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Blackpill Ascension isnt what its cut out to be...



May 2, 2018
I've seen so many posts here about looksmaxxing, surgerymaxing, careermaxxing, thugmaxxing, etc... In order to try to "ascend".

Because once you ascend, life will be a hell of a lot better right?

Lol if you believe that, I have a bridge I wanna sell you.

Case in point...

There's this normie friend of mine who ascended at age 30. He married a girl and now they have a baby.

Now he can no longer have enough money for himself and his hobbies and all he does is bust his ass working 2 jobs so he can provide for his wife and kid.

How heroic right? You probably think she sucks his cock everyday and only wants to please him like one of those 72 virgins in Islam heaven...


She bitches and complains and disrespects him and pressures him to get a house while they live in a 1 bedroom apartment because he's not that well off.

She can do that because this is a cucked female dominated society we live in that puts women up on a pedestal while men are seen as expendable.

So I don't blame the mgtow for not getting married....

So I don't blame the pua chad for not settling down...

So I don't blame the neet hikkikomori who detaches from society and copes with his waifus and videogames.

Because there's nothing really in it for men. We are 2nd class citizens to women no matter what.

So don't ever think that ascending is an awesome thing as its hyped up to be. Because I don't envy my normie friend who busts his ass working 2 jobs while his wife still bitches at him.

Every situation in life has its problems.

At least I can work only 1 job and live comfortably by myself. Life is simple. :)
All the bad problems you describe only happened because he didn't marry a virgin.
All the bad problems you describe only happened because he didn't marry a virgin.
When the coping is too strong
It only happened because he's low smv, do you think they treat chad that way? JFL
When the coping is too strong
It only happened because he's low smv, do you think they treat chad that way? JFL
You're delusional if you think that marrying a virgin will make a woman less demanding and more submissive.
Rebutt this
1474525051878 0
If you get married then you are stupid and deserved to get divorce raped.
Yes you make a great point about how it can be getting used and treated like shit by a female if you ascend to normie level later in life
He ascended at 30. By then the mental damage is done.
I didn't say anything about how long relationships last, my point is females treats chads like god and if your denying this ur delusional.
Depends on your criteria of what a Chad is, some people call 6's and 7's Chads, and they still get treated badly in the hypergamous areas by non virgins, even if they can have sex with them.
Yes I know all those stats showing how increases in female romantic and sexual experience inversely correlates to relationship stability and happiness. My point was a little different. What I meant to say was that, even if a woman is a virgin, she will still demand to be provided with the finer things in life like a nice house, car, gifts, etc. She will jealously take note of how other women are living large and will also want the same. Not to mention that there will also be queue of men who are waiting for her to break up.
I don't know, why would both men and women who get married as virgins have the highest rates of reported happiness if the female was still pestering and demanding?
Depends on your criteria of what a Chad is, some people call 6's and 7's Chads, and they still get treated badly in the hypergamous areas by non virgins, even if they can have sex with them.
Bro thats the most ridiculous shit ive ever hard. 6-7 is the range for you to even be in the game, its still very unattractive and unless u have some money, status or a dark triad personality, 6-7 looks is just to get in the door.
Chads in 2019 is more like 8,5 +
If you don't ascend in HS you're done
Bro thats the most ridiculous shit ive ever hard. 6-7 is the range for you to even be in the game, its still very unattractive and unless u have some money, status or a dark triad personality, 6-7 looks is just to get in the door.
Chads in 2019 is more like 8,5 +
Sub 10 Males are rotting in L.A
I've seen so many posts here about looksmaxxing, surgerymaxing, careermaxxing, thugmaxxing, etc... In order to try to "ascend".

Because once you ascend, life will be a hell of a lot better right?

Lol if you believe that, I have a bridge I wanna sell you.

Case in point...

There's this normie friend of mine who ascended at age 30. He married a girl and now they have a baby.

Now he can no longer have enough money for himself and his hobbies and all he does is bust his ass working 2 jobs so he can provide for his wife and kid.

How heroic right? You probably think she sucks his cock everyday and only wants to please him like one of those 72 virgins in Islam heaven...


She bitches and complains and disrespects him and pressures him to get a house while they live in a 1 bedroom apartment because he's not that well off.

She can do that because this is a cucked female dominated society we live in that puts women up on a pedestal while men are seen as expendable.

So I don't blame the mgtow for not getting married....

So I don't blame the pua chad for not settling down...

So I don't blame the neet hikkikomori who detaches from society and copes with his waifus and videogames.

Because there's nothing really in it for men. We are 2nd class citizens to women no matter what.

So don't ever think that ascending is an awesome thing as its hyped up to be. Because I don't envy my normie friend who busts his ass working 2 jobs while his wife still bitches at him.

Every situation in life has its problems.

At least I can work only 1 job and live comfortably by myself. Life is simple. :)
i am not sure that by ascending we mean becoming a slave to some random roastie whore.
you just described betabuxxing lol. theres a difference between ascending and doing that
Where's the bridge?

Is it owner financed?

What's the dp?
Normies who settle for a used up whore deserve it. No sympathy from me
you just described betabuxxing lol. theres a difference between ascending and doing that
There’s no thing as “ascension” for a low value male
Just entertaining the thought of having a waifu is tiresome, don't want to think what it'd be like to have an actual wife and kids. Call me lazy, but that's too much work and responsibility. Aren't childless couples happier than couples with kids? I'd take a good old 20 something cutie and cohabitate with her instead and never have kids. Now, that's the life. Too bad I've got nothing to offer but love.
You're delusional if you think that marrying a virgin will make a woman less demanding and more submissive.
All women are fucking trash nowadays, anyone who thinks they'll one day find a virgin who will treat them well is delusional beyond fucking measure
You must be rational and look beyond that sweet voice of hers and innocent looks, on the inside she and every other foid is a fucking whore and wants chad, period.
this guy is just a fucking cuck , woman saw this and now abuses him since he has no backbone

just do the ascension thats needet , tatto and leanmax , getting muscles and all that is fucking cope , y they love sixpacks but they will know from the getgo that you just did it to get laid , theres no other reason to have a sixpack besides to impress someone

im not here to impress anyone , fuck outta here with that shit
you just described betabuxxing lol. theres a difference between ascending and doing that
You have to meet at least some attractiveness/height requirement to even betabux though. Some people are too short to even get the chance to betabux.
You have to meet at least some attractiveness/height requirement to even betabux though. Some people are too short to even get the chance to betabux.
this is true and brutal
Very good post.
Ascension is a substitute word. It means whatever you want it to mean. To me, ascension is being freed from the mental torment this world subjugates me to daily. I couldn't give less of a shit if I ever get laid or not. I just want to be in my happy place. I want to learn ignorance, I admire it.
All the bad problems you describe only happened because he didn't marry a virgin.
stop coping. no matter where a slut is born, how she is raised, she will still be a whore at heart. every woman will ditch u when a better man comes along, regardless if she is a virgin or not
If you didn't get some in HS, your life won't be that better.
Maybe you'd be lucky once in a while, that's it.
After 21+ ascending is no longer possible. The only true and pure love is teenlove. :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
stop coping. no matter where a slut is born, how she is raised, she will still be a whore at heart. every woman will ditch u when a better man comes along, regardless if she is a virgin or not
Statistics are against what you just said, should have just gone the low IQ cope argument and said virgins aren't real, at least that would have worked better.
There's this normie friend of mine who ascended at age 30. He married a girl and now they have a baby.

Now he can no longer have enough money for himself and his hobbies and all he does is bust his ass working 2 jobs so he can provide for his wife and kid.
Betabuxx is a shitty ascension, one which i stand against. Betabuxxing was a nice deal back in the 70s, but now it's the shittiest deal any guy can make. I'm really sorry for your friend.
I am virgin for life
Ascending after HS hardly exist. College is the last chance

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