Full disclosure: I am good friends with her on Shitscord as many well know but despite that I have personally banned all of her “known” accounts which she is none too happy about ie kangacel, Māori something or other and Foid Normie etc, etc. So much for my supposedly being a “pussy whipped simp”.
Full disclosure #2: She did tip me off about Nirvana pedo’s, pedo shit posting, so for all the trouble she has caused she at least did the site one solid by helping us remove that piece of filth whose post was a legal liability that we don’t need or want (and if not technically a legal liability, since the images may have been all or mostly a.i generated, that shit could still possibly bring about unwelcome MSM attention were we to leave it up or serve as fodder for yet another anti incel documentary hit piece).
Since she is surprisingly not a complete retard (like most of her fellow blondes) it is of course within the realm of possibility that she has learned to use a VPN like a large percentage of our userbase of brocels, fakecels, feds, fags, troons and trolls have already themselves been long using to get around our banning process and set up new accounts with.
Nothing we can do about that other than possibly banning the entire ip range of Chadstralia where she is from albeit then we would not only be deprived of her company but more importantly a colorful cast of wacky Australians that are actually welcomed and very beloved here such as everyone’s favorite incel jihadist Abuincelalaustrali among I’m sure several other lesser known but still valued brocels from koala land.
Explanation: Users have repeatedly let us know that what happens or is said on Shitscord should have consequences on the site. I myself experienced some of those and now Nirvanafag has to as well. No one forced his dumb ass to post pedo shit after all and our anti sexualization of minors rule has been around long enough for users to know better than to try and test us on it, if they don’t want to go bye bye forever. Also the rule doesn’t exempt cartoons/a.i/non human imagery.