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Experiment Are we all socially inept?(test inside)[AUTISMCELS GTFIH]

nothing makes sense anymore.
I have an issue with this test. The attractive people with good eyes areas had options for positive emotions, while the ugly old man had things like "hostile"
I can't take the test but I've taken tests like this before and done well. All that means is I can read micro expressions which can be taught. I know when someone is happy? How? They're no longer in my presence. Frustrated? They have to deal with me as they're a cashier or bank teller. Disgusted? They just saw my profile view.
27 but it took me some considerable time
13/36 What the fuck is this shit supposed to mean?
That’s kinda suicidefuel as you have less flaws than me because you’re not a framecel manlet and yet you’re autism still fucks you over.

Try NTmaxing by getting up to date with popular culture so you can hold down a convo. It didn’t help me escape inceldom but it did get me into social circles which is the first step.

Also you’re a PSL 6 imo but your long midface stops your from being higher. Sadly this can’t be fixed. You already look fairly looksmaxed to me and I can’t think of anything that could majorly boost you except for maybe getting to 10% bf.

I can relate to you a lot.

actually it was just lens distortion, after taking a bunch of pictures further away my midface isn't as long as in those pictures lol. i measured fwhr and got measurements between 1.86-1.9 FWHR, so I guess it's fine

barely anyone here understands us tbh, they think we're just fakecels, but we have this one thing just completely fucking us over. it's like we got the looks, but can't do shit with the looks.
"Your score is 22 out of 36."

this test is bullshit, they need to keep the same answers per question, fuck you phd motherfucker

28 out of 36, just lol!
I got 31/36 but I’ve done it before so I cheated. The first time I did it I got a low score. I’ve taught myself to recognise emotions over the years.
Socially inept = ugly face

Confirmed autist.
I don't consider myself socially inept, I'm just ugly.
You have to be looking in people's eyes when you talk to them IRL for you to be able to read them. Just doing it off some pictures on the Internet shows that you can read facial expressions, not that you actively do.
Your score is 29 out of 36.
Your score is equal or better than 74% of all participants.
Does this test work equally well for all people around the world?
This test was developed in Great Britain and the images you saw were taken from British magazines in 1990's. Unsurprisingly, the test doesn't work perfectly for people who are not native speakers of English or for people who come from cultures that are very different from Britain's.
It kinda felt like an English exam more than anything else kek
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32/36. Not socially inept, just have a bad face
28/36. lol guess I'm just ugly. Went with my gut on every one as if I were seeing the faces in real time. Had no fucking clue how well I was doing. The result came as a surprise since an impromptu conversation with me is usually like talking to really bad AI.

"the images you saw were taken from British magazines in the 1990s."

implying chads and stacies paid to model expressions are representative of real life. opinion discarded.
>only viewing eyes and not entire facial expression
This test is fucked

26/36 btw
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19/37. I did not know half of the words there tough.
I did got diagnosed with autism so i dont know anymore....
23 out of 36. Was diagnosed with Asperger and ADHD at age 24.
Your score is 28 out of 36. Your score is equal or better than 64% of all participants.

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