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Discussion Are the Jews responsible for Inceldom?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33216
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Do you think that the Jews are contributing to the high numbers of men being forced into inceldom?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 63.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 36.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Their angle is that in the old testament god explicitly states that the jews will return from exile ONLY at the coming of the messiah.
To them the existence of Israel is direct disobeyal of god.
sure but can we trust them :forcedsmile:
Yes they were behind all the revolutions of Europe and America and things like human rights and femanism
My only problem with this is the assumption that the Jews operate as an inseparable unit that has only one agenda to push, when in reality Jews are not that hive-minded. You have ones that believe Israel should not exist, and other who are in favour of it. Just because the most famous manipulators in the world were Jews, doesn't mean that the Jews as a race are responsible for the actions of these very few individuals. It's like blaming all white people for slavery. That's my sole problem with this entire anti-Semitic rhetoric. However, if by Jews you mean Zionists like Hertzl, then we could probably agree that the "Jews" (which are the Zionists in this case) are responsible for many societal issues, or at the very least for worsening them.
Majority of Jews are Zionist Jews, there's only a small dying out faction that isn't Zionist and their influence is largely insignificant.

I would agree with you, except, where are all the Jews speaking out against what's going on in the west today? Where are they to be found speaking out against other Jews? Odd, there are none or any significant number that do so. Tells you all you need to know right there.
The Jews arent a monolithic hivemind species from outer space.
With that being said, the neo liberal academia and political scene, both of which are highly populated by jews, have done a tremendous ammount of work to demolish societal mechanisms that have existed since the cradle of civilization, and were introduced because our forefathers understood how unhinged instinctual and animalistic lizzard brain is destructive to the
healthy function of society.
Jews philosophically have practically invented universalism which then becomes codified into globalism. Moreover, they practically have invented both humanism and transhumanism that seeks to eradicate more conservative traditional culturally based societies.
i's kinda reductive to simply say yes
they may have created an environment for hypergamy to flourish
however hypergamy was rampant before civilization as well

this species is simply disgusting
swans are way better
Jews took what was already existing in human nature and then multiplied it a million times over, I think everybody here already agrees on that position. They're masters at sewing division and discord for their own tribal collective benefit which is how they destroy entire societies, which is also the very reason every society comes to hate them overtime too. They seem unable to not subvert the natural social cohesion of others for their own selfish ambitions, it's their very nature as a people. You would think they would learn eventually of how not cool that shit really is, but they never learn instead crying victim when found out.
Watch your language when addressing me.

Modern feminism originated in the Anglo nations in the 19th and 20th centuries. Do you think it's a coincidence that feminism blossomed in the same time/place of the industrial revolution?
Feminism was born out of the Marxist revolutions though, without Karl Marx there would be no feminism.

I'm not talking about communist Russia either, think more on the lines of the 'Congress Of First International'.
Half-truth. It's because of Jews and whites.
Not all Whites, just a bunch of their White Shabbos Goy.
I'll say this to my last dying breathe. White Anglo Saxon protestants are responsible for mass inceldom. Not Jews.

In fact, Jews were the original ethnicels in my opinion. They suffered under the tyranny of German stacies in Germany from the enlightment period up until WW2. Jewish males were sex starved and could not assimilate into German society (by fucking White German women). Thats why they coped whatever way they could by espousing liberalism. socialism, and marxism (in an effort to loosen and liberalize white German vaginas into fucking ethnic Jewish males).

From my experience (White females in general most CERTAINLY discriminate against Jewish males sexually). I saw it in college. This was despite I as an Asian person just assuming Jews were white at first.

When Jews got into China, they were assimilated almost immediately. In a generation or less. With Europe, for whatever reason (especially in the case with Germany), Jews simply could not assimilate. Jews were assimilated easily in China because the people quickly accepted them and intermarried (interracially fucked, but moreover, accepted them as human beings).

With ALL of that said, what is happening right now in the current White Anglo-Jewish world order is VERY simple. Its a game of musical chairs. The Jews in America are capitalizing off of White Anglo protestant culture (which were the original feminists). The White Anglo American elite loves strong women. In other words, they love being cucked. Jews only capitalized off of this and made their own version of it beginning in the 1960s (radical feminism).

White Anglos simply did not espouse feminism and liberalism for no reason whatsoever. It was the ORIGINAL virtue signaling campaign. After Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, the Anglosphere was in total panic. The yellow peril was a very VERY serious threat to white males at the time. The news media had a far greater influence back then since there were less people in general (a few people reading the news would instantly spread by gossip alone). White males had to virtue signal (in opposition to the rising power of yellow Asian males), that they were more benevolent and progressive compared to the yellow Asiatic civilization.

What you see in this VERY day is an alliance between Jewish American males and White Anglo American males that YES, Asian males are a very serious threat. Right now politically and economically on the global stage. But maybe even sexually in the future if we western Anglo-Judeo White males drop the ball.

With all of that said. Its inevitable, this is an Asian century whether anyone likes it or not. The White Anglo-Judeo-sphere only tried to delay their inevitable decline to second-ratedness to Asia with virtue signalling and fiat money printing. The hardcore inevitable truth is that the next few hundred years and beyond will be an Asian world order. Inceldom in Asia and the world will only rise if the American navy continues to sail about the pacific seas in the far east.

Inceldom around the world will OFFICIALLY end when the first American aircraft carrier gets sunk by a Chinese hypersonic cruise missile.

We will most likely not live to see that day but its the objective probabilistic theorizing of the future of humanity.

With the White Anglo masses numbers reduced significantly, they can no longer enable and act as a protectorate for Jewish supremacy in the middle east. Also with White Anglo numbers reduced. China and Japan will never fear America ever again. And in this timeframe, mass inceldom will be an Anglo relic of the past (where they screwed up because of their ideological reactionary responses based on their inherent racist fear of the rise of yellow men).
World War III won't happen, nuclear weapons are too messy endangering the entire world including the lives of the elites themselves, what will happen however is that the United States will collapse or implode just like the prior Russian Soviet Union did under its own weight, unlike Soviet Russia however the collapse of this nation will be a million times worse. Also, unlike Soviet Russia upon its collapse was bailed out by various foreigners no nations will financially bail out the United States when it collapses simply for the fact of having the highest national debt ratio in the entire world.
Based and high iq pilled. Their whole religion was started because king chad wanted to have more sex. And you cant expect anything good from the civilization that gave us utilitarianism
Also, the bullshit inclination of Christianity going back to the medieval era that practically worships sexual chastity, sexual abstinence, virginity, and sexual purity. When you have a religion like that and whole societies worship it you might as well kiss your ass as a civilization goodbye. You can criticize paganism all you want but what the pagans had right was that they celebrated sex and fertility openly in public as it was ingrained into their culture. Young adults getting married and having children was paramount to entire pagan existence. It's why I always joke and say that Europe would of done better if it was subjugated by pagan imperial Rome versus its later incarnation of Roman Catholicism.
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I'll say this to my last dying breathe. White Anglo Saxon protestants are responsible for mass inceldom. Not Jews.

In fact, Jews were the original ethnicels in my opinion. They suffered under the tyranny of German stacies in Germany from the enlightment period up until WW2. Jewish males were sex starved and could not assimilate into German society (by fucking White German women). Thats why they coped whatever way they could by espousing liberalism. socialism, and marxism (in an effort to loosen and liberalize white German vaginas into fucking ethnic Jewish males).

From my experience (White females in general most CERTAINLY discriminate against Jewish males sexually). I saw it in college. This was despite I as an Asian person just assuming Jews were white at first.

When Jews got into China, they were assimilated almost immediately. In a generation or less. With Europe, for whatever reason (especially in the case with Germany), Jews simply could not assimilate. Jews were assimilated easily in China because the people quickly accepted them and intermarried (interracially fucked, but moreover, accepted them as human beings).

With ALL of that said, what is happening right now in the current White Anglo-Jewish world order is VERY simple. Its a game of musical chairs. The Jews in America are capitalizing off of White Anglo protestant culture (which were the original feminists). The White Anglo American elite loves strong women. In other words, they love being cucked. Jews only capitalized off of this and made their own version of it beginning in the 1960s (radical feminism).

White Anglos simply did not espouse feminism and liberalism for no reason whatsoever. It was the ORIGINAL virtue signaling campaign. After Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, the Anglosphere was in total panic. The yellow peril was a very VERY serious threat to white males at the time. The news media had a far greater influence back then since there were less people in general (a few people reading the news would instantly spread by gossip alone). White males had to virtue signal (in opposition to the rising power of yellow Asian males), that they were more benevolent and progressive compared to the yellow Asiatic civilization.

What you see in this VERY day is an alliance between Jewish American males and White Anglo American males that YES, Asian males are a very serious threat. Right now politically and economically on the global stage. But maybe even sexually in the future if we western Anglo-Judeo White males drop the ball.

With all of that said. Its inevitable, this is an Asian century whether anyone likes it or not. The White Anglo-Judeo-sphere only tried to delay their inevitable decline to second-ratedness to Asia with virtue signalling and fiat money printing. The hardcore inevitable truth is that the next few hundred years and beyond will be an Asian world order. Inceldom in Asia and the world will only rise if the American navy continues to sail about the pacific seas in the far east.

Inceldom around the world will OFFICIALLY end when the first American aircraft carrier gets sunk by a Chinese hypersonic cruise missile.

We will most likely not live to see that day but its the objective probabilistic theorizing of the future of humanity.

With the White Anglo masses numbers reduced significantly, they can no longer enable and act as a protectorate for Jewish supremacy in the middle east. Also with White Anglo numbers reduced. China and Japan will never fear America ever again. And in this timeframe, mass inceldom will be an Anglo relic of the past (where they screwed up because of their ideological reactionary responses based on their inherent racist fear of the rise of yellow men).
Blaming the "Jews" or the "Marxists" or the "Illuminati" or any other semi-mythical boogeyman for inceldom is foolish.
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The Jews as we know them are actually not descended from Isreal. They are descended from Khazars of Southern Russian and the Caucasus region of Eurasia
The Jews as we know them are actually not descended from Isreal. They are descended from Khazars of Southern Russian and the Caucasus region of Eurasia
Jewish religion itself an ancient Egyptian and Babylonian hybrid.
actually the Vatican that hire that faggot Hitler to exterminate the jews and wage war on the world is the main/ on of the main culprit.
it gave Americans the excuse to pull foids out of the home, and then the subversion of the natural order of a functioning , thriving culture into what we have today.
I keep getting the same argument here, that the Jews are responsible for the creation of feminism. However, the evidence we have does not suggest that. The term originated in France, and suffragette movement (the first wave), at least as far as I know, was not created by Jews. At most the Jews have facilitated the spread of feminism through Big Tech.
The creation of a word is not necessarily tied to the creation of an ideology surrounding the word. An easy example is communism. Karl Marx didn't invent the word, but yeah, you know the rest.

Can you link any studies that suggest Jewish involvement?
What, you mean peer-reviewed and published academic studies? Surely, you're not this naive.

You have to look at the known facts. Gloria Steinem (Jewess) is the leader of the feminist movement. Feminism itself has very strong Marxist (a Jew himself) socialist influences. I don't know how much more "involved" you can get than that. I incorrectly stated earlier that she was funded by the CIA, but this is false. She was funded by the Rockefellers - an Illuminati family.

We can't say anything with a 100% certainty,
False. You and I will both die. That is 100% certain.

but to derive the posterior you need the likelihood and the prior.

What do we know about the Illuminati Jews (idk if you're referring to Zionists here or not)? And what evidence do we have to make any claims of that magnitude (I'm not referring to your claims, just in general)?
We know of them and that they exist. The Rostchchilds (formerly named Bauer - Ashkenazi Jewish name - changed historically) being the most famous example. There was, strangely enough, a book published about them (Bloodlines of the Illuminati), but most of the sources that were available online from 20+ years ago, some of which I remember reading, have either been deleted or is actively being censored (prominent investigators on the topic have already been censored from the mainstream media platforms, like YouTube). In another 20 years there won't be, if any, trace left in both publicly available sources and in the public consciousness. It will be a footnote in late 20th century, early 21st century history, and probably a university undergraduate course called "alternative media history" or some such.

Curiously (and hilariously), the FBI archives some of these sources.

I think most of the anti-Semitic rhetoric is based on unfounded conspiracy theories (e.g. the Jews are importing "low IQ Africans" to dumb Europeans down). To me it's preposterous that whites use the Jews as a scapegoat for all of their problems.
Anti-Semitism as a concept is being weaponized against critics of Israel, and also against critics of anything Jewish of any kind, as a means of shutting down any rational inquiry. The kind of Neo-Naziesque anti-Semitism involving synagogue burning and targeting Jews for violence is more rare than Islamic terrorism. Speaking of which, Arabs are Semites also, but nobody calls it anti-Semetic to racially profile Arabs, for example. So I would take claims of "anti-Semitism" with a grain of salt, and would be careful not to lump racism with criticism (this term does that with ease, arguably by design, but most certainly with intent), since it's a very common tactic to delegitimize honest criticism. It's now "anti-Semetic" even to question the historical veracity of the details surrounding the claims of the holocaust, like the gas chambers and the six million figure. The questioning of no other topic in history (and in the subject of history itself) draws as much visceral ire as this. Perhaps Galileic heliocentricism as a criticism (and challenging) of the Roman Catholic cosmology is arguably another example of this.

Having said that, it is important to identify legitimate racism, if at least for the sake of accuracy and rationality. We can ignore and look past the petty bullshit to get at the core anyway.

I wouldn't say that the claims are unfounded, but it might be exaggerated in a histrionic sense. Being aware of the globalist new world agenda, of the Jewish corporate dominance in media and politics, and of the Talmudic scriptures that declare all non-Jews to be used as cattle as the Jew sees fit, among many other things that - in a way - act as a prerequisite for moving the discussion forward (or having it in the first place), it's not a huge stretch of the imagination to understand where the conspiracy in your example comes from.

A people who have strong ethno-nationalist identities with equally strong cultures are much, much more difficult to subjugate, subvert, and dominate, than an ethnically diluted and culturally vapid group who are ignorant of their own immigrant culture and heritage. Your tribe and community becomes the host state (now foster), to which loyalties would be sworn to (as new citizens), taxes would be paid to (as contributions), and whose culture you would generationally be assimilated into (as your children learn their language proficiently and become culturally and nationally indoctrinated in the school system). This is what has been happening everywhere around the world, mainly with countries from the Middle East. Their countries are corrupted by puppet dictators, attacked and have their resources stolen under bogus pretenses, and the people are forced to escape and seek refuge. Their children forget, or are apathetic to, their own language, culture, and religion, and adopt these things from their foster country.

The best way to conquer and destroy (weaken nationally, culturally, financially, and spiritually) a people is not by brute force, but through cultural assimilation. Once weakened, any group of people (both domestic and imported) are far more malleable and amenable to your desired changes (gradually, of course; attitudes and beliefs don't change overnight). Race-mixing contributes precisely to this process in a virtually prescriptive manner in a way that purely ideological dominance (e.g., cultural Marxism and far-left extremism) is insufficient, if not inefficient. If I ever wrote a "how-to" manual on world domination, race-mixing would be a major chapter.

I do however, agree with you main conclusion that the Jews as a whole (including the super religious ones) are not responsible for inceldom. And if they've contributed to it, it's only as a byproduct.
My stance on this is still probabilistic (it was my second and third words), though it's low enough that for the sake of discussion we can reasonably say that they aren't responsible.
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Sure, but not all of them @kikecel is okay.
WTF you gotta be kidding me. @kikecel is not just any kike but but an Israeli kike.
Majority of Jews are Zionist Jews, there's only a small dying out faction that isn't Zionist and their influence is largely insignificant.

I would agree with you, except, where are all the Jews speaking out against what's going on in the west today? Where are they to be found speaking out against other Jews? Odd, there are none or any significant number that do so. Tells you all you need to know right there.

Jews philosophically have practically invented universalism which then becomes codified into globalism. Moreover, they practically have invented both humanism and transhumanism that seeks to eradicate more conservative traditional culturally based societies.

Jews took what was already existing in human nature and then multiplied it a million times over, I think everybody here already agrees on that position. They're masters at sewing division and discord for their own tribal collective benefit which is how they destroy entire societies, which is also the very reason every society comes to hate them overtime too. They seem unable to not subvert the natural social cohesion of others for their own selfish ambitions, it's their very nature as a people. You would think they would learn eventually of how not cool that shit really is, but they never learn instead crying victim when found out.

Feminism was born out of the Marxist revolutions though, without Karl Marx there would be no feminism.

I'm not talking about communist Russia either, think more on the lines of the 'Congress Of First International'.

Not all Whites, just a bunch of their White Shabbos Goy.

World War III won't happen, nuclear weapons are too messy endangering the entire world including the lives of the elites themselves, what will happen however is that the United States will collapse or implode just like the prior Russian Soviet Union did under its own weight, unlike Soviet Russia however the collapse of this nation will be a million times worse. Also, unlike Soviet Russia upon its collapse was bailed out by various foreigners no nations will financially bail out the United States when it collapses simply for the fact of having the highest national debt ratio in the entire world.

Also, the bullshit inclination of Christianity going back to the medieval era that practically worships sexual chastity, sexual abstinence, virginity, and sexual purity. When you have a religion like that and whole societies worship it you might as well kiss your ass as a civilization goodbye. You can criticize paganism all you want but what the pagans had right was that they celebrated sex and fertility openly in public as it was ingrained into their culture. Young adults getting married and having children was paramount to entire pagan existence. It's why I always joke and say that Europe would of done better if it was subjugated by pagan imperial Rome versus its later incarnation of Roman Catholicism.
I dunno but jews are disgusting subhumans that have been dragging humanity downward with their sick fetishes and perversions for centuries. The sooner our planet is cleansed of them the sooner prosperity will be achieved for humanity.

Just look at how fast Germany went from nothing to the European superpower in less than a decade after getting rid of the Jews. It just goes to show what can be achieved when you dont have subhumans in control of your laws and economy.
You have to look at the known facts. Gloria Steinem (Jewess) is the leader of the feminist movement. Feminism itself has very strong Marxist (a Jew himself) socialist influences. I don't know how much more "involved" you can get than that. I incorrectly stated earlier that she was funded by the CIA, but this is false. She was funded by the Rockefellers - an Illuminati family.
Oh..I did not know that.
False. You and I will both die. That is 100% certain.
Not if we manage to map our entire consciousness to a machine. It's very unlikely that such a thing will happen. We will probably die before it does, but it's not an impossibility.
Curiously (and hilariously), the FBI archives some of these sources.
Anti-Semitism as a concept is being weaponized against critics of Israel, and also against critics of anything Jewish of any kind, as a means of shutting down any rational inquiry. The kind of Neo-Naziesque anti-Semitism involving synagogue burning and targeting Jews for violence is more rare than Islamic terrorism. Speaking of which, Arabs are Semites also, but nobody calls it anti-Semetic to racially profile Arabs, for example. So I would take claims of "anti-Semitism" with a grain of salt, and would be careful not to lump racism with criticism (this term does that with ease, arguably by design, but most certainly with intent), since it's a very common tactic to delegitimize honest criticism. It's now "anti-Semetic" even to question the historical veracity of the details surrounding the claims of the holocaust, like the gas chambers and the six million figure. The questioning of no other topic in history (and in the subject of history itself) draws as much visceral ire as this. Perhaps Galileic heliocentricism as a criticism (and challenging) of the Roman Catholic cosmology is arguably another example of this.
Yeah, that's been take too far to the point where any criticism is conflated with anti-Semitism (e.g. the Nathan J Robinson case). But that's just a leftist agenda, and it has more to do with the way SJWs view everything as racism and discrimination. For example, it's racist to question whether a black person who got shot was a criminal or not.
I wouldn't say that the claims are unfounded, but it might be exaggerated in a histrionic sense. Being aware of the globalist new world agenda, of the Jewish corporate dominance in media and politics, and of the Talmudic scriptures that declare all non-Jews to be used as cattle as the Jew sees fit, among many other things that - in a way - act as a prerequisite for moving the discussion forward (or having it in the first place), it's not a huge stretch of the imagination to understand where the conspiracy in your example comes from.
Yeah, I think exaggerated is more accurate. Albeit some of them are based on debunked theories.
The best way to conquer and destroy (weaken nationally, culturally, financially, and spiritually) a people is not by brute force, but through cultural assimilation. Once weakened, any group of people (both domestic and imported) are far more malleable and amenable to your desired changes (gradually, of course; attitudes and beliefs don't change overnight). Race-mixing contributes precisely to this process in a virtually prescriptive manner in a way that purely ideological dominance (e.g., cultural Marxism and far-left extremism) is insufficient, if not inefficient. If I ever wrote a "how-to" manual on world domination, race-mixing would be a major chapter.
Actually there's a quote from Hitler himself about how racial mixing might destroy a culture.

"I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?" - Hitler

But yeah, I agree. The best way to eradicate a culture is to mix it with others until you have a generation that doesn't know much about the culture itself. A good example for that is the Arabs in Israel. They were originally Palestinians and their culture was indistinguishable from other Arabs in that area. Now they are more similar to Westerners due to mixing with the Jews.
Wdym "responsible" ?

Jews didn't invent hypergamy or inceldom, they just cultivated an environment that allowed it to thrive.

There's plenty of inceldom in the animal kingdom that Jews aren't responsible for lol
Good response nothing else to add in this thread
Yes, although I hate how many cucked Whites are willing to go along with their agenda.
It's time for your daily reminder that the Jews are responsible for the subversion of the west.
It's time for your daily reminder that the Jews are at the forefront of the feminist movement.
It's time for your daily reminder that the Jews are responsible for the widespread rollout of Jewpills to subhuman males.
That would make sens until you realized that they NEVER intended to assimilate. Never they even thought that the goyim was equal to them, they think they can rape a 3 year old cattle and get away with it.

When they introduced liberalism, socialism and marxism only the goyim suffered from it, not them. Some may fall for their own poison like become trans or gay or incel but their women remained loyal to them for 1 simple reason : They got kicked out 109 times yet they still are genetically 100% pure despite being mixed together with the goyim from the roman empire until today. Their population is still growing to this day.

They "assimilate" in China? Wrong word, it's more like taking over because the chinese is low IQ just like the subhuman slav.
That would be like "assimilating" with an african tribe by giving them drugs or some advanced weapons in exchange of one of them to go on the slave ship. They are just easier to corrupt.

You are either naive or it goes along with your own interests. @Gog
The Jews as we know them are actually not descended from Isreal. They are descended from Khazars of Southern Russian and the Caucasus region of Eurasia
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If yes, explain why. And if no, also explain why.
OP you are introducing a false dichotomy. Jews are not 100% responsible for inceldom because it is a multifaceted issue with many contributing factors.

That said: moreso than any other tribe though, Jews have contributed to it the most.

This is through two primary means:
1) the mutilation of male genitalia which makes dicks smaller and less pleasant to fuck, lessening mid-tier men's ability to create a pleasant sexual sensation for women​
2) pushing their SJW nonsense which is anti-male​

Probably 50% of today's incels would have ascended if not for Jews.
Am an incel kike, hate other kikes though so voted yes
actually the Vatican that hire that faggot Hitler to exterminate the jews and wage war on the world is the main/ on of the main culprit.
it gave Americans the excuse to pull foids out of the home, and then the subversion of the natural order of a functioning , thriving culture into what we have today.
Exactly. With all the genetically superior males dying at war, it gave the betas at home an opportunity to weasel their way into the genepool, which is what the deep state wanted, as they would be more susceptible to allowing feminism and communism to rise.
They're complicit.
Exactly. With all the genetically superior males dying at war, it gave the betas at home an opportunity to weasel their way into the genepool, which is what the deep state wanted, as they would be more susceptible to allowing feminism and communism to rise.
yes, i see it as a 2 prong attack, foids going out of the home to manned the factories and end the war faster, then they remain outside in the work force.

the male population become betas and get bullied bi the foids in the work place, and voila , that is what we have today, males walking around on eggshells,
lest they get metoo, or be accused of being an incel if you are not an alpha chadlites/chads.
Yes, White Europeans have been manipulated by Jews and many go along with it, what will probably piss off most here but I'll say it anyways is that kikes wouldn't been able to facilitate what they have done in the west if it wasn't for the weakness that is Christianity, that religion is the weak link in western civilization with its insistence on equality, utopia, egalitarianism, and so on.

By manipulating White Europeans through Christianity is how Jews have been able to do what they have done, had Europe and European culture remained pagan kikes would of never stood a chance to culturally subvert like they have.
Christianity was created by kikes.

And so was Islam.
Yes, women are the most vulnerable to propaganda. Certain elite Jews knew this and are cunning enough to know they can influence men easier via women than through direct propaganda so they push feminism.


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I hate that I like so many Jews like Mark Levin and Greg Gutfield.

How is it they argue so many good conservative/republican talking points on Fox yet don't declare war on the circumcisers?
Not directly. They never meant ugly males to be incels in the first place. We're just kind of "side effect" to their actions aimed at destroying traditional values and civilization.

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