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RageFuel Attractive people and success



Dec 3, 2022
Ngl although the halo effect is real and there is a bias amongst looks in places idk man most attractive people I knew irl had multiple halos. Also most attractive people are obviously neurotypical this “diagnosed non NT chad/chadlite” supposed hypothetical is cope. The one example people use is some mentally retarded guy who looks like Sean o pry?
Ok but he’s mentally fucking retarded so it doesn’t matter all he does is rot in his house all day.

.org chads/chadlites are legit the only really attractive people who let’s be honest are all losers in life. They’re abused dog spergs and somewhat non NT which is sadly something u can fix.

The high PSL people I knew irl were all athletes, some did very well in school and were always above average in any skill. Most supermodels or actors have some sort of actually good job or experience if not they are talented in other aspects.

I guess genes really do come in packages and very attractive people usually have good genetics in every aspect. Obviously it’s primarily looks they are selected but a lot of them seem to be naturally more gifted in many skills. Obviously if ur non NT then genes don’t matter in our case since non NT overrides.

Also I notice the best looking ethnics/non whites in general yes the most attractive ethnics tend to be the most gifted in all aspects of life compared to the rest of their group.
It's a harsh world we live in
If they are bad at something they always get help and positive reinforcement while if you are ugly you can't afford to make a single mistake
"Every Battle is Won Before it is Fought"-Sun Tzu.
You keep talking about non NT, you tall dumb kid.

You are NT.

You go to uni, you have classes, you focus in class, do tests, talk with students and teachers, and you will get a job a some point in the future.

And you socialize 24/7 here with no problems.

A non NT person is someone like this brain fried nigger @Intellau_Celistic

Thats non NT and yes it is a real problem for him
You are NT.
You go to uni,
Only for certain reasons. Dude I rot all day other than that doomscrolling. I go to uni and listen to music while rotting on the forums, discord or whatever other BP space I’m in.
you have classes,
you focus in class,
I haven’t focused in class a day in my life the past 7-8 years. I am not even exaggerating I’m legit incapable of focusing in class anyways because I legit am giga non NT and don’t have the attention span.
do tests,
means nothing
talk with students and teachers,
I don’t whatsoever not even close
and you will get a job a some point in the future.
A shit job is irrelevant
And you socialize 24/7 here with no problems.
it’s an incel forum.
A non NT person is someone like this brain fried nigger @Intellau_Celistic

Thats non NT and yes it is a real problem for him
ok but Intellau is like the most non NT person in any BP forum. Like nobody is more non NT than him he legit has like the most disorders, illnesses and problems in his life than anybody here. half this forum isn’t even super ugly/short anyways. There are plenty of NT Incels irl and they don’t rot in forums like this it’s mainly non NT spergs who do.

Only for certain reasons. Dude I rot all day other than that doomscrolling. I go to uni and listen to music while rotting on the forums, discord or whatever other BP space I’m in.


I haven’t focused in class a day in my life the past 7-8 years. I am not even exaggerating I’m legit incapable of focusing in class anyways because I legit am giga non NT and don’t have the attention span.

means nothing

I don’t whatsoever not even close

A shit job is irrelevant

it’s an incel forum.

ok but Intellau is like the most non NT person in any BP forum. Like nobody is more non NT than him he legit has like the most disorders, illnesses and problems in his life than anybody here. half this forum isn’t even super ugly/short anyways. There are plenty of NT Incels irl and they don’t rot in forums like this it’s mainly non NT spergs who do.
Real life incels who dont rot online, does not mean they are happier than incels here or online anywhere.

Are you failing your classes?
Real life incels who dont rot online, does not mean they are happier than incels here or online anywhere.
Incels aren’t uncommon irl it’s 25-30% of the population. I knew plenty and one like I said would be considered “popular” because he was friends with every single guy in my school. He was KHHV or smth similar yet was ofc not depressed since he had a very active social life.
Are you failing your classes?
Idk I don’t check my grades in uni & I rotted for a while so I haven’t really had any incentive to do much work. I pretty much have a disability paper but looks like even then I still have to like ig initiate my own ACCOMMODATIONS at times or some shit but i don’t even bother to email or interact with the teachers let alone my classmates.
Incels aren’t uncommon irl it’s 25-30% of the population. I knew plenty and one like I said would be considered “popular” because he was friends with every single guy in my school. He was KHHV or smth similar yet was ofc not depressed since he had a very active social life.

Idk I don’t check my grades in uni & I rotted for a while so I haven’t really had any incentive to do much work. I pretty much have a disability paper but looks like even then I still have to like ig initiate my own ACCOMMODATIONS at times or some shit but i don’t even bother to email or interact with the teachers let alone my classmates.
Looks like you have depression not an NT issue
Looks like you have depression not an NT issue
No I’ve been diagnosed with autism + adhd since I was 8. 90% of my issues (at least issues with executive functioning or skill set) are related to my disorder and I’ve re tested a few times as well. I check out every box and symptom and obviously have more unique issues cuz of that combination
No I’ve been diagnosed with autism + adhd since I was 8. 90% of my issues (at least issues with executive functioning or skill set) are related to my disorder and I’ve re tested a few times as well. I check out every box and symptom and obviously have more unique issues cuz of that combination
What are u studying
we were all born with poor stats in life
Water post bro
I hate attractive people so much.
I hate attractive people so much.
I obsess over this all day bruh , they amount of love , relationships, sex, money and self esteem they get is not fair while people like us get the opposite
Looks are the biggest foundation for a good life. It's not always that good genes come in packages, it's that good looks bring positive reinforcement to all aspects of life at any stage
The vast majority of successful people are ugly subhumsn turds
"Every Battle is Won Before it is Fought"-Sun Tzu.
People overestimate importance of hard work, training, studying, reading and downplay importance of being naturally gifted.
You can't build a stable building without solid ground.
Like 'acting the right way' wouldn't help you if you're a genetic failure.
Real life often requires being quick-witted and spontaneous performance which some people ( like autists and other mentally ill uggos ) simply lack.
IMG 1244
IMG 0664

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