Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Ban Discussion Megathread

@Intellau_Celistic :cryfeels:
Grip is severely mentally ill and a hardcore drug addict by his own admission, but also not a literal faggot by his own admission.
Have you ever heard the expressions, "actions speak louder than words," and, "watch what people do, not what they say"? People can tell you all kinds of bullshit, lies, and talk up a big game about whatever. It's how they behave and act that shows you their intents. And the facts are that gripmaxxing has acted (and continues to act) in a homosexual manner.

Just look at these posts in addition to all of the previous shit, including himself pretending to be hetero to not get banned:
I luv him
I like you.
These are from the same thread where he's sad that kekfuel isn't giving him attention on shitscord anymore.

That in past times he’s used fag and eunuch porn to spam the site with doesn’t make him a literal faggot but rather a garden variety troll whenever the butthurt or urge to wreak havoc kicks in for whatever reason.

Grip uses faggotry as his troll weapon of choice because he knows you and others will react strongly to it, but again that doesn’t make him a literal ass pirate like knajjd but rather a LARPer engaging in a kayfabe gimmick to get heat similar to pro wrestler goldust’s first iteration of his Goldust character ie he played some kind of mixture of being a fag/tranny but it was all about mind games to fuck with the crowd and become an effective heel back when faggotry was properly hated back in the mid 90’s.
Oh, I see. It's perfectly OK to TROLL about being a faggot, but NOT OK to actually BE a faggot. And the only difference between the two is saying, "I'm totally straight, btw. I'm just always high af when I gay post, which is, you know, A LOT. Ded srs. Trust me bro."

You've pigeonholed yourself into a logical endpoint where you have to choose between "being homosexual on the forum is OK" and "being a troll and trolling the forum pretending to be homosexual making gay posts is OK."

Grip already knows if he porn spam bombs the site again he’ll be gone for a very long time so what exactly is the problem again? :feelshehe:
A very long time? Not permanent? So he can porn gay BBC nigger porn right again this fucking instant and you'd just give him a slap on his faggy limp wrist with some extended timeout ban?

Have you ever heard the expressions, "actions speak louder than words," and, "watch what people do, not what they say"? People can tell you all kinds of bullshit, lies, and talk up a big game about whatever. It's how they behave and act that shows you their intents. And the facts are that gripmaxxing has acted (and continues to act) in a homosexual manner.

Just look at these posts in addition to all of the previous shit, including himself pretending to be hetero to not get banned:

These are from the same thread where he's sad that kekfuel isn't giving him attention on shitscord anymore.

Oh, I see. It's perfectly OK to TROLL about being a faggot, but NOT OK to actually BE a faggot. And the only difference between the two is saying, "I'm totally straight, btw. I'm just always high af when I gay post, which is, you know, A LOT. Ded srs. Trust me bro."

You've pigeonholed yourself into a logical endpoint where you have to choose between "being homosexual on the forum is OK" and "being a troll and trolling the forum pretending to be homosexual making gay posts is OK."

A very long time? Not permanent? So he can porn gay BBC nigger porn right again this fucking instant and you'd just give him a slap on his faggy limp wrist with some extended timeout ban?


View: https://youtu.be/Fe4xboETvIM
Have you ever heard the expressions, "actions speak louder than words," and, "watch what people do, not what they say"? People can tell you all kinds of bullshit, lies, and talk up a big game about whatever. It's how they behave and act that shows you their intents. And the facts are that gripmaxxing has acted (and continues to act) in a homosexual manner.

Just look at these posts in addition to all of the previous shit, including himself pretending to be hetero to not get banned:

These are from the same thread where he's sad that kekfuel isn't giving him attention on shitscord anymore.

Oh, I see. It's perfectly OK to TROLL about being a faggot, but NOT OK to actually BE a faggot. And the only difference between the two is saying, "I'm totally straight, btw. I'm just always high af when I gay post, which is, you know, A LOT. Ded srs. Trust me bro."

You've pigeonholed yourself into a logical endpoint where you have to choose between "being homosexual on the forum is OK" and "being a troll and trolling the forum pretending to be homosexual making gay posts is OK."

A very long time? Not permanent? So he can porn gay BBC nigger porn right again this fucking instant and you'd just give him a slap on his faggy limp wrist with some extended timeout ban?

1. I like and love my mod team. Doesn’t make me gay for them.

2. It’s sad to lose a friend and sometimes people express this in words. Doesn’t make them gay either.

3. It’s not ok to troll. Grip need I remind you was banned for a very long time over it. You guys need to get over it. US prisons release far worse people than mere trolls back into the population. By comparison Grippy is harmless. You’re all essentially making a mountain out of a moe hill or however the phrase exactly goes.

4. Judgement calls are a part of the job. There’s always black pill club if you prefer people like personality inkwell and Joseph
Mengele as your company. The staff there allowed them after all based I’m sure on a judgement call. AIJD is on one of these competitor sites too also if you prefer his company but I wouldn’t advise you ever speak anything to him in confidence as the character Gus Fring had it exactly right: “You can never trust a drug addict”.

5. If you want him banned again you’re going to have to make a stronger case for his supposedly posting fag content than him saying someone is cute or that he loves someone. Catch him talking that Knajjd style shit about enjoying a man rubbing his penis between his asscheeks until orgasming all over his backside and you’ll get what you want ie him being gone permaneantly but the stuff you’ve brought to the table thus far? Weak sauce. Most posters here have probably told a male family member or friend at some point that they loved them. Doesn’t make them gay dude.

6. The staff and I are still working out our new plan for punishments but my thinking is 1 month ban for first time offender users that gore/fag/porn spam the site but 3 months automatically for veteran users that have been here longer and should know better by now than to do that and expect to get away with a mild punishment.

If you or any of your pals let’s say got drunk or stoned one night let’s say and did the above mentioned violation on the site, I’m sure you’d suddenly become happy good ol lenient Fattys ruling the roost after all, instead of the prior admin and their gay boy, as you’d then likely never be seen again.

At least not posting here anyway. :feelsseriously:
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Anyway so people don’t need to ask anymore @ERadicator will be back tomorrow and most of the others in four days time due to a combination of their shitposting on ID and posting misinformation here in the ban thread.

@iamsubhuman is going on an extended 1 month’s vacation however since he simply cannot for the life of him learn his lesson to stop posting misinfo. So he gets his own taste of the @Rhaast style punishment.

@Diocel you have nothing to worry about or lay low about as long as you don’t go spam bombing again or continuing to post misinfo. If you continue to spread other’s lies and spam bomb only then will you be joining @iamsubhuman on the incels.is bench for one month. :feelsokman:

So knock it off or don’t, entirely your choice lad. :feelsYall:
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Y @Intellau_Celistic and @Idotms banned
just what do you mod niggers think youre doing?? free my niggas right this moment
Lmao I go to sleep and there's a purge on .is
dead bodies everywhere
Free @nice_try :feelsLightsaber:
Free @Intellau_Celistic :feelsLightsaber:
Free my nigga @YuiIsMyCope :feelsLightsaber:
Why are so many based, long time users getting banned? This is madness. Soon there will only be GrAYs left. :feelsbadman:
I know why @Idotms @nice_try @iamsubhuman got banned, for having balls to speak up for this damn normie central, @iamsubhumans account got dissabled. But why the fuck @MACHETE @incelerated @Intellau_Celistic got banned? they never said one bad word to anyone.
I know why @Idotms @nice_try @iamsubhuman got banned, for having balls to speak up for this damn normie central, @iamsubhumans account got dissabled. But why the fuck @MACHETE @incelerated @Intellau_Celistic got banned? they never said one bad word to anyone.
@incelerated rather hefty loss
why are you unbanned you fucking manlet cunt?! fuckin deranged schizo take you damn meds!!!!!!!


Another quality user...

Suppose a non-psychopathic dude wants to date a different woman than his current girlfriend or wife. The process of "monkey-branching" for him is painful and emotionally tumultuous. He doesn't have ill-will to the discarded girlfriend or wife and may continue to think positively of her. I suspect this is born from the fact that mating opportunities from the male point of view are scarcer than from the femoid point of view.

On the other hand, when a woman ditches her boyfriend/husband, the foid will regard the discarded male with contempt, anger and distaste -- she is completely done and the dude could just go die for all she cares. I legit think it's an actual biological difference between the sexes.

Anyone else notice this?

Nothing gets my goad more than how mainstream journalists (likely LGBT themselves) always mention some dyke named Elana purportedly having coined "incel." This is invariably done for no other reason than to centralize LGBT types who always feel threatened if discussions of sexuality, gender and sex etc do not first and foremost normalize them and their lifestyle choices. Like I ain't got nothing against these folk, live and let live and all that, but why are they so fucking needy and parasitic (eg all the trans IT weirdos who obsess over us. Like, fuck off.)

I want to know what the "cognitive distortions" and "criminal thinking errors" they attribute to murderous incels are (I think an implication is that these qualities are more or less true of all self-identified incels.)

Yea, what

Inceldom is an unfortunate situation/condition but not an identity or a club. It's sad and pathetic. Forbidding discussions of our (in my case, meager) experiences with foids is limiting thoughtful discussion and the possibility of learning from the experiences of others. It's also forbidding potential intelligent contributions from many men regarding larger societal issues relating to inceldom. Who knows, it's very possible -- heck, likely -- that someone who is a total sex-haver could have keener insight into the causes and structural issues (if any) that produce incels. I'd want to hear what they have to say. My skepticism makes me more suspect of those like you who want to gatekeep topics. I AM BAD WITH WOMEN AND I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE ROMANTIC EXPERIENCES OF MEN LIKE ME. The mods of this forum should cater more to me than to the youngcels who see such discussions as a threat to their edgelord identity.

Yea roasties will naively let a guy way above them in the looks hierarchy use them for sex in the hope of getting a relationship. This is the fantasy often behind their whoring themselves out to Chads and Tyrones. The feelings of attraction/romance we develop for average girls in their prime they develop intensely for Chads/Tyrones and are therefore willing to let themselves get used as bio-sex dolls hoping that an offer of a relationship is reciprocated by the dude. A naïve young woman will not know this truth until she experiences it multiple times at the hands of the relatively more attractive men they want who have options. It's possible that the whole "Yes means Yes!" thing (i.e, retroactive withdrawal of consent) -- the whole hysteria about "consent" etc is about young woman's collective resentment (possibly some trauma? humiliation at?) of their various orfices getting used as masturbation devices by Chads/Tyrones who don't then reward the roastie's with a relationship.

His reasoning is also somewhat off. He feels -- like many sensible adults who have some appreciation for the art of cinema -- that the whole comic-book crap of the last 15 years has crowded out genuinely good movies. He's expressed this opinion before. He then insults the fan-base of these comic-book films by saying they're incels. I.e, "you're a low status sexless loser if you are the type more eager about Marvel films than something like L.A Confidential." Basically, there are these two "bad things" from his perspective and he connects them to take a dig at a juvenile entertainment trend which doesn't care about him. But he's way off--it's normtards and sex-havers that are the most enthusiastic audiences of that stuff. It's normie fare through and through. Curiously, it's easier for Maher to deride the audiences flocking to those flicks as incels than it is for him to simply say these audiences have no taste and can only handle simple entertainment (which would get him widely attacked.)
gray take over, the end of incels.is :feelsdevil:



I do not know who that is, what did he do wrong on his previous account? Please elaborate.
Ask @Uggo Mongo as I banned this guy and two others at his suggestion.

And no @vermilion is not “based” he’s banned from our site forever for posting hardcore child pornography on his defeated lobster account.
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