Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Ban Discussion Megathread

Diocel, I have found information on deceased postmaxxer @Lookscel. Please refer any friend to this thread.
You forgot to address him as Sr.

Reminder that @Diocel hates curries and he's openly admitted it multiple times on this forum.
ngl i do hate indians and pakis.

the incel community made me hate them.

He doesn't give a shit about you dummy, he's just another petty loser jealous of another loser cuz he managed to fuck a monster's feet (descension, not ascension) and now is crying about it like a retard.
Nah i don't, those curry hate posts were to bait someone and it worked.

Jealous of bretty feet fucking that crackhead? no, but it's only fair to ban him since not KHHV.
You better be lying to protect your rep rn cuz I sure am not that retarded. Any sensible person can tell you're a double faced piece of shit. You can keep crying like a pathetic faggot along with the rest of the idiots that are doing the same thing.
What rep? i'm know as the 76iq shitposter who somehow managed to not get banned.

Duh. how old are you 11? of course i lie, of course i'm a hypocrite, both online and IRL that's how the world work. i'm borderline jewish at this point.

I don't care about bretty i just want to see people bully him out of the forum because it would be funny, i don't even care about fakecels anymore look at this forum it's trash. thankfully i found another forum to post in and care about (not incel forum but still not normie either).
It's truly sad how morally corrupt you guys are (talking about your gang too) you can barely hide the contempt you guys feel for one another, the only thing that binds you together is your sandnigger in group preference (yes, not much different from the Jews). At least the kikes are smarter
@-BrettyBoy- belongs here, drink up old boy
The jew modding our server was an inside joke. And that's not my "gang", mine (if u can call it that way) is racial diverse (diversity is our strength :lul:)
Is that why you don't accept Non sands in your server? And stop pretending hideki wasn't jewish smh
Because it's a sand only server, when i had the colvin server i accepted everyone. and that's not the one i was talking about.

And again that's not my "gang", i'm in a lot of different "groups", i talk with a lot of people. if you want an idea, i'm in my sand server (obviously), a PM group of around 20 users, a discord chat with only 3 persons, another with 50 people, a very small private server with like 10 users (not incel related even tho half of them are incels and identify themselves as such). these are the active ones, there are others that i'm in but not active all day long, more like once a day.

For someone who doesn't have any friends i find it surprising how easy i can connect with people online.

He wasn't a mod.
For someone who glows like a mofo I find it surprising how you're ready to share all this personal information on this site with no worries.
He wasn't a mod.
Sure thing buddy, we can't trust a single word coming out of your mouth. Thanks for proving my point again
I can't be a fed even tho i love to hold a position like that. i do like cunny tho and it's legal where i live so i don't have a problem with sharing it.
I know you're not a fed (even tho they have a lot of dumbasses working for them) you just don't give a fuck about the userbase at all plus you take pleasure in their misfortunes :feelsdevil:
Why would i?
yeah you do otherwise u wouldnt be barking like a little bitch at @-BrettyBoy-
stop the cringe muh im emotionless persona, ur probably a little abused dog irl who gets stepped over
yeah you do otherwise u wouldnt be barking like a little bitch at @-BrettyBoy-
stop the cringe muh im emotionless persona, ur probably a little abused dog irl who gets stepped over
yeah you do otherwise u wouldnt be barking like a little bitch at @-BrettyBoy-
stop the cringe muh im emotionless persona, ur probably a little abused dog irl who gets stepped over
That moment when you realize Wizcel never left :feelsautistic:
That moment when you realize Wizcel never left :feelsautistic:
Welcome back @vippnor
I deleted everything since it got old and everyone in my circle saw them, will try to find some and send you.
free @fuck chad
fuck @vippnor fuck @-BrettyBoy-
and to everyone calling for bretty to be banned, half of the forum would be banned under this standard. the "success" of getting a footjob from some 50 year old meth addict and getting ghosted afterwards is something the vast majority of this forum could achieve.

it's an experience/brag nonetheless so mentioning stuff like that still isn't allowed obviously, but a male in his "prime years" scraping the utmost bottom of the barrel for this grotesque female is nothing permaban worthy, especially not when he has zero history of bragging in the past. not to mention the content of this "exposé" was outside the forum.
and to everyone calling for bretty to be banned, half of the forum would be banned under this standard. the "success" of getting a footjob from some 50 year old meth addict and getting ghosted afterwards is something the vast majority of this forum could achieve.

it's an experience/brag nonetheless so mentioning stuff like that still isn't allowed obviously, but a male in his "prime years" scraping the utmost bottom of the barrel for this grotesque female is nothing permaban worthy, especially not when he has zero history of bragging in the past. not to mention the content of this "exposé" was outside the forum.
You conveniently ignored that he cuddled with a different, regular female (becky or stacy), and grinded his member on her fanny. It is clear you're homosexual and dishonest.
Case 2: Brett cuddled naked with a female as his bare Johnson touched the outside of her vagina and she pressed her tits against him

View attachment 485741
This event in Brett's life in not as well known and the details are unclear, but we can deduce that this happened some time ago, while Brett was a teen or a young adult. Brett has stated a few times how some females sat on his lap throughout his life, but this case is outrageous and should be looked into by the incels.is mods due to its sexual nature.
Brett explicitly describes how a younger female, whom he classifies as a Becky or a Stacy, first sat on his lap, and on another occasion cuddled naked with him. Brett then ejaculated.

View attachment 485736
It doesn't stop there. In the same conversation, Brett goes on to explain how they were half naked, with their pants off, and cuddled naked as his brink, Richard, Johnson, Rodger, penis, etc. touched the outside of her bare vagina. Unbeknownst to him, and as he describes in a later conversation, the penis has to be inside for it to count as sex. Her breasts were also pressed against him.

View attachment 485738
View attachment 485739View attachment 485740

@SergeantIncel @knajjd @i_a_m_i @Master @cocksucker @Fat Link @AmIjustDreaming thoughts on this
free @vippnor @GripMaxxing @JosefMengelecel @IncelHQ @Weed @Lookscel @Kamikaze

my mistake, i forgot the case in which he had an incestuous cuddling session with his first cousin. go on and ask him for a picture of that "stacy" if you want. "i've cuddled sexually with my cousin before" is not something that warrants a permaban. you should spend some of that energy of yours developing some thinking skills to see that that post was nothing but a hit piece by a group of failed normies who've taken a liking to bullying bretty.
your username is incompatible with the rules
I think it’s more to do with shit posting in ID section to be honest, just a guess.
Also, a bunch of users here have been attacking me, one was bullying me for my disability so I doubt he’s banned for bullying me since other users do this, it’s because of the spamming in ID section but I’m guessing he can appeal if he wishes to.
Also, a bunch of users here have been attacking me, one was bullying me for my disability so I doubt he’s banned for bullying me since other users do this, it’s because of the spamming in ID section but I’m guessing he can appeal if he wishes to.
Brutal ngl

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