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authors for incels

blickpall said:
Can't be a renowned author until you've written a book.

Can't  tell if trolling or delusions of grandeur.

Both. I'm 100% convinced that mentalceldom is the real culprit in most cases, and I seem to be the only one who challenges popular viewpoints.

Inceldomry is a phenomenon and will never be discussed objectively. Someone needs to do it and I see no volunteers.

I don't know....Stephen King?
Kointo said:
I don't know....Stephen King?

he wrote horror books and some good movie came after him ( like the original IT and APT PUPIL ), but imo that's it
nausea said:

he wrote horror books and some good movie came after him ( like the original IT and APT PUPIL ), but imo that's it

Because he's the only author I remember by name.
Kointo said:
nausea said:
he wrote horror books and some good movie came after him ( like the original IT and APT PUPIL ), but imo that's it
Because he's the only author I remember by name.
watch the movies I cited

KvltWarrior98 said:
nausea said:
Thank you for mentioning me brother!
my duty
Damn good thread. @nausea is clearly a man of highly rarefied taste. I really enjoy the work of both Kafka and Céline (though he was hardly an incel and makes it obvious in his quasi-autobiographical writing); I've only read On the Heights of Despair by Cioran, but I'm hoping to get into The Trouble with Being Born sometime soon. I'll second any Houellebecq recommendations; the man is one of the only, and certainly the most prominent, cultural figures with any kind of legitimate understating of inceldom and the sociopolitical decadence that has enabled the disease to fester among Marginal Men.

Relatedly, I've been making my way incrementally through Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control by E. Michael Jones. It's a sort of fragmentary history of the official promulgation of sexual liberalism and how it has been used to manipulate people by the reins of their unloosed passions. So far, it has focused a lot more on the former in somewhat tenuously linked moments since the French Revolution and has, regrettably, eschewed a detailed discussion of the political economy of the exploitation of desire. Jones is a Catholic and it certainly shows throughout the book, with a good deal of the criticism therein being informed by dogma that might tire secularcels. This will no doubt appeal to the visible contingent of anti-degeneracy tradcels here, though, and anyone who is for any reason nauseated by the whorish and hedonistic character of our zeitgeist is advised to at least give this tome a look. 

Off the top of my head, some other good reading material:

Die Blendung (Auto-da-Fé) - Elias Canetti: Written in interwar Germany, this novel concerns a reclusive, volcel sinologist who has little fondness for the world outside of his voluminous, fastidiously-maintained library. BUT - this fella ends up marrying his boorish cleaning woman, who proceeds to complicate the guy's previously placid and orderly life beyond measure. Also included are a conniving, quixotic dwarf and a cunt-beating security man. The style is very much evocative of a Céline-Kafka hybrid, with all of the viciousness of the former present alongside all of the surrealism of the latter. Canetti would go on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature for his sociological work Crowds and Power.

The Room - Hubert Selby, Jr.: The main character is not an incel, but he's certainly a tragic figure. This is a remarkably bleak book with vistas only as broad as a jail cell and will tread familiar territory for those acquainted with impotent rage and a consuming lust for revenge. What one should ultimately take away here, though, is a firm caution against ressentiment.

Cows - Matthew Stokoe: The protagonist begins the novel an incel and sheds his burden by the end. I really don't think you'll end up envying him, though. I won't spoil anything at all, but I'll simply say that this book is absolutely saturated with disgust and sickness. A reminder, for those of us that lack it entirely, of what human interaction is reducible to. 

If anything revelatory comes to my attention, I'll be sure to head back here.
Ledgemund said:
a man of highly rarefied taste
kill me now
Ledgemund said:
 The style is very much evocative of a Céline-Kafka hybrid, with all of the viciousness of the former present alongside all of the surrealism of the latter
interesting, thx for such info
Ledgemund said:
Cows - Matthew Stokoe: The protagonist begins the novel an incel and sheds his burden by the end. I really don't think you'll end up envying him, though. I won't spoil anything at all, but I'll simply say that this book is absolutely saturated with disgust and sickness. A reminder, for those of us that lack it entirely, of what human interaction is reducible to. 
Ledgemund said:
If anything revelatory comes to my attention, I'll be sure to head back here.
fucking thanks
Chroist! I forgot one of the quintessential incel works, Otto Weininger's Geschelcht und Charakter (Sex and Character). Weininger, a strikingly precocious thinker, authored this book at the turn of the 19th century before extinguishing his brilliant light at the age of 22. The book is taken up with an inquiry into the nature of the male and female essence. I can't call forth all of the details expounded herein at this moment, but much of the work very much draws on the Schopenhauer's estimation of women as perpetual children (for those unaware, Über die Weber is a nice, quick read). Fundamentally, the absolute 'female' lacks the capacity for universal genius (elaborated here as one's insight into other psychological types and with the totality of being, at odds with the popular conception of women as more 'empathetic', but obviously in accordance with the reality of the situation) and is an incomplete being with an atrophied sense of meaning. These are archetypes, with no one being entirely psycholoigcally male or female, and Weininger, decades earlier, here anticipates the 'spectrum' thinking of pomo gendercrit chucklefucks (also useful for making sense of both emasculated nu-male types as well as uppity vvymmyn). All this is just fine, but the real attraction is the final chapter, wherein Weininger propounds an an antinatalist, ascetic solution to man's foremost quandary, the Cunt Question. It's available free online, for those looking a few hours to kill.

Also! Yukio Mishima’s Temple of the Golden Pavilion in an excellent allegory about the common drive to destroy and to possess. For those of us still in the thrall of whores to some degree (myself included), this is a good examination of the desire/annihilation duality. Choice scenes include our young protagonist stamping on a pregnant cunt at the behest of an American GI and his later rebuffing of intimacy with a homely dame.

I've not read it, but I've heard good things about Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet
Ledgemund said:
The book is taken up with an inquiry into the nature of the male and female essence. I can't call forth all of the details expounded herein at this moment, but much of the work very much draws on the Schopenhauer's estimation of women as perpetual children (for those unaware, Über die Weber is a nice, quick read). Fundamentally, the absolute 'female' lacks the capacity for universal genius (elaborated here as one's insight into other psychological types and with the totality of being, at odds with the popular conception of women as more 'empathetic', but obviously in accordance with the reality of the situation) and is an incomplete being with an atrophied sense of meaning. These are archetypes, with no one being entirely psycholoigcally male or female,
oh-oh, interesting truly

hope english translation is avaiable

what happened to the guy? died\gone havok at 22?
nausea said:
oh-oh, interesting truly

hope english translation is avaiable

what happened to the guy? died\gone havok at 22?


Put a bullet in his chest. I'm fairly sure he was an incel, as well. Prurient psychoanalysts like to play up his psychological anguish and misogyny as 'repressed homosexuality.' He was also an anti-Semitic Jew. Whether some kind internal tension was actually responsible, I don't know. Probably just saw things as they are a bit too lucidly.
Ledgemund said:
nausea said:
oh-oh, interesting truly
hope english translation is avaiable
what happened to the guy? died\gone havok at 22?
Put a bullet in his chest. I'm fairly sure he was an incel, as well. Prurient psychoanalysts like to play up his psychological anguish and misogyny as 'repressed homosexuality.' He was also an anti-Semitic Jew. Whether some kind internal tension was actually responsible, I don't know. Probably just saw things as they are a bit too lucidly.
thx, precious info

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