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Discussion At what height is it actually over for you?

Zhou Chang-Xing

Zhou Chang-Xing

Feb 16, 2022
I was looking at the average height of forum users here and this is the data:

As of writing this the median height is 5'8.

The average American toilet is 5'4.

"In a team up between Rice University and the University of North Texas, researchers conducted a two part study on different genders preferences in relation to partners. The first section of the study was data taken from different dating profiles around the us, average male height was 5 feet 8 inches and female was 5 feet 4 inches. After compiling data from 455 males and 470 females, they found that only 13.5% of men wanted to date only women that were shorter than they are, but almost half of the women wanted to date only men that were taller than they were."

Our numbers seem to reflect the overal dating scene, the average height of an Inkwells.is user is the same as the average height in the United States of America.

"The findings show that on average, people look for the male to be no more than 17% taller than the female. They also found a correlation between the height of the person and their preference of height, with tall women and short men looking for less of a height difference with their partner than either taller men and shorter women.

With these findings, as well as personal experience, we are able to reject the null hypothesis. this means that height actually does have an effect on a persons attractiveness no matter what their gender. And unfortunately that means for guys like me, we are goig to have to start buying platform shoes."

While the author says that it's ovER for short guys let's actually look at the chart buddy boyos.

Screenshot 20230216 083613

It's not just that taller MEN have more sex partners, taller PEOPLE have more sex partners. Foidlets seem to have less sex partners, just like manlets, the differences are simply more flat lined across toilets, but 6'7 men seem to have as many sex partners as 5'8 men. The most preferred height being 6'5, and 6'5 is the strongest outlier among men, as 6'4 men and 6'6 do about as well as 5'9 men.

This shows to me that if you exclude 6'5 men the difference between any other demographic of tall man is only SLIGHTLY better or the same as average men, with 6'4 men this is almost a 50% increase in number of sex partners, but for other tall men it's closer to 10%.

From this data we can assume that men 5'5 and shorter are struggling with 5'2 men having an average of 8 sex partners (which is 20% less than the average man.

Honestly, my hypothesis was that being tall wasn't a major advantage while being short is a major advantage but these studies show something else, rather being 6'5 is a major advantage, being 5'9 or taller (excluding 6'5) is a slight advantage and being short is a slight disadvantage. This also means that you only need to be ONE INCH above average to get "the tall treatment" (according to these numbers).

This would mean that the definition of Tallcel SHOULD start at 5'9 and the definition of Shortcel SHOULD start at 5'5. There are shoelifts that can add 4 inches to your height so the 5'5 shortcel can enjoy the tall privilege of the 5'9 tallcel without suffering the cardio-vascular diseases that tallfags suffer from.

One thing we can also tell from these numbers is that height-fetishists aren't significant enough to make actual large changes in these numbers, if we'd take the difference between tall and average men to be the difference height fetishists make them from 6'0 to 6'7 (81 / 7 = 11,6), the 5'8 man has 11 sex partners so combining all 6'0+ men gives us a number of only 1 more (if we round the number up). Tall men (broadly speaking) have on average ONLY 1 sex partner more, now let's look at 5'4 to 5'6 (29 / 3 = 9,6), rounding this down (worst possible interpretation) would be 9, but that's not how decimals work, so it's 10. This means that below average men have only 1 sex partner less. But we could say that slightly below average and tall men have a difference of 2 sex partners.

The only disadvantage here is for short men (5'2-5'3) with an average of 7 sex partners, this is a full 4 sex partners less than 5'8 men and is actually a significant amount.

This essentially means that heightpillers who think "tall = good" are kind of wrong, yes you can find millions of toilets talk about how awesome tallfags are, but they're an insignificant amount among all toilets overal, small enough to only constitute for one additional sex partner for tall men, and yeah, tall men can be happy to find that one height fetishist who really likes his tall stature, but compared to average men this is just one additional experience or 2 additional experiences (11 SP for 5'8 Vs. 13 SP for 6'5). Being tall is only a SLIGHT advantage, being below average is only a SLIGHT disadvantage, and being short is a significant disadvantage.

TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
I'm so short they don't bother including my height in the study because they know IT'S OVER there's no sex life to study :feelsrope:
Im sure there's a graph that can be made in relative to how much face can compensate for height, but below 5'6 is over
how the fuck are 5'2 niggas getting 8 partners in their lifetime on average? It really puts it into perspective what outliers we are.
how the fuck are 5'2 niggas getting 8 partners in their lifetime on average? It really puts it into perspective what outliers we are.

Chadlets skew the numbers, most probably have significantly less. But I'm sure that Chad's of all height skew the number for all men.
Anyone below 5'7 is a truecel.
TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
mfw height means literally nothing and manlets are just coping, denying that they're not ugly and it's "just their height". never would have guessed tbh dedsrs
mfw height means literally nothing and manlets are just coping, denying that they're not ugly and it's "just their height". never would have guessed tbh dedsrs

The heightpill is a lot like the baldpill, racepill, eyebrowpill, nosepill, beardpill, wristpill, Etc. Having one unattractive feature doesn't exclude you from the dating market, it is having multiple disadvantages. Sub-Chad's still need a minimum income (Betabuxxing), still need a minimum level of charisma, a minimum level of opportunities. The lower her standards are the higher the competition for her will be.

It really puts it into perspective what outliers we are.

Well, the top 5% of men have 50% of all penis-in-vagina sex acts.


While we may be general outliers for getting no pussy, most men who get pussy still don't have that many, they're still incels most days of the year and it's not rare for couples to have sex once a year if ever.

Even Chad can become an incel if he's bad in bed or has a small dick.

Even among toilets sex isn't equally distributed, some toilets have a very low libido, and some toilets have absolutely no libido. Some toilets with severe anxiety or depression might feel sexually aroused but don't actually like having sex, even with their long-term partners. Even if we ascend chances are great that we'd barely improve at all.
I never see men smaller than me at all. So I always assume they turned into rotters or killed themselves.
The heightpill is a lot like the baldpill, racepill, eyebrowpill, nosepill, beardpill, wristpill, Etc. Having one unattractive feature doesn't exclude you from the dating market, it is having multiple disadvantages. Sub-Chad's still need a minimum income (Betabuxxing), still need a minimum level of charisma, a minimum level of opportunities. The lower her standards are the higher the competition for her will be.
I disagree there. There are secondary factors that can offset race, wrist, beard etc. After a certain height its well and truly OVER unless you're able to be an extreme outlier e.g. be fucking Peter Dinklage, and even then his wife probably shits on him in private and they both know he basically bought her. The heightpill is brutal beyond words.
What are the mean heights for given age ranges?
I was looking at the average height of forum users here and this is the data:

As of writing this the median height is 5'8.

The average American toilet is 5'4.

"In a team up between Rice University and the University of North Texas, researchers conducted a two part study on different genders preferences in relation to partners. The first section of the study was data taken from different dating profiles around the us, average male height was 5 feet 8 inches and female was 5 feet 4 inches. After compiling data from 455 males and 470 females, they found that only 13.5% of men wanted to date only women that were shorter than they are, but almost half of the women wanted to date only men that were taller than they were."

Our numbers seem to reflect the overal dating scene, the average height of an Inkwells.is user is the same as the average height in the United States of America.

"The findings show that on average, people look for the male to be no more than 17% taller than the female. They also found a correlation between the height of the person and their preference of height, with tall women and short men looking for less of a height difference with their partner than either taller men and shorter women.

With these findings, as well as personal experience, we are able to reject the null hypothesis. this means that height actually does have an effect on a persons attractiveness no matter what their gender. And unfortunately that means for guys like me, we are goig to have to start buying platform shoes."

While the author says that it's ovER for short guys let's actually look at the chart buddy boyos.

View attachment 708318

It's not just that taller MEN have more sex partners, taller PEOPLE have more sex partners. Foidlets seem to have less sex partners, just like manlets, the differences are simply more flat lined across toilets, but 6'7 men seem to have as many sex partners as 5'8 men. The most preferred height being 6'5, and 6'5 is the strongest outlier among men, as 6'4 men and 6'6 do about as well as 5'9 men.

This shows to me that if you exclude 6'5 men the difference between any other demographic of tall man is only SLIGHTLY better or the same as average men, with 6'4 men this is almost a 50% increase in number of sex partners, but for other tall men it's closer to 10%.

From this data we can assume that men 5'5 and shorter are struggling with 5'2 men having an average of 8 sex partners (which is 20% less than the average man.

Honestly, my hypothesis was that being tall wasn't a major advantage while being short is a major advantage but these studies show something else, rather being 6'5 is a major advantage, being 5'9 or taller (excluding 6'5) is a slight advantage and being short is a slight disadvantage. This also means that you only need to be ONE INCH above average to get "the tall treatment" (according to these numbers).

This would mean that the definition of Tallcel SHOULD start at 5'9 and the definition of Shortcel SHOULD start at 5'5. There are shoelifts that can add 4 inches to your height so the 5'5 shortcel can enjoy the tall privilege of the 5'9 tallcel without suffering the cardio-vascular diseases that tallfags suffer from.

One thing we can also tell from these numbers is that height-fetishists aren't significant enough to make actual large changes in these numbers, if we'd take the difference between tall and average men to be the difference height fetishists make them from 6'0 to 6'7 (81 / 7 = 11,6), the 5'8 man has 11 sex partners so combining all 6'0+ men gives us a number of only 1 more (if we round the number up). Tall men (broadly speaking) have on average ONLY 1 sex partner more, now let's look at 5'4 to 5'6 (29 / 3 = 9,6), rounding this down (worst possible interpretation) would be 9, but that's not how decimals work, so it's 10. This means that below average men have only 1 sex partner less. But we could say that slightly below average and tall men have a difference of 2 sex partners.

The only disadvantage here is for short men (5'2-5'3) with an average of 7 sex partners, this is a full 4 sex partners less than 5'8 men and is actually a significant amount.

This essentially means that heightpillers who think "tall = good" are kind of wrong, yes you can find millions of toilets talk about how awesome tallfags are, but they're an insignificant amount among all toilets overal, small enough to only constitute for one additional sex partner for tall men, and yeah, tall men can be happy to find that one height fetishist who really likes his tall stature, but compared to average men this is just one additional experience or 2 additional experiences (11 SP for 5'8 Vs. 13 SP for 6'5). Being tall is only a SLIGHT advantage, being below average is only a SLIGHT disadvantage, and being short is a significant disadvantage.

TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
below 5‘9 is over for me. 5‘9 is by no means perfect, but atleast you arent getting towered by 13-15 yo girls.
Below 5'9 = ovER
I was looking at the average height of forum users here and this is the data:

As of writing this the median height is 5'8.

The average American toilet is 5'4.

"In a team up between Rice University and the University of North Texas, researchers conducted a two part study on different genders preferences in relation to partners. The first section of the study was data taken from different dating profiles around the us, average male height was 5 feet 8 inches and female was 5 feet 4 inches. After compiling data from 455 males and 470 females, they found that only 13.5% of men wanted to date only women that were shorter than they are, but almost half of the women wanted to date only men that were taller than they were."

Our numbers seem to reflect the overal dating scene, the average height of an Inkwells.is user is the same as the average height in the United States of America.

"The findings show that on average, people look for the male to be no more than 17% taller than the female. They also found a correlation between the height of the person and their preference of height, with tall women and short men looking for less of a height difference with their partner than either taller men and shorter women.

With these findings, as well as personal experience, we are able to reject the null hypothesis. this means that height actually does have an effect on a persons attractiveness no matter what their gender. And unfortunately that means for guys like me, we are goig to have to start buying platform shoes."

While the author says that it's ovER for short guys let's actually look at the chart buddy boyos.

View attachment 708318

It's not just that taller MEN have more sex partners, taller PEOPLE have more sex partners. Foidlets seem to have less sex partners, just like manlets, the differences are simply more flat lined across toilets, but 6'7 men seem to have as many sex partners as 5'8 men. The most preferred height being 6'5, and 6'5 is the strongest outlier among men, as 6'4 men and 6'6 do about as well as 5'9 men.

This shows to me that if you exclude 6'5 men the difference between any other demographic of tall man is only SLIGHTLY better or the same as average men, with 6'4 men this is almost a 50% increase in number of sex partners, but for other tall men it's closer to 10%.

From this data we can assume that men 5'5 and shorter are struggling with 5'2 men having an average of 8 sex partners (which is 20% less than the average man.

Honestly, my hypothesis was that being tall wasn't a major advantage while being short is a major advantage but these studies show something else, rather being 6'5 is a major advantage, being 5'9 or taller (excluding 6'5) is a slight advantage and being short is a slight disadvantage. This also means that you only need to be ONE INCH above average to get "the tall treatment" (according to these numbers).

This would mean that the definition of Tallcel SHOULD start at 5'9 and the definition of Shortcel SHOULD start at 5'5. There are shoelifts that can add 4 inches to your height so the 5'5 shortcel can enjoy the tall privilege of the 5'9 tallcel without suffering the cardio-vascular diseases that tallfags suffer from.

One thing we can also tell from these numbers is that height-fetishists aren't significant enough to make actual large changes in these numbers, if we'd take the difference between tall and average men to be the difference height fetishists make them from 6'0 to 6'7 (81 / 7 = 11,6), the 5'8 man has 11 sex partners so combining all 6'0+ men gives us a number of only 1 more (if we round the number up). Tall men (broadly speaking) have on average ONLY 1 sex partner more, now let's look at 5'4 to 5'6 (29 / 3 = 9,6), rounding this down (worst possible interpretation) would be 9, but that's not how decimals work, so it's 10. This means that below average men have only 1 sex partner less. But we could say that slightly below average and tall men have a difference of 2 sex partners.

The only disadvantage here is for short men (5'2-5'3) with an average of 7 sex partners, this is a full 4 sex partners less than 5'8 men and is actually a significant amount.

This essentially means that heightpillers who think "tall = good" are kind of wrong, yes you can find millions of toilets talk about how awesome tallfags are, but they're an insignificant amount among all toilets overal, small enough to only constitute for one additional sex partner for tall men, and yeah, tall men can be happy to find that one height fetishist who really likes his tall stature, but compared to average men this is just one additional experience or 2 additional experiences (11 SP for 5'8 Vs. 13 SP for 6'5). Being tall is only a SLIGHT advantage, being below average is only a SLIGHT disadvantage, and being short is a significant disadvantage.

TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
Yeah it's 5'3.

There's a correlation, the taller you are, the easier it will be, and the shorter you are, the harder. You will have to compensate more and more for each inch you lose.

At around 5'3 you gotta have some 20 types of maxed and also a good frame and decent face to even have a chance
5'7-5'9 is doable if you're a chad or loaded. 5'6 or below is over
a woman cant tell the difference between being 6 5 or 6 6 , imagine being 6 6 and struggling to get sex

this really just cant happen.
4 inches below average height where you live
below 6 foot = over unless you have an attractive face or money, but not pure primal sex like chad gets
below 5‘9 is over for me. 5‘9 is by no means perfect, but atleast you arent getting towered by 13-15 yo girls.
Unless you live in my area :feelsrope:
Depends on where your at, the northern midwest is filled with germanic blonde chads that are on average like 5"11 or even 6"0, so 5"9' over here is manlet tier
anything below 5’7
Where i live anything below 1,70m is suicide tier, 1,70m - 1,75m is not good but it's not that bad, ideal height would be something like 1,85m.
I was looking at the average height of forum users here and this is the data:

As of writing this the median height is 5'8.

The average American toilet is 5'4.

"In a team up between Rice University and the University of North Texas, researchers conducted a two part study on different genders preferences in relation to partners. The first section of the study was data taken from different dating profiles around the us, average male height was 5 feet 8 inches and female was 5 feet 4 inches. After compiling data from 455 males and 470 females, they found that only 13.5% of men wanted to date only women that were shorter than they are, but almost half of the women wanted to date only men that were taller than they were."

Our numbers seem to reflect the overal dating scene, the average height of an Inkwells.is user is the same as the average height in the United States of America.

"The findings show that on average, people look for the male to be no more than 17% taller than the female. They also found a correlation between the height of the person and their preference of height, with tall women and short men looking for less of a height difference with their partner than either taller men and shorter women.

With these findings, as well as personal experience, we are able to reject the null hypothesis. this means that height actually does have an effect on a persons attractiveness no matter what their gender. And unfortunately that means for guys like me, we are goig to have to start buying platform shoes."

While the author says that it's ovER for short guys let's actually look at the chart buddy boyos.

View attachment 708318

It's not just that taller MEN have more sex partners, taller PEOPLE have more sex partners. Foidlets seem to have less sex partners, just like manlets, the differences are simply more flat lined across toilets, but 6'7 men seem to have as many sex partners as 5'8 men. The most preferred height being 6'5, and 6'5 is the strongest outlier among men, as 6'4 men and 6'6 do about as well as 5'9 men.

This shows to me that if you exclude 6'5 men the difference between any other demographic of tall man is only SLIGHTLY better or the same as average men, with 6'4 men this is almost a 50% increase in number of sex partners, but for other tall men it's closer to 10%.

From this data we can assume that men 5'5 and shorter are struggling with 5'2 men having an average of 8 sex partners (which is 20% less than the average man.

Honestly, my hypothesis was that being tall wasn't a major advantage while being short is a major advantage but these studies show something else, rather being 6'5 is a major advantage, being 5'9 or taller (excluding 6'5) is a slight advantage and being short is a slight disadvantage. This also means that you only need to be ONE INCH above average to get "the tall treatment" (according to these numbers).

This would mean that the definition of Tallcel SHOULD start at 5'9 and the definition of Shortcel SHOULD start at 5'5. There are shoelifts that can add 4 inches to your height so the 5'5 shortcel can enjoy the tall privilege of the 5'9 tallcel without suffering the cardio-vascular diseases that tallfags suffer from.

One thing we can also tell from these numbers is that height-fetishists aren't significant enough to make actual large changes in these numbers, if we'd take the difference between tall and average men to be the difference height fetishists make them from 6'0 to 6'7 (81 / 7 = 11,6), the 5'8 man has 11 sex partners so combining all 6'0+ men gives us a number of only 1 more (if we round the number up). Tall men (broadly speaking) have on average ONLY 1 sex partner more, now let's look at 5'4 to 5'6 (29 / 3 = 9,6), rounding this down (worst possible interpretation) would be 9, but that's not how decimals work, so it's 10. This means that below average men have only 1 sex partner less. But we could say that slightly below average and tall men have a difference of 2 sex partners.

The only disadvantage here is for short men (5'2-5'3) with an average of 7 sex partners, this is a full 4 sex partners less than 5'8 men and is actually a significant amount.

This essentially means that heightpillers who think "tall = good" are kind of wrong, yes you can find millions of toilets talk about how awesome tallfags are, but they're an insignificant amount among all toilets overal, small enough to only constitute for one additional sex partner for tall men, and yeah, tall men can be happy to find that one height fetishist who really likes his tall stature, but compared to average men this is just one additional experience or 2 additional experiences (11 SP for 5'8 Vs. 13 SP for 6'5). Being tall is only a SLIGHT advantage, being below average is only a SLIGHT disadvantage, and being short is a significant disadvantage.

TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
water is wet

Not really, a lot of men on this forum are convinced that anyone shorter than 6'4 are "manlets who are too short to get a date". In reality the numbers point at 5'3 and lower being the real point at which consistently approaching toilets gives you statistically less results.

Too many men think that being average height is "too short" or that below average height means that you're in the same boat as actual manlets. In fact...

how the fuck are 5'2 niggas getting 8 partners in their lifetime on average? It really puts it into perspective what outliers we are.

Now let it sink that there are 6'6 guys on this forum who have 0 lifetime sex partners while THE AVERAGE 5'2 BLOKE has more than them. Incels generally are outliers.
I've seen people around the incelosphere saying height up to 5'9 (176 cm) are manlets, but sorry that's not really the case. It's just that tallfags can get away with having an average face. If someone is like 5'7 but looks like a chad, he would still slay.

I agree that it is officially over if you're 5'3 or under. Up until 5'6 even if you're attractive you're gonna struggle. Everyone taller gets progressively better chances. Up until 6'4 i'd say. After that a taller height probably won't add anything and will just be a hinderence.
I was looking at the average height of forum users here and this is the data:

As of writing this the median height is 5'8.

The average American toilet is 5'4.

"In a team up between Rice University and the University of North Texas, researchers conducted a two part study on different genders preferences in relation to partners. The first section of the study was data taken from different dating profiles around the us, average male height was 5 feet 8 inches and female was 5 feet 4 inches. After compiling data from 455 males and 470 females, they found that only 13.5% of men wanted to date only women that were shorter than they are, but almost half of the women wanted to date only men that were taller than they were."

Our numbers seem to reflect the overal dating scene, the average height of an Inkwells.is user is the same as the average height in the United States of America.

"The findings show that on average, people look for the male to be no more than 17% taller than the female. They also found a correlation between the height of the person and their preference of height, with tall women and short men looking for less of a height difference with their partner than either taller men and shorter women.

With these findings, as well as personal experience, we are able to reject the null hypothesis. this means that height actually does have an effect on a persons attractiveness no matter what their gender. And unfortunately that means for guys like me, we are goig to have to start buying platform shoes."

While the author says that it's ovER for short guys let's actually look at the chart buddy boyos.

View attachment 708318

It's not just that taller MEN have more sex partners, taller PEOPLE have more sex partners. Foidlets seem to have less sex partners, just like manlets, the differences are simply more flat lined across toilets, but 6'7 men seem to have as many sex partners as 5'8 men. The most preferred height being 6'5, and 6'5 is the strongest outlier among men, as 6'4 men and 6'6 do about as well as 5'9 men.

This shows to me that if you exclude 6'5 men the difference between any other demographic of tall man is only SLIGHTLY better or the same as average men, with 6'4 men this is almost a 50% increase in number of sex partners, but for other tall men it's closer to 10%.

From this data we can assume that men 5'5 and shorter are struggling with 5'2 men having an average of 8 sex partners (which is 20% less than the average man.

Honestly, my hypothesis was that being tall wasn't a major advantage while being short is a major advantage but these studies show something else, rather being 6'5 is a major advantage, being 5'9 or taller (excluding 6'5) is a slight advantage and being short is a slight disadvantage. This also means that you only need to be ONE INCH above average to get "the tall treatment" (according to these numbers).

This would mean that the definition of Tallcel SHOULD start at 5'9 and the definition of Shortcel SHOULD start at 5'5. There are shoelifts that can add 4 inches to your height so the 5'5 shortcel can enjoy the tall privilege of the 5'9 tallcel without suffering the cardio-vascular diseases that tallfags suffer from.

One thing we can also tell from these numbers is that height-fetishists aren't significant enough to make actual large changes in these numbers, if we'd take the difference between tall and average men to be the difference height fetishists make them from 6'0 to 6'7 (81 / 7 = 11,6), the 5'8 man has 11 sex partners so combining all 6'0+ men gives us a number of only 1 more (if we round the number up). Tall men (broadly speaking) have on average ONLY 1 sex partner more, now let's look at 5'4 to 5'6 (29 / 3 = 9,6), rounding this down (worst possible interpretation) would be 9, but that's not how decimals work, so it's 10. This means that below average men have only 1 sex partner less. But we could say that slightly below average and tall men have a difference of 2 sex partners.

The only disadvantage here is for short men (5'2-5'3) with an average of 7 sex partners, this is a full 4 sex partners less than 5'8 men and is actually a significant amount.

This essentially means that heightpillers who think "tall = good" are kind of wrong, yes you can find millions of toilets talk about how awesome tallfags are, but they're an insignificant amount among all toilets overal, small enough to only constitute for one additional sex partner for tall men, and yeah, tall men can be happy to find that one height fetishist who really likes his tall stature, but compared to average men this is just one additional experience or 2 additional experiences (11 SP for 5'8 Vs. 13 SP for 6'5). Being tall is only a SLIGHT advantage, being below average is only a SLIGHT disadvantage, and being short is a significant disadvantage.

TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
depends on other factors: face, dick, voice and frame.
It depends on the country tbh. If you're a 5'3 man in yemen or indonesia, you're still good since everyone else is a manlet too
Data is absolute horseshit average whore will just filter off all guys below 6' on whatever dating app they are using
I'm 185 cm
But for a ugly , stutter guy its over
how the fuck are 5'2 niggas getting 8 partners in their lifetime on average? It really puts it into perspective what outliers we are.
Eh they probably lied so to not sound like losers. Unless this study is VERY old.
if you can't jestermaxx and/or wealthmaxx, 5'7
The heightpill is a lot like the baldpill, racepill, eyebrowpill, nosepill, beardpill, wristpill, Etc.
I don't get the beardpill at all. I believe it is real, but it makes no sense with me. Why would sluts prefer a man with his beard shaved? That would be like a man preferring a woman with her tits removed. Why would a female want a less-masculine looking man?

Possibly most sluts are pedos and they prefer beardless men because it reminds them of fucking little boys.
Meme answer: Any height that starts with a 5.

Real answer: Any height less than 5'6" (according to the graph).
am 210cm and I've never touched a foid or ever been asked to do so, I think there's a limit on height where they find it extreme
I was looking at the average height of forum users here and this is the data:

As of writing this the median height is 5'8.

The average American toilet is 5'4.

"In a team up between Rice University and the University of North Texas, researchers conducted a two part study on different genders preferences in relation to partners. The first section of the study was data taken from different dating profiles around the us, average male height was 5 feet 8 inches and female was 5 feet 4 inches. After compiling data from 455 males and 470 females, they found that only 13.5% of men wanted to date only women that were shorter than they are, but almost half of the women wanted to date only men that were taller than they were."

Our numbers seem to reflect the overal dating scene, the average height of an Inkwells.is user is the same as the average height in the United States of America.

"The findings show that on average, people look for the male to be no more than 17% taller than the female. They also found a correlation between the height of the person and their preference of height, with tall women and short men looking for less of a height difference with their partner than either taller men and shorter women.

With these findings, as well as personal experience, we are able to reject the null hypothesis. this means that height actually does have an effect on a persons attractiveness no matter what their gender. And unfortunately that means for guys like me, we are goig to have to start buying platform shoes."

While the author says that it's ovER for short guys let's actually look at the chart buddy boyos.

View attachment 708318

It's not just that taller MEN have more sex partners, taller PEOPLE have more sex partners. Foidlets seem to have less sex partners, just like manlets, the differences are simply more flat lined across toilets, but 6'7 men seem to have as many sex partners as 5'8 men. The most preferred height being 6'5, and 6'5 is the strongest outlier among men, as 6'4 men and 6'6 do about as well as 5'9 men.

This shows to me that if you exclude 6'5 men the difference between any other demographic of tall man is only SLIGHTLY better or the same as average men, with 6'4 men this is almost a 50% increase in number of sex partners, but for other tall men it's closer to 10%.

From this data we can assume that men 5'5 and shorter are struggling with 5'2 men having an average of 8 sex partners (which is 20% less than the average man.

Honestly, my hypothesis was that being tall wasn't a major advantage while being short is a major advantage but these studies show something else, rather being 6'5 is a major advantage, being 5'9 or taller (excluding 6'5) is a slight advantage and being short is a slight disadvantage. This also means that you only need to be ONE INCH above average to get "the tall treatment" (according to these numbers).

This would mean that the definition of Tallcel SHOULD start at 5'9 and the definition of Shortcel SHOULD start at 5'5. There are shoelifts that can add 4 inches to your height so the 5'5 shortcel can enjoy the tall privilege of the 5'9 tallcel without suffering the cardio-vascular diseases that tallfags suffer from.

One thing we can also tell from these numbers is that height-fetishists aren't significant enough to make actual large changes in these numbers, if we'd take the difference between tall and average men to be the difference height fetishists make them from 6'0 to 6'7 (81 / 7 = 11,6), the 5'8 man has 11 sex partners so combining all 6'0+ men gives us a number of only 1 more (if we round the number up). Tall men (broadly speaking) have on average ONLY 1 sex partner more, now let's look at 5'4 to 5'6 (29 / 3 = 9,6), rounding this down (worst possible interpretation) would be 9, but that's not how decimals work, so it's 10. This means that below average men have only 1 sex partner less. But we could say that slightly below average and tall men have a difference of 2 sex partners.

The only disadvantage here is for short men (5'2-5'3) with an average of 7 sex partners, this is a full 4 sex partners less than 5'8 men and is actually a significant amount.

This essentially means that heightpillers who think "tall = good" are kind of wrong, yes you can find millions of toilets talk about how awesome tallfags are, but they're an insignificant amount among all toilets overal, small enough to only constitute for one additional sex partner for tall men, and yeah, tall men can be happy to find that one height fetishist who really likes his tall stature, but compared to average men this is just one additional experience or 2 additional experiences (11 SP for 5'8 Vs. 13 SP for 6'5). Being tall is only a SLIGHT advantage, being below average is only a SLIGHT disadvantage, and being short is a significant disadvantage.

TL;DR It's ovER for incels who are 5'3 or shorter if they're in developed taller countries like the United States. But if you're 5'4 or taller the heightpill doesn't apply to you.
My height 5'8 :society:

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