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Experiment Are you pro-degeneracy or anti-degeneracy? (Poll)

Are you pro-degeneracy or anti-degeneracy?

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Whatever benefits me is what I choose, and in my current situation it would be anti degeneracy. If I was Chad then I would be pro
Even chads and stacys make incels. There's no way the incel gene can die. Plus incels can be geniuses and are just as important as any fat and ugly rostie bitch. The only genes femoids want is the prettiest, that's not really important for the future, and why do you care about the future anyway, not like you'll be in it.

If chad is meant to fuck as many femoids as possible and impregnate them, who will raise his kids? Your tax money of course. That is literally you being in favor of society cucking you.

You can also say that about being born as a slave master. You'll be in favor of slavery if you were on the slave master side. The government giving femoids unfair privileges at our expense is the same as slavery, and it leads to us being depressed incels who are unproductive to society.

Slavery is by definition a limitation of freedom though. Freedom needs to be applied evenly to every individual within the system. The unfortunate fact of this is that, as genetics become the important variable in a system where people can make their own choices then some will come out better than others. This is different to a slave master who is afforded different rights and freedoms to a slave, unlike the situation of incels who are given the SAME right to select their own sexual partners it’s just to the misfortune of incels that no one wants to select them back.

It also takes reciprocation to give charity, but if men are forced to give 30% of their income every year to fund the system that is giving unfair privileges to femoids and cucking them, then they are right to be angry and stop feeding the degeneracy.
But what is the “degeneracy” in question here? Women being able to sleep with who they want or the laws used by governments to provide welfare for single parent children? These are two separate entities, you can be for one and against the other, which one are you referring to as “degeneracy”? If the answer is both then there is a false equivalency going on if you are justifying them BOTH under the same pretext.
But what is the “degeneracy” in question here? Women being able to sleep with who they want or the laws used by governments to provide welfare for single parent children? These are two separate entities, you can be for one and against the other, which one are you referring to as “degeneracy”? If the answer is both then there is a false equivalency going on if you are justifying them BOTH under the same pretext.
Sorry, this was my answer to your statement on slavery. I don’t know how to reply in two blocks.
Slavery is by definition a limitation of freedom though. Freedom needs to be applied evenly to every individual within the system. The unfortunate fact of this is that, as genetics become the important variable in a system where people can make their own choices then some will come out better than others. This is different to a slave master who is afforded different rights and freedoms to a slave, unlike the situation of incels who are given the SAME right to select their own sexual partners it’s just to the misfortune of incels that no one wants to select them back.
Degeneracy to me is making society unstable and causing suffering for no valid reason.
In theory but the extremists on this site have a very narrow worldview which usually is simply derived from either the bible, the quran or mein kampf.
I don't think my sex with horses causes societal unstability and as far as inceldom is concerned it's even beneficial compared to going for women under your own smv which inflates theirs in the process.
Yet I'm the most hated user here just for this little thing, and when I see the percentages of anti-degenerates here it's no surprise. It's even worse than I thought when I said this forum had been taken over by daesh, nazis and templars...
its only bad because you cant take part in it
its only bad because you cant take part in it
This x 1,000,000,000,000
All those anti-degen anti-hedonism fascists would be the first to enjoy their power trip if they got into power.
Even the communist aparatchiks always live quite the lifestyle. It's pure hypocrisy.
"Anti-degeneracy" would imply a return to the time when marriage was considered to be something more than a love ritual but rather an improvement of both material situation and social standing, which would inevitably lead to it being a thing of planning rather that romantic whim as it is today.
You think there's anything romantic about whores getting pumped and dumbed by chads then turning into bitter cat ladies? Relationships should be something the government has nothing to do with, which is why there should be no divorce or marriage laws, only marriages with no government intervention. So there will be no reason for gold diggers to want to marry rich men. And men shouldn't be forced to pay for other men's children and rostie housing through taxing their incomes.
But what is the “degeneracy” in question here? Women being able to sleep with who they want or the laws used by governments to provide welfare for single parent children? These are two separate entities, you can be for one and against the other, which one are you referring to as “degeneracy”? If the answer is both then there is a false equivalency going on if you are justifying them BOTH under the same pretext.
Providing welfare to single whore moms is the same as enabling them to fuck chads and have their babies with no consequences, they need to suffer or they will not stop. A few kids getting taken away from their whore mothers is better than rewarding the sluts and increasing the incel population. Plus the courts are cucked or they would be giving single fathers their children and welfare, instead of the dick chasing irresponsible mothers
Slavery is by definition a limitation of freedom though. Freedom needs to be applied evenly to every individual within the system. The unfortunate fact of this is that, as genetics become the important variable in a system where people can make their own choices then some will come out better than others. This is different to a slave master who is afforded different rights and freedoms to a slave, unlike the situation of incels who are given the SAME right to select their own sexual partners it’s just to the misfortune of incels that no one wants to select them back.
Do men have the freedom not to pay taxes that help give femoids unearned privileges? We barely even have the freedom to drop blackpills and slutshame without being threatened by rosties and cucks, even people in power. The smv's of men and women wouldn't be slanted in femoid's favor without those artificial forces at play.
its only bad because you cant take part in it
This x 1,000,000,000,000
All those anti-degen anti-hedonism fascists would be the first to enjoy their power trip if they got into power.
Even the communist aparatchiks always live quite the lifestyle. It's pure hypocrisy.
Read the rest of the thread, we addressed that.
Pick one

With that reasoning, you can also say we'd be for slavery if we were born as slave masters. The government giving femoids unfair privileges at our expense is the same as slavery, and it leads to us being depressed incels who are unproductive to society. Cucks and government forces are artificially decreasing our smv and increasing the foid's smv, that's why they don't even want us to talk about the blackpill because it will wake up the bluepill cucks and normies, then the rebellion will happen.
So there will be no reason for gold diggers to want to marry rich men
Not really. Purely economic marriage is a thing of modern times. If it would become that the only way for a relationship to be legitimate and non-taboo is to conduct a marriage, then its widespread presence would result in people assigning it critical value. Aristocrats didn't marry only aristocrats for no reason, they also valued social status that comes with associating with either more or similarly important people.
Not really. Purely economic marriage is a thing of modern times. If it would become that the only way for a relationship to be legitimate and non-taboo is to conduct a marriage, then its widespread presence would result in people assigning it critical value. Aristocrats didn't marry only aristocrats for no reason, they also valued social status that comes with associating with either more or similarly important people.
Like I said, the government being involved in relationships is degeneracy. So "marriage" can be anything you want it to be. Marriage only gets assigned value from people who give it value, when it's really no different from a regular relationship. Virgin femoids will want to be with or "marry" financially stable men, or if they decide to be sluts then they have to depend on themselves financially or work as hookers.
I am pro legalized prostitution (so it can be subsidized for people like us) so that probably counts as pro degeneracy.
I am pro legalized prostitution (so it can be subsidized for people like us) so that probably counts as pro degeneracy.
Legalizing prostitution is not considered pro-degeneracy because of today's climate, you have an excuse to want that because of how unfair the game is rigged. But you wouldn't want that if the rules were fair. Change your vote.
Like I said, the government being involved in relationships is degeneracy. So "marriage" can be anything you want it to be. Marriage only gets assigned value from people who give it value, when it's really no different from a regular relationship. Virgin femoids will want to be with or "marry" financially stable men, or if they decide to be sluts then they have to depend on themselves financially or work as hookers.
If marriage is degeneracy, then what's the opposite of it?
If marriage is degeneracy, then what's the opposite of it?
Government controlled marriages are degenerate. Verbal personal marriages are not degenerate.
You think there's anything romantic about whores getting pumped and dumbed by chads then turning into bitter cat ladies? Relationships should be something the government has nothing to do with, which is why there should be no divorce or marriage laws, only marriages with no government intervention. So there will be no reason for gold diggers to want to marry rich men. And men shouldn't be forced to pay for other men's children and rostie housing through taxing their incomes.

Providing welfare to single whore moms is the same as enabling them to fuck chads and have their babies with no consequences, they need to suffer or they will not stop. A few kids getting taken away from their whore mothers is better than rewarding the sluts and increasing the incel population. Plus the courts are cucked or they would be giving single fathers their children and welfare, instead of the dick chasing irresponsible mothers

Do men have the freedom not to pay taxes that help give femoids unearned privileges? We barely even have the freedom to drop blackpills and slutshame without being threatened by rosties and cucks, even people in power. The smv's of men and women wouldn't be slanted in femoid's favor without those artificial forces at play.

Read the rest of the thread, we addressed that.
So you believe that if child welfare was removed then women would stop partaking in “degeneracy” and would automatically realign their genetic programming and start desiring incels instead of Chads? I think it would just make people more cautious with contraception, not decrease the frequency they have sex.
So you believe that if child welfare was removed then women would stop partaking in “degeneracy” and would automatically realign their genetic programming and start desiring incels instead of Chads? I think it would just make people more cautious with contraception, not decrease the frequency they have sex.
Why do you think women get in relationships with beta providers even though they can be out fucking chads? It's a cost benefit decision they have to make. If all men are blackpilled, and there are no government interventions in relationships, a promiscuous woman will have to take care of herself or become a prostitute at old an age. Blackpilled men won't want to be life partners and providers to old femoids who rode the cock carousel. So femoids will refrain from the temptation of chad dick riding, and lock down their looksmatch who has a job to be their life partners.
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Government controlled marriages are degenerate. Verbal personal marriages are not degenerate.
They're almost exactly the same thing. The whole concept of marriage stems originally from societal and religious customs that suppose to signify either its seriousness and dedication or accordance to religious rituals. When everyone will be forced (by taboo propaganda) to follow those customs, new social markets will emerge, turning marriage back into a valuable commodity that it was a century ago. This market will be much more demanding, because unless you're born into good conditions or reached the alpha status, you're fucked (also add all the problems you have right now).
new social markets will emerge, turning marriage back into a valuable commodity that it was a century ago. This market will be much more demanding, because unless you're born into good conditions or reached the alpha status, you're fucked (also add all the problems you have right now).
Stop making excuses for being a cuck. That nonsense wouldn't even happen.
Even chads and stacys make incels. There's no way the incel gene can die. Plus incels can be geniuses and are just as important as any fat and ugly rostie bitch. The only genes femoids want is the prettiest, that's not really important for the future, and why do you care about the future anyway, not like you'll be in it.

If chad is meant to fuck as many femoids as possible and impregnate them, who will raise his kids? Your tax money of course. That is literally you being in favor of society cucking you.

Cope, Chad is generally smart. Good genetics go hand in hand. The dumb high school jock stereotype isn't real, the ones that are pretty are usually smart as well. At least from what I observed when I was in school. And Chad can also be a genius so that isn't an excuse to keep incels around just because they're smart.

You're correct about the fact that Chad and Stacy's can have incel babies but this is extremely rare and as each generation of Chad and Stacy breed with each other the chances of having a subhuman child becomes smaller and smaller.

I care about the future because I don't want anyone to suffer the way I have.

I have to pay tax anyways as it goes towards improving and running stuff like roads, hospitals, school, etc. I'm thankful for people paying tax as I've had a lot of health problems so I'm very thankful for the tax money that people pay so that I don't have to spend a shitload of money on expensive surgeries. I have a decent life when it comes to my economic status so I'm more than willing to pay tax, even if it goes to Chad's kids money is still mostly cope.

Money can only get you so far in life and it's the biggest cope that exists. Sure you can use it to buy a cool gaming pc but you would much rather be Chad burying your seed deep in some Stacy's womb. You will eventually reach a point in terms of money where you realize that no matter how much you get you will still never experience the same joy as Chad does.

If I had to choose between being a billionaire or a Chad I would pick Chad.
With that reasoning, you can also say we'd be for slavery if we were born as slave masters. The government giving femoids unfair privileges at our expense is the same as slavery, and it leads to us being depressed incels who are unproductive to society. Cucks and government forces are artificially decreasing our smv and increasing the foid's smv, that's why they don't even want us to talk about the blackpill because it will wake up the bluepill cucks and normies, then the rebellion will happen.
What does this have to do with degeneracy? I agree that females should have zero power, but men should be allowed to live a hedonistic lifestyle. I don't want to live in a taleban-style environment or a fascist state.
Cope, Chad is generally smart. Good genetics go hand in hand. The dumb high school jock stereotype isn't real, the ones that are pretty are usually smart as well. At least from what I observed when I was in school. And Chad can also be a genius so that isn't an excuse to keep incels around just because they're smart.
There were plenty of ugly smart nerds in my school, as well as some smart chads. But the chads only did well in school and did well socially from the constant asskissing and validation they've received their whole lives, if incels were treated with at least the same respect imagine how much they would achieve?
I care about the future because I don't want anyone to suffer the way I have.
No one will suffer if we get rid of the cucked laws, and blackpill men to never be in relationships with old sluts, and only use them for sex.
I have to pay tax anyways as it goes towards improving and running stuff like roads, hospitals, school, etc. I'm thankful for people paying tax as I've had a lot of health problems so I'm very thankful for the tax money that people pay so that I don't have to spend a shitload of money on expensive surgeries.
You can get the important things and cut out the non-important or destructive things, taxes should be no more than 10%, that is more than enough if unnecessary cuts are made.
I have a decent life when it comes to my economic status so I'm more than willing to pay tax, even if it goes to Chad's kids money is still mostly cope.
You're pretty much saying you're ok with being cucked there.
Money can only get you so far in life and it's the biggest cope that exists. Sure you can use it to buy a cool gaming pc but you would much rather be Chad burying your seed deep in some Stacy's womb. You will eventually reach a point in terms of money where you realize that no matter how much you get you will still never experience the same joy as Chad does.

If I had to choose between being a billionaire or a Chad I would pick Chad.
That doesn't matter though, I'm talking about after men get blackpilled and femoid's smv goes down the shitter, they'll be happy to be in monogmous relationships with their looksmatches who will provide for them. But if we keep rewarding whores and giving them privileges and paying for their bastard kids without shaming them, then it will keep inceldom going. And I thought you were against men suffering like you.
Stop making excuses for being a cuck. That nonsense wouldn't even happen.
On top of that, just imagine if you were to give women and their families a choice to associate with only one male for the rest of their lives, who would they choose – alpha Chad or run-of-the-mill incel beta?
On top of that, just imagine if you were to give women and their families a choice to associate with only one male for the rest of their lives, who would they choose – alpha Chad or run-of-the-mill incel beta?
All the chads would be taken up. So everyone else will be left with the remaining men who aren't chads, which is 90% of the population of males at least. If one out of ten men are chads there won't be enough to go around. And if I had a daughter I would not want her to be with a chad, I'd want her to be with a kind financially stable incel, fuck chads tbh.
All the chads would be taken up. So everyone else will be left with the remaining men who aren't chads, which is 90% of the population of males at least.
And those remaining females would be taken up by normies according to their place in social hierarchy. A loner with a call-centre job or basically a majority of this form will definitely not occupy the higher end of it.
And those remaining females would be taken up by normies according to their place in social hierarchy. A loner with a call-centre job or basically a majority of this form will definitely not occupy the higher end of it.
Most guys here will be happy with their looksmatches, or even a little below, so they will be ok with that.
It's an entirely non-marriage driven society concept. Looksmatches don't exist outside the world of dating and if you were to find a lifetime partner you would have to be in possession of more than a matching face. You yourself said that "beta-providers" are ideal husbands for women, so you should be aware that they seek status and stability for their own benefit.
Women follow trends if it's trendy to be monogamous then they'll do it, if it s trendy to be whatever you call this now then that's what they'll do.
I am anti- in practice but pro- in theory. I am only against because I am not able to participate in this degenerate society and thus wish it the worst. Same with being rich. I am only a commie that wants all the rich decapitated and bled out in the streets because I am not rich. If I were rich I would be for the culling of the herd.
It's an entirely non-marriage driven society concept. Looksmatches don't exist outside the world of dating and if you were to find a lifetime partner you would have to be in possession of more than a matching face. You yourself said that "beta-providers" are ideal husbands for women, so you should be aware that they seek status and stability for their own benefit.
Men will be motivated to work more if the rules were fair and they had a good chance at getting an equally attractive mate.
Women follow trends if it's trendy to be monogamous then they'll do it, if it s trendy to be whatever you call this now then that's what they'll do.
We just gotta make it hip to fuck incels.
Men will be motivated to work more if the rules were fair and they had a good chance at getting an equally attractive mate.

We just gotta make it hip to fuck incels.

Damn you shattered my logic to pieces well done. That'll never happen
Damn you shattered my logic to pieces well done. That'll never happen
It sounds silly now, but once they remove the cucked laws and men get blackpilled, it will be easy for men to get laid again like it was less than 100 years ago.
Men will be motivated to work
If you aren't working hard right now, you wouldn't in any other situation. Plus, you would have to compete with literally everybody else on not only looks and personality but also on money and status. It would be hardcore level LMS and I don't understand how would incels benefit from it.
If you aren't working hard right now, you wouldn't in any other situation.
Actually I was very motivated when I was bluepilled, and I got straight A's and went to the gym, but after constant rejections then being blackpilled, all my motivation went out the window. So evening the playing field will make it easier to get a fuck buddy at least, if not a long term partner, which will make you not worried about sex anymore, so you can focus on work and hobbies.
you would have to compete with literally everybody else on not only looks and personality but also on money and status. It would be hardcore level LMS and I don't understand how would incels benefit from it.
That will be a good thing, that means everyone is highly motivated. Anything is better than now, and it's not like it can get any worse, we need to try a new system. Stop making excuses to be a cuck. You obviously seem to be benefiting from this current system somehow.
Anti because pro doesn't benefit me
If you consider consensual sex between two adults to fit with that definition then you are incorrectly analysing the situation. You can’t consider jealousy among the sexually disenfranchised as evidence that the behaviour of the sexually active counts as “degeneracy” simply because it causes suffering in the eyes of the jealous..

the suffering caused by degeneracy isnt about it making non degenerates jealous. you have to look at the bigger picture.

degeneracy brings the destruction of proper families and the rise of single moms. single moms create miserable children - the sons become incels and cucks, the daughters become turbosluts. both are dysfunctional as fuck and don't contribute to society in any meaningful way.
single moms and their bastard spawn usually live off welfare. who pays for the welfare? taxpayers aka betabux. this way, all working men (including non NEET incels) are exploited by roasties without getting anything at all in return. it is essentially state-enforced cuckoldry by proxy. this is a great injustice.
degeneracy also brings a drop in birth rates to sub replacement levels, which leads to an overaging population in the short term, societal collapse in the mid term, and extinction in the long term.

degeneracy is both unjust and unsustainable. degenerate society is non-functional, it can't sustain itself. the earlier this ends, the better.
Degeneracy is a synonym for decadence.
Wikipedia: "The word decadence, which at first meant simply "decline" in an abstract sense, is now most often used to refer to a perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an empire or nation state."

As an incel how can you relate to all of the mentioned examples?

  • standards: literally normies, the norm, what the majority of people do
  • morals: a completely man-made concept, usually mandated by religions or fascist regimes
  • dignity: we don't have that anyway, we're genetic trash and mocked by all
  • religious faith: there is no 'loving' or ' merciful' god, hence injustice, inceldom, genetic defects etc
  • skill at governing among the members of the elite: why would you want to uphold their oppressive values? Oh wait, the anti-degenerates here dream to be the new dictators in whatever fascist state with whatever values THEY uphold to be the norm will prevail. It's about the power you want for yourselves, not the greater good.
Only low IQ normies are swayed by the Jew' s overwhelming need to corrupt morals and values through propaganda.

It is easier to propagandize degeneracy in a multiracial and multicultural nation than it is in a homogenous one because racial and ethnic tension serves as a distraction to the evil international Jews plan to mongrelize and destroy the European races.

This corruption is so persuasive even their own people are falling for it.
Degeneracy is a synonym for decadence.
Wikipedia: "The word decadence, which at first meant simply "decline" in an abstract sense, is now most often used to refer to a perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an empire or nation state."

As an incel how can you relate to all of the mentioned examples?

  • standards: literally normies, the norm, what the majority of people do
  • morals: a completely man-made concept, usually mandated by religions or fascist regimes
  • dignity: we don't have that anyway, we're genetic trash and mocked by all
  • religious faith: there is no 'loving' or ' merciful' god, hence injustice, inceldom, genetic defects etc
  • skill at governing among the members of the elite: why would you want to uphold their oppressive values? Oh wait, the anti-degenerates here dream to be the new dictators in whatever fascist state with whatever values THEY uphold to be the norm will prevail. It's about the power you want for yourselves, not the greater good.
What I mean by degeneracy is treating men unfairly and spoiling femoids with unearned privileges. Men shouldn't be forced to pay for some bitch's rent and kids, let that bitch die for all I care. Plus there will be plenty of cucks to help her out. The laws also need to be changed to be equal and not bias towards femoids in any way. If men get blackpilled, femoids won't want to be shamed and called rosties, so they will fall in line. Remember, women are the followers not the leaders, unless you're a cuck.
I'm vehemently anti-degeneracy because degeneracy is cancer that slowly kills any society/civilization and makes things bad for pretty much everyone in the long run.

But people must have their definitions checked: male promiscuity isn't degeneracy. Adult males with post-pubescent young foids isn't degeneracy by any stretch of imagination. Porn IS degeneracy but it's not as bad as other shit + no one would have become a porn addict if the possibility of sexual access to prime pussy was on the table.

Female promiscuity and sexual emancipation is THE king degeneration, that's the one that should be focused on.

Female sexual emancipation/promiscuity leads to single motherhood which statistically turns children into dysfunctional members of society.

Female sexual emancipation/promiscuity leads to most men getting demotivated in society for not having satisfactory sexual access.

Female sexual emancipation/promiscuity leads to big totalitarian gov.

Female sexual emancipation/promiscuity + contraception leads to plummeting birth rates and high average age of motherhood which causes autism and other plight.

Female sexual emancipation/promiscuity leads to societal collapse and takeover by stronger cultures (look at Europe x Islam).
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Female promiscuity and sexual emancipation is THE king degeneration, that's the one that should be focused on.

high IQ

all other degeneracy can be tracked back to this in some way
female promiscuity is a death sentence to society
I use both, I need to win this war no matter the cost, but I am anti-degenerate.
Degeneracy is a synonym for decadence.
Wikipedia: "The word decadence, which at first meant simply "decline" in an abstract sense, is now most often used to refer to a perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an empire or nation state."

As an incel how can you relate to all of the mentioned examples?

  • standards: literally normies, the norm, what the majority of people do
  • morals: a completely man-made concept, usually mandated by religions or fascist regimes
  • dignity: we don't have that anyway, we're genetic trash and mocked by all
  • religious faith: there is no 'loving' or ' merciful' god, hence injustice, inceldom, genetic defects etc
  • skill at governing among the members of the elite: why would you want to uphold their oppressive values? Oh wait, the anti-degenerates here dream to be the new dictators in whatever fascist state with whatever values THEY uphold to be the norm will prevail. It's about the power you want for yourselves, not the greater good.
This is the best post I’ve seen this month.
What I mean by degeneracy is treating men unfairly and spoiling femoids with unearned privileges. Men shouldn't be forced to pay for some bitch's rent and kids, let that bitch die for all I care. Plus there will be plenty of cucks to help her out. The laws also need to be changed to be equal and not bias towards femoids in any way. If men get blackpilled, femoids won't want to be shamed and called rosties, so they will fall in line. Remember, women are the followers not the leaders, unless you're a cuck.
I can see you mean well and I even agree with your premise but I believe you are mistaken that this is what falls under the umbrella term of degeneracy. It's just a by-product of feminism. Feminism is cancer, it's even my username ;-)

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