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are slavs white?

"The trick is not to fall for it" - that's a nice way to rationalize it, all this allows for is a permission for western europeans and americans to get to insult you however they want without backlash. under the pretence that all anti-slavic demoralization is jewish orchestrated, when in reality most of this rhetoric is largely espoused by western euros or americans.
1. I'm not Slavic at all(Med & Nordic)
2. Most of the stuff against Slavs originates from Judaism in an effort to divide whites: As such, those in the US or WE adhering to it are just pawns of the kikes.
I meant that Scandinavians are the purest white people if you exclude migrants and a small percentage of mixing with other races. Germans, Anglos, Dutch, Slavs are sure white if you remove all Ashkenazi Jews and mixes with other races and nations.
Just wondering, do you consider Meds white?
They are similar to niggers as they have low impulse control.
They are more aggressive for sure, but they don't chimp out the way niggers do.

Plus, Slavs built cities & actual stable countries whereas Nigs still live in mud huts.
Just wondering, do you consider Meds white?
like Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Italians, Albanians, Balkans? Not really, especially Spaniards and Portuguese have a lot of people with Arab genes (moors)





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like Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Italians, Albanians, Balkans? Not really, especially Spaniards and Portuguese have a lot of people with Arab genes (moors)

View attachment 931050

View attachment 931051


Those still look white passing:

Also, Italians & Greeks cluster very heavily with Romans & Ancient Greeks:

Not to mention this:
Image 1

Look at the Italian National team also:
Image0 3

Meds are White; only shitskins or self-hating white copes say else wise.

@PersonalityPIMP @LesscoBlob @EngelCallDell19
Subhuman variant of whites.
Those still look white passing:

Also, Italians & Greeks cluster very heavily with Romans & Ancient Greeks:
View attachment 931065

Not to mention this:
View attachment 931070

Look at the Italian National team also:
View attachment 931071

Meds are White; only shitskins or self-hating white copes say else wise.

@PersonalityPIMP @LesscoBlob @EngelCallDell19
on this Italian football team i would say whites are only Buffon, Abate, Montolivo, Marchisio, Daniele de Rossi
I meant that Scandinavians are the purest white people if you exclude migrants and a small percentage of mixing with other races. Germans, Anglos, Dutch, Slavs are sure white if you remove all Ashkenazi Jews and mixes with other races and nations.
Then you haven't met the finngolians and mongoloids here in scandinavia, blond eyes, pale skin but look like hapas with slanty eyes and flat noses, the furthere north you go the more prevalent they are.
Some slavs are moggers. Also, nowadays they T-mog most other whites.
Sure there are some moggers, I live in an area full of slavs and most of them are fat, balding and short.
on this Italian football team i would say whites are only Buffon, Abate, Montolivo, Marchisio, Daniele de Rossi
Well one of them is a Nigger, and the other ones still look white to me.

Also, did you even look at the fact about the Nordicist who considered Meds white?

Read. This. Carefully:

3968120 20SoyBooru
Sure there are some moggers, I live in an area full of slavs and most of them are fat, balding and short.
So basically the same with most other demographics nowadays?
Those still look white passing:

Also, Italians & Greeks cluster very heavily with Romans & Ancient Greeks:
View attachment 931065

Not to mention this:
View attachment 931070

Look at the Italian National team also:
View attachment 931071

Meds are White; only shitskins or self-hating white copes say else wise.

@PersonalityPIMP @LesscoBlob @EngelCallDell19
Based, can't believe we're still discussing this JFL.
Cause kike infiltration to spread their propaganda.
Then you haven't met the finngolians and mongoloids here in scandinavia, blond eyes, pale skin but look like hapas with slanty eyes and flat noses, the furthere north you go the more prevalent they are.
i probably know what you mean, such type of faces?

i probably know what you mean? Such type of faces?


I don't see them every day but i'd say every two weeks or so at least, it is the scandinavian equivalent of the american mutt la creatura
dnr nord coper your toilets get graped everyday by muslim immigrants

Слезы осени на стальной броне,
Рев моторов глушит шум дождя..
Мы идем в ночи по чужой земле,
Мы оставим пепел и смерть,уходя..

По Закону Силы на вражеских костях
Жизненным Пространством властвовать привык,
С огнемета заревом в голубых глазах,
Викинга собрат,Рыцарь-Штурмовик.

Ты - Вождя Солдат, подошел твой срок,
Закалилась сталь в череде атак..
Через шквал огня рвется на восток
Теодора Эйке Танковый Кулак!

Кровь с землею-траки Мертвой Головы
Давят в грязь короткие черепа врага.
За чужими спинами Дети Каббалы,
Их будущее - печи, Смерти Лагеря..

С танковых бортов скалится Мертвец,
Руны на петлицах серебром горят!
В Ярости Боев,в Пламени Сердец
Разгорится вновь Белая Заря!

Стойкости Безумцев не сломать хребет,
В рукопашной схватке штыковой удар.
Вотана Копье грудь пронзит тебе,
В сердце полыхнет Асгарда Пожар!

В Рагнарока час Райх не устоял,
Тех кровавых дней не забыть вовек!
Вы у нас в сердцах,Павшие в боях,
Слава не умрет,смертен человек!
They are more aggressive for sure, but they don't chimp out the way niggers do.

Plus, Slavs built cities & actual stable countries whereas Nigs still live in mud huts.
Niggers will always be the worst of the worst. Slavs are just low tier whites.
Those still look white passing:

Also, Italians & Greeks cluster very heavily with Romans & Ancient Greeks:
View attachment 931065

Not to mention this:
View attachment 931070

Look at the Italian National team also:
View attachment 931071

Meds are White; only shitskins or self-hating white copes say else wise.

@PersonalityPIMP @LesscoBlob @EngelCallDell19
If Southern Europeans aren't white, then White people have achieved next to nothing in human history and would be more subhuman than even curries.
Niggers will always be the worst of the worst.
Water; I would say they're tied with Kikes as the worst of the worst.

Thing is, they are both destructive but in different ways: Kikes subvert, lie, deceive, etc. whereas nigs are just outright primal in nature.
Slavs are just low tier whites.
Fair point tbh, I consider Slavs white but I consider them to be less in comparison to both Germanics(who I technically consider the best of the race) as well as Meds & Celts.
If Southern Europeans aren't white, then White people have achieved next to nothing in human history and would be more subhuman than even curries.
The Ancient Romans, Greeks, Egyptians etc. were much whiter than the populations there today.
germanic roman rape babies are not white, slavs are the purest race. half sandnigger roman raped dogs only ever post ethnic minorities to prove their point, but there is a reason they will never show you an example of a real slav.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXBmlh6tmVw

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er0ZKsJhSHE

1:06 - I would have to be 100 percent german
4:10 - 8.7% percent north african 0.8% nigeria nigger


Looks at this from actual anthropologists when science was respected & had meaning:
Image 1

Also forgetting Italians cluster with Romans, who cluster heavily with other Western & Southern Europeans:

The Ancient Romans, Greeks, Egyptians etc. were much whiter than the populations there today.
Actually, GrAY, the Italians & Greeks cluster heavily with their ancestors.


Image0 6

However, you are right about the North Africans being more White back then, as depictions of Berbers shows them with very light skin & more brownish shades of hair:
Temple Pharaon d Egypte Seti 1er Libyens Amazigh

Looks at this from actual anthropologists when science was respected & had meaning:
View attachment 931295

Also forgetting Italians cluster with Romans, who cluster heavily with other Western & Southern Europeans:

View attachment 931298
why are you reposting stuff about meds when i was talking about germanics, the map about roman dna confirms my arguments. italians/spanish/greeks are still the most mixed in europe.
why are you reposting stuff about meds when i was talking about germanics,
I skim read(college rn) so I may have miss interpreted. If I did, my apologies.:feelsYall:
the map about roman dna confirms my arguments. italians/spanish/greeks are still the most mixed in europe.
They are still white though- they just mixed heavily with the rest of Europe.

Most Whites -especially Meds & Western Euros- are genetically diverse.

Also, the small amount of Arab/North African DNA is still white, since it was Berber who are always portrayed as very light skinned with brownish hair:
Temple Pharaon d Egypte Seti 1er Libyens Amazigh
The Ancient Romans, Greeks, Egyptians etc. were much whiter than the populations there today.
Bullshit. You have no evidence for that.

Stop claiming others' history.
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