Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

As Mentalcel i have to speak out against everyone here who is shitting on us

mental illness is a death sentence if you are not at least chadlite level.

look at twisted/framecell/incelman...
BeyondHope said:
Unless you are a male model then your issue is your looks
Mentalcels are lesser incels. This is coming from a mentalcel.

At least mentalcels can get lucky sometimes with a cuddle, or a modicum of female affection, once in a blue moon by a stroke of pure luck.

Truecels, in contrast, are fucked up beyond any repair.
anincelforlifelol said:
Stanx22 said:
"We're all in the same boat"
No we aren't. We aren't even close. You may be suffering and i won't deny it, but we're not in the same boat at all. And fyi i have your problems and i'm also a "mentalcel", but i know that my main problem is my face.
This is exactly what I say to these idiots.
You can't be a fucking cel if the first issue isn't because of your face.

You are completely right, mate and also, these so-called "mentalcels" need to get their shit together like everyone else and muster up courage to ask a girl out and overall try to improve their lives. It takes balls, discipline, meditation, and being serious, it's all they have to fucking do. Nothing in life is easy. Fixing an ugly face? Yeeeeeah good luck with that.

Also reminder to mentalfakecels: truecels have been fucked up most of their lives because of a whole life of rejection and feeling genetically inferior.
fernandopox said:
You are completely right, mate and also, these so-called "mentalcels" need to get their shit together like everyone else and muster up courage to ask a girl out and overall try to improve their lives. It takes balls, discipline, meditation, and being serious, it's all they have to fucking do. Nothing in life is easy. Fixing an ugly face? Yeeeeeah good luck with that.

Also reminder to mentalfakecels: truecels have been fucked up most of their lives because of a whole life of rejection and feeling genetically inferior.

Tried all that shit what you said still after 27 years nothing. I dont need an excuse i have legit tried it as much as i could. So whats your advice for me now after all those years trying?
As a truecel I lend my support and condolences to legitimate mentalcels. Are they truecels? Thats arguable. But at the end of the day they will never feel love and validation from another human being because of circumstances decided by genetics (autism etc) and that alone should unite us.
Non mentalcels will always have it better. I find it extremely difficult to connect which is why i'm friendless aswell as being incel double fucking whammy. Being isolated socially hurts infinitely more. To those who don't believe me try locking yourself in your room for a good 3 weeks without talking to anyone and then you might get a taste of what life is like for mentalcels. Rant ovr
The daily discussions about mentalcels are boring and pointless. Mentalcels are usally a lot of other -cels too.
grayjedi90 said:
fernandopox said:
You are completely right, mate and also, these so-called "mentalcels" need to get their shit together like everyone else and muster up courage to ask a girl out and overall try to improve their lives. It takes balls, discipline, meditation, and being serious, it's all they have to fucking do. Nothing in life is easy. Fixing an ugly face? Yeeeeeah good luck with that.
Also reminder to mentalfakecels: truecels have been fucked up most of their lives because of a whole life of rejection and feeling genetically inferior.
Tried all that shit what you said still after 27 years nothing. I dont need an excuse i have legit tried it as much as i could. So whats your advice for me know after all those years trying?

You and I have the same age and we've both suffered a lot, for different reasons but still. An advice I can give you is to stop thinking it's over and get off incel forums because it is devastating for guys like you who genuinely think they don't have a chance. Think about the fact that you don't have down syndrome or any other serious mental condition. In the end of the day, you are using internet, typing messages, going out as you said in a previous post in this thread, doing normal stuff. You are not sick in the head AFAIK so take that and take it slowly, be aware of the fact that people might see you as a weirdo and try not to sperg randomly. I have a brother like you, you know. Normie-looking, nice hair, skin and teeth. He could have had a completely normal life if he had understood that he is not a fucking child. Nowadays he is 40, single, forever alone and a "mentalcel" but I think in part it was because of his pride in refusing to get serious help. Do you have the problem of pride? You may have tried to get help but maybe deep down in you there is still a strong pride that doesn't want to let go and now you are easily blaming your shit life on mentalceldom. All I can say mate is that life isn't easy, not even for Chad and Stacy, we all have problems and difficulties and need to work on them.
fernandopox said:
You and I have the same age and we've both suffered a lot, for different reasons but still. An advice I can give you is to stop thinking it's over and get off incel forums because it is devastating for guys like you who genuinely think they don't have a chance. Think about the fact that you don't have down syndrome or any other serious mental condition. In the end of the day, you are using internet, typing messages, going out as you said in a previous post in this thread, doing normal stuff. You are not sick in the head AFAIK so take that and take it slowly, be aware of the fact that people might see you as a weirdo and try not to sperg randomly. I have a brother like you, you know. Normie-looking, nice hair, skin and teeth. He could have had a completely normal life if he had understood that he is not a fucking child. Nowadays he is 40, single, forever alone and a "mentalcel" but I think in part it was because of his pride in refusing to get serious help. Do you have the problem of pride? You may have tried to get help but maybe deep down in you there is still a strong pride that doesn't want to let go and now you are easily blaming your shit life on mentalceldom. All I can say mate is that life isn't easy, not even for Chad and Stacy, we all have problems and difficulties and need to work on them.

Chad and Stacy life isn't easy lol, i report you pretender
grayjedi90 said:
fernandopox said:
You and I have the same age and we've both suffered a lot, for different reasons but still. An advice I can give you is to stop thinking it's over and get off incel forums because it is devastating for guys like you who genuinely think they don't have a chance. Think about the fact that you don't have down syndrome or any other serious mental condition. In the end of the day, you are using internet, typing messages, going out as you said in a previous post in this thread, doing normal stuff. You are not sick in the head AFAIK so take that and take it slowly, be aware of the fact that people might see you as a weirdo and try not to sperg randomly. I have a brother like you, you know. Normie-looking, nice hair, skin and teeth. He could have had a completely normal life if he had understood that he is not a fucking child. Nowadays he is 40, single, forever alone and a "mentalcel" but I think in part it was because of his pride in refusing to get serious help. Do you have the problem of pride? You may have tried to get help but maybe deep down in you there is still a strong pride that doesn't want to let go and now you are easily blaming your shit life on mentalceldom. All I can say mate is that life isn't easy, not even for Chad and Stacy, we all have problems and difficulties and need to work on them.
Chad and Stacy life isn't easy lol, i report you pretender

See you are not a mentalcel, you are just a retard. My point is, everybody has problems. Deal with yours instead of giving up.
Give me one reason why after 27 years of trying and i still do, i made a pact with myself to try until atleast 30, i should hope that it later will get better?
fernandopox said:
See you are not a mentalcel, you are just a retard. My point is, everybody has problems. Deal with yours instead of giving up.

Give me one reason why after 27 years of trying and i still do, i made a pact with myself to try until atleast 30, i should hope that it later will get better?
fernandopox said:
See you are not a mentalcel, you are just a retard. My point is, everybody has problems. Deal with yours instead of giving up.

the same could be said to ugly people. In fact, they just need to get surgery so it's much easier.
Fuck off with this bluepilled shit
grayjedi90 said:
fernandopox said:
See you are not a mentalcel, you are just a retard. My point is, everybody has problems. Deal with yours instead of giving up.
Give me one reason why after 27 years of trying and i still do, i made a pact with myself to try until atleast 30, i should hope that it later will get better?

Read my previous message, it's all I can say to you. Pride and incel forums might be fucking you up. Seriously, examine yourself and start over. It's all I can say.

On another note, I have always thought of mentalcels more like forever alone guys. Nothing to do with involuntary celibacy imo
fernandopox said:
You and I have the same age and we've both suffered a lot, for different reasons but still. An advice I can give you is to stop thinking it's over and get off incel forums because it is devastating for guys like you who genuinely think they don't have a chance. Think about the fact that you don't have down syndrome or any other serious mental condition. In the end of the day, you are using internet, typing messages, going out as you said in a previous post in this thread, doing normal stuff. You are not sick in the head AFAIK so take that and take it slowly, be aware of the fact that people might see you as a weirdo and try not to sperg randomly. I have a brother like you, you know. Normie-looking, nice hair, skin and teeth. He could have had a completely normal life if he had understood that he is not a fucking child. Nowadays he is 40, single, forever alone and a "mentalcel" but I think in part it was because of his pride in refusing to get serious help. Do you have the problem of pride? You may have tried to get help but maybe deep down in you there is still a strong pride that doesn't want to let go and now you are easily blaming your shit life on mentalceldom. All I can say mate is that life isn't easy, not even for Chad and Stacy, we all have problems and difficulties and need to work on them.

1. Don't judge what you don't understand.

2. No bluepilled advice. "Get off once forums" = "go out and be yourself bro."
fernandopox said:
Read my previous message, it's all I can say to you. Pride and incel forums might be fucking you up. Seriously, examine yourself and start over. It's all I can say.

On another note, I have always thought of mentalcels more like forever alone guys. Nothing to do with involuntary celibacy imo

ban this guy already
blickpall said:
1. Don't judge what you don't understand.

2. No bluepilled advice. "Get off once forums" = "go out and be yourself bro."

LDAR only works for truecels, if you look like chad but browse here then  he is rights its only stopping you from getting pussy.
grayjedi90 said:
ban this guy already

He has received 50% warning, 1 day post ban. You can stop reporting now.
blickpall said:
He has received 50% warning, 1 day post ban. You can stop reporting now.

fernandopox said:
See you are not a mentalcel, you are just a retard. My point is, everybody has problems. Deal with yours instead of giving up.

you have the audacity to rebuke someone for not being grateful about receiving that unholy amalgamation of condescending shit-tier “advice” literally every normie regurgitates as if they had a script?
fernandopox said:
You and I have the same age and we've both suffered a lot, for different reasons but still. An advice I can give you is to stop thinking it's over and get off incel forums because it is devastating for guys like you who genuinely think they don't have a chance. Think about the fact that you don't have down syndrome or any other serious mental condition. In the end of the day, you are using internet, typing messages, going out as you said in a previous post in this thread, doing normal stuff. You are not sick in the head AFAIK so take that and take it slowly, be aware of the fact that people might see you as a weirdo and try not to sperg randomly. I have a brother like you, you know. Normie-looking, nice hair, skin and teeth. He could have had a completely normal life if he had understood that he is not a fucking child. Nowadays he is 40, single, forever alone and a "mentalcel" but I think in part it was because of his pride in refusing to get serious help. Do you have the problem of pride? You may have tried to get help but maybe deep down in you there is still a strong pride that doesn't want to let go and now you are easily blaming your shit life on mentalceldom. All I can say mate is that life isn't easy, not even for Chad and Stacy, we all have problems and difficulties and need to work on them.

You don't know what does and does not constitute a goddamn serious mental condition. 

Clinical depression kills people. The successful suicide rate for people with any form of PTSD is like 1 in 20. Bipolar disorder that's severe enough puts you on fucking disability. 

Do you know why I'm here?

Because I am also on mental illness forums and I have been for a decade now. Because even most people with BPD can form unstable relationships, but I can't because I'm more fucked up than they are. I am in therapy, I am taking all of my psychiatric meds within the same 5 minute period every single day. I am still so horrifically emotionally unstable and have so many interpersonal triggers that I simply cannot interact with people in public anymore beyond structured mumbling at cashiers and such. It's not even that I'm terrified of people, it's that once I am actually around people my body and subconscious brace for abuse. 

I can't unwire that part of me. We've been trying for ten years. I still go into fight or flight on dates. 

I'm here because I am involuntarily not having sex with anyone. 

I am here because through no fault of my own I do not fit in with and am incapable of participating equally in society and social dynamics. 

I am here because the thing that actively harms me in my life the most is my isolation and my inability to find positive physical touch anywhere. 

I am here because I have taken ever positive step everyone has ever taken me and my problems stopped getting better a long time ago and it's fucking over for me. I am going to die alone and unloved because I am too fucked up mentally to sustain even a basic friendship with someone of the same gender, much less an intimate or sexual relationship. 

I am here because I am a goddamn incel. 

And because this is the only place I can lament my lack of sex life that anyone understands or gives a shit. BPD forums don't want to hear about how I'm so unstable no one will fuck me. They don't want to hear my frustration that I went on yet another date, my second in a month, and wasted money because something set me off and I had to spend 10 minutes having some kind of attack in the bathroom or disassociated really hard and said something fucking wierd because I wasn't grounded in reality. 

There's hope for me? My last actual date had me babbling apologies at the table while I hyperventilated during a flashback to my father punching me because she said something he used to say and she freaked out and excused herself and fled the fucking restaurant.
legit thread

being good looking and having your mind and social skills broken is way worse than being ugly as fuck and hyper NT

it's like having magnesium and flint and not knowing & be able to make sparks to make a fire

jfl @ getting banned for this shit tbh
kvn said:
You are so fucking retarded i wanna punch you in your stupid fucking ugly face and make you even more ugly so that you can whine even more about how you have it worst. Fucking dumb motherfucker.

Neck yourself you fucking "mentalcel" reject
Hurrr durrr I'm decent looking but I'm mental! I can't get women hurrr durrrrr
I've been called mentalcel many times but I still consider myself an uglycel
NeverSubmit said:
I can't blame femoids for wanting nothing to do with mentalcel faggots cos I want nothing to do with them either
Tellem--T said:
This whole forum is like 80% mental cels, they are just in disguise

my man you are a mentalcel... as am i JFL
Mentalcel just means you think you are better looking than you are.
Mentalcel =/= truecel. Mentalcel = average looking + autism. Truecel = way below average looking.

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