1. No chance in Hell of that ever happening but since you’re prone to delusion maxxing of late I will leave you to your schizophrenic inclinations since as they say: “there’s just no arguing with crazy”.
2. Like every other member of your conspiracy theorizing purity spiraling kliq you would do well to first ask questions before jumping to conclusions and or making baseless assertions.
Grip contacted me on Shitscord one fateful night basically crying his little eyes out apologizing profusely for his past misdeeds and literally begging for another chance.
I questioned him thoroughly about the allegations of faggotry surrounding him and conversed with fellow mods who told me more about him that actually only went to confirm the story he’d already told me about himself which is he’s a mentally ill drug addict that doesn’t remember what he’s said or done half the time.
Now on its face I grant you that alone is enough to make most people not want such an individual to be a part of their community but since our condition is known to be or at least can involve severe mental illness and substance abuse well there you have it of why we welcome ol grip and those like him into our online home.
3. I’m just saying we’re similar is all but if you’d like me to reverse that stance what is your real name please?