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authors for incels



Nov 9, 2017
franz kafka

l.f. celine

emil cioran

I have read all of their work, masterpiece
celine quote

“An Immense hatred keeps me alive... i would live for a thousand years if i were certain of seeing the whole world croak.”
another one from celine

“But women aren't just bodies! ... boor! they're "companions" as well! what of their charms, their grace, their twitterings? sure, sure! if suicide appeals to you ...”

and this is powerful

“You can be a virgin in horror the same as in sex.”
What books would you recommend from Franz Kafka

“let’s not forget, but make it our business to record the worst of the human viciousness we’ve seen without changing one word.”

Salutextm said:
What books would you recommend from Franz Kafka

it depends on the fact you are new to kafka or not

man this is heavy...

“The worst part is wondering how you'll find the strength tomorrow to go on doing what you did today and have been doing for much too long, where you'll find the strength for all that stupid running around, those projects that come to nothing, those attempts to escape from crushing necessity, which always founder and serve only to convince you one more time that destiny is implacable, that every night will find you down and out, crushed by the dread of more and more sordid and insecure tomorrows.”
nausea said:

“let’s not forget, but make it our business to record the worst of the human viciousness we’ve seen without changing one word.”

it depends on the fact you are new to kafka or not

man this is heavy...

“The worst part is wondering how you'll find the strength tomorrow to go on doing what you did today and have been doing for much too long, where you'll find the strength for all that stupid running around, those projects that come to nothing, those attempts to escape from crushing necessity, which always founder and serve only to convince you one more time that destiny is implacable, that every night will find you down and out, crushed by the dread of more and more sordid and insecure tomorrows.”

I'm new but damn man. That quote feels like what I've been going through in the past few days
Salutextm said:
I'm new but damn man. That quote feels like what I've been going through in the past few days

I am quoting celine here

about kafka: I started with "the metamorphosis", if you ask me, I found the book inferior than "the process" and "the castle"
Charles Bukowski. At least he was blackpilled as fuck:
"There are women who can make you feel more with their bodies and their souls but these are the exact women who will turn the knife into you right in front of the crowd. Of course, I expect this, but the knife still cuts. The female loves to play man against man, and if she is in a position to do it there is not one who will not resist. The male, for all his bravado and exploration, is the loyal one, the one who generally feels love. The female is skilled at betrayal. and torture and damnation. Never envy a man his lady. Behind it all lays a living hell."
and this is Cioran

warn you that's potent suicidefuel

Everything from Michel Houellebecq (my user title is one of his books: "atomized" in English). Or, here a quote from "Whatever", the literal title actually meaning "extension of hte area of struggle" (first area of struggle: capitalist free market, now "extended" after teh sexual revolution and a capitalist sexual market: 

“Just like unrestrained economic liberty, and for similar reasons, sexual liberty produces phenomena of absolute pauperization. Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It’s what’s known as ‘the law of the market’. In an economic system where unfair dismissal is prohibited, every person more or less manages to find their place. In a sexual system where adultery is prohibited, every person more or less manages to find their bed mate. In a totally free economic system certain people accumulate considerable fortunes; others stagnate in unemployment and misery. In a totally free sexual system some have a varied and exciting erotic life; others are reduced to masturbation and solitude.” 

Or his book "submission" about how France becomes Islamic ......  but the twist is that things actually become BETTER after it became Islamic, because Islam dismantles capitalism and feminism. (It's not quite convincing because I believe this economic model to still be capitalist and he praises harems and polygamy which is obviously bad for low-status men. But still, I think it's still a great idea to use this fear about "islamization" and then make a twist about how things are getting BETTER because Islam destroys capitalism and feminism.) 


The novel "Whatevere" were teh above quote is from ends, btw, with the author convincing a fat incel to murder a girl and her Chad. The fat incel has a breakdown and the author convicnes him to take from the girl the most precious thing she has. "Her beauty"?, the fat incel asks, "No, her life", the author replies. And then, at the end, he ends up in a mental hospital. 

If that's not an incel novel I don't know what else is. 
@Red Shambhala thank you!!!!!

what about the authors I indicated?
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
But what if I don't want to read about child rape?

your img doesnt show
nausea said:
@Red Shambhala thank you!!!!!

what about the authors I indicated?

From Cioran I only read a book with aphorisms, Celine I don't know but always wanted to check him out and Kafka is, of course, the original incel author, I guess. Which reminds me, since I mentioned Houllebecq, there is another passage in one of his novels ("Atomized") where he mentions Kafka. His literal alter ego, a fat incel that is getting bullied by his class mates, discovers Kafka, and Houellebcq describes this moment of him discovering Kafka, saying that he immediately understood him and his themes, that the world is COLD, slow and mercilessly moving onwards, like this clockwork you're just trapped in, but that even in this cold world there is something warm: pussy. Alas, his alter ego then concludes, he just has no access to this warmth... he's an incel.
Mars by Fritz Zorn is about an incel.
Immanuel Cunt is the most cucked incel author. He stayed virgin his whole life but his philosophy was bluepilled as fuck.
also all these authors are blackpilled af
Tempus Edax Rerum, showed me Arthur Schopenhauer, and his essays on pessimism is excellent, there's also a Youtube audio for it.
That story about Gregor by Fran Kafka. Anything by Plato

@[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Tempus Edax Rerum[/font]

@Tempus Edax Rerum
Fantasy books are good for incels. Rich, sparkling universe (great escapism from your vacant basement) yet still comprehendable enough so you'll get though them cover to cover. Due to the incels many years in isolation and consequently thousands of shitposts on imageboards their IQ- and attention span has dropped significantly.
nausea said:
ahahhahaha I too read selfish gene

what do you think of the authors I mentioned?

Well yeah, the selfish gene is a very popular book. Highly advertised, and Richard Dawkins has a huge public personality.
Yeah, very depressing book... there's also another book called Conspiracy Against the Human Race, which I haven't read... but I've heard has similar undertones to selfish gene.

I haven't read any of the authors you have mentioned lol.

Meh, philosophy is typically very dense... sometimes you vegetate on a couple of paragraphs for weeks, sometimes you finish the whole book in one sitting, it depends.

I go through long periods of sloth or vegetation, and short periods of HIGH productivity/learning. There have been weeks, where I've read 4 books per week, and then that gradually declined into not reading anything for countless months. I always go through these cycles.
shukin said:
Fantasy books are good for incels. Rich, sparkling universe (great escapism from your vacant basement) yet still comprehendable enough so you'll get though them cover to cover. Due to the incels many years in isolation and consequently thousands of shitposts on imageboards their IQ- and attention span has dropped significantly.
LOL @ the muh IQ threads.

That meme has to end soon.

Hardly any of the dimwits posting in it, have high IQ themselves.
nausea said:
and this is Cioran

warn you that's potent suicidefuel


I've watched it(its the first part). I find the background music kind of annoying... i get it, its suppose to induce a certain low energy vibration state in your body, so you take this information in, with a sense of heaviness or dread. The process of taking in knowledge or information has to be organic.  It has to be tied to an emotional state(vibrational signature in the body) to be absorbed.

Here are the things that resonated with me:

the feelings that I've had that everyone is wrong, that everyone is naive, made myself give me a chance to participate of not to be wrong. As in not to participate in anything to act to in some sort of a comedy for others, with out participating in this comedy.
From an early age, as early as ages 4-6. I've concluded that either everyone is completely retarded or vastly inferior to anything that I was(including my parents and all of my relatives) or everyone is pretending/acting to be "asleep" in order to hide their true capabilities... I could not believe that everyone was actually "asleep", so I
assumed that everyone is merely pretending to be "asleep" to hide their capabilities or potential from others, in order to maintain some type of a strategic advantage in life, if conflict ever arose.

Remember how he was reading, and he spoke to the gardener outside of the library, and the gardener said, " You won't find the answers in books." and Cioran noted, that the Gardener was actually thinking/woke person like him, and NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. See, he had exactly the same perception of everyone literally being in a communal state of mental retardation/slumber.

There is a genetic predisposition for being a more wakeful/cerebral person.  This is why you can't educate a regular person to be a genius... you can train him to be a laborer of science that is capable of following/imitating the method/process of certain field of knowledge, but you cannot create a "creative genius" that is literally moved by his "nature"(genetic endowment).

everything in life is possible only through forgetfulness.
I know exactly what he means. It's completely surreal(true sense of the word) how people are able to IGNORE the fact that their DEATH is approaching.  People are congitively detached from a thing that is "far away", they just busy themselves with every day problems, and ONLY SEE WHATS near at hand.  I think the difference between the regular person (who is a sleeping animal pretty much) and a genius(a real human being), is that the genius(real human being) is born with a certain type of genetic predispostion, that make him susceptible to deep abstract thought. But even with the proper genetics, you need the right type of environment and life experiences to be moved into the path of becoming a "philsopher/poet"(thinker)

the excess of consciousness is fatal
This is where solitude comes in. You become alone, among other people. Other people becomes sleeping animals/insicects in human form.

I have become immune to anything: to the old beliefs or to any future beliefs. I've changed my opinion concerning any historical realities,
Any participation in the temporal unrests is a waste of time and a useless dissipation.

I've also found things like being drafted into the army is absurd. Why would I a conscious being, namely a man, be reduces into an instrument of war to bring war and destruction to other people?  How could anyone be persuaded or moved into this type of nonsense?

It's the same cycle of conflicts(from natural phenomena to man-made wars) repeating themselves over and over again in different places, in different times, with different names.

“…the greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble… They can never be solved, but only outgrown…What on a lower level had led to the wildest conflicts and to emotions full of panic, viewed from the higher-level of the personality now seems like a storm in a valley seen from a high mountain top. This does not mean that the thunderstorm is robbed of its reality; it means that, instead of being in it, one is now above it.” (Carl Jung)
Giacomo Leopardi.

Also ASOIAF By George RR Martin is full of ugly incel and subhuman characters.
nausea said:

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]emil cioran is one who interests me [/font]
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
nausea said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]emil cioran is one who interests me [/font]
I discovered him in times of suicidality
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]emil cioran is one who interests me [/font]

check what he said about suicide ))
nausea said:
check what he said about suicide ))

Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:



he also said "suicide is useless for it comes always too late"

also he didn't suicide
nausea said:


he also said "suicide is useless for it comes always too late"

also he didn't suicide

He also was not incel 


you see that jaw line?


  • cioran.jpg
    52.7 KB · Views: 140
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
He also was not incel
yeah, even celine wasn't incel

neither kafka

blickpall said:

nausea said:

Thank you for directing me brother, you are very kind. Assalamu 'Alaikum
nausea said:
Reading "the possibility of an island" rigth now, i used to be a huge bookcel but i got discarriaged.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
I've watched it(its the first part). I find the background music kind of annoying... i get it, its suppose to induce a certain low energy vibration state in your body, so you take this information in, with a sense of heaviness or dread. The process of taking in knowledge or information has to be organic.  It has to be tied to an emotional state(vibrational signature in the body) to be absorbed.

Here are the things that resonated with me:

From an early age, as early as ages 4-6. I've concluded that either everyone is completely retarded or vastly inferior to anything that I was(including my parents and all of my relatives) or everyone is pretending/acting to be "asleep" in order to hide their true capabilities... I could not believe that everyone was actually  "asleep", so I
assumed that everyone is merely pretending to be "asleep" to hide their capabilities or potential from others, in order to maintain some type of a strategic advantage in life, if conflict ever arose.

Remember how he was reading, and he spoke to the gardener outside of the library, and the gardener said, " You won't find the answers in books." and Cioran noted, that the Gardener was actually thinking/woke person like him, and NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. See, he had exactly the same perception of everyone literally being in a communal state of mental retardation/slumber.

There is a genetic predisposition for being a more wakeful/cerebral person.  This is why you can't educate a regular person to be a genius... you can train him to be a laborer of science that is capable of following/imitating the method/process of certain field of knowledge, but you cannot create a "creative genius" that is literally moved by his "nature"(genetic endowment).

I know exactly what he means. It's completely surreal(true sense of the word) how people are able to IGNORE the fact that their DEATH is approaching.  People are congitively detached from a thing that is "far away", they just busy themselves with every day problems, and ONLY SEE WHATS near at hand.  I think the difference between the regular person (who is a sleeping animal pretty much) and a genius(a real human being), is that the genius(real human being) is born with a certain type of genetic predispostion, that make him susceptible to deep abstract thought. But even with the proper genetics, you need the right type of environment and life experiences to be moved into the path of becoming a "philsopher/poet"(thinker)

This is where solitude comes in. You become alone, among other people. Other people becomes sleeping animals/insicects in human form.

I've also found things like being drafted into the army is absurd. Why would I a conscious being, namely a man, be reduces into an instrument of war to bring war and destruction to other people?  How could anyone be persuaded or moved into this type of nonsense?

It's the same cycle of conflicts(from natural phenomena to man-made wars) repeating themselves over and over again in different places, in different times, with different names.

check my thread about jung
Marcus Aurelius and the other stoic authors are great for LDAR. Religion for cope.
MrTran said:
Marcus Aurelius and the other stoic authors are great for LDAR. Religion for cope.
yes stoics are powerful
MrTran said:
Marcus Aurelius and the other stoic authors are great for LDAR

Uh, how? They are much more about making the most of your life...
Philosophy is great stuff. The great philosophers of our past should be read, but the only philosopher of our modern day who can drop sick ass black pills that are directly relevant to inceldomry is me.

I should write a book. I could easily cater to all flavors of incels. Everything from functional truecels (very rare) to mentalcels in denial. I just don't think we need this forum anymore. Get all of my posts from the other forum, paste them on here along with the watered down shit I've written on here.

I'm done with this charade. Everything from exercise/diet nutrition to how incels should plan for the future would be included. Holy fuck, it pains me that I am not a renowned author with a large underground cult following.
Oodar said:
Philosophy is great stuff. The great philosophers of our past should be read, but the only philosopher of our modern day who can drop sick ass black pills that are directly relevant to inceldomry is me.

I should write a book. I could easily cater to all flavors of incels. Everything from functional truecels (very rare) to mentalcels in denial. I just don't think we need this forum anymore. Get all of my posts from the other forum, paste them on here along with the watered down shit I've written on here.

I'm done with this charade. Everything from exercise/diet nutrition to how incels should plan for the future would be included. Holy fuck, it pains me that I am not a renowned author with a large underground cult following.

Can't be a renowned author until you've written a book.

Can't  tell if trolling or delusions of grandeur.

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