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Blackpill Atheists are mostly ugly men



Nov 15, 2017
While of course there are exceptions, I've noticed that the average atheist in the West was a man with <7 looks.

It is harder to believe in a just and loving God when you are ugly, due to the halo effects that permeate into everything, not merely sex.

On the other hand, an argument could be made that ugliness is actually a blessing since it encourages you to abandon the material world in favor of the spiritual world.
true, just look at Sargon of Akcuck or The Amazing Athiest (Cuckthiest) on Youtube.
I disagree, in my country (morocco, muslim country) where there are max 5% of atheists, they are actually hotter than average.

It's hard to stay muslim when you have so many opportunities to engage in sex, so it kinda makes sense (to show you that your logic is lousy and can be used in the reverse way )

Also Sam harris is kinda a chad for his age.
true, just look at Sargon of Akcuck or The Amazing Athiest (Cuckthiest) on Youtube.
God damn these "Skeptics" are cringe. I remember when I used to watch these fags on the daily. I am so glad I have moved on to traditionalist and Christian channels like Brother Nathanaels'.
The majority of atheists are cancerous and annoying.
true, just look at Sargon of Akcuck or The Amazing Athiest (Cuckthiest) on Youtube.

Literally despise the both of them.

By the way

Go to pornhub and type in amazing atheist, but don't say I didn't warn you
God damn these "Skeptics" are cringe. I remember when I used to watch these fags on the daily. I am so glad I have moved on to traditionalist and Christian channels like Brother Nathanaels'.
yea when i was a blue pilled beta i would subscribe to many popular libtard channels, JFL now i know the real truths
Literally despise the both of them.

By the way

Go to pornhub and type in amazing atheist, but don't say I didn't warn you
lol what is it gonna show? did he participate in a porn? or is it a category of gay athiests doing each other?
good observation! most atheist are edgy virgins
lol what is it gonna show? did he participate in a porn? or is it a category of gay athiests doing each other?

Trust me, you don't even want to know. Just go look but prepare bleach for your eyes
Dunno, religion is a massive cope. Hardcore atheists are probably ugly because they spend their time thinking about shit.
Chad is neither religious, nor atheist. He’s too busy playing sports, hanging out with his large social circle, and fucking chicks to think about philosophy or religion.
Yep I notice this, it's a bunch of edgy fat numale cucks that have hairy asses
Atheism seems to be the religion of social outcasts, which is to say ugly people.
I think it's more complicated than that. Individuals who are ugly are also likely to be outcasts and develop obscure interests and become more generally curious about the world around them. That curiosity leads them to learn the truths of the world and about religion in particular, hence becoming atheist/agnostic.
in my country (morocco, muslim country)
In Morocco what is the incel situation?

Since in that country women are not yet emancipated, for a boy it is not easier to find a girl?
In Morocco what is the incel situation?

Since in that country women are not yet emancipated, for a boy it is not easier to find a girl?

I'd say almost 50% of guys are incels untill marriage, but they try to cope with things like : girls just want money JFL. While it's kinda true that some girls grew in poor family and other are conservatives so they would either date only a rich guy or for the second category wait untill marriage, there is still a gitaton of sluts fucking chads especially in big cities so it's a gigacope.
I'd say almost 50% of guys are incels untill marriage, but they try to cope with things like : girls just want money JFL. While it's kinda true that some girls grew in poor family and other are conservatives so they would either date only a rich guy or for the second category wait untill marriage, there is still a gitaton of sluts fucking chads especially in big cities so it's a gigacope.
I believe most men just lie about their lay count to not seem weird around their friends. Respect to those who own up to their celibacy and wait until marriage.
I believe most men just lie about their lay count to not seem weird around their friends. Respect to those who own up to their celibacy and wait until marriage.

Very few men do that out of choice honestly, i'd day 10% of men but 50% of women do (remember we still have a lot of conservatives especially in the rural parts of the country, not because the women have more virtue than men but because of families and social stigma )

Most men who say they are waiting for marriage are just copers except in freakishingky rare occurences. The real religious guys/salafis, most guys (even the religious one) would still have sex if they could and still go to the mosque everyday lol.
Very few men do that out of choice honestly, i'd day 10% of men but 50% of women do (remember we still have a lot of conservatives especially in the rural parts of the country, not because the women have more virtue than men but because of families and social stigma )

Most men who say they are waiting for marriage are just copers except in freakishingky rare occurences. The real religious guys/salafis, most guys (even the religious one) would still have sex if they could and still go to the mosque everyday lol.
They're just the hardest larpers, just lol if you think an actual Muslim can go out and have pre-marital sex.
They're just the hardest larpers, just lol if you think an actual Muslim can go out and have pre-marital sex.

No true scotsman fallacy.

Zina don't make someone not a muslim.

I'm not a muslim bro but i know everything there is to know about Islam, and Zina doesn't make one a kafir.
It's definitely a weird thing to build an identity around.
Yeah, I used to when I was younger. Listened to Richard Dawkins and all that. Not much else to build identity around as a godless heathen.
No true scotsman fallacy.

Zina don't make someone not a muslim.

I'm not a muslim bro but i know everything there is to know about Islam, and Zina doesn't make one a kafir.
Once you don't live as a Muslim, you are no longer a Muslim. It's as simple as that.
Once you don't live as a Muslim, you are no longer a Muslim. It's as simple as that.

Bro islam have rules and shit, there are things that makes one kafir like insulting allah, not praying according to some schools of Islam etc, Zina isn't one of them.

You can't just make your own islam rules brotha
Bro islam have rules and shit, there are things that makes one kafir like insulting allah, not praying according to some schools of Islam etc, Zina isn't one of them.

You can't just make your own islam rules brotha
I'm not making my own rules, "brotha." You're a kafir, you especially have no say in the matter. If you're gonna have pre-marital sex, you're not a Muslim. I can't make it any more simple for you.
they all have zero cucked personalities
I'm not making my own rules, "brotha." You're a kafir, you especially have no say in the matter. If you're gonna have pre-marital sex, you're not a Muslim. I can't make it any more simple for you.

That's dumb, me being a non-christian doesn't make the claim "jesus is the son of god according to christianism" false because i said it.

I'm making a factual claims, stop LARPING. Zina doesn't makes one kafir but you know what does ? Calling someone's kafir in an illegitimate way (like saying Zina makes one a kafir )
I'm not making my own rules, "brotha." You're a kafir, you especially have no say in the matter. If you're gonna have pre-marital sex, you're not a Muslim. I can't make it any more simple for you.
Do kafir scum deserve the rope before us?:feelzez:
They're just the hardest larpers, just lol if you think an actual Muslim can go out and have pre-marital sex.

Oh boy, you are gonna be in for a ride :)

Because it's true.
That's dumb, me being a non-christian doesn't make the claim "jesus is the son of god according to christianism" false because i said it.

I'm making a factual claims, stop LARPING. Zina doesn't makes one kafir but you know what does ? Calling someone's kafir in an illegitimate way (like saying Zina makes one a kafir )

Again, you're just a kafir. If you have pre-marital sex, you're no Muslim.

Oh boy, you are gonna be in for a ride :)

Because it's true.
They're larpers, boyo.

Do kafir scum deserve the rope before us?:feelzez:

Answer that yourself.
Sometimes hot, sometimes not.
There is a frequent pattern.
From my perspective, I've seen a different motivation for atheism. And how their life experience has given them an outlook towards seeing the utility in the futility of a God.
Chad has overall had a good life experience and sees religion as adding extra trauma to their relationship gang. Religion was always a way to cow the weak through a feminine mechanism known as "abstract angle manipulation". Where in the Savannahs of africa the biggest ruled, the weak had to create different mediums to dominate. By mental control.
Men can believe that since they are chad, they can be atheist since they can transcend societal control systems like religion. Halo effect will take care of the rest.
And they can believe their ENTIRE EXISTENCE was perfect, and there is no hellfire awaiting them for living like selfish pricks lol.
i don't think there's any correlation between atheism and ugliness
cope, most people including chads are athiest but dont shove it down everyone's throats. the ugly ones do since they have nothing better to do with their shit lives
No fucking shit. Pretty much every "outspoken atheist" I've known was a mega neckbeard.

Most are really just dumb, unread people trying desperately to sound intelligent. No, your lack of belief in a God is no indication of high intellect. I've known plenty of religious doctors. Many of these people (who really aren't particularly knowledgeable or well educated in my experience) seem to honestly believe that they're smarter than say a Christian doctor just because "herrderr he's religious!" Okay then junior: put down the Doobie, get your GED, and let's see YOU make it through Med school if you're really so smart.

I'm not religious myself but god those people are cringe.
Religion is a cope.
Most normies are secret believers (though big sinners) or agnostics. Only rebellious edgelords and people who have boring and uneventful lives (often uggos) are atheists.

The mistake atheists make is that they believe God would have to intervene to prevent suffering or provide us with a good, fulfilling life while the bible (and I believe the quran as well) clearly states that life means suffering and only the wicked and God hating people will gain big success and wealth in this world.

Agnostics want proof that god exists, otherwise they are not going to believe in God. I think they are avoiding relilgious discussion because they want to continue their degenerate lives. There is no direct proof but many prophecies in the bible have been correct, too many to ignore.
Chads (including normies) WILL be respected no matter if they're atheist, christian, or muslim
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You cannot abondon the material world since you are material yourself.
Meanwhile Chad is fingering the "nice" church Stacy at bible study.
Back in high school I was talking to some of my classmates about atheism, and this shit nose ugly normie overheard our conversation and intruded saying to me, "you're an atheist, because you have no girlfriend"

Of course no it's not THAT and I said that to him and somehow it didn't escalate, but even if I added a follow up with a logical rebuttal against that his status and halo effect would just beat it, and mind you this fucking normie is speaking like a gay fag and religious too

Reflecting on that now how the fuck can you think like that, that's like saying you are a christian/muslim because you don't have a girlfriend and there are christian/muslim incels as well

Normies and chads stacies can say whatever they want in an argument in real life even if it's a PERSONAL ATTACK OR INSULT because they know they would've a high chance of winning just by having HALO EFFECT and STATUS
Negatory I'm ugly and I'm religious.

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