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LifeFuel Asiancel time to go EE and Russia goddess awaits

WRONG slav and EE girls are most traditonal and conservative
Lol, keep telling yourself that.
I am a slav myself and the only "traditional and conservative" slavic women are the ones that grew up during soviet times.
Lol, keep telling yourself that.
I am a slav myself and the only "traditional and conservative" slavic women are the ones that grew up during soviet times.
yea they are more religious and red pilled than western girls and even East Asians
yea they are more religious and red pilled than western girls and even East Asians
If you really think that way it's beyond over.
Slavic women were exposed to Hollywood for far too long for them to remain conservative and religious.
If you really think that way it's beyond over.
Slavic women were exposed to Hollywood for far too long for them to remain conservative and religious.

you have to find them in villages and farms.
If you really think that way it's beyond over.
Slavic women were exposed to Hollywood for far too long for them to remain conservative and religious.
slavic women are less likely to partake in the degeneerate shit u see in america and are more patriotic and racist thefore more conservative

less likely to burn coal
slavic women are less likely to partake in the degeneerate shit u see in america and are more patriotic and racist thefore more conservative

less likely to burn coal
Lol, Slavic women are A LOT more likely to burn coal because there are no negative black stereotypes and blacks are seen as "exotic" fuck, there were videos where blacks tell people that they were offered 3somes on the street.

Also the degenerate shit is the same, my cousin who still lives in a slav country told me how degenerate Slavic women are, they have 3somes, suck men off on road trips etc. It's the same kind of degeneracy due to the spread of Hollywood influence.
Lol, Slavic women are A LOT more likely to burn coal because there are no negative black stereotypes and blacks are seen as "exotic" fuck, there were videos where blacks tell people that they were offered 3somes on the street.

Also the degenerate shit is the same, my cousin who still lives in a slav country told me how degenerate Slavic women are, they have 3somes, suck men off on road trips etc. It's the same kind of degeneracy due to the spread of Hollywood influence.
actually EE and slav women are more racist to blacks and muslims due to not being flooded with sjw and libtard bbc hollywood propaganda blacks wont last long walking the streets in those countries
Is this how you whitecels cope? lmao
actually EE and slav women are more racist to blacks and muslims due to not being flooded with sjw and libtard bbc hollywood propaganda blacks wont last long walking the streets in those countries

They're racist towards muzzies but not towards blacks.
Eastern european girls are racist as fuck, i would get killed over there for even looking at East european femoids.

They are all whores too like Northern European women.
Dafuq? How much did they pay the girls?
Eastern european girls are racist as fuck, i would get killed over there for even looking at East european femoids.

They are all whores too like Northern European women.
Every western woman is a whore. Or at least a femoid who has been swallowen by west culture
Asiancel = volcel

Simply go get some EE white girl
I live in a western nations now. They're literally no different.
there are whores in every race but slavic women are the last bastion of hope for the white race as they are least degenerate

facts bro
from where do you have all this money tyger? all these years of paying for camgirls to pose with you name written of a A4 page...

and now this?

are ur parents rich or wut?
from where do you have all this money tyger? all these years of paying for camgirls to pose with you name written of a A4 page...

and now this?

are ur parents rich or wut?
Rent boy
He's a rent boy, sells his used up asian boipucci for top $$$
if he was enough low-inhib and high-T for that- he couldv'e just slayed like a norman w\o all this camgirls BS
from where do you have all this money tyger? all these years of paying for camgirls to pose with you name written of a A4 page...

and now this?

are ur parents rich or wut?

I am a fake tyger, tyger kid my hero
Just be Asian theory confirmed.
Rice = Volcel
Mail order brides aren't really a "thing" where I live...can someone explain what the deal is? Aren't they just long-term escorts?
Mail order brides aren't really a "thing" where I live...can someone explain what the deal is? Aren't they just long-term escorts?

You find use a match making agency to find girls that want out of their country. You date them for a while and if eveything goes good then you pay the agency a fee.
Lifefuel for asiancels

Go to Eastern Europe
And it's the same for curries also btw

Russia is a legit paradise for ethnicels

seriously don't know why they aren't going there en masse, I for sure am going this year
Gimme cutie russian waifu
>Polish women
Lmao. Ok

Also Polish women are the biggest coal burners/sand people lovers in UK.
They are an ethnic magnet.

LOL polish women in poland are the most religious in EE and hate ethnics
LOL polish women in poland are the most religious in EE and hate ethnics

They only pretend to be religious in Poland, lmao if you actually believe that. 80%+ of Polish women under 30 haven't even been to Church in the past month.
Also they do not hate ethnics, they adore black guys and will literally ask them to fuck them.

Translation from 1:36:
"She goes up to me and says: I am so turned on by dark skinned guys. And I already knew what she wanted"
From 1:40:
"A Girl goes up to me, and says that she needs to do THAT with me, but we cannot do THAT at her house, because she lives with her parents, but we can do it at her (female) friend's house, but her friend will disagree if I don't do it with her aswell"
From 2:00:
"There were also propositions for group sex. Just because she is with a friend and they need a 'sexual animator' whatever that means"
From 2:11:
"Questions up front such as: How many cm have you got? And more direct signals along the lines of: Let's Fuck."
From 2:20:
"We need at least 1 dark skinned person that will sort us out, but all at once"

Funny thing is that that video also had asian men in it but none of them got no attention from women.

Also relevant:

It is believed that he infected 40+ women with AIDS (fuck knows how many he fucked)
"Record number of HIV virus cases were detected in the central Mazovia region and the whole Poland in January 2007.[34] Simon Mol's had visited Gdańsk in September 2006, where he helped organize the anti-racist "Music against Intolerance and Violence" festival. After publishing Mol's epidemiological alert, the number of HIV tests in the Gdańsk provincial centers exceeded 100, day in day out, including two worried males who learnt that their partners had slept with Mol, while the usual number had been hovering over a dozen cases daily beforehand."
All it took was ONE nigger.
They only pretend to be religious in Poland, lmao if you actually believe that. 80%+ of Polish women under 30 haven't even been to Church in the past month.
Also they do not hate ethnics, they adore black guys and will literally ask them to fuck them.

Translation from 1:36:
"She goes up to me and says: I am so turned on by dark skinned guys. And I already knew what she wanted"
From 1:40:
"A Girl goes up to me, and says that she needs to do THAT with me, but we cannot do THAT at her house, because she lives with her parents, but we can do it at her (female) friend's house, but her friend will disagree if I don't do it with her aswell"
From 2:00:
"There were also propositions for group sex. Just because she is with a friend and they need a 'sexual animator' whatever that means"
From 2:11:
"Questions up front such as: How many cm have you got? And more direct signals along the lines of: Let's Fuck."
From 2:20:
"We need at least 1 dark skinned person that will sort us out, but all at once"

Funny thing is that that video also had asian men in it but none of them got no attention from women.

Also relevant:

It is believed that he infected 40+ women with AIDS (fuck knows how many he fucked)
"Record number of HIV virus cases were detected in the central Mazovia region and the whole Poland in January 2007.[34] Simon Mol's had visited Gdańsk in September 2006, where he helped organize the anti-racist "Music against Intolerance and Violence" festival. After publishing Mol's epidemiological alert, the number of HIV tests in the Gdańsk provincial centers exceeded 100, day in day out, including two worried males who learnt that their partners had slept with Mol, while the usual number had been hovering over a dozen cases daily beforehand."
All it took was ONE nigger.

All those pro refugee mutlicultural videos are fake paid propaganda btw.
It isn't even pro-refugee lmao.
there was another video i saw on yt about "what polish think about blacks" and it was nothing but positive. obviously its staged and cherry picked to show a positive view. Even the ppl in the comments called it out for agenda pushing. Truth is, the majority of ppl are not like how you make them seem
there was another video i saw on yt about "what polish think about blacks" and it was nothing but positive. obviously its staged and cherry picked to show a positive view. Even the ppl in the comments called it out for agenda pushing. Truth is, the majority of ppl are not like how you make them seem

Poles literally have no reason to hate blacks, because they are so rare in Poland.
Life fuel! Contacting them right now!

point is that u cant change nature of women, when she gets citizenship and settles here, she will cuck u big time for local good looking dominant alphas
point is that u cant change nature of women, when she gets citizenship and settles here, she will cuck u big time for local good looking dominant alphas

JFL implying NAWALT
What is this cope and why do I see it all over the internet? Cherry picked images of rice eaters with white girls. You never see this in real life...

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