Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

As Mentalcel i have to speak out against everyone here who is shitting on us



Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?
Nov 15, 2017
Mentalcels can also be truecels. Just because we are average or a bit below average looking doesn't mean that our problems are fixable and we can just slay women here and there.

Im the best proof of that. Im a 27 years old friendless mentalcel. Since i can think i never could connect or relate to other people, i don't know what to say and talk about. No matter what i tried i just couldn't do it, people always dislike me and end the conversation fast. I went to therapy a few times but its all the same bullshit and everytime there was a normie giving me bluepilled advice that didn't work. Many years i followed the adavice of my parents, relatives and normies. Just go out to bars, disco or clubs and be social. So i did that, went alone as a friendless mentalcel to these places which are the worst to be as incel. Even here i tried it without success, after a while i had to stop because the suicidefuel became too much for me. 

So please understand our struggles. We are all in the same boat and instead of fighting each other we should unite against the normies.


This whole forum is like 80% mental cels, they are just in disguise
First rule of mental-illness club: those without it will never sympathize, ever

you're on your own

that's why we rope first
"We're all in the same boat"

No we aren't. We aren't even close. You may be suffering and i won't deny it, but we're not in the same boat at all. And fyi i have your problems and i'm also a "mentalcel", but i know that my main problem is my face.
I agree with OP and Tellem-T
Mentalcels aren't too bad, some piss me off though. It just depends how fucked in the head you are.
ArtoriasWolf said:
It just depends how fucked in the head you are.

I used to check the gas knobs on my stove about fifty times before leaving, then I would get about a mile away, turn back, and check them again.
I agree. Everyone here is mental anyway.
Mentalcels are the most marginalized incel group.
Stanx22 said:
"We're all in the same boat"

No we aren't. We aren't even close. You may be suffering and i won't deny it, but we're not in the same boat at all. And fyi i have your problems and i'm also a "mentalcel", but i know that my main problem is my face.

This is exactly what I say to these idiots.
You can't be a fucking cel if the first issue isn't because of your face.
I can't blame femoids for wanting nothing to do with mentalcel faggots cos I want nothing to do with them either
anincelforlifelol said:
This is exactly what I say to these idiots.
You can't be a fucking cel if the first issue isn't because of your face.

Stanx22 said:
"We're all in the same boat"

No we aren't. We aren't even close. You may be suffering and i won't deny it, but we're not in the same boat at all. And fyi i have your problems and i'm also a "mentalcel", but i know that my main problem is my face.

Tbh why are you even writing so much. Every post about mentalcels from facecels can be summarized in this video

A Good Friend said:
First rule of mental-illness club: those without it will never sympathize, ever

you're on your own

that's why we rope first

So much this all these idiots i would wish the worst depression and mental illness. Maybe then they would understand it. Having a bad face is bad yes. But being a mentalcel that cant even get friends and connect or relate with people in general is just as bad as a fucked up face. They get rejected because of their face, we get rejected because of our mental illness both prevent us from taking part in society.
Vision said:

So if the first problem isn't your face, then get the fuck out of this forum. I hate these mother fuckers who don't understand this. "Mentalcel" is not a real term. It's a fucking attention seeking faggot term. You can have mental problems BUT you're also ugly. It's fucking correlated for a reason.
grayjedi90 said:
So much this all these idiots i would wish the worst depression and mental illness. Maybe then they would understand it. Having a bad face is bad yes. But being a mentalcel that cant even get friends and connect or relate with people in general is just as bad as a fucked up face. They get rejected because of their face, we get rejected because of our mental illness both prevent us from taking part in society.

>It's all in your head bruh just don't be a pussy and be nt

God they sound just like TRP or cucktears
anincelforlifelol said:
So if the first problem isn't your face, then get the fuck out of this forum. I hate these mother fuckers who don't understand this. "Mentalcel" is not a real term. It's a fucking attention seeking faggot term. You can have mental problems BUT you're also ugly. It's fucking correlated for a reason.

Facade said:
>It's all in your head bruh just don't be a pussy and  be nt

God they sound just like TRP or cucktears
Unless you are a male model then your issue is your looks
Facade said:
Tbh why are you even writing so much. Every post about mentalcels from facecels can be summarized in this video

anincelforlifelol said:
So if the first problem isn't your face, then get the fuck out of this forum. I hate these mother fuckers who don't understand this. "Mentalcel" is not a real term. It's a fucking attention seeking faggot term. You can have mental problems BUT you're also ugly. It's fucking correlated for a reason.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All these idiots i would wish the worst depression and mental illness. Maybe then they would understand it. Having a bad face is bad yes. But being a mentalcel that cant even get friends and connect or relate with people in general is just as bad as a fucked up face. They get rejected because of their face, we get rejected because of our mental illness both prevent us from taking part in society.[/font]
i mean if u r good looking enough, u wont have problems in this society, thats just how it is

but yeah, if u r avg and u dont have high level social game u r fucked
We're all mental, this place being an asylum.
grayjedi90 said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All these idiots i would wish the worst depression and mental illness. Maybe then they would understand it. Having a bad face is bad yes. But being a mentalcel that cant even get friends and connect or relate with people in general is just as bad as a fucked up face. They get rejected because of their face, we get rejected because of our mental illness both prevent us from taking part in society.[/font]

You're retarded. It's always face first. Some people here have mental problems, but their face is their issue. Women like drooling autist men if they're good looking. Neck yourself and fuck off this forum.
anincelforlifelol said:
You're retarded. It's always face first. Some people here have mental problems, but their face is their issue. Women like drooling autist men if they're good looking. Neck yourself and fuck off this forum.

That applies to extremely good looking guys and not avg ones
anincelforlifelol said:
You're retarded. It's always face first. Some people here have mental problems, but their face is their issue. Women like drooling autist men if they're good looking. Neck yourself and fuck off this forum.

Im not good looking either im average at best. How many chad autists exist? A handful lol stop coping.
Stanx22 said:
"We're all in the same boat"

No we aren't. We aren't even close. You may be suffering and i won't deny it, but we're not in the same boat at all. And fyi i have your problems and i'm also a "mentalcel", but i know that my main problem is my face.
grayjedi90 said:
So much this all these idiots i would wish the worst depression and mental illness. Maybe then they would understand it. Having a bad face is bad yes. But being a mentalcel that cant even get friends and connect or relate with people in general is just as bad as a fucked up face. They get rejected because of their face, we get rejected because of our mental illness both prevent us from taking part in society.

uglycels are lucky in a way because their problems can be fixed with surgeries. 
Mental illness is a life sentence in some cases. Tbh, I can't see myself in an LTR with my issues. Like I can barely function as it is
grayjedi90 said:
Im not good looking either im average at best. How many chad autists exist? A handful lol stop coping.
Then stop using the term "mentalcel", retard. It's your fucking face that's the problem. Now when you have dumb shits like that stupid 6'4 nigger complaining about not being able to get women when he's clearly above average those are the retards we have issues against. They use "mentalcel" as a way to attention whore.

Some of you people are low iq. "Mentalcel" is not a legitimate term. It's a fake fucking -cel term some of you fakecels came out with.
At least with average or above average mentalcels they can move to a new country (if they can afford to), then they have an excuse to be friendless, because they just moved there.

Although that facade will only last for so long, so if you don't make friends in that time-frame you're fucked.

For me though I'm too poor to move plus I'm ugly and short to boot, so it wouldn't work for me.
dr-problematic said:
i mean if u r good looking enough, u wont have problems in this society, thats just how it is

but yeah, if u r avg and u dont have high level social game u r fucked

exactly this. You need ABOVE AVERAGE looks to compensate for mental illness/autism.
fukmylyf said:
exactly this. You need ABOVE AVERAGE looks to compensate for mental illness/autism.

grayjedi90 said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All these idiots i would wish the worst depression and mental illness. Maybe then they would understand it. Having a bad face is bad yes. But being a mentalcel that cant even get friends and connect or relate with people in general is just as bad as a fucked up face. They get rejected because of their face, we get rejected because of our mental illness both prevent us from taking part in society.[/font]
I took the whole package. 

Ugly, balding, short

Bipolar, social retardation, depression and brain fog and i have 0 friends and 0 social interaction

What's worse ?? Well being ugly, balding, short is 1000x worse than being mentally ill and retarded. You know what ? If i got blessed with a good face, height and a good head of hair, i'd not even be bothered with my mentality anymore.
fukmylyf said:
exactly this. You need ABOVE AVERAGE looks to compensate for mental illness/autism.

You can't compensate for having no social circle though (unless you're legit MM tier). Cold approaching a complete stranger is just a PUA dream and will never work IRL.
fukmylyf said:
uglycels are lucky in a way because their problems can be fixed with surgeries. 
Mental illness is a life sentence in some cases. Tbh, I can't see myself in an LTR with my issues. Like I can barely function as it is
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Was the pun intended?

No? Yeah I know @Facade is also a self (or legit) diagnosed mentalcel but that had nothing to do with it lol.
>tfw get panic attacks while walking down the street
>tfw literally can't make eye contact

I couldn't approach a girl if you gave me a million dollars, srs. But no, of course, you have to be a 1/10 deformed elephant men to be an incel nowadays. The funniest part is these guys who claim to be "facecels" are literally either average or just slightly below. They're mentalcels themselves, highly delusional ones.
whogivesafucc said:
>tfw get panic attacks while walking down the street
>tfw literally can't make eye contact

I couldn't approach a girl if you gave me a million dollars, srs. But no, of course, you have to be a 1/10 deformed elephant men to be an incel nowadays. The funniest part is these guys who claim to be "facecels" are literally either average or just slightly below. They're mentalcels themselves, highly delusional ones.

Yup I can relate to your comment

Seriously I just want the pain to end
VLÖ said:
You can't compensate for having no social circle though (unless you're legit MM tier). Cold approaching a complete stranger is just a PUA dream and will never work IRL.

yeah, unfortunately. It's pretty much over if you're in your 20s with no social circle. You need to already have friends to make new ones. People really underestimate the importance of social proof here.
im willing to bet money that most users on this site are average/above average looking and they just have serious mental issues. like 90% of people on here are just mentalcels.
fukmylyf said:
yeah, unfortunately. It's pretty much over if you're in your 20s with no social circle. You need to already have friends to make new ones. People really underestimate the importance of social proof here.

Social circle is useless if you're really good looking and it's also useless if you're ugly.
fukmylyf said:
uglycels are lucky in a way because their problems can be fixed with surgeries. 
Mental illness is a life sentence in some cases. Tbh, I can't see myself in an LTR with my issues. Like I can barely function as it is

Yes, and there are ugly guys who gain status or popularity and do better than Chads. Not going to get into details, you can't deny it. Is it easy? fuck no. Like some kid from a poor ghetto who studies hard and becomes a big doctor. Ever see that old movie Stand and Deliver? Bunch of Thuggy kids who can barely add end up getting top scores in Calculus.  All his friends are pointing guns at cops and getting toasted.

If you don't have tumors growing out your eyes and nose, you are likely a mentalcel. I know for sure I am one. I had lots of signals from women and I didn't have the slightest clue. The shrink said it is not your looks but the problem is MUCH MUCH worse. I didn't know until about 25 something is not right that I never touched a girl. 

The guy below is a dad. He got a woman, what is your excuse:

NYincel said:
The guy below is a dad. He got a woman, what is your excuse:


Arranged marriage works wonders
NYincel said:
Yes, and there are ugly guys who gain status or popularity and do better than Chads. Not going to get into details, you can't deny it. Is it easy? fuck no. Like some kid from a poor ghetto who studies hard and becomes a big doctor. Ever see that old movie Stand and Deliver? Bunch of Thuggy kids who can barely add end up getting top scores in Calculus.  All his friends are pointing guns at cops and getting toasted.

If you don't have tumors growing out your eyes and nose, you are likely a mentalcel. I know for sure I am one. I had lots of signals from women and I didn't have the slightest clue. The shrink said it is not your looks but the problem is MUCH MUCH worse. I didn't know until about 25 something is not right that I never touched a girl. 

The guy below is a dad. He got a woman, what is your excuse:


Oh for fucks sake not everybody is intelligent or smart enough to study. Intelligence is all about genetics and then you need an oppurtunity to use your intelligence. But if you don't have intelligence to begin with you can't achieve such things. You people act like everybody is smart and intelligent like einstein or tesla lol stop fucking coping. Most people are average just a few are really intelligent enough to change the world.
NYincel said:
Yes, and there are ugly guys who gain status or popularity and do better than Chads. Not going to get into details, you can't deny it. Is it easy? fuck no. Like some kid from a poor ghetto who studies hard and becomes a big doctor. Ever see that old movie Stand and Deliver? Bunch of Thuggy kids who can barely add end up getting top scores in Calculus.  All his friends are pointing guns at cops and getting toasted.

If you don't have tumors growing out your eyes and nose, you are likely a mentalcel. I know for sure I am one. I had lots of signals from women and I didn't have the slightest clue. The shrink said it is not your looks but the problem is MUCH MUCH worse. I didn't know until about 25 something is not right that I never touched a girl. 

The guy below is a dad. He got a woman, what is your excuse:

Bluepill bullshit.
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Arranged marriage works wonders

I knew a guy who became a muzzie, he was married in a few months. Went to all their events and shit, got paired with a decent girl. Average to below guy.

grayjedi90 said:
Oh for fucks sake not everybody is intelligent or smart enough to study. Intelligence is all about genetics and then you need an oppurtunity to use your intelligence. But if you don't have intelligence to begin with you can't achieve such things. You people act like everybody is smart and intelligent like einstein or tesla lol stop fucking coping. Most people are average just a few are really intelligent enough to change the world.

So if you turn up empty in every direction, maybe the black pill is the answer. A genetic dead end.
NYincel said:
I knew a guy who became a muzzie, he was married in a few months. Went to all their events and shit, got paired with a decent girl. Average to below guy.

So if you turn up empty in every direction, maybe the black pill is the answer. A genetic dead end.

Bullshit. I'm a Muslim and i'm an incel and arranged marriage will never work for me because i'm too much of an abomination.
Case closed.
IMO "truecels" who aren't still out there being rejected, who've never tried and failed at self improvement and therapy and meds and every other thing are the ones who can get the fuck off their high horses.

I've been getting steadily rejected by women for longer than half of you have had hair on your balls. My life has been a hellscape of isolation and abuse and I actually have done the meds and therapy thing and am still doing it and the worst part about it is that it has helped.

Has. Past tense. My meds are as heavy as I can really handle, I'm right at that balance point where I can quietly hold down a job that pays for an efficiency and internet and shitty food. Therapy hasn't dulled my psychotic reactions to social interaction in person, especially anything that's supposed to result in trust or intimacy. My issues are permanent. My brain was broken as it was forming ON FUCKING PURPOSE by my a parents.

You chucklefucks who just have an ugly face cannot imagine what it is to live a lifetime defined someone very purposefully and methodically trying to break you in your house and succeeding before you hit puberty.

But you know what you idiots can imagine?

Watching life pass you by because everyone who looks at you for ten seconds just knows that there's something wrong with you. Instead of a misshapen head it's my dead, miserable, lifeless eyes. Instead of fucked up teeth it's the scary tension my jaw is permanently set in because every single person I meet I am physically braced to be attacked by.

I have been utterly alone for 12 years and it's never going to stop because the longer I live, no matter what I do or what steps I take, all I do is unravel and get worse. The more life demands of me the more I realize I am just not equal to the task. I've been homeless twice in my life for more than three months each. How many of you stupid truecells have been fucking homeless before? How many of you have had to pay for a week at a motel and starve on ramen packets for a month to afford having a roof over your head at all?

How many of you have ever had to use a hose to wash yourself off behind a gas station in the middle of cold ass January so you didn't smell homeless walking into a job interview hoping to find a source if income to get yourselves off the streets?

So fuck you, posting from your parents houses about how hard your lives are and how much society hates you.

You haven't been literally starving on the streets having people walk past you as you look even for human eye contact and that someone might care enough for half a second that you can ask them to help you not DIE TODAY.
anincelforlifelol said:
You're retarded. It's always face first. Some people here have mental problems, but their face is their issue. Women like drooling autist men if they're good looking. Neck yourself and fuck off this forum.

You are so fucking retarded i wanna punch you in your stupid fucking ugly face and make you even more ugly so that you can whine even more about how you have it worst. Fucking dumb motherfucker.

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