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Are Italians white? Quick break down once and for all

Women reject you and you are crying on incel forum and you still claim to be white lol
Nice incel shaming my fellow .is user:feelshaha:.

Yes for women
White = Chad
Buckbroken and mentally colonized, or just a troll:waitwhat:?

Even Asians portray whites as Nordic Chads in anime and video games
Not a rule in the slightest.

Also, I love just how much of what I've said you ignored, so I'll ask again, my "Mediterranean", have you ever even interacted with a white person IRL:feelsjuice:?

You are blue pilled
Nah, he's just not a schizo.
So factual data both historical & present is "conspiracy theories" when your the one yapping like a schizo

Jfl at this retarded take

Hitler was a true subhuman
He didn't have even Hunter eyes to look like the ultimate alpha male warrior.
I am Mediterranean
I have light skin with brown eyes and dark hair.




We will come to Europe to rape and enslave your blonde blue eyed women while you cry like a faggot on this forum.
Ok sandnigger
Nice incel shaming my fellow .is user:feelshaha:.
It is not shaming but showing your hypocrisy

Buckbroken and mentally colonized, or just a troll:waitwhat:?

Not a rule in the slightest.

Noodlewhores themselves lust after Aryan Chads and they dream to have babies with blue eyes and blonde hair
Also, I love just how much of what I've said you ignored, so I'll ask again, my "Mediterranean", have you ever even interacted with a white person IRL:feelsjuice:?
I have interacted with white women online and they rejected me because I am not Aryan Chad

Nah, he's just not a schizo.
You are all blue pilled kids who have no experience with women
It is not shaming but showing your hypocrisy
Literally how am I hypocritical for knowing that I'm white:feelskek::lul:?

Noodlewhores themselves lust after Aryan Chads and they dream to have babies with blue eyes and blonde hair
Nonwhites' opinions on whiteness by definition don't matter much + I've never seen white sexpats claim to not have gotten laid for not having those traits.

I have interacted with white women online and they rejected me because I am not Aryan Chad
Cool. I have interacted with white women my entire life and have never seen them turn down a good-looking guy if he happened to be brown-haired or -eyed, or be more lenient to an ugly guy just because he happened to have blue eyes or blonde hair. If anything, most people seem to agree that blonde hair is a minor failo for men while it's a boon for women.

You claim to be white but still an incel

Your ignorance and larping as white tells that you never approached a woman in your life
The fucking temptation to mass tag the entire forum so they can read this be like:feelshaha:

Jfl he looks ambiguous if anything :feelshaha:

Anyone can throw on a football jersey, and I like how I shared a video form a verified news source
Your video shows no Aryans just inbred subhumans
Whites can be Incel, I mean come on all the OG stereotypes were school shooters or neckbeards:feelskek:
If whites can be incels then what is the point of the master race ? that makes us realize that white is just being chad which means the only master race in the world is the Chad race. This is the true black pill.
White foids were the nicest to me
Because you were a simp and they just used you as a nice guy
Literally how am I hypocritical for knowing that I'm white:feelskek::lul:?
But you are not a chad so how you claim to have white genetics ? You don't have the perfect bone structure and eye area. Where is your hunter eyes ? this is the true black pill that you have to take.
Nonwhites' opinions on whiteness by definition don't matter much + I've never seen white sexpats claim to not have gotten laid for not having those traits.
Why is it okay for whites to have opinions on non whites but not the opposite ?
The Aryans were the first who classified human races and they colonized and enslaved ethnics and did the holocaust and we ethnics don't even have the right to tell out opinion on whites lol
Cool. I have interacted with white women my entire life and have never seen them turn down a good-looking guy if he happened to be brown-haired or -eyed, or be more lenient to an ugly guy just because he happened to have blue eyes or blonde hair. If anything, most people seem to agree that blonde hair is a minor failo for men while it's a boon for women.
Blonde women care about hair and eye color because they want their babies to resemble them also most Chads in Disney and Hollywood are portrayed with blonde hair even American propaganda portrayed ancient Greeks in movies like Alexander the great and Achilles with blonde hair.
Why is it okay for whites to have opinions on non whites but not the opposite ?
You are free to do so. It's just a fact that when outsiders (any outsiders, not just nonwhites in relation to whites as in this example) go from holding opinions about some group to actually trying to define it and deciding who is a part of it or not, then that's inherently insulting and doesn't hold much weight since groups ultimately define themselves.

The Aryans were the first who classified human races and they colonized and enslaved ethnics
Everyone who has encountered people of other races has done the former, and it was often accompanied by the latter, such as when your ancestors interacted with mine:feelsjuice:.

how you claim to have white genetics?
we ethnics
Nice consistency to ask me how can I claim to be white and then implicitly calling me so:feelshaha:. You clearly know who is white and who isn't and are just riling the forum up:feelsjuice:.

Blonde women care about hair and eye color because they want their babies to resemble them
Bruh, you do realize that children with those traits are born to couples without them or with just one parent like that literally all the time? Just in my family for example, I'm dark haired with green/blue eyes, my sister is a blue-eyed redhead, my first cousin from my father's side of the family is one of those blonde haired and blue eyed women you seem to yearn for so much, and my other first cousin from my mother's side is a blue eyed guy with dirty blond/light brown hair who's as far from a Chad as possible, not least because he's mentally disabled with an IQ of 70. Meanwhile, ALL of our parents are dark haired.

Maybe there are a few women who go for men with matching traits specifically to make sure about it, but if so I've never seen it with how common it is to see dark haired men with blonde women. Safeguarding your genetics doesn't really make sense when most of the population already carries the recessive genes needed for your children to have a good chance of inheriting your recessive traits regardless.

Really, it's bizarre how much those people seem to be worshipped by non-Europeans. You've talked about the true blackpill I need to take, but have you taken the blackpill that while you and many other nonwhites seem to damn near imagine some kind of a hair color/eye color caste system being in place in Europe, the fact is that the peple whom you seem to idolize and worship are literally just average normalfags and normalfagettes here? That it is only your countries where they get worshipped and here they are just average schmucks with nobody caring, since we can find another person just like them after walking five minutes on a street?

also most Chads in Disney and Hollywood are portrayed with blonde hair
Role stereotype.

even American propaganda portrayed ancient Greeks in movies like Alexander the great and Achilles with blonde hair.
Alexander was probably the type who was lighter haired as a kid and then his hair darkened with age, since we have this fresco done for his father from when Alexander was young:


While Achilles' hair is described with terms that were often used to describe what we currently call blond or red(dish) hair, but admittedly not always and those could be mistranlations.
The white race doesn't exist. It is cope created by the anglo saxons.
The theory of the “Caucasoid” race was first put forth by the German anthropologist Hans Blumenbach, not an Anglo-Saxon. It was refined over time into various subcategories, “white” being one, and modern genetics actually vindicates it. “Caucasoid” has been replaced by “West Eurasian” in modern anthropology, but it effectively means the same thing. Europeans also descend primarily from the same three ancient populations, form a coherent genetic cluster, and are largely closer related to one another than to any outgroups – proving the existence of the “white” race.

You made a ton of egregious and frankly brain-dead claims in this thread, but I don’t feel like addressing all of them as it’s a waste of time and I’m not entirely sure you’ll read this anyway. That said, I’ll address your 2nd most retarded claim too:
When white privilege is forced to oppress ethnics then we will have all the right to expose the lies of the white race.
You aren’t oppressed by any stretch of the word. Quite the opposite actually, you’re a protected class. You can live comfortably leeching off welfare and get a slap on the wrist for going around starting riots, all while incessantly whining about your host group, who – if they weren’t spineless pussies and cucks – would have already had you deported or shot
The theory of the “Caucasoid” race was first put forth by the German anthropologist Hans Blumenbach, not an Anglo-Saxon. It was refined over time into various subcategories, “white” being one, and modern genetics actually vindicates it. “Caucasoid” has effectively been replaced by “West Eurasian” in modern-day genetic clustering, but it effectively means the same thing. Europeans also descend primarily from the same three ancient populations, form a coherent genetic cluster, and are largely closer related to one another than to any outgroups – proving the existence of the “white” race.

You made a ton of egregious and frankly brain-dead claims in this thread, but I don’t feel like addressing all of them as it’s a waste of time and I’m not entirely sure you’ll read this anyway. That said, I’ll address your 2nd most retarded claim too:

You aren’t oppressed by any stretch of the word. Quite the opposite actually, you’re a protected class. You can live comfortably leeching off welfare and get a slap on the wrist for going around starting riots, all while incessantly whining about your host group – who, if they weren’t spineless pussies and cucks – would have already had you deported or shot
Based response
Stop believing in conspiracy theories
Hitler carry the nigger haplogroup and he is a manlet with dark hair and round face. He wasn't a true Aryan. He was a Chad Aryan worshiper
JFL, have you ever traced the origin to the source? It doesn't even come from scientists, rather from a Belgian magazine that assures the testing was done stringently with no valid evidence:

They claim they collected saliva from several of Hitler's alleged relatives—one even from a thrown out napkin they picked up (JFL at their "rigorous" scientific methods). They also fail to specify how many relatives were tested or how most of them besides 2, were even related to Hitler. There might have only been 2 cases for all we know.

They also don’t clarify if both, or all these individuals had E1b1b or whether it could have come from another branch of their families. None of this can be independently verified; there’s no peer-reviewed scientific journal to support it, only an article in a magazine.

This was already a valid argument on its own:
Aside from your other painfully retarded statements, I'll tear this one and a few others down for you; Hitler having the E1b1b haplogroup is just another baseless, insult by Zionists against Hitler.

Virtually no German/Austrian has E1b1b. The odds of Hitler happening to have it are virtually impossible:

It's a story without proof, conducted by Zionists who clearly had an interest in fibbint, and whose work we cannot inspect.

That focuses on social discrimination and not legal and official racial classification. Both American historical and legal records show that Italians were consistently classified as white and Aryan, even during periods of significant anti-immigrant sentiment.

Judging based off of the content of your past replies, it would be fruitless to continue to argue with you
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You claim to be white but still an incel

Your ignorance and larping as white tells that you never approached a woman in your life
Getting sick and tired of this JBW racebaiting bullshit.
The white race doesn't exist. It is cope created by the anglo saxons.
Italians are Mediterranean just like their Roman ancestors for that they resemble other Mediterranean groups like sand niggers.
They are not considered white just because they don't have blonde hair and blue eyes ( Nordic features). White is portrayed as Nordic.
The problem is that Italy is the birthplace of the Roman civilization and the renaissance so Nordic people don't consider Italians white but they try to take credit of the Italian history and achievements and relate it to the western civilization.

People saying North Italians are the real Italians could actually just be because the Med Sandnigger Italian mixed with Germanics over generations creating the North Italians and not the other way around as people claim.

I look at Greek people and they look exactly like Sandniggers from Saudi, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq. See for yourself in the video below what a Cyprus Greek looks like

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XJxVeWTN90

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