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Are Italians white? Quick break down once and for all

Dude, have you even read the article you posted:feelskek::feelskek:? Literally nowhere does it claim that Italians weren't seen as white by majority of the US or that they were officially classified as ethnics. The article is about the broader anti-Catholic prejudice, which very much existed in the US, the second iteration of the KKK especially was very anti-Catholic and had almost as much antipathy agains Southern and Eastern European immigrants who were arriving at the time as they had against the black minority, but that doesn't mean they saw those Italians, Poles, etc. as nonwhite:feelshaha:. Also funny that the whiteness of Eastern European immigrants there is never in doubt in those online discussions, when they were hated as much as the Southern Europeans:lul:.

Bro, right now most Europeans hate some other European ethnicity/nationality because of historical reasons or immigration, but that doesn't mean we see those oher Europeans as nonwhite:feelskek:.

Even the most anti-immigrant Americans at the time knew that Italians, Poles and others will simply assimilate into the white majority a few generations, because they were white. That was never an option with nonwhites.

I'm just gonna cut to the chase, are you white? And if you are, are you American or European?
hero we needed appeared in all of the glory :feelsaww:
Women who see white as Nordic
Anglo Saxons who portray white in media and cinema as Nordic
The Nazis who portrayed whites as Nordic
No, none of these groups do this, except maybe the Nazis
Did Citizen Kane look like a Hitler Youth specimen? He had dark hair. The same can be said for Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill a Mockingbird, and many other English movies.
Women would 100% classify an Italian that looks like Buffon to be white.
Please stick to whatever brown activities you're used to, because you clearly are talking out of your ass.
i may ask you which type of ethnic you are ? I guess a jeet ?
Russia was found by the vikings
Kievan Rus was founded by the viking Rudrik
Slavs were mixed with Scandinavians and Mongols so it depends on the person's looks
No, they aren't "mutts" in that sense:

East Asian admixture

Clearly, you have no knowledge of genetics
The American immigration laws in the 60s didn't consider Italians white and they were treated as ethnics
As were the Irish, Slavs, even Catholic Germans you clown.
Incorrect: [ATTACH type="full"]1...e-ethnics-assimilated-david-roediger/[/QUOTE]
Blonde hair is the common phenotype in North Europe.

Brown-haired individuals predominate in most parts of Europe. In northern and central Europe medium to light brown shades are the most common, while darker shades prevail in the rest of the continent.
I know that you must be troll, blonde hair is not a phenotype lol
Yeah jfl, what a retarded statement such as this:
Genetic haplogroup is cope
This isn't haplogroup, it's genetic distance, based on ancestral groups which all Europeans are descended from:

“There are at least three major, highly differentiated populations that have contributed substantial amounts of ancestry to almost everybody that has European ancestry today,”
You are judged by your phenotype which is your looks
What an illogical statement, genotype can determine a lot about your mental condition
Hitler and Napoleon carry the nigger haplogroup E so they are not European by your logic.
Retarded statement, they both would have been genetically European, those were just one single paternal lineage haplogroups traced back tens of thousands of years. Again, nothing to do with what the graph was
The vast majority of the Mediterranid region isn't European.
Mediterranid is a classification not geo boundary you braindead pajeet
Women would 100% classify an Italian that looks like Buffon to be white.
Buffon is from northern Italy. Classifying him as a sandy or nafri would be retarded
No, none of these groups do this, except maybe the Nazis
Did Citizen Kane look like a Hitler Youth specimen? He had dark hair. The same can be said for Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill a Mockingbird, and many other English movies.
Women would 100% classify an Italian that looks like Buffon to be white.
Please stick to whatever brown activities you're used to, because you clearly are talking out of your ass.
Dude if you don't look like that

Then you are not white and you will never be one
This is the reality
White also isn't just about blonde hair and blue eyes but having the perfect bone structure and eye area that is why ugly whites suffer with women and can't realize that being white isn't just enough. You are not experienced with women. You don't know how they think. I would say that the true meaning of white is just be an Aryan Chad. All women whatever white or ethnics lust after the Aryan Chad.
Buffon is an inbreed subhuman just like any Hispanic from Latin America.
No, none of these groups do this, except maybe the Nazis
Did Citizen Kane look like a Hitler Youth specimen? He had dark hair. The same can be said for Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill a Mockingbird, and many other English movies.
Women would 100% classify an Italian that looks like Buffon to be white.
Please stick to whatever brown activities you're used to, because you clearly are talking out of your ass.
:yes: :yes: :yes:

Based response

By his retarded logic, it makes sense whoever has the most proximity to "muh nordic" would benefit from the appeal of it.

And race isn't "muh skin tone" it also has to do with:
-facial features
-Skull shape, and theres more than 3:

Ripley map of cephalic index in Europe

-Hair-eye colring

According to that user, he's just as brown as any nafri lol
According to him if you have fair skin with Europid features but brown hair and eyes(not black which most ethnic have, brown) you aren't White
Italians were treated as ethnics by the American immigration offices
Literally how:feelshaha:? Once again, define "treated as ethnics."

Xenophobia =/= seeing the other as different race. Even now, you could easily find a lot of examples of European immigration officers treating immigrants from other European countries like shit, but that doesn't mean that they see those other Europeans as nonwhite.

The US in the 60s and before was similar, it was a heavily WASP nation that had a distinct Protestant identity. They didn't like hordes of Catholic immigrants from Southern/Central/Eastern Europe coming in, but that doesn't mean they automatically saw them as not being white:feelskek:.

Even in American movies they were portrayed as subhumans

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jAdx_iRQCA

National stereotypes and portraying the outgroup in a stereotypical way =/= racism. Stereotyping is common among Europeans even now, that doesn't mean we see each other as different races or doubt each other's whiteness kek:feelshaha:, we just don't like each other.

Slavs aren't considered white
Dude if you don't look like that
View attachment 1375678
Then you are not white and you will never be one
This is the reality
White also isn't just about blonde hair and blue eyes but having the perfect bone structure and eye area that is why ugly whites suffer with women and can't realize that being white isn't just enough. You are not experienced with women. You don't know how they think. I would say that the true meaning of white is just be an Aryan Chad. All women whatever white or ethnics lust after the Aryan Chad.
Buffon is an inbreed subhuman just like any Hispanic from Latin America.
You've NEVER interacted with a white person in your life, haven't you:lul:?

Please stick to whatever brown activities you're used to, because you clearly are talking out of your ass.
Dude if you don't look like that
View attachment 1375678
Then you are not white and you will never be one
This is the reality
White also isn't just about blonde hair and blue eyes but having the perfect bone structure and eye area that is why ugly whites suffer with women and can't realize that being white isn't just enough. You are not experienced with women. You don't know how they think. I would say that the true meaning of white is just be an Aryan Chad. All women whatever white or ethnics lust after the Aryan Chad.
Buffon is an inbreed subhuman just like any Hispanic from Latin America.
Nigga really saying that only Chads are white:lul::lul::lul:.
No, they aren't "mutts" in that sense:

View attachment 1375670

Clearly, you have no knowledge of genetics
Genetics is cope
Women judge you by your physique

As were the Irish, Slavs, even Catholic Germans you clown.
Trump is of German heritage
The Irish lobby is so strong in America
But Italians still considered subhumans even today
Incorrect: [ATTACH type="full" a...his law which changed still allowed Italians
Italians were considered subhuman...ar, post: 16739017, member: 47497"] [/QUOTE]


Yeah jfl, what a retarded statement such as this:

This isn't haplogroup, it's genetic distance, based on ancestral groups which all Europeans are descended from:
Europe is just a geographical term
If Europeans descended from the same ancestor then they would all be Aryan Chads

What an illogical statement, genotype can determine a lot about your mental condition

Retarded statement, they both would have been genetically European, those were just one single paternal lineage haplogroups traced back tens of thousands of years. Again, nothing to do with what the graph was
But they didn't carry European haplogroups

Mediterranid is a classification not geo boundary you braindead pajeet
Mediterranid is just geo and most of its inhabitants aren't European.
According to him if you have fair skin with Europid features but brown hair and eyes(not black which most ethnic have, brown) you aren't White
Because many Jews, Sands and Hispanics can have better bone structure and eye area than Italians but they are not considered white because they don't look Nordic
Jfl at these genetics studies copes, you can have European genetics but if you look ethnic you are ethnic as Southern European, if you look mongoloid you are mongoloid as Eastern European
Literally how:feelshaha:? Once again, define "treated as ethnics."

Xenophobia =/= seeing the other as different race. Even now, you could easily find a lot of examples of European immigration officers treating immigrants from other European countries like shit, but that doesn't mean that they see those other Europeans as nonwhite.

The US in the 60s and before was similar, it was a heavily WASP nation that had a distinct Protestant identity. They didn't like hordes of Catholic immigrants from Southern/Central/Eastern Europe coming in, but that doesn't mean they automatically saw them as not being white:feelskek:.

National stereotypes and portraying the outgroup in a stereotypical way =/= racism. Stereotyping is common among Europeans even now, that doesn't mean we see each other as different races or doubt each other's whiteness kek:feelshaha:, we just don't like each other.

You've NEVER interacted with a white person in your life, haven't you:lul:?
Religion is cope
people judge you because of your looks
Women reject you and you are crying on incel forum and you still claim to be white lol
The real great replacement will be clarifying non-Nordic Chads as non-White :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
"We need to support mass migration to deconstruct whiteness and make sure that a new Hitler never arises:soy:."

"But sir, 90% of Europeans already don't have blonde hair and blue eyes at the same time and even less of them have perfect bone structure:incel:."
The real great replacement will be clarifying non-Nordic Chads as non-White :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
They are truly non white and they get bullied and rejected by women
non Nordic Chads have inferior genetics
"We need to support mass migration to deconstruct whiteness and make sure that a new Hitler never arises:soy:."

"But sir, 90% of Europeans already don't have blonde hair and blue eyes at the same time and even less of them have perfect bone structure:incel:."
The Nazis portrayed the white races as Nordic Chads
If Italians are whites then why didn't the Nazis portray the Ideal white as Italian ?
Where is the Italian in these pictures



Because many Jews, Sands and Hispanics can have better bone structure and eye area than Italians but they are not considered white because they don't look Nordic
Retarded take, wasn't even relevant since they have distinct features on average.
But Italians still considered subhumans even today
Incorrect, look at Rudy Giuliani, ... carry European haplogroups [/QUOTE] Nigga...
The Nazis portrayed the white races as Nordic Chads
was primitive chad worship of their time and merely an idealised version of what germanic should look like, no one took blonde chads being the only aryans seriously. As long you didn't look ethnic shitskin or mongoloid you were aryan/white
Retarded take, wasn't even relevant since they have distinct features on average.
Incorrect, look at Rudy Giuliani, ...ve three main ancestral populations Nigga...
Italians are ugly and they rejected by women in America
Any Jew or sand nigger can larp as Italian in dating sites and women will believe him
The proof is that you are Italian but an incel crying in on this forum larping as white
If you were truly, you would have high genetics and you would be a Chad
was primitive chad worship of their time and merely an idealised version of what germanic should look like, no one took blonde chads being the only aryans seriously. As long you didn't look ethnic shitskin or mongoloid you were aryan/white
Even anglo saxons portray white as Aryan Chad like in Hollywood and Disney.
Italians are ugly and they rejected by women in America
Jfl, pretty sure "tall dark and handsome" comes from them

Also I mean, Al Pacino? Come on now
Any Jew or sand nigger can larp as Italian in dating sites and women will believe him
Cope as fuck
The proof is that you are Italian but an incel crying in on this forum larping as white
I'm only partially.....

Also am American, only people who ever were nice to me on an average were other White/European Americans
If you were truly, you would have high genetics and you would be a Chad
If you weren't braindead you wouldn't be making this schizo-tier shit
You just proved my point because most of them are blonde Chads
Regardless your point is retarded, white nationalists today aren't the same as nazis 100 years ago although most are sympathetic to them for obvious reasons.
Tired of these "Italians/Greeks aren't white" threads, so I'll debunk the lesser-kown lies in this thread.

Hitler and Napoleon carry the nigger haplogroup E so they are not European by your logic.
Aside from your other painfully retarded statements, I'll tear this one and a few others down for you; Hitler having the E1b1b haplogroup is just another baseless, insult by Zionists against Hitler.

Virtually no German/Austrian has E1b1b. The odds of Hitler happening to have it are virtually impossible:

It's a story without proof, conducted by Zionists who clearly had an interest in fibbint, and whose work we cannot inspect.

The American immigration laws in the 60s didn't consider Italians white and they were treated as ethnics
Incorrect. Italians have historically been recognized as White Europeans and were therefore eligible for naturalization under U.S. law prior to the 1960s.

Even the strongly anti-immigrant Dillingham Commission, which sought to restrict Southern and Eastern European immigration, did not dispute Italy's classification as both Caucasian and part of the Aryan race.

Don't have time to go fully in-depth at the moment as I'm at work
Even the strongly anti-immigrant Dillingham Commission, which sought to restrict Southern and Eastern European immigration, did not dispute Italy's classification as both Caucasian and part of the Aryan race.
can you show something? heard this also
Jfl, pretty sure "tall dark and handsome" comes from them
This is curry cope
Also I mean, Al Pacino? Come on now
Al Pacino is a cuck and only gets gold diggers
Cope as fuck

I'm only partially.....

Also am American, only people who ever were nice to me on an average were other White/European Americans

If you weren't braindead you wouldn't be making this schizo-tier shit
This is the Italian Politician Matteo Salvini

He looks like a leader of Hamas
Literally only two of them are explicitly blond, jfl.
Most of them have vague characteristics.
They are all Chads with a perfect jawline
Nazism is Chad worship because being truly white is being Chad
This is curry cope
Al Pacino is a cuck and only gets gold diggers
This is the Italian Politician Matteo Salvini
View attachment 1375732

He looks like a leader of Hamas
Cherypicking never ends:

View: https://x.com/aginnt/status/1444852270298898435

Also, here's some former PMs:

Women who see white as Nordic
Giga cope. Do you have any proof of this?

Get a picture of any random brown haired brown eyed european and ask any women online to say what race he is and they will all say he's white
Tired of these "Italians/Greeks aren't white" threads, so I'll debunk the lesser-kown lies in this thread.

Aside from your other painfully retarded statements, I'll tear this one and a few others down for you; Hitler having the E1b1b haplogroup is just another baseless, insult by Zionists against Hitler.

Virtually no German/Austrian has E1b1b. The odds of Hitler happening to have it are virtually impossible:
View attachment 1375690
Stop believing in conspiracy theories
Hitler carry the nigger haplogroup and he is a manlet with dark hair and round face. He wasn't a true Aryan. He was a Chad Aryan worshiper
It's a story without proof, conducted by Zionists who clearly had an interest in fibbint, and whose work we cannot inspect.

Incorrect. Italians have historically been recognized as White Europeans and were therefore eligible for naturalization under U.S. law prior to the 1960s.

Even the strongly anti-immigrant Dillingham Commission, which sought to restrict Southern and Eastern European immigration, did not dispute Italy's classification as both Caucasian and part of the Aryan race.

Don't have time to go fully in-depth at the moment as I'm at work
Stop believing in conspiracy theories
So factual data both historical & present is "conspiracy theories" when your the one yapping like a schizo
Hitler carry the nigger haplogroup and he is a manlet with dark hair and round face. He wasn't a true Aryan. He was a Chad Aryan worshiper
Jfl at this retarded take
In the US i saw a document classifying them as white so i guess they are in some sense, Atleast many of them have white skin but black hair, I also played alot of mafia games on my PC and they are white skinned with black hair so idk really, Plenty of hair colors white people have, Ginger, Dark, Brown, Black Etc hair

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