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JFL Asking noodlewhores which race of men they would not date

jokes on them.

this country will look like mexico, brazil, and south africa within 15-25 years. crime and corruption will be rampant everywhere.
jokes on them.

this country will look like mexico, brazil, and south africa within 15-25 years. crime and corruption will be rampant everywhere.
Doesn't matter, noodlewhores will just keep fucking the whitest mutts.
I stopped at "I have dated most races", fuck these whorez
Is there a word for this type of streaming where they let roasties ramble about “muh opinion” for views
Jfl, the cumskin host trying so hard to be politically correct and gets hit in the face by the racepill :feelskek:

He secretly enjoyed himself, let's be serious

And just look at those comments, why are these people so defeated, where is the anger, the rage etc.

Zero Far right extremism, zero religious extremism, It's so over for the Yellow race.
It really is ovER isn't, well I hope this little experiment called america ends soon and we return to a patraichy because we have seen what happens when women are let out of the cage
He secretly enjoyed himself, let's be serious

And just look at those comments, why are these people so defeated, where is the anger, the rage etc.

Zero Far right extremism, zero religious extremism, It's so over for the Yellow race.
They're busy simping for the lone noodlewhore who said she wants a ricecel betabuxx after riding the white cock carousel in her prime :lul:


Another one. Cumskin fucks, ricecel bucks :incel:
The white host is in heaven. White male sex-havers get off on the fact that Asian foids reject their own men.

Also, if forced to make a choice between hooking up with a ricecel or a currycel, those Asian foids would choose the ricecel. They don't think of currycels as human beings.
He secretly enjoyed himself, let's be serious
The white host is in heaven. White male sex-havers get off on the fact that Asian foids reject their own men.
Asian America was a mistake. The only achievement of Asian America is to produce coolie sons and whore daughters for the White man.

Idk how ricecels get out of bed in the morning.
Noodlewhores should be allowed to be raped
riceceldom is 100% the most brutal fate one can endure
i'd rather be indian
at least asian men have high iqs, us niggers who aren't thugmaxxed or rather urklemaxxed have low iqs and are undesirable to every single woman, but yeah when it comes to inceldom in general, asians are up there mang.
I watched the video again. These literal psychopaths are EAGER to tell the world that they won't date men their own ethnicity.

I've heard stories of Asian guys minding their own business and then some random noodlewhore blurts out that she doesn't date Asian guys. At first I thought those stories were either false or exaggerated, but it's clear that they've actually happened thousands of times.

Being a ricecel in the West must be crazy-making.
video isn't loading on my shitty laptop. What is happening in the tiktok?
at least asian men have high iqs, us niggers who aren't thugmaxxed or rather urklemaxxed have low iqs and are undesirable to every single woman, but yeah when it comes to inceldom in general, asians are up there mang.
Nah, being a nigger is still preferable to being a rice. Imagine being some of the most civilized, smartest, safest, most docile men in the world, and getting shit on by your own women. Black women at least are loyal enough for their men. No women on earth festers such demoninc hatred towards their own men as asian women do to asian men. It's one of the reasons I know for a fact that asians will NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER rule the world, because even IF asians ruled the world and enslaved blonde men, their women would still want to get fucked by blonde slave men.

which is why it's so funny when I see white people scared of asians ruling over them, be it now with modern china, or back in the day with japan "yellow peril" threat.
The white host is in heaven. White male sex-havers get off on the fact that Asian foids reject their own men.
Most brutal part is he has black hair and dark eyes, phenotype also looks Med, so he's not even scandinavian
Also, if forced to make a choice between hooking up with a ricecel or a currycel, those Asian foids would choose the ricecel. They don't think of currycels as human beings.
Nope, currycels are caucasion, ergo they mog curries, many noodle whores in singapore get CURRIED all the time.
Self hate evidence is rampant with them and they seem emotionally stunned
even IF asians ruled the world and enslaved blonde men, their women would still want to get fucked by blonde slave men.
attraction is 100% biological, it doesn't matter if you're a slave race or the world leaders, if you have the genetics you will get laid
it's why blacks are successful in america despite being the bottom of the totem pole, and why asians are incel despite being the highest earners
even if the CCP takes over, you can't change biology, ricecels are cucked by their androgyny
jokes on them.

this country will look like mexico, brazil, and south africa within 15-25 years. crime and corruption will be rampant everywhere.
True, there's so little white people here. They're already mixing and making their race even more a minority. This is why we shouldn't race mix
Imagine being some of the most civilized, smartest, safest, most docile men in the world, and getting shit on by your own women.
These two things are perfectly consistent, really. Women are hybristophilic. They don't want smart and safe. They don't want civilization. The thing they are attracted to is violent, winner-take-all polygyny.
attraction is 100% biological, it doesn't matter if you're a slave race or the world leaders, if you have the genetics you will get laid
it's why blacks are successful in america despite being the bottom of the totem pole, and why asians are incel despite being the highest earners
even if the CCP takes over, you can't change biology, ricecels are cucked by their androgyny
Ricecels are still slaves despite being high earners jfl. A nigger on welfare has 10x higher social status than a rice stemcel.
Ricecels are still slaves despite being high earners jfl. A nigger on welfare has 10x higher social status than a rice stemcel.
Brutal truth that many don't reflect upon. What's the point of status and money when some 6'5 broke nigger is drowning in pink pussy?
The only reason they didn't say curry and sand is because we don't even exist to them.
Asian America was a mistake. The only achievement of Asian America is to produce coolie sons and whore daughters for the White man.
The melting pot is actually a sieve. It lets your daughters through, and it lets your sons' work through, but your sons' sexuality and social life get thrown away.
Ragefuel and I'm not even rice fuck noodles
White guy pretending to be shocked and appalled: :soy:

All he has to do is think how easy it was to get a room full of asian women. An asian guy probably couldn't even do the same thing that easily.

Self-loathing nonwhite toilets and subchad cacs go hand in hand and work together to disenfranchise nonwhite males.
Already explained this to you, you dumb stupid nigger

Exclude own race, Asian women: <40%
Exclude rice, all: 92%
Exclude sand, all: 94%
Exclude curry, all: 96%

Exclude own race, Asian women: <40%
Exclude rice, all: 92%
Exclude sand, all: 94%
Exclude curry, all: 96%
Seething at btfo out of your cuck fantasies? Americans are fucking retarded when it comes to race. They think menas all look like indians, they genuinely believe levantines are dark brown, they cast indian actors to play arab characters, which is why you get results like this, when that is far from the case. Even moreso when you consider menas are like 2% in america so the only sand peoppe they'll Lilley ever been exposed to was Osama Bin laden
brutal racepill
arabs pretty much have it as hard as curries. we're just 2% behind them which isn't a lot and sooner or later with immigration it will be the same number as curries
I always thought Asian girls gave me more of a chance than other girls. Well, being considered by 5% vs 8% is a noticeable difference, about 60%. That's how it is in the dumps.
Americans are fucking retarded when it comes to race.
I know. When I was a kid and introduced myself to American kids as an Arab, they'd ask "is that white or black?" The American concept of race is a continuum from white to black.
They think menas all look like indians, they genuinely believe levantines are dark brown, they cast indian actors to play arab characters, which is why you get results like this, when that is far from the case.
Yes, this is true. However, the data is accurate. They might mistake a sand as an Italian or Greek or something, but once you tell them your name is Abdul and that you're from a spooky-sounding foreign country, they project their inaccurate image of sands onto you. You don't look Indian or dark, but people who adapt to new information are rare (thank the school system); they will literally hallucinate their beliefs rather than reconsider them.
Most brutal part is he has black hair and dark eyes, phenotype also looks Med, so he's not even scandinavian
He has blue eyes, I know this guy from his old prank videos back in the early youtube days
I know. When I was a kid and introduced myself to American kids as an Arab, they'd ask "is that white or black?" The American concept of race is a continuum from white to black.
The mere fact that they're asking you if that's white or black is plenty evidence to understand how demented Americans are when it comes to race? Yet somehow you want to take a statistic from them as evidence despite knowing that. Jfl I once saw a review of alladin criticizing it saying alladin and jasmine looked white while Jafar looked arab. JFL as if there aren't millions of Arabs who look like alladin and jasmine.
Yes, this is true. However, the data is accurate.
No it isnt becaus these people preceieve all menas as looking like indians. And indians have a massive massively lower smv as compared to arabs. Its also not accurate because there are a fuck ton of arab men who will pump and dump white girls before ditching them to marry a muslil woman. You dont see this type of shit with indian men, now do you?

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM23rQWf1/

They might mistake a sand as an Italian or Greek or something, but once you tell them your name is Abdul and that you're from a spooky-sounding foreign country, they project their inaccurate image of sands onto you. You don't look Indian or dark, but people who adapt to new information are rare (thank the school system); they will literally hallucinate their beliefs rather than reconsider them.
Them hallucinating their beliefs rather than reconsidering them doesn't magically mean mena smv is now gonna change. Genetics Is genetics, although yes I do agree to an extinct cultural perception like you said also matters.
@Made in Heaven Who are you trying to fool? I get treated better in public in America when I wear clothes that suggest I'm black. You're right that they don't know what we look like, but they've got their minds made up, they don't care about contrary evidence. Their feelings don't care about your facts.

Maybe I should try wearing a yarmulke and see what effect that produces. I bet you it'll be even more positive, because while sands are "brown," Jews are "white*." Only wignats will hate me more for it, but they already hate me, I probably won't even notice.
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@Made in Heaven Who are you trying to fool? I get treated better in public in America when I wear clothes that suggest I'm black. You're right that they don't know what we look like, but they've got their minds made up, they don't care about contrary evidence. Their feelings don't care about your facts.

Maybe I should try wearing a yarmulke and see what effect that produces. I bet you it'll be even more positive, because while sands are "brown," Jews are "white*." Only wignats will hate me more for it, but they already hate me, I probably won't even notice.
Nigger what are you even arguing at this point? You yourself admitted that american women listing mena men as low SMV is due to cultural perception of us resembling indians and not our actual genetics.If that's the only thing you're complaining about, so what? So what? That cultural perception can change, whereas genetics is permanent.
n00dle wh0res are the worst, since they have deep seethed hate for their own kind.

Stup1d wh0res.
american women listing mena men as low SMV is due to cultural perception of us resembling indians and not our actual genetics
SMV is not determined by genetics. Many features are caused by genetics, that's the only genetic link. That those features are desired is not set in stone. Only indicators of poor health, most of which are not genetic in origin, are set in stone as not being desired. And even then, we have stories of fat women being preferred because food was scarce...

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