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Theory Arrested development pill -- my contribution to the blackpill philosophy

forget about this cucked career stuff brocel, join no pussy no work.
Where I want to work you do absolutly nothing most of the time, with decent pay. No females here
All of the hardest hitting pills are some variant of the agepill. It's brutal af. Being in my mid 20s still with the mind of a teenager. Still craving that first love, a kiss with a virgin girl before deflowering her. But every girl within ten years my age has seen it all before, done it all before. Even if I were ever to "ascend" it would never make up for missing out on those developmental years. Likely I will still be in this position ten years from now.
It's like that sprinter who trips and falls mid-race -- it's over for him, he's too far behind to be able to catch up. He may give up then and there, or he may go on to finish last just for the "sporting spirit", but either way it's over for him.
Good metaphor. Also trying to compete in the next race as a second chance is like hanging out with younger people. It isn't allowed and noone wants you there.
Talking to foids is probably one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. Seriously, it's all pure halo effect. Chad can talk about any bullshit and all the good vibes in that conversation will be based on sexual instinct. You can't talk deeply with a foid, you can't bring up great conversations by the end of the day, a foid has not developed—and does not need—abstract thinking.

Just chadfish and try to have deep convos with foids. It's like talking to a concrete wall.
Even if she had she'll pretend to be stupid and not understand what you say in fear you develop some strange fantasy of you two being similar and so a potential couple. But yes 99% they're just dumb.
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If you lose a milestone, for instance, teenage romance/sex you'll become developmentally arrested, and then lose the following milestones one after another.
It is like you can't progress further in the main story line in a game without completing a previous quest.
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This is undeniably true. In fact it’s one of the reasons enforced monogamy is important. Enforced monogamy is sexual communism, and it emphasizes restrictions far more than freedoms, because freedom just means one is left in the dust. In something like a race it’s not a big deal because a race is a short term event, but having arrested development screws you for life.
The real essence of the blackpill.

I am 24, no friends for 6 years, no attention from anyone for anything be it social, careerwise or even family. I a m 95% sure I have undiagnosed aspergers and ADHD but my parents and myself never wanted to believe it when the school counselors raised their concerns but the spergyness is just too obvious and exacerbated now after years of isolation.

The worst part is there doesn't seem to be a bottom to this social stagnation and downfall, it just keeps getting worse and worse and the social and mental symptoms become bigger and harder to navigate, I used to be able to keep a convo, go out and do stuff (I have a package to pick up that I can't bring myself to do) and present myself as somewhat normal but I noticed I lost that when I had to go to a job related conference and engage with people as part of work.
Once the boat has sailed there's no other boat coming to save you from this deserted island you are on. That's how I see the concept you've brought to the blackpill community.
Once the boat has sailed there's no other boat coming to save you from this deserted island you are on. That's how I see the concept you've brought to the blackpill community.
The desert island analogy is a one-and-done event.

Think of it as getting late for work in a bad day.

Your car doesn't start so you call an uber.

But your phone dies, so you go to the bus stop.

But the bus driver takes you to the other side of town, so you catch a train.

But the railroad workers go on strike so now you're walking, with no phone, hungry, in the unfamiliar part of town, being ogled by negro thugs, and it's almost 2 PM and you can't even call your boss. Whatever you do, things only go downhill from there. And you still have to fix your car.
The desert island analogy is a one-and-done event.

Think of it as getting late for work in a bad day.

Your car doesn't start so you call an uber.

But your phone dies, so you go to the bus stop.

But the bus driver takes you to the other side of town, so you catch a train.

But the railroad workers go on strike so now you're walking, with no phone, hungry, in the unfamiliar part of town, being ogled by negro thugs, and it's almost 2 PM and you can't even call your boss. Whatever you do, things only go downhill from there. And you still have to fix your car.
You really did set quite a scene I took some time to imagine it for a few minutes, you are good at writing but thank you for the correction you made me understand your concept better.
missing out on teenage romance/relationships is absolutely brutal. i feel completely empty watching my friends enter relationships and have sex while i rot in my room all day.
Autism and helicopter parenting = death sentence. There was no point in being born.
Autism and helicopter parenting = death sentence. There was no point in being born.
I was so closing to ascending to normie tier in grade 8, but then my sand nigger dad went and ruined it for me by forcing us to move to Egypt for 1 year
I was so closing to ascending to normie tier in grade 8, but then my sand nigger dad went and ruined it for me by forcing us to move to Egypt for 1 year
Shouldn’t it be easier to ascend with the fesikh foids?
Shouldn’t it be easier to ascend with the fesikh foids?
How did you even come to that conclusion from what I said? I was in egupt for like 10 months to learn Arabic and go to international school jfl. And the egyptian girls in my class were fugly as fuck
How did you even come to that conclusion from what I said? I was in egupt for like 10 months to learn Arabic and go to international school jfl. And the egyptian girls in my class were fugly as fuck
You went to Egypt solely to learn Arabic?
You went to Egypt solely to learn Arabic?
I went with my family because my dad made us. I was 13-14 around that time. Then he went back to Canada to work and we stayed dthere for 10 months and came back when the revolution happened. He had planned for us to stay there permanently
I went with my family because my dad made us. I was 13-14 around that time. Then he went back to Canada to work and we stayed dthere for 10 months and came back when the revolution happened. He had planned for us to stay there permanently
Why did he want you all to move to Egypt permanently? He liked the culture?
Why did he want you all to move to Egypt permanently? He liked the culture?

>we need to go live in a muslim country so u guiz can learn arabic :soy: :soy: the shaytan will get you in deh west :soy: :soy:

He has done this 3 times. Once in egyot 2 times with turkey, though the 3rd time I didn't go, other 2 times, I ended up wasting 2 years of my life rotting in egypt and turkey

>we need to go live in a muslim country so u guiz can learn arabic :soy: :soy: the shaytan will get you in deh west :soy: :soy:

He has done this 3 times. Once in egyot 2 times with turkey, though the 3rd time I didn't go, other 2 times, I ended up wasting 2 years of my life rotting in egypt and turkey
Jfl, maybe you should blackpill him with the turkish bodycount stats or alpha male lifestyle exposing fesikh hojabis.
Jfl, maybe you should blackpill him with the turkish bodycount stats or alpha male lifestyle exposing fesikh hojabis.
Nah, his life is hard as is, I let him cope with his bluepills. I mostly feed blackpill truths to my brothers and sisters, although sometimes to my dad as well and he usually agrees with me
Nah, his life is hard as is, I let him cope with his bluepills. I mostly feed blackpill truths to my brothers and sisters, although sometimes to my dad as well and he usually agrees with me
What do your brothers and sisters say when you say shit like “whites have it the best and are the best looking”?
What do your brothers and sisters say when you say shit like “whites have it the best and are the best looking”?
Depends on the mood, sometimes they jokingly entertain me, but on average they either can't rebuke what I say or they simple agree.

For example, one of my sisters is pale brunette with nordic facial features (small button nose, round forehead) and I have asked her if she's ever felt like a "foreigner" in canada, and she says no. I ask her if our mom's brown friends (like a yemeni or egyptian woman) have ever praised her for her skin color, and she says yes they have.

Or I mention mundane things like how Naruto or Ichigo is a white man, or how mario, link, samus, etc are all white. And I rhetorically ask them "why are these chinks so obsessed with making white people the MCs of their fictional series?"


My other sister was born with blue eyes for the first 7 or 8 months of her life, but she lost them. She especially agrees with a lot of what I say, and she plays Genshin Impact, and she herself told me how it's funny this Chinese game is full of white characters JFL. She's the most based out of all my siblings

I also talk to them about how dumb niggers by siting their shitty countries are and how ugly chinks are and wish to look like us caucasions and showing them all the countless mainstream articles that talk of asian self-hate, asians mutiliating their faces, or reddit posts/tiktok vidoes like something like this. although I've never actially shown THIS specific pic for obvious reasons

Depends on the mood, sometimes they jokingly entertain me, but on average they either can't rebuke what I say or they simple agree.

For example, one of my sisters is pale brunette with nordic facial features (small button nose, round forehead) and I have asked her if she's ever felt like a "foreigner" in canada, and she says no. I ask her if our mom's brown friends (like a yemeni or egyptian woman) have ever praised her for her skin color, and she says yes they have.

Or I mention mundane things like how Naruto or Ichigo is a white man, or how mario, link, samus, etc are all white. And I rhetorically ask them "why are these chinks so obsessed with making white people the MCs of their fictional series?"

View attachment 801187

My other sister was born with blue eyes for the first 7 or 8 months of her life, but she lost them. She especially agrees with a lot of what I say, and she plays Genshin Impact, and she herself told me how it's funny this Chinese game is full of white characters JFL. She's the most based out of all my siblings

I also talk to them about how dumb niggers by siting their shitty countries are and how ugly chinks are and wish to look like us caucasions and showing them all the countless mainstream articles that talk of asian self-hate, asians mutiliating their faces, or reddit posts/tiktok vidoes like something like this. although I've never actially shown THIS specific pic for obvious reasons

View attachment 801185
Holy shit the pic is brutal. And that’s funny how your white looking sister is less accepting. Usually the white looking one denies it because they don’t want to acknowledge their own privilege, and that’s how it went even in the kike community.
Talking to foids is probably one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. Seriously, it's all pure halo effect. Chad can talk about any bullshit and all the good vibes in that conversation will be based on sexual instinct. You can't talk deeply with a foid, you can't bring up great conversations by the end of the day, a foid has not developed—and does not need—abstract thinking.

Just chadfish and try to have deep convos with foids. It's like talking to a concrete wall.
Yeah Foids are only made for fucking , most likely not even Chad enjoys talking to them
9000 iq post tbh.
I never even got a kiss. Life never began.
Im turning 30 soon and I feel like a 12 year old boy still
Being an oldcel must be brutal. I'm still in my mid-20's and already feel like a kid trapped in a decaying body. Thinking bout the future scares me
You'll get used to it. My life is pre shit but I am happy I am getting older and closer to my demise.
Dr. K optimistic take on this pill:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOWelVx5CUw

According to him, people who were "left behind" in life CAN catch up after decades IF they put in heavy effort in acquiring skills, discipline, etc.

I agree that heavy effort may yield good results, but the issue is that the "available prizes" for a 40 year old senior citizen are not the same as for a 30 year old, much less for a 20 year old. Employment opportunities, for instance, shrink dramatically... friendships formed later in life are more like acquaintanceships for the most part, and foids will never treat a balding autistic 40 year old "boyfriend" anything like they would treat their actual romantic interests, like Chad. A guy in this situation is seen as a betabuxxer at best.

A 38 year-old failure such as yours truly will not become young, non-autistic and with a full head of hair, with the neuroplasticity to learn anything, no matter how much effort. What I can aspire to is getting better income, ditch vices and buy better copes... so that when I become a 39 year-old failure, I will be enjoying my failures in a more comfortable position.

My youth is gone. My neuroplasticity is gone. There is no catching up to that. Yes, I can substantially improve the shit I have now, but it is not "catching up", except in the optimism marketing sense -- which is how Dr. K makes his money. In reality, any effort by a sub-6 non-NT male is merely damage control --- looking for a better way or a better place to fall.
I'm currently 17, I've never ever had a girlfriend, never even held hands or kissed a girl, and I don't have any female friends. Never had any girl approach me, and I have horrible self confidence because of that. I even made the effort to try to approach a very beautiful girl who happened to have similar interests as me and ask her out, but she only sees me as a boring and ugly POS and doesn't even accept my feelings for her (not even the first time this has happened) because Girls simply don't see me as dateable, simple as that. Im approaching my senior year of highschool, I'm deathly scared that I'm going to be a virgin for the rest of my life because it will be over for me by the time I've hit 18.
I'm currently 17, I've never ever had a girlfriend, never even held hands or kissed a girl, and I don't have any female friends. Never had any girl approach me, and I have horrible self confidence because of that.
At 17 it's usual to be KHHV. The problem is when you remain KHHV through your college years. The milestone you must reach at 17 is having MALE friends, and being able to join a circle of people and talk.

I even made the effort to try to approach a very beautiful girl who happened to have similar interests
Are you interested in getting all your orifices filled with Chad's sperm? Because that's the ONLY way you're going to have "similar interests" with a foid.

she only sees me as a boring and ugly POS
You're lucky she sees you at all. You should use this opportunity to learn how foids minds work.

and doesn't even accept my feelings for her
No foid is ever interested in any male's "feelings". They are interested in Chad's SPERM not in his feelings, likewise they're interested in Betabuxxer Brad's MONEY, not his feelings. You should discuss your feelings ONLY with your best friend, family, a (male) thERapist or maybe with a friendly passersby (taxi driver, bar guy, guy who sits next to you in an airplane etc.)

because Girls simply don't see me as dateable, simple as that.
A "date" is a business meeting. A foid is selling her expensive coochie for something... a free meal, Chad's sperm, a criminal thrill, a betabuxxer's lifelong enslavement, etc.

You can't go to a business meeting if you have no business. What are you offering these foids?

Im approaching my senior year of highschool, I'm deathly scared that I'm going to be a virgin for the rest of my life because it will be over for me by the time I've hit 18.
Dude, read this shit above.

There is nothing wrong with You, from this story.

You can still catch-up. Just hit the gym, be friends with the guys and go out more. If you're not Chad, chances are you're only gonna get sex once in a while all the way to your 30's when you become productive enough for an indebted fat single mom of 3 to accept you as her personal slave.
Good post,

If you haven't kissed at 16 (permanent damage)

If you haven't had a gf at 16 ( permanent damage)

If you haven't had sex at 18 (permanent damage)
What a great, brutal thread, read every comment. A lot of wisdom in here.

Youngcels should do everything in their power to achieve true ascension before leaving university, including going to an escort. The sooner the better.

@turbosperg you mentioned helicopter parents. Did you have them? How were they? These types of parents are major players in causing arrested development. I had them myself.
What a great, brutal thread, read every comment. A lot of wisdom in here.

Youngcels should do everything in their power to achieve true ascension before leaving university, including going to an escort. The sooner the better.

@turbosperg you mentioned helicopter parents. Did you have them? How were they? These types of parents are major players in causing arrested development. I had them myself.
I was helicopter parented AND neglected up to age 17~18. Mostly my mother was the helicopter parent. What I got from her is PTSD and a belief that everything is forbidden beyond my possibilities. The entire world is a taboo that I shall not touch. She did it by censoring me at every opportunity, invading my privacy every minute.
I was helicopter parented AND neglected up to age 17~18. Mostly my mother was the helicopter parent. What I got from her is PTSD and a belief that everything is forbidden beyond my possibilities. The entire world is a taboo that I shall not touch. She did it by censoring me at every opportunity, invading my privacy every minute.
Brutal. Seems like they every overprotective too, because of the censorship and invasion of privacy.

My parents weren't really neglectful but they were angry (especially the father), overprotective, suffocating and controlling. Things like going to parties or a friend's house were a huge ordeal. I remember once I happened to be listening to a psychologist on the radio talking about how to raise teenagers with confidence and my parents not only were wrong but did the exact opposite of what he was saying. They were only happy when I was studying. Whatever change at socialmaxxing during teenage years and young adulthood they destroyed.
Things like going to parties or a friend's house were a huge ordeal.
Same. As a kid, every time I casually hinted I made an acquaintance, then my parents would sit with me and put me through a veritable POLICE INTERVIEW about every tiny detail of this acquaintance's life, family, neighborhood, social circle etc.

It was so terrifying, I learned to avoid people for DECADES because my parents trained me to treat casual acquaintances with such extreme seriousness, meanwhile normies get married and start businesses with each other whilst barely knowing each others' FUCKING NAME. It's brutal.
If you haven't kissed at 16 (permanent damage)

If you haven't had a gf at 16 ( permanent damage)

If you haven't had sex at 18 (permanent damage)
The simple truth that therapists will never recognise.
incredibly high iq post. what normies either fail to realize or choose to ignore is just how critical your developmental years are to how you behave as an adult. when you lack social interactions and romance for the majority of your teenage and child years, suddenly getting it at 21 is not going to make you a social butterfly overnight. These things require years to develop, and missing out on these developmental milestones have huge ramifications on the persons behavior as an adult.

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