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Serious Asian religions are cucked, that's why inceldom is a big thing there



Nov 24, 2017
Let's take the most "generic" religions of every regions on the world, shall we?

Western world - Christianity

Obviously it's been dried a lot, but it is also what justified anti abortion and other things into law.

Arabic world - Islam

They're fiercely loyal to their own kind, and the women also support their subjugation and will actively fight anti Muslims

The above two religions advocate against premarital sex, and attempts to regulate the mating market. 4 wives of islam, while not exactly the best for society, is much better model than today's "fuck as many chads as possible".

The South East Asia, based around Abrahamic religions, does not seem to have much incel related issues despite being literal brothel for everyone else. That's because sex there is easy, even for locals, and it is easy because it is regulated well by religions.

East Asia - Taoism & Buddhism

Both religions are individualist, that is to say, "we don't force others to follow the religion ", and on top of that, Taoism does not have much moral guidance beyond basic stuff like don't steal and kill, Buddhism literally tells you sex is bad and to eat vegetables only.

State shinto, while it has inspired a generation of religious zealots in WW2, was just that. It was a religion of war, even more fanatic than Islam, but it did not regulated much sexuality either.

The relative sexual conservative thing, including restrictions on LGBT, was caused by confucius cultural norms, not religion, that's why the second culture globohomoized, we're so vulnerable to it

Bonus: India - Jainism

The first religion tells you that you shouldn't harm any beings at all. The truth is, enforcing a religion on a culture takes blood to do so.

I assume Hindus do better in this aspect, due to it being more collective compared to other asian faiths.

There's three things that make a religion effective in regulating inceldom in a society imo.

1.Violence 2.Collectivism 3.,Norms against premarital sex

There is no denying that what benefits incels, are religions of war
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Let's take the most "generic" religions of every regions on the world, shall we?

Western world - Christianity

Obviously it's been dried a lot, but it is also what justified anti abortion and other things into law.

Arabic world - Islam

They're fiercely loyal to their own kind, and the women also support their subjugation and will actively fight anti Muslims

The above two religions advocate against premarital sex, and attempts to regulate the mating market. 4 wives of islam, while not exactly the best for society, is much better model than today's "fuck as many chads as possible".

The South East Asia, based around Abrahamic religions, does not seem to have much incel related issues despite being literal brothel for everyone else. That's because sex there is easy, even for locals, and it is easy because it is regulated well by religions.

East Asia - Taoism & Buddhism

Both religions are individualist, that is to say, "we don't force others to follow the religion ", and on top of that, Taoism does not have much moral guidance beyond basic stuff like don't steal and kill, Buddhism literally tells you sex is bad and to eat vegetables only.

Bonus: India - Jainism

The first religion tells you that you shouldn't harm any beings at all. The truth is, enforcing a religion on a culture takes blood to do so.

I assume Hindus do better in this aspect, due to it being more collective compared to other asian faiths.

There's three things that make a religion effective in regulating inceldom in a society imo.

1.Violence 2.Collectivism 3.,Norms against premarital sex

There is no denying that what benefits incels, are religions of war

Judaism, collective power, to enslave the world, personally i believe judaism is superior
Judaism, collective power, to enslave the world, personally i believe judaism is superior
The problem is that it's only for Jews by blood
Asian religions are so weak not even Asians themselves believe in them. Most Asians have always been atheist or agnostic even before the enlightenment. That's why Asians need a state religion like fascism or communism to fill the spiritual void.
It's not cucked because East Asian religion (Confucianism) is what helped them with their isolationist policies and hive mindset, due to this they've been able to fight the West, defend itself and compete with them in many industries whilst the Middle East gets fucked over by a tiny country with a population less than 10 million called Israel, only because they can't cooperate together. I can't lie though, the Middle East has been able to cooperate in the past, Andalusia, Abbasids and Ottomans are prime examples of extensive cooperation but in the 21st century it's not working out so well for them.
Inceldom do3ent even exist outside of the west schizo
Asian religions are so weak not even Asians themselves believe in them. Most Asians have always been atheist or agnostic even before the enlightenment. That's why Asians need a state religion like fascism or communism to fill the spiritual void.
Ccp comes closest to one of the two ideologies that you described. Still, having religion to justify policies is a major advantage. You can bring out the guns and send people into gulags if they don't conform to social norms in your country, but outside of the country? There's no incentives to enforce such norms, because there's no afterlife punishments.

It's not cucked because East Asian religion (Confucianism) is what helped them with their isolationist policies and hive mindset, due to this they've been able to fight the West, defend itself and compete with them in many industries whilst the Middle East gets fucked over by a tiny country with a population less than 10 million called Israel, only because they can't cooperate together. I can't lie though, the Middle East has been able to cooperate in the past, Andalusia, Abbasids and Ottomans are prime examples of extensive cooperation but in the 21st century it's not working out so well for them.
Confucianism is a way of culture, not a religion. The thing is, in a way, it's similar to Islamic culture; it's just confuciusism with its core has been very mind,beyond belief

The problem with Arab armies is their IQ. Tribal based societies can be already seen in places like Africa today

Right now, Confucius is relatively mild when it comes to restricting foid rights and stuff, if we were religious, you can bet that we can enforce more policies against foid rights
More like a Maoist chink nigger. Asian religions and culture are way superior to those cumskins and sandnigger.

It's European culture to fuck dogs, it's Asian culture to cook dogs. Who superior?

This chink is so delusional to think islam is superior :lul: :lul: Mullas "bomb crap and live in sewers". They are so deluded they kill their own children in wars.

Bonus: India - Jainism

The first religion tells you that you shouldn't harm any beings at all. The truth is, enforcing a religion on a culture takes blood to do so.
What does that even mean? I am a Jain, what do you mean?

Also all the Indic "Religions" are not religions but just Dharma. Dharma =/= Religion
I assume Hindus do better in this aspect, due to it being more collective compared to other asian faiths.
Bullshit Hindus used to be (and still are) the most cucked and divided as a community out of all religions without Hindutva. Only Hindutva is bringing all of together including Christian here.

Only thing Hindus are good at is to feel superior to "lower" people and eat and bath in cow piss and shit
Let's take the most "generic" religions of every regions on the world, shall we?

Western world - Christianity

Obviously it's been dried a lot, but it is also what justified anti abortion and other things into law.

Arabic world - Islam

They're fiercely loyal to their own kind, and the women also support their subjugation and will actively fight anti Muslims

The above two religions advocate against premarital sex, and attempts to regulate the mating market. 4 wives of islam, while not exactly the best for society, is much better model than today's "fuck as many chads as possible".

The South East Asia, based around Abrahamic religions, does not seem to have much incel related issues despite being literal brothel for everyone else. That's because sex there is easy, even for locals, and it is easy because it is regulated well by religions.

East Asia - Taoism & Buddhism

Both religions are individualist, that is to say, "we don't force others to follow the religion ", and on top of that, Taoism does not have much moral guidance beyond basic stuff like don't steal and kill, Buddhism literally tells you sex is bad and to eat vegetables only.

State shinto, while it has inspired a generation of religious zealots in WW2, was just that. It was a religion of war, even more fanatic than Islam, but it did not regulated much sexuality either.

The relative sexual conservative thing, including restrictions on LGBT, was caused by confucius cultural norms, not religion, that's why the second culture globohomoized, we're so vulnerable to it

Bonus: India - Jainism

The first religion tells you that you shouldn't harm any beings at all. The truth is, enforcing a religion on a culture takes blood to do so.

I assume Hindus do better in this aspect, due to it being more collective compared to other asian faiths.

There's three things that make a religion effective in regulating inceldom in a society imo.

1.Violence 2.Collectivism 3.,Norms against premarital sex

There is no denying that what benefits incels, are religions of war
Don’t forget confucianism telling everyone to study cel
and be high inhib and preserve “social harmony”
Screw confucius
Him and soy were the final nail in the coffin for the yellow species
Bullshit Hindus used to be (and still are) the most cucked and divided as a community out of all religions without Hindutva. Only Hindutva is bringing all of together including Christian here.

Only thing Hindus are good at is to feel superior to "lower" people and eat and bath in cow piss and shit
Even if it's cucked faith, you can't deny that Hindus are doing relatively well. Just look at how they took over the tech industries.

Young westerners are being cuckedout of their jobs, due to pajeets wanting to "exploit" their own kind.

It's exploitation, but the jeets are still getting a six figure job
Even if it's cucked faith, you can't deny that Hindus are doing relatively well. Just look at how they took over the tech industries.
That has to do more with Indian culture than Hinduism, but I see your pov. Hindus have only united in the last 50 years or so mainly to fight against Muslims here.

Also why are CCP and North Korea tolerant of Buddhism unlike for other religions? I never understood that
Middle east (judaism,islam, christianity) is asia too

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