Indeed. I think that If you are low T you can cope with an incel life with pure acceptance. You are very lucky if you can, trust me! Specially after relizing the black pill is true, or being blackpilled. So treasure that attitude, it worths.
Anyway, I tried meditation (wich was very common in the western world despite what is commonly thought: Philosophy as a Way of Life. Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault - Pierre Hadot) for years, as many classical stoics, thanks to some buddhist schools that are being born in my country. But it just doesnt work for me, im way too high T, specially after 23. Damn, most stoics had a wife, Seneca included, so obviously they could try to overcome their desire WHILE SATISFIED, not when raging in frustration.
Most buddhist masters had a wife (nd kids) before ordaining as a monk or even have a wife (and kids) while being a monk (like most tibetan traditions except the Geluk one), the Buddha himself wasnt a virgin at all... he had a tons of sex with royal concubines before getting married to a top prime jb and had a kid with her. Obviously, after experiencing that, you can think about leaving behind sexual craving and all that stuff, but... before? When my sex drive is over the top? I dont think so, seriously.
Anyway, i keep meditating when im really depressed. Pure acceptance helps a lot when you are about to end it all obviously.