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Ban Discussion Megathread

Bring back the gambler..
What's the lore behind @Letting Go 's ban? I remember liking the guy, then he just disappeared.
Sad to see that we had another larper and fakecel on here @Richard spencer ... I actually liked his posts kek, he was funny. But obviously a good riddance.
Lol @NekoStance getting banned
I'd say that it's partly due to mercy, partly due to different people handling his case at different times and thus not increasing his warning% for the same infractions (as in, brag once get 10%, brag twice get 20%, etc.), and partly due to the fact that his warnings were actually more distributed than it appears. He would climb to x%, be banned for y days, and by the time that ended a warning from last month expired, for example.
Very honest answer, appreciate it.
What's the lore behind @Letting Go 's ban? I remember liking the guy, then he just disappeared.
Same, I had just been in the middle of a conversation with him before he got banned too, so I was sad to see him just disappear.
I kind of miss @EARTH's shitposting ngl.
He and Incel Prime scream fakecel tbh but I'm in no position to accuse. Just a hunch.

He's from Lookism & two people from there have already accused him of being fakecel, I wouldn't be surprised. Incel Prime never really came off as fakecel to me.
@NekoStance perm ban was totaly unfair, and overkill.
He was a bluepilled shitposter. Don't see what was "unfair" about it.
He was an oldcel, that's what inceldom does to your mental health long term tbh
He was an oldcel, that's what inceldom does to your mental health long term tbh

Makes you make bluepilled statements like "Chad is mythical"?
Nekostance tried avoiding a temporary ban with an alt so I think it was justified. He should have just waited
Unban everyone right fucking now, or I'm going ER and living a manifesto mentioning this place. Just like ER did before and got PUA evaporated. What's it gonna be nigga?
I can't wait.
My brother made a troll acct @foreverincel737 and he got banned which idc about. But then I made my own acct for real, I am a truecel, and after 2 posts I was banned by @Maeror for “circumventing ban”

my dog ate my homework.


Kanji is a major larper but his responses are funny af
Could you guys please bring back @eliotrogerhere , he went a little far with his last post with the whole "make your own acid to acid face women" shtick but come on he was obviously joking and just trying to poke fun (dark humor), and you guys banning him then was just a knee jerk response due the fear of the watchful eyes of the media and the public during that time shortly after the toronto attack which had guests flooding in and media attention.

He can't really do any "damage" now since all the hype for the site is gone and if brought back likely wouldn't bother going that far again with his jokes.
Could you guys please bring back @eliotrogerhere , he went a little far with his last post with the whole "make your own acid to acid face women" shtick but come on he was obviously joking and just trying to poke fun (dark humor), and you guys banning him then was just a knee jerk response due the fear of the watchful eyes of the media and the public during that time shortly after the toronto attack which had guests flooding in and media attention.

He can't really do any "damage" now since all the hype for the site is gone and if brought back likely wouldn't bother going that far again with his jokes.

he was not perma'd for that post, it was a temporary ban. he turned it into a permaban by tagging 125+ users on his ban appeal thread to complain, and then proceeded to make a ban evasion alt.
I see @EthnicelNL has been banned again, have no idea what the dude even does to get banned but he will be missed in the World Cup thread
I see @EthnicelNL has been banned again, have no idea what the dude even does to get banned but he will be missed in the World Cup thread
Exactly. Btw, why you don’t have Harry Kane in your avi anymore? :feelsbadman::feelscry:

Why is @Twisted banned? Another famous poster.
Exactly. Btw, why you don’t have Harry Kane in your avi anymore? :feelsbadman::feelscry:

Why is @Twisted banned? Another famous poster.
Dunno man I didn’t want to jinx anything lol and he scored again so I guess I should just keep believing haha

And twisted requested to be banned so he can do some looksmaxing or something like that
The lore behind bannedcels is such good drama
All requested bans are as temporary or permanent as the user wants - but they only get one unban. After that a requested ban is bye bye.
Makes sense. Thanks for clarification.
what's the story or lore behind @throwawayseeker I see that guy lurking nonstop every single day
Popbob was a fuckin neek of the highest order. Worst threads ever and very annoying poster.
I've only been here about a week and I'm already on 80% :o

It's been purely accidental though... mostly "bluepill" stuff. It's tricky to avoid that sometimes.
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Popbob was a fuckin neek of the highest order. Worst threads ever and very annoying poster.
Lol this. He was a snowflake who blocked everyone too
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This one really cracks me up
Imbored21 is an OG from the BB forums. Always made relatable threads.
yeah, I'll miss him. I remember him from misc and SAS back in the day. Good dude, even though he trolls sometimes
yeah, I'll miss him. I remember him from misc and SAS back in the day. Good dude, even though he trolls sometimes
He seems like a good dude. Never rude or disrespectful. Even his trolling was light hearted. I sincerely hope he ascends one day.

Popbob was a fuckin neek of the highest order. Worst threads ever and very annoying poster.
kek. Hate him or not, his threads were always click worthy.
Popbob was retarded AF but the guy was funny i have to admit suhasuhauhsahusauhssuha

what happened to @BlackOpsIIcel ?
@SergeantIncel how satisfying is it to have peasants beg for you to unban them?

"Please please, unban me my lord. Please. I beg of you. I will never do it again. Please"


You have a nice little system going here, pal.
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Can I be unbanned yet? tbh.
Jfl @ not being bancel in 2018. It has been a trend lately.

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