It probably is over, the part of eastern europe where I live is so fucked in the future:
- the majority is ALREADY mentally occupied by another culture, they're obsessed with shit gypsy music and the associated lifestyle, something completely foreign right in their soul, if it's not that then it's western degeneracy, just as bad
- strong ties to both the US and Israel
- total snobbery in the average man and especially the average woman, they LARP as westerners and are looking for any excuse to reject and belittle their fellow man, there's a reason the male suicide rate is so lopsided here, just like in Poland the women are telling the men to either perform at an extreme level or fuck off and make room for wealthy foreigners
The future in 2060 or so when I will be entering old age will probably resemble a dreamlike vision I had many years ago, where I walked through a dirty smashed up city, had to bypass these angry Nigerians standing guard out front "for protection" of our homes who I could barely even communicate with and threatened to kill me, then after convincing them that I actually live in the block they're guarding I walk in to my home to find that everyone was poor, disposessed and laying on the floor in a room where everything useful or expensive had been taken and hauled out for redistribution, with most rooms having nothing but a dirty linoleum floor.
While we're at it with natsoc quotes, let's not forget this one:
Prior to the D-Day landings, during the German occupation of the Netherlands, Joseph Goebbels's propaganda ministry published pamphlets written in Dutch named "Greetings from England - The Coming Invasion". These pamphlets contained in-between statements, such as "old jazz-records" and a further full statement declaring "at the celebration of liberation your daughters and wives will be dancing in the arms of real Negroes".