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Blackpill Average men are incels

Saint Cho

Saint Cho

NT is life.
Aug 20, 2021
I see too many ignorant brocels who think otherwise so here we are.

Lets establish the facts.

#1. The average man's looksmatch can hop on tinder and arrange a bareback fuck session with chadlite/chad. If she's feeling particularly horny, she can spend a few hours finding multiple chadlites/chads and arrange a creampie gangbang.

#2. Looks are everything, personality means nothing. The only exception to this is having a mental/cognitive deficit that prevents you from being able to have basic conversations.

#3. Average women get into relationships with average men. Why? Let's refer to rules 1 and 2. They don't date average men for sex, because chads are on call 24/7. They don't date average men for "personality" because personality means nothing. What does that leave? Money. Average men are betabuxxers.

#4. Betabuxxing is prostitution with extra steps. I'll keep this one short, because I think most of you can figure out why exchanging money for sexual favors is prostitution.

#5. Prostitution is not considered ascension. If you want to argue that it is, then 99% of us would have to get banned, leaving only disabledcels who physically can't engage in sex.

To summarize, the average man is a betabuxxer which is the same as being an incel who fucks prostitutes.
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Classy Incel cope.
Huge cope kek
He is right. Go outside and look at the average normie couple. What I'm seeing there is an obedient house negro for his massa (gf) and not a man. The average dude has to jestermaxx and (to some extent) betabuxx for an used up low IQ cumdumpster in order to get his dick wet. This can barely be counted as "ascension" let alone a happy or fulfilling life. She fucked Chad in the past and probably did the most freakiest shit with him but her housenegro only gets starfish sex once a week. This is the reality for most men in 2021.

Whoremaxx or rope if you're not Chad.
Doesn't matter because what counts is how the men perceives himself.

Let's say he is incel tier, but is bluepilled as fuck, a feminist,a cuck and/or simp; he is not one of us. He will continue giving money, attention, validation and all his resources expecting some crumble of loose pussy.
Doesn't matter because what counts is how the men perceives himself.

Let's say he is incel tier, but is bluepilled as fuck, a feminist,a cuck and/or simp; he is not one of us. He will continue giving money, attention, validation and all his resources expecting some crumble of loose pussy.
Classy Incel cope.
Huge cope kek

A mix between 30+year oldcel and delusion bellow 20 years oldcel you are.

Oldcel thinks normies aren't incel because that didn't happen in his youth, well it does happens now.
Youngcel thinks normies aren't incel because he is a fuckin retard and think what happens in highschool is what will happens his entire life, wrong, life after 25 is practically doom the game.
Said it for the n-th time in this forum - the vast majority of men are normies, they have no problem in getting into relationships (doesnt matter via what) with girls/women (doesnt matter what tier). Incels are a very small percentage globally (not counting Japan, India (which has arranged marriages kek) and other exceptions). This forum and all other incel sites are echo chambers in this and other regards. ASAT
Classy Incel cope.
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A mix between 30+year oldcel and delusion bellow 20 years oldcel you are.

Oldcel thinks normies aren't incel because that didn't happen in his youth, well it does happens now.
Youngcel thinks normies aren't incel because he is a fuckin retard and think what happens in highschool is what will happens his entire life, wrong, life after 25 is practically doom the game.
Everything can happen in the life :forcedsmile: A normie can become incel and an incel can become normie. A truecel can become incel. :forcedsmile:
The difference between a full-blown incel aka truecel and a low tier normie is like the difference between a person who was blind since birth all of their life and one who also was blind all of their life except for experiencing partial sight during some days/weeks/few months at some point.

There's no ascension for low tier normies, only respites of it that end up with you feeling even worse than before (because it's no women who are really attracted to you, but rather betabuxx situations, BPDs, etc).
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the vast majority of men are normies, they have no problem in getting into relationships (doesnt matter via what) with girls/women (doesnt matter what tier).
The whole point of my post is that is DOES matter via what. Betabuxxing to get sloppy seconds from a postwall roastie is prostitution plain and simple.
The whole point of my post is that is DOES matter via what. Betabuxxing to get sloppy seconds from a postwall roastie is prostitution plain and simple.
You're delusionmaxxing veery hard if you unironically think that the majority of normies are betabuxxers kek. :feelskek: Not more than the half of them are such. Also no incel would even get chosen by a woman to be a betabuxx in the first place kek
You're delusionmaxxing veery hard if you unironically think that the majority of normies are betabuxxers kek. :feelskek: Not more than the half of them are such.
Explain to me why else an average becky would fuck her looksmatch when Chad is one message away on tinder.
Explain to me why else an average becky would fuck her looksmatch when Chad is one message away on tinder.
That's another retarded incel cope, what's the point in arguing with you?
Incels are a very small percentage globally
The number of men worldwide deemed ugly by their female counterparts is veeery small, most men DO date around their looksmatches WITHOUT buxxing. Over for lowcomprehensioncels
Cope thread, normies and average people can still get laid but nowhere near as much as chad
Projection assumption cope eg. "It's not so bad everyone else is also incel and subhuman like me!" Is MAJOR subhuman cope and should be stamped out asap
"Your argument is retarded. I'm not gonna explain why I think so, it just is."

You don't even try to debunk my points kek. ALSO stop projecting like others have said, the number of undateable subhumans like you is so small worldwide that it's laughable.
ITT: Turbocoping retards.
30% of all men are incels (by our definition), 30% of all men are married boomers and are practically incels because they maybe get their dick wet 10 times a year. Young normies are nothing more than house negros for their massa (gf)
I disagree about the part where you say average men are incels. They're not. They can still get sex for free. The problem is, the girls will be uglier than them themselves in most cases.
I agree with Cho.
You don't even try to debunk my points kek. ALSO stop projecting like others have said, the number of undateable subhumans like you is so small worldwide that it's laughable.
If you want to betabuxx a landwhale once she hits 35, be my guest. Don't bluepill yourself into thinking you ascended though.
I disagree about the part where you say average men are incels. They're not. They can still get sex for free. The problem is, the girls will be uglier than them themselves in most cases.
Finally, a rational counterargument rather than the usual "retarded incel cope" spam. If by ugly, you mean "ugly face but not fat", those girls can still bang chadlites. Maybe not full blown chads though.

Average men can occassionally pick up roastie landwhales without betabuxxing, but how some guys can get their dicks hard for them is beyond me.
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I'm going to agree with you

or maybe - to quote someone from Incelmatics stream - normies are one breakup away from years of no sex. Average man has very little value on the market and most only get laid thanks to long-term social relations.
To summarize, the average man is a betabuxxer which is the same as being an incel who fucks prostitutes.
The difference is, one (potentially teehee) gets to reproduce and the other doesn't.
I agree, fucking ugly women is no ascension either, good looking women only or pass me the rope
The difference is, one (potentially teehee) gets to reproduce and the other doesn't.
If reproduction is your main concern, even trucels could hire a surrogate mother. It's just a matter of money, same as prostitution.
I agree, fucking ugly women is no ascension either, good looking women only or pass me the rope
I'd be satisfied being sex partners with an average noodle becky AKA my looksmatch. She's currently taking a 7 inch white chad's cock inside her asshole right now though.
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If reproduction is your main concern, even trucels could hire a surrogate mother. It's just a matter of money, same as prostitution.
Depends on the country and whether surrogacy is legal or not
Depends on the country and whether surrogacy is legal or not
True that, I was only thinking in terms of the US. Even then though, moneymaxxing and immigration are possibilties to consider. Just a matter of how badly they want it, and how lucky they are in terms of financial success.
tinder is real life xray mode
tinder is real life xray mode
I remember my first time chadfishing. It was like taking a liquid dose of highly concentrated blackpill and pouring it on my eyes.
Why are you arguing when you could just accept that for normie tier men luck, effort and status play a role? Chads always win and incels always loose, but for normies, life is less predictable.
Why are you arguing when you could just accept that for normie tier men luck, effort and status play a role? Chads always win and incels always loose, but for normies, life is less predictable.
Projection Assumption Cope.
It's currently #1 incel cope in 2021, incels abuse it like it's heroine.
Projection Assumption Cope.
It's currently #1 incel cope in 2021, incels abuse it like it's heroine.
Kek even a lot of incel-tier guys get gfs via socialmaxxing and being NT
Let them copers cope :feelskek: (deep down they know they're wrong with this bs retarded teracope of theirs :feelsLSD:)
Average men are betabuxxers.

Your average man is not even wealthy enough to betabux though.
I think it would be more accurate to say that your average man ASPIRES to betabux because it's his best option.
But I don't think your average male earns enough to have enough disposable income to betabux.

#5. Prostitution is not considered ascension. If you want to argue that it is, then 99% of us would have to get banned
Pretty sure it's a lot lower % of us than 99% who are escortcels

leaving only disabledcels who physically can't engage in sex
You seem to be theorizing anyone with a working dick wants to self-cuck into thinking it's a good idea to be a good lil' biddy and throw his limited income away (and enter legal peril) so some foid who's touched a thousand other guys will touch him.

To summarize, the average man is a betabuxxer
Again: I don't think the average man ears enough, nor do I think enough of that average income earners are willing to throw it at a foid who will cuck him.

But probably a majority of men who earn enough to betabux end up doing it.

which is the same as being an incel who fucks prostitutes.
Not exactly the same since beta-bux is LARPing which legalizes it, but in essence similar enough.
Doesn't matter because what counts is how the men perceives himself.
Let's say he is incel tier, but is bluepilled as fuck, a feminist,a cuck and/or simp; he is not one of us.
He will continue giving money, attention, validation and all his resources expecting some crumble of loose pussy.

It does matter, even if we only realize the value of the truth.
They are potential initiates, all of them, even the most extreme soy/blue/cuck.
We all had our revelations, only a genius minority were thoroughly blackpilled from the start.
Even a truecel like Quasimodo ended up hoping for Esmeralda until he learned better
Said it for the n-th time in this forum - the vast majority of men are normies
they have no problem in getting into relationships

If we spread out the 0% to 100% ratings equally, then exactly half the male population would be ranked between 25% and 75%.
This would be the "normal" men closest to the average.

Please explain to me what % distribution you are describing as this "vast majority".

I would also remind you that gigachad is not a "normy". Gigachads are rare. They are the outliers. They are not normal.

If you want to argue that even a SLIGHT majority (51%) of men have "no problem" getting relationships, you are saying that this includes men in the 49th percentile.

What is a "vast" majority to you? 55? 60? 65? This would mean men in the 45th/40th/35th percentile don't have problems getting into relationships.

Is this actually what you believe?

Incels are a very small percentage globally (not counting Japan, India (which has arranged marriages kek) and other exceptions).
Arranged marriages should make it easier to get into relationships.

I can't think of any nation where easy access to a relationship/sex would apply to the majority of males.

Feel free to argue for any nation in particular, explain your stance.

Lack of access to sex is the default state of men so you bear burden of proving they have access.

This forum and all other incel sites are echo chambers in this and other regards. ASAT
There's definitely an echo-chamber aspect on many issues here, I'll readily admit that, but normy memes are also their own echo chambers and sometimes those memes echo here instead of us thinking independently where we ought to.
The difference between a full-blown incel aka truecel and a low tier normie
False dichotomy: there is no discrete line.
Celibacy is a gradual continuum of progressive lack of sex over a progressive period of time.
Inceldom is a double continuum based on two variables (opportunity and time) ... it is gradual continuum of progressive lack of opportunity for sex over a progressive period of time.

is like the difference between a person who was blind since birth all of their life and one who also was blind all of their life except for experiencing partial sight during some days/weeks/few months at some point.
I don't even know what is worse TBH
imagine remembering sight/sounds and becoming blind or deaf
I'd pine so much harder and be less able to cope with what remains
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Born to betabuxx,what a glorious title we have to carry out for generations:society:
You're delusionmaxxing veery hard if you unironically think that the majority of normies are betabuxxers kek. :feelskek:
I agree with you only because I don't think the majority of men can AFFORD to betabux.

This could POSSIBLY have been true in the 40s/50s and so on when wages were higher (wages not being drown by women entering workplace and mass immigration) and women couldn't subsist on OnlyFans, but I don't think it's been true for a long time.

Not more than the half of them are such
only because probably under 40% of men earn enough money to financially support a foid

no incel would even get chosen by a woman to be a betabuxx in the first place kek
that's low-IQ of you, women would def be okay getting financially supported by a guy and not fucking him, the question is what % of men actually put up with this
The number of men worldwide deemed ugly by their female counterparts is veeery small
imagine people who think this...
...calling people who disagree the copers

most men DO date around their looksmatches WITHOUT buxxing

the only way this might be true on average WORLDWIDE is if places like china are possibly influencing the stats (women forced to work in rice fields, too poor for cell phone so no tinder) but def not true in the west
Cope thread, normies and average people can still get laid
escortcels can "get laid" in theory too
the issue isn't "can" it's "are"
the hoops a nromy would need to jump through, he wouldn't have enough time left in the day to earn enough to betabux
Projection assumption cope eg. "It's not so bad everyone else is also incel and subhuman like me!" Is MAJOR subhuman cope and should be stamped out asap

You're assuming here that perceiving the # of incels being higher is universally better.

I feel it's more of a double-edged sword.

Like yeah: theoretical brethren to do an uprising, "hey look they managed to exist without roping, I can too" benefits

But the downside is this proces just how much lower the odds are.

If it's only 10% of men who are incels you can think "I'm just hovering around the 9th percentile, I can boost up to 11% and get a girlfriend"

But if it's 60%, then if you view yourself at the 9th percentile you have absolutely no hope because 11, 16, even 21 would be too far from the finish line.
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the average dude just pays for sex or is mostly her bitch / doormat

1 has no shame and dignity

the other ( us ) , realizes its coping
I disagree about the part where you say average men are incels. They're not. They can still get sex for free.
Those are above-average men.

Though again: only a small minority of the population is an "exact average" (ie only 1 in 100 men are between 49.5% and 50.5%) so it depends on how wide a variation from 50% you want to label as average.

The problem is, the girls will be uglier than them themselves in most cases.
Gigastacy and Stacy (9-10) only want gigachad (10)
Stacylite (8) will settle for mid-Chad (9)
Beckies (5-7) will settle for Chadlite (8)
sub-beckies (1-4) will settle for Brad (7)
guys 1-6 don't get settled for: they can only betabux
I agree, fucking ugly women is no ascension either, good looking women only or pass me the rope
I don't find this a useful line of discussion because we all have different cutoffs and interests regarding what we think an attractive woman is
You're assuming here that perceiving the # of incels being higher is universally better.

I feel it's more of a double-edged sword.

Like yeah: theoretical brethren to do an uprising, "hey look they managed to exist without roping, I can too" benefits

But the downside is this proces just how much lower the odds are.

If it's only 10% of men who are incels you can think "I'm just hovering around the 9th percentile, I can boost up to 11% and get a girlfriend"

But if it's 60%, then if you view yourself at the 9th percentile you have absolutely no hope because 11, 16, even 21 would be too far from the finish line.
That's pretty interesting I guess I didn't think many guys thought like that
Your average man is not even wealthy enough to betabux though.
I think it would be more accurate to say that your average man ASPIRES to betabux because it's his best option.
But I don't think your average male earns enough to have enough disposable income to betabux.
Thats fair. I was more referring to the average men that are currently in relationships. I should have been more specific though, so thats on me.
Pretty sure it's a lot lower % of us than 99% who are escortcels
When I said that, I was referring to the fact that if prostitution is considered ascension, then practically every man on this site has the potential to ascend by that logic. Not that every man here has "ascended" with a prostitute.
You seem to be theorizing anyone with a working dick wants to self-cuck into thinking it's a good idea to be a good lil' biddy and throw his limited income away (and enter legal peril) so some foid who's touched a thousand other guys will touch him.
see above
Not exactly the same since beta-bux is LARPing which legalizes it, but in essence similar enough.
Agreed. Betabuxxing is the politically correct version of prostitution.

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