Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

are there female lurkers?

Don't be jealous, there is a documentary which shows Eastern women who want to marry Irish countryboys, they don't want Americans or English.
No, it's just that you're asking for females to pm you on an incel forum.
No, it's just that you're asking for females to pm you on an incel forum.

well there are ladies here, how else would IncelTears get all their content, all they have to do is pretend they are male to make an account
well there are ladies here, how else would IncelTears get all their content, all they have to do is pretend they are male to make an account
That's not what I was arguing against
Probably. But meh, if they want to be reminded how big of a cunt and piece of shit they are then by all means.
We're not laughing. We're sad that there is an inability to either self-reflect and make changes accordingly, or visceral hatred towards women that have rejected you because they were either not attracted to you, not interested, not compatible, or whatever their reasoning. There's so much pent up anger, rage, sadness, confusion -- you even take it out on each other. You can't even be compassionate towards your own suffering community members. Women are not your problem, you are your problem.
I heard about this from a podcast, and then happened to see someone post a suicide attempt, so quickly joined to try to convince him otherwise.
I know the obscene hate, defensive rambling, and utter nonsense that will be responded to this - but that's cool, I'll keep living my life. I just hope you all are able to find a way to shift your view towards your brilliant counterparts, and maybe do some work on yourself to be a better human, rather than bashing women and spouting off disgusting content.

We're not laughing. We're sad that there is an inability to either self-reflect and make changes accordingly, or visceral hatred towards women that have rejected you because they were either not attracted to you, not interested, not compatible, or whatever their reasoning. There's so much pent up anger, rage, sadness, confusion -- you even take it out on each other. You can't even be compassionate towards your own suffering community members. Women are not your problem, you are your problem.
I heard about this from a podcast, and then happened to see someone post a suicide attempt, so quickly joined to try to convince him otherwise.
I know the obscene hate, defensive rambling, and utter nonsense that will be responded to this - but that's cool, I'll keep living my life. I just hope you all are able to find a way to shift your view towards your brilliant counterparts, and maybe do some work on yourself to be a better human, rather than bashing women and spouting off disgusting content.
lol it would be epic if an incel wrote this as a troll. but it's probably some gay femoid
*takes chad's dick out of her mouth* I'm so sad for you guys and *puts chad's dick in her ass* I hope you all are able to find a way to become better humans, it's all about personality hehe
women that have rejected you because they were either not attracted to you, not interested, not compatible, or whatever their reasoning
Good job, princess, you just described inceldom. We are celibate because no woman finds us attractive, interesting, compatible, or whatever enough. The problem is women and their insanely inflated egos, self-worth and entitlement, that has been bestowed by this gynocentric, matriarchal society, in which every female child is from an early age made to believe that they are a perfect little princess who can do no wrong and deserves only the absolute best, the Prince Charming in shining white armor.
We're not laughing. We're sad that there is an inability to either self-reflect and make changes accordingly, or visceral hatred towards women that have rejected you because they were either not attracted to you, not interested, not compatible, or whatever their reasoning. There's so much pent up anger, rage, sadness, confusion -- you even take it out on each other. You can't even be compassionate towards your own suffering community members. Women are not your problem, you are your problem.
I heard about this from a podcast, and then happened to see someone post a suicide attempt, so quickly joined to try to convince him otherwise.
I know the obscene hate, defensive rambling, and utter nonsense that will be responded to this - but that's cool, I'll keep living my life. I just hope you all are able to find a way to shift your view towards your brilliant counterparts, and maybe do some work on yourself to be a better human, rather than bashing women and spouting off disgusting content.

Yeah, you may harbor those feelings but it's funny because all of those feelings will disappear if you saw what the members of this forum looked like, they would be transformed into utter disgust, contempt, and rage.
Good job, princess, you just described inceldom. We are celibate because no woman finds us attractive, interesting, compatible, or whatever enough. The problem is women and their insanely inflated egos, self-worth and entitlement, that has been bestowed by this gynocentric, matriarchal society, in which every female child is from an early age made to believe that they are a perfect little princess who can do no wrong and deserves only the absolute best, the Prince Charming in shining white armor.
This is what's so sad about this entire forum. As if you all can't grasp that women have been oppressed, enslaved, raped, tortured, forced to raise fucking children, and treated as second class bloody citizens because we don't have a penis. It's disgusting that you can look at a patriarchal society - where men are forever handed things because they are men. I can do the same job as you, BETTER than you, and be paid less. Luckily, I'm creating my own empire - but I struggle DAILY with investors, etc. because I'm a female. You all are crying because you can't get some pussy? You can literally buy it. Women are enslaved all over the world, or trafficked, or drugged and used because of the disgusting mind set of men. Prince Charming, yeah fucking right.
I wish I lived in this fantasy world.
Not if you weren't such penises. Personality, intelligence, some social fucking conduct - goes a long way. Work on yourself, on bettering your personal life, your outlook, your goals - and maybe you won't (not you personally) care so much about getting laid. Travel - chicks in other countries may be into your accent. I don't know - just stop blaming women for all your problems. (not you personally, just this community)

Kindly fuck off back to CuckTears, Jezebel, or whatever feminist shithole you came from. Thanks.
Most likely, but who cares? Remember that attention whore who made videos about incels on youtube? That's why you can't have females on this kind of website, the fakecel white knights would just worship her 24/7 ruining the forum's intent.
Never heard of them. Just thought I would get some insight from you guys and hopefully provide some in return. I wish you all all the best x

You know where you can stick that "insight" of yours, right?

Now begone, thot.
We're not laughing. We're sad that there is an inability to either self-reflect and make changes accordingly, or visceral hatred towards women that have rejected you because they were either not attracted to you, not interested, not compatible, or whatever their reasoning. There's so much pent up anger, rage, sadness, confusion -- you even take it out on each other. You can't even be compassionate towards your own suffering community members. Women are not your problem, you are your problem.
I heard about this from a podcast, and then happened to see someone post a suicide attempt, so quickly joined to try to convince him otherwise.
I know the obscene hate, defensive rambling, and utter nonsense that will be responded to this - but that's cool, I'll keep living my life. I just hope you all are able to find a way to shift your view towards your brilliant counterparts, and maybe do some work on yourself to be a better human, rather than bashing women and spouting off disgusting content.

What the absolute fuck are you doing on here? Lmao "teehee I'm a femoid going to stop an incel from committing suicide"


Did you offer to fuck him?


Well he still had the same problem, so why even bother? Even if you believe we're totally wrong about everything, we believe we're right, and that's not going to change by you saying the same garbage we've been hearing all our lives.
This is what's so sad about this entire forum. As if you all can't grasp that women have been oppressed, enslaved, raped, tortured, forced to raise fucking children, and treated as second class bloody citizens because we don't have a penis. It's disgusting that you can look at a patriarchal society - where men are forever handed things because they are men. I can do the same job as you, BETTER than you, and be paid less. Luckily, I'm creating my own empire - but I struggle DAILY with investors, etc. because I'm a female. You all are crying because you can't get some pussy? You can literally buy it. Women are enslaved all over the world, or trafficked, or drugged and used because of the disgusting mind set of men. Prince Charming, yeah fucking right.

Poor you, here go ahead and suck another cock you worthless whore.
This is what's so sad about this entire forum. As if you all can't grasp that women have been oppressed, enslaved, raped, tortured, forced to raise fucking children, and treated as second class bloody citizens because we don't have a penis. It's disgusting that you can look at a patriarchal society - where men are forever handed things because they are men. I can do the same job as you, BETTER than you, and be paid less. Luckily, I'm creating my own empire - but I struggle DAILY with investors, etc. because I'm a female. You all are crying because you can't get some pussy? You can literally buy it. Women are enslaved all over the world, or trafficked, or drugged and used because of the disgusting mind set of men. Prince Charming, yeah fucking right.

JFL at you if you live in the west. Your point is semi valid in certain places, but if you live in the west, you're just being entitled and annoying. Male privilege has been eliminated for around 20 years. You're thinking of Chad privilege, which will never ever go away. Chad will always get paid better than you, because he's Chad. It's obvious you're not a stacy, because stacies don't occupy their time with this bullshit. Incels get shit on in the job market the same if not more than roasties like you.
This is what's so sad about this entire forum. As if you all can't grasp that women have been oppressed, enslaved, raped, tortured, forced to raise fucking children, and treated as second class bloody citizens because we don't have a penis. It's disgusting that you can look at a patriarchal society - where men are forever handed things because they are men. I can do the same job as you, BETTER than you, and be paid less. Luckily, I'm creating my own empire - but I struggle DAILY with investors, etc. because I'm a female. You all are crying because you can't get some pussy? You can literally buy it. Women are enslaved all over the world, or trafficked, or drugged and used because of the disgusting mind set of men. Prince Charming, yeah fucking right.
I almost roped reading this nonsense
This is what's so sad about this entire forum. As if you all can't grasp that women have been oppressed, enslaved, raped, tortured, forced to raise fucking children, and treated as second class bloody citizens because we don't have a penis. It's disgusting that you can look at a patriarchal society - where men are forever handed things because they are men. I can do the same job as you, BETTER than you, and be paid less. Luckily, I'm creating my own empire - but I struggle DAILY with investors, etc. because I'm a female. You all are crying because you can't get some pussy? You can literally buy it. Women are enslaved all over the world, or trafficked, or drugged and used because of the disgusting mind set of men. Prince Charming, yeah fucking right.

women have had it good throughout human history, the evidence is in our DNA. 80% of women who ever lived reproduced, but only 40% of men did so. men were out there dying in wars or starving while women and children remained well fed. the result of all these deaths is that men are smarter and better than women at almost everything. female oppression is a myth spread by entitled whiny women and cucks who lie to girls to get pussy, sure you're oppressed sweetie, i'm a good ally can i fuck now please.
To be honest, I think it would take more than a lay to help...... Mental health is no joke. I don't think sex can heal depression, anxiety, etc. I don't even think a partner can help with those things. It's a self battle man, I wish you all the best of luck


Not a valid source, but literally google "sex mental health" and you'll be shocked at how much it helps. Not getting it obviously does the opposite when not getting in long gaps when seeking it out.
This is just another example of how fucking retarded women really are. They literally ALWAYS play the emotion card and never provide scientific proof. It's all just empty shit that means nothing like "waah my life is hard too!", "its all your fault!", "uhh....YOU'RE MENTALLY ILL!!!!"

All appealing to nothing more than emotion.
Nice statistics....... great mindset, too. Sounds all too familiar.

Maybe if you all weren't misogynistic penises, you would have healthy, happy relationships - friends, family, females, etc. TRY IT - what do you have to lose? This egotistical "Women are the devil" bullshit will NEVER be your solution

How come Jeremy Meeks got laid even though he beats women like they're his personal boxing bags? Oh wait, is it because if his amazing personality? Or is it because "hurrr those gurrlls are just damaged, I'm not like le other girls XDDD" because if that were the case shouldn't they be attracted to our misogyny too?

because you're not "HOT" ... Chad is what you call it? You're never going to find someone? Maybe it's you - not your damn face?
This is the most retarded thing I've read all day, and that's saying something.
Man I really doubt any female would find this place interesting after a while tbh.
Mate, what?
Being suicidal constitutes as suffering - mentally. I've suffered with mental illness my entire life. I've been in deeper, darker holes than YOU..... whoops, did not mean that to be a pun but, if the shoe fits.

I'm not trying to excuse situations as emotional. I'm sure everyone of you has different circumstances, upbringings, issues, etc. But to think because you're not "HOT" ... Chad is what you call it? You're never going to find someone? Maybe it's you - not your damn face?

At first I thought you were some guy LARPing but my goodness you might actually be a real femoid because that is the most fucking ridiculous shit I've read yet.

Honestly, it's not worth even asking you "have you never had a single partner in your entire life?" because I already know you're going to lie and say "yes". Listen, your problems are non-problems. Your problems exist because you're either dumb as fuck or simply ignorant. Go on any online community and say you're "female" and watch as people rush in to support you. Now try doing the same and say you're a male. Oh wait you're probably too stupid to do that too.
Again, your anger and contempt towards me is misplaced / and misguided. You don't know me? We could be mates? But you're attacking me because I represent something that's hurt you.

What's LARPing? What the fuck is a femoid?

Have I never had a single partner in my entire life? Yes, I've dated? That means I'm not allowed to experience pain, mental illness, suffering, etc because I've been laid? Whaaaat?

Uhh, no because you came on here like a hippo wandering around Chicago telling it's all "in our heads" even though there's COUNTLESS studies, personal experiences, videos, you name it proving otherwise. I like how you ignored my Jeremy Meeks post because apparently that was a little too bitter for you lmao.

And you see Mrs.Brainlet, humans are social creatures. It's scientifically proven that social isolation does IMMENSE damage to your brain. So clearly, your problems don't stem from loneliness. Ours do. Yet you don't grasp that and assume that "hurr everything is the same xddd" and blindly assume that every problem can be solved with therapy or pills like a redneck thinks deporting all immigrants will fix the US.

Fact of the matter is having a companion would solve all our problems. We've been ostracized for whatever reason for things OUT OF OUR CONTROL. Look around you IRL, how many virgin men do you see who act "misogynist"? Most of them don't even fucking say anything out of fear of hags like you jumping on their necks like bloodthirsty tigers. And of course let's not forget they get treated like personal handbags, but when they want intimacy too then suddenly they become a problem.

Just neck yourself at this stage.
I’m a female

Same. I like posting here as a lonely incel cus I'm bored lul. My 6 foot 8 boyfriend is out of town so might go for a quick spin on tinder. See u guys later xxx
Uhh, no because you came on here like a hippo wandering around Chicago telling it's all "in our heads" even though there's COUNTLESS studies, personal experiences, videos, you name it proving otherwise. I like how you ignored my Jeremy Meeks post because apparently that was a little too bitter for you lmao.

And you see Mrs.Brainlet, humans are social creatures. It's scientifically proven that social isolation does IMMENSE damage to your brain. So clearly, your problems don't stem from loneliness. Ours do. Yet you don't grasp that and assume that "hurr everything is the same xddd" and blindly assume that every problem can be solved with therapy or pills like a redneck thinks deporting all immigrants will fix the US.

Fact of the matter is having a companion would solve all our problems. We've been ostracized for whatever reason for things OUT OF OUR CONTROL. Look around you IRL, how many virgin men do you see who act "misogynist"? Most of them don't even fucking say anything out of fear of hags like you jumping on their necks like bloodthirsty tigers. And of course let's not forget they get treated like personal handbags, but when they want intimacy too then suddenly they become a problem.

Just neck yourself at this stage.
Don't wast your energy arguing with this scum lol. Just report and move on

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