly refuted by me whenever I get around to writing up an explanation over the latest so called controversy. :feelsPop:

So again why haven’t I “put down” you “enemies of the state” permaneantly and long ago at that if I am in actuality the villain your personal paranoia imagines or perhaps even “needs” me to be? :feelshehe:
Do you seriously consider this brag and not what @Rhaast has been doing for days?
If he's paying for the site or something at least tell us because it's mind blowing how biased you guys are being rn.
I have the death note and all mods's names :feelsEhh:
Then why haven’t I banned you, mecoja, based meme, eradicator and nice try permaneantly by now? :feelswhere:
Perhaps because we haven't given you legitimate reason to. Though, we're honestly worried that you might not need a reason, given some recent bans and punishments.

All of you constantly assume the worst of me or my actions only to time and time again be soundly refuted by me whenever I get around to writing up an explanation over the latest so called controversy. :feelsPop:
You've banned, what is it now, three people including @nice_try for "misinformation," but from what we know, there was no misinformation. You banned @nice_try for him saying that you changed @Selbsthass's avi, which you and I both know are true, because you admitted as much to me in PMs that you did it to me as a prank. It was harmless then, but not when you ban people and then humiliate them like that.

What are we to assume when there's evidence that you're acting unjustly and covering for your actions? Are you planning to ban me now, because I'm speaking up?

So again why haven’t I “put down” you “enemies of the state” permaneantly and long ago at that if I am in actuality the villain your personal paranoia imagines or perhaps even “needs” me to be? :feelshehe:
You're the admin, yet you're gaslighting us by calling us paranoid for speaking up against injustices against other users? You're supposed to be the one helping keep things fair and orderly, but you're putting band-aids on chaos that you're partly responsible for.

You wanted me to play arbiter? I'm doing that now. Bullshit needs to be called out, brocel, even if it's coming from the top. It's fine - commendable, even - to admit your mistakes and move forward, but it's not fine to cover them up and blame us for them instead.
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that lil :feelsPop: someone posts in a thread while i'm arguing always gets on my nerves ngl:feelskek:
Serious shit in the forum is at stake and this nigger is enjoying it like it's a fucking Turkish political drama.
Why do you complain when Lolimancer does it but not when those you agree with do similar towards me?
Show me where they are, brocel, and I'll tell them all to STFU. I just saw his post, since it was right after mine.
Free @nice_try @Fat Link tbh, despite everything he does to me and his constant whining, i am pretty sure that there is no way he is homosexual. Please? :feelsaww:
He is a whiny bitch tho.
Free @nice_try @Fat Link tbh, despite everything he does to me and his constant whining, i am pretty sure that there is no way he is homosexual. Please? :feelsaww:
He is a whiny bitch tho.
u got banned
based_meme said:
Perhaps because we haven't given you legitimate reason to. Though, we're honestly worried that you might not need a reason, given some recent bans and punishments.

Certain "new" users such as "Sea Bass" or whatever his name was/is showed up as if by "magic" right around the time the junkie/drug package mule/traitor staged his sad coup attempt against the mod team.

Sea Bass and his cohorts "mysteriously" acted as his cheerleaders their entire tenure with us when they weren't here long enough to know either myself or the drug mule/junkie ex moderator to begin with leading to the perfectly reasonable and rational conclusion that they were/are his offsite friends, which Sea Bass never denied upon direct questioning.

So there's one "freebie" for you of why he's been "taken care of" and will only ever appear on this site again if he sneaks back onto it via an alt.

If one's entire reason for being on our incel website is to snipe at the administration from the sidelines whenever a "good" opportunity arises, then one simply does not have a good faith standing to remain a part of said website since that is not it's intended purpose.

based_meme said:
You've banned, what is it now, three people including nice_try @nice_try for "misinformation," but from what we know, there was no misinformation. You banned nice_try @nice_try for him saying that you changed Selbsthass @Selbsthass's avi, which you and I both know are true, because you admitted as much to me in PMs that you did it to me as a prank. It was harmless then, but not when you ban people and then humiliate them like that.

Thats not the reason I banned @nice_try.

As I keep having to tell you over and over again if you want to actually know why something was done you must ASK and not ASSUME.

I can tell you're a very intelligent individual based_meme, which is why I have to wonder if you're simply trolling me out of spite when you continue to ASSUME things? :feelshehe:

A less intelligent person I would just say to myself "Well it makes sense that guy keeps assuming things even though I told him to ask questions if he wants answers, because he simply doesn't know any better or can't remember anything" etc, etc.

Yet you're different I'm sure.

Again I'm sure you're of a relatively decent IQ and a good memory, so what gives here? :feelswhere:

based_meme said:
What are we to assume when there's evidence that you're acting unjustly and covering for your actions? Are you planning to ban me now, because I'm speaking up?

If I were to ban you over anything it would probably first and foremost be over your continuing and ongoing desire to make harmful assumptions and jump to equally harmful conclusions about various issues rather than ASK me first "What gives here" or "What is going on here?"

That said you should've been banned for posting that ridiculous Metal Gear Solid image of Snake saluting at The Boss's gravesite in honor of a scumbag criminal package mule traitor you didn't even know the full story about before you did it. :feelsseriously:

based_meme said:
You're the admin, yet you're gaslighting us by calling us paranoid for speaking up against injustices against other users?

What "injustices"? :feelswhere:

When closely examined 100% of these supposed "injustices" amount to things not going your way rather than actual injustices.

based_meme said:
You're supposed to be the one helping keep things fair and orderly, but you're putting band-aids on chaos that you're partly responsible for.

Translation: Do what I want you to do or else you're gaslighting and causing chaos.

Got it.[/Massive sarcasm :feelsseriously:

based_meme said:
You wanted me to play arbiter? I'm doing that now. Bullshit needs to be called out, brocel, even if it's coming from the top. It's fine - commendable, even - to admit your mistakes and move forward, but it's not fine to cover them up and blame us for them instead.

1. Actually while you were vacationing/resting King @uggo_mongo assumed that role.

2. The only "bullshit" going on here is how you continually cast negative aspersions towards me and or my actions while claiming "I" am the one doing the gaslighting here. Rather I think you are psychologically projecting the guilt of your own actions for being a gaslighter onto me based_meme.

3. Past mistakes I've more than owned up to. Recent mistakes? There haven't been any. Not on my end at least. :feelsUgh:

Your camp however? Plenty, yet when it comes time to admit said mistakes and move on your side of the isle more often than not has "I dindu nuffin" as it's rallying cry/excuse.
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Wrong, they are able to get a girlfriend, they simply refuse to do what is required. All this nonsense you are saying is just more garbage that comes with living in a feminized era, it's "female thinking" personified. You don't get to use your feelings as an excuse for what you don't do in reality, it isn't a valid excuse.

Fuck your feelings, feelings don't matter. You do what is required to get what you want in life, end of discussion.

If someone is in a wheelchair and they can walk again after a year of physical therapy (but refuses the option), they aren't in the same boat as another person with permanent spinal damage and they will never walk again no matter what.

They don't get to go around telling people that are wheelchair bound without any option that "were in the same boat" :feelskek:

No they fucking aren't. One person is an ungrateful piece of shit that refuses to do what it takes to walk again, the other person wishes they had the option to even try, they are in no way the same.

In other words, the person that refuses to put in any effort when they have the option to is really just making a mockery of the other persons existence (whether they realize it or not).
You're redefining mentalcel. The literal definition of mentalcel is someone who can't get laid due to mental issues. It even says so on incels.wiki
A mentalcel is someone whose inceldom can be attributed to some psychological factor. It is an umbrella term that encompasses several mental health issues including depression, autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, PTSD, AVPD (avoidant personality disorder), schizoid personality disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, severe anxiety disorders (particularly social anxiety), and general neuroticism.

You are trying to redefine it to encapsulate volcels who claim to be mentalcels.
koko ni oide
You're redefining mentalcel. The literal definition of mentalcel is someone who can't get laid due to mental issues. It even says so on incels.wiki

You are trying to redefine it to encapsulate volcels who claim to be mentalcels.
hallo bis du aus nrw?
Do you seriously consider this brag and not what @Rhaast has been doing for days?
If he's paying for the site or something at least tell us because it's mind blowing how biased you guys are being rn.
haven't been active here in a couple of days but just lol if he gets banned for that "brag" while other users who posted worse just get their thread deleted.
Certain "new" users such as "Sea Bass" or whatever his name was/is showed up as if by "magic" right around the time the junkie/drug package mule/traitor staged his sad coup attempt against the mod team.

Sea Bass and his cohorts "mysteriously" acted as his cheerleaders their entire tenure with us when they weren't here long enough to know either myself or the drug mule/junkie ex moderator to begin with leading to the perfectly reasonable and rational conclusion that they were/are his offsite friends, which Sea Bass never denied upon direct questioning.

So there's one "freebie" for you of why he's been "taken care of" and will only ever appear on this site again if he sneaks back onto it via an alt.
What is all of this stuff? I'm not talking about sea bass. I don't even know who the fuck that is, tbh. I'm talking about the recent wave of bans that happened in the thread you guys deleted ABOUT @Rhaast's thread, which got deleted first, but not before people took screenshots.

Why are you deflecting and playing politics?

Thanks for the freebie, I suppose? I don't know the story of sea bass. Maybe you or someone else can catch me up to speed.

If one's entire reason for being on our incel website is to snipe at the administration from the sidelines whenever a "good" opportunity arises, then one simply does not have a good faith standing to remain a part of said website since that is not it's intended purpose.
Now you're trying to question my intentions and throwing shade on my character? Brilliant politicking.

Thats not the reason I banned @nice_try.

As I keep having to tell you over and over again if you want to actually know why something was done you must ASK and not ASSUME.

I can tell you're a very intelligent individual based_meme, which is why I have to wonder if you're simply trolling me out of spite when you continue to ASSUME things? :feelshehe:

A less intelligent person I would just say to myself "Well it makes sense that guy keeps assuming things even though I told him to ask questions if he wants answers, because he simply doesn't know any better or can't remember anything" etc, etc.

Yet you're different I'm sure.

Again I'm sure you're of a relatively decent IQ and a good memory, so what gives here? :feelswhere:
I'll tell you what gives. You're unjustly banning at least one person for "misinformation." Why? I have no idea, but I doubt I'll ever learn the real reason why. @nice_try has confided in me that you gave him a 90% for exactly this reason. I have the screenshot, bro. The dude is literally terrified of being perma banned by you because of this. He's so scared of being banned that he would rather you go full blown Joseph Stalin (my words, not his) and purge the forum of "enemies of the forum," as you affectionately put it, than risk losing his 2018 account. I called him a coward for it, but he came to his senses and did the right thing, despite his very legit fears. He wanted me to drop this and just forget it. Time will tell if he was right.

I don't know what's gotten into you, brocel, but you've done a complete 180. You went from laissez faire to authoritarian real quick, and we all have no idea why. Maybe you're stressed, have just had enough and don't want to deal with the forum's bullshit? I don't know. I'm risking my neck speaking out on his behalf, and on behalf everyone else who got fucked by unjust bans. But someone has to do it. Others either don't care and see this as an entertaining shitshow, or they've lost their balls and would rather cope than find them.

If I were to ban you over anything it would probably first and foremost be over your continuing and ongoing desire to make harmful assumptions and jump to equally harmful conclusions about various issues rather than ASK me first "What gives here" or "What is going on here?"
I DID ASK YOU. I've asked you at least twice right here in this thread:
Speaking of misinformation, what is that about? The screenshot of Rhaast's post that got deleted? That's not misinformation. More than one person caught the screenshot.
Two guys got banned for "misinformation." What was the misinformation? Was it about the deleted thread?
You keep ignoring the question, and whenever your replied you don't address it.

That said you should've been banned for posting that ridiculous Metal Gear Solid image of Snake saluting at The Boss's gravesite in honor of a scumbag criminal package mule traitor you didn't even know the full story about before you did it. :feelsseriously:
That was my mistake, I admit. I've since apologized to @Robtical . "Water under the bridge" were his words.

What "injustices"? :feelswhere:

When closely examined 100% of these supposed "injustices" amount to things not going your way rather than actual injustices.
The recent bans, bro. Seriously, @BraincelsRefugee's ban was pretty egregious, and I've never even talked to the guy (I think I quoted him once, that was it). Poor guy didn't deserve that shit.

Translation: Do what I want you to do or else you're gaslighting and causing chaos.

Got it.[/Massive sarcasm :feelsseriously:
You honestly don't see what you're doing as wrong, do you? You may see us whiny cretins and misfits - and maybe that's why it's gotten to this point - but you also need to see your mistakes when you make them. I know that can be difficult when you believe that you're doing the right thing, but often times we need others to point out our mistakes for us.

Please don't play politicking games and please don't deflect the heat when it rightly comes your way. You're the admin. You're supposed to be setting the example. Take some responsibility.

1. Actually while you were vacationing/resting King @uggo_mongo assumed that role.
Good. @Uggo Mongo , your serious thoughts on all of this mess?

2. The only "bullshit" going on here is how you continually cast negative aspersions towards me and or my actions while claiming "I" am the one doing the gaslighting here. Rather I think you are psychologically projecting the guilt of your own actions for being a gaslighter onto me based_meme.
See, bro, this is what I mean. You're on full attack mode when we're trying to get to the bottom of this. You called us (us being people speaking out) paranoid before and now you're trying to flip the script on us.

When you do something good, I commend you. When you do something bad, I criticize you. Unfortunately, there's been a series of bad actions bunched close together, so it looks like I'm just constantly shitting on you when that's just not true at all.

3. Past mistakes I've more than owned up to. Recent mistakes? There haven't been any. Not on my end at least. :feelsUgh:
And I respect you for admitting your mistakes in the past.

Your camp however? Plenty, yet when it comes time to admit said mistakes and move on your side of the isle more often than not has "I dindu nuffin" as it's rallying cry/excuse.
Bruh. There is no "camp." A bunch of getting frustrated with bullshit rulings and bans doesn't make us into a camp. Myself, @Mecoja , @ERadicator , and @nice_try literally have nothing in common aside from our inceldom that I know of (cue witty joke about all of us being whiny).

Bring back the old @Fat Link .
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@Rhaast finally banned, hope this is perma. This board is starting to look like a kindergarten.
Why was @Rhaast banned? I suspected he was a larper, but what did he do that got him banned?

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