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Are south korean men cucked?



Jul 14, 2022
This country is the most probable one to witness an incel rebellion given the fact that there is mandatory draft for men, collapsing birth rates, looks obsessed blackpilled society, etc.. Inspite this, we haven't seen a violent crackdown on feminist groups, redistribution of women by force and enforcement of monogamy by men. Why?
>"redistribution of women by force"
>"enforcement of monogamy by men"

why are you using the enemy's language?
they had a little victory i guess
they had a little victory i guess
>incel sympathiser
only in words, not in actions. Ha, classic politician.
they want you to say that this is the shit you do so youll never be happy with yourself.

take back your world. you arent a rapist. your happiness is a right.
they want you to say that this is the shit you do so youll never be happy with yourself.

take back your world. you arent a rapist. your happiness is a right.
nigga, genetic survival is literally on the line. Who the hell are wahman to decide who's genes should survive and who's should rot & die? What about things like demographic & economic decline? who cares about womeme's opinion. The ultimate purpose of life is to live & reproduce till the end of time, or atleast till we discover the truth about existence in all it's essence.
nigga, genetic survival is literally on the line. Who the hell are wahman to decide who's genes should survive and who's should rot & die? What about things like demographic & economic decline? who cares about womeme's opinion. The ultimate purpose of life is to live & reproduce till the end of time, or atleast till we discover the truth about existence in all it's essence.
well what the fuck do you want me to say? im just doing my best to answer how we dont let it bother us.
>"redistribution of women by force"
>"enforcement of monogamy by men"

why are you using the enemy's language?
This profile has to be an AI
This country is the most probable one to witness an incel rebellion given the fact that there is mandatory draft for men, collapsing birth rates, looks obsessed blackpilled society, etc.. Inspite this, we haven't seen a violent crackdown on feminist groups, redistribution of women by force and enforcement of monogamy by men. Why?
The mandatory service by men is the most cucked part. What are they even fighting for at that point?
This country is the most probable one to witness an incel rebellion given the fact that there is mandatory draft for men, collapsing birth rates, looks obsessed blackpilled society, etc.. Inspite this, we haven't seen a violent crackdown on feminist groups, redistribution of women by force and enforcement of monogamy by men. Why?

Who cares if the birth rates collapse this world is a hell you want more incels to be born in it and also as the generations go on this leads to uglier and uglier children look at Indians so when those mother's flee to the west and fuck better looking men there children have to suffer being being born half subhuman.

I wonder do you guys think beyond just your dick what if you do reproduce what about your child what life will he live
This country is the most probable one to witness an incel rebellion given the fact that there is mandatory draft for men, collapsing birth rates, looks obsessed blackpilled society, etc.. Inspite this, we haven't seen a violent crackdown on feminist groups, redistribution of women by force and enforcement of monogamy by men. Why?

Also fuck gooks in general if I was a gook I would take advantage of the plastic surgery culture and move to the west to get white women
The mandatory service by men is the most cucked part
yes and no. It's quite cucked to fight for & protect a society that's agianst u.
But on the other hand, these men who've had military training can organize a violent revolt agianst the gynocracy if they want as they've the necessary military training and access to arms. Also, the amount of incels in the military itself is a lot and the chances of witnessing counter revolutionaries is also quite low . South korean men have everything right for them, from the amount of incel sympathisers to access to high grade military tech.
I wonder do you guys think beyond just your dick what if you do reproduce what about your child what life will he live
My children would also get to reproduce if it gets to live in a society where genetic survival is guranteed for all.
fuck this lookism bullshit that y'all legitimise. Looks are only important(in the context of genetic survival and social standing) if u allow women and society to judge & select people on the basis of their external appearance. Sure, I can't untangle millions of years of evolution, but I can atleast affect outcomes in a big way, that depend on by-products of evolution, which is what that really matters. By outcomes I refer to things like getting to reproduce, being healthy & productive, etc.. To top things off, when tech like embryo selection becomes mainstream, we can start selecting genes for health, intelligence, good character even in individuals who're supposedly ugly & unhealthy.
yes and no. It's quite cucked to fight for & protect a society that's agianst u.
But on the other hand, these men who've had military training can organize a violent revolt agianst the gynocracy if they want as they've the necessary military training and access to arms. Also, the amount of incels in the military itself is a lot and the chances of witnessing counter revolutionaries is also quite low . South korean men have everything right for them, from the amount of incel sympathisers to access to high grade military tech.

My children would also get to reproduce if it gets to live in a society where genetic survival is guranteed for all.
fuck this lookism bullshit that y'all legitimise. Looks are only important(in the context of genetic survival and social standing) if u allow women and society to judge & select people on the basis of their external appearance. Sure, I can't untangle millions of years of evolution, but I can atleast affect outcomes in a big way, that depend on by-products of evolution, which is what that really matters. By outcomes I refer to things like getting to reproduce, being healthy & productive, etc.. To top things off, when tech like embryo selection becomes mainstream, we can start selecting genes for health, intelligence, good character even in individuals who're supposedly ugly & unhealthy.

Okay then so what happens what that population goes soft again and starts arguing for women's rights which it always has look at the west it went from shit gun marriages to a 50 percent divorce rate.

So now your increasingly getting an uglier and uglier population and when those whores flock to the west and they have kids the spawn will be a subuman
This country is the most probable one to witness an incel rebellion given the fact that there is mandatory draft for men, collapsing birth rates, looks obsessed blackpilled society, etc.. Inspite this, we haven't seen a violent crackdown on feminist groups, redistribution of women by force and enforcement of monogamy by men. Why?
Because that would be a human rights violation
Because that would be a human rights violation
kek, and isn't denying a man to ensure his genetic survival a human rights violation? Reproduction is literally the only known way to extend life and these bitches and taking away that from u. JFL
So now your increasingly getting an uglier and uglier population and when those whores flock to the west and they have kids the spawn will be a subuman
Not in a world where the incel revolution has become successful in all countries.
the gurantee to reproduce is merely an extension of the fundamental right:"no person shall be deprived of his life".
Well guess what folks, foids get deprive ur life while they get to extend theirs by riding chad's dick.
kek, and isn't denying a man to ensure his genetic survival a human rights violation? Reproduction is literally the only known way to extend life and these bitches and taking away that from u. JFL

Not in a world where the incel revolution has become successful in all countries.

This is 40 tiers of never going to happen because males are cucks like I wish you were right but I know the reality of the situation women are whores and if they can see a better situation they will flee in flocks
This is 40 tiers of never going to happen because males are cucks like I wish you were right but I know the reality of the situation women are whores and if they can see a better situation they will flee in flocks
are men just disunited and would gladly backstab their fellow men the moment a foid starts showing a little attention?
Not in a world where the incel revolution has become successful in all countries.
not happening. both right wing and left wing hate subhumans.
So now your increasingly getting an uglier and uglier population and when those whores flock to the west and they have kids the spawn will be a subuman
Are they "subhuman" just because they are ugly? You think like a woman.
Korean noodlewhores are the worst on the planet
Are they "subhuman" just because they are ugly? You think like a woman.

Are we gonna near around the bush an Indian who looks like this is very hard to find due to arranged marriages look at the current pajeet population

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Most men are cucked
the only traits that matter in the long term for the genetic survival of the species is health(including physical strenght), intelligence and character.
Who cares if the birth rates collapse this world is a hell you want more incels to be born in it and also as the generations go on this leads to uglier and uglier children look at Indians so when those mother's flee to the west and fuck better looking men there children have to suffer being being born half subhuman.

I wonder do you guys think beyond just your dick what if you do reproduce what about your child what life will he live
You know ugly women are reproducing everyday with the system you defend right?
You know ugly women are reproducing everyday with the system you defend right?

I don't defend that system only chads and Stacie's should reproduce what we have today is a eugenics night mare ppl dont wanna say the glaring truth though when it comes to women but I will
I don't defend that system only chads and Stacie's should reproduce what we have today is a eugenics night mare ppl dont wanna say the glaring truth though when it comes to women but I will
You do know genes are random and that standards are not static right?

The only reason the current society worked is because the standards were reasonable. Yes, there will always be incels, but the number is waaay lower.

Hypothetically your idea is implemented, given foids hypergamous nature, today's Chad will become incel.
You do know genes are random and that standards are not static right?

The only reason the current society worked is because the standards were reasonable. Yes, there will always be incels, but the number is waaay lower.

Hypothetically your idea is implemented, given foids hypergamous nature, today's Chad will become incel.

Chads would be even more hypergamous I've been with servers with chads they don't suck women pussy like the cucks here do soys and numales do if you know your genes mog that whores ancestry why would you worship her you become very arrogant.

You guys are so delusional on women's smv yeah they smv mog the average male but super models and chads they mog the absolute fuck out of women's smv even males and females love chads.

This isn't chad worship this is more to say that I would like an society of handsome guys and not ugly incels who the fuck wants that similarly though I would also like ugly women to stop breeding but we both know this isn't happening
Chads would be even more hypergamous I've been with servers with chads they don't suck women pussy like the cucks here do soys and numales do if you know your genes mog that whores ancestry why would you worship her you become very arrogant.

You guys are so delusional on women's smv yeah they smv mog the average male but super models and chads they mog the absolute fuck out of women's smv even males and females love chads.

This isn't chad worship this is more to say that I would like an society of handsome guys and not ugly incels who the fuck wants that similarly though I would also like ugly women to stop breeding but we both know this isn't happening
A high smv society doesn't equal good life for the men. Is that why Netherlands/Nordic countries with an average height of 6'1, have to import Thai third world mail order brides?
I don't defend that system only chads and Stacie's should reproduce what we have today is a eugenics night mare ppl dont wanna say the glaring truth though when it comes to women but I will
No you are defending a system where ugly roasties have kids with Chad aka today society
A high smv society doesn't equal good life for the men. Is that why Netherlands/Nordic countries with an average height of 6'1, have to import Thai third world mail order brides?

Only a few Nordics due that I mean seriously how low does your genetic stock have to be to cope with jungle monkeys from sea gook land that's dysgenics tbqh imagine the mutr hybrid 5 7 height probably gook orientated facial features
Not gonna happen

Off course ppl don't like to admit genetics is everything so they don't go for forceful means it only takes 3 gens btw 3 gens now the average of the population genetically are all more attractive where the ugliest is a 7 how does this society harm any. 1 in the long run.

If your uglier just escort max sex robot max or have sex just without reproduction this isn't Einstein tier logic
now the average of the population genetically are all more attractive where the ugliest is a 7 how does this society harm any.
and now that 7/10( by today's standards) will die an incel.
Beauty may not be subjective, but it very well is relative. Today's 7/10 is tomorrow's 5/10
Off course ppl don't like to admit genetics is everything so they don't go for forceful means it only takes 3 gens btw 3 gens now the average of the population genetically are all more attractive where the ugliest is a 7 how does this society harm any. 1 in the long run.

If your uglier just escort max sex robot max or have sex just without reproduction this isn't Einstein tier logic
Lol new incels and new Chads will just create again
Lol new incels and new Chads will just create again

No not possible the difference between a 7 and 9 is small traits the difference between a 9 and 4 to 5 the average guy today is light years it's like this guy being the average if this was the average curry cels wouldn't exist

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the biggest cucks on all the world are probably east asian men = thai men.
their whole country is literally a white men brothel, how can you cope as a thai men knowing that all the women in your family are white only whores and that they will be fucked by white men alone, jfl
better kill yourself and get it over with
No not possible the difference between a 7 and 9 is small traits the difference between a 9 and 4 to 5 the average guy today is light years it's like this guy being the average if this was the average curry cels wouldn't exist

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Because you have the idea of a 5 to begin with lol
Are we gonna near around the bush an Indian who looks like this is very hard to find due to arranged marriages look at the current pajeet population

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So? I don't care what men look like.
You know, I've noticed one thing. All fascists, social Darwinists, eugenicists, etc. tend to be homoerotic. What do you think this has to do with? Maybe you should give in to your tendencies and swallow Chad's cock up to your tonsils.
Being married sucks, even boomers say so. I never truly wanted that life even before I knew what an incel was.
I don't defend that system only chads and Stacie's should reproduce what we have today is a eugenics night mare ppl dont wanna say the glaring truth though when it comes to women but I will
IQ should matter more

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