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LifeFuel Approach Diary: I Will ApproachMax and Finally Get Laid at 37

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if he can't say anything positive, that's pretty pointless then

I understand the no bragging rule though. I was on another board where there was no rule against bragging and I constantly felt like roping on this board.

Couldnt the mods make a separate section where positive experiences are allowed. So that one can avoid this part if one chooses to do so?
I understand the no bragging rule though. I was on another board where there was no rule against bragging and I constantly felt like roping on this board.

Couldnt the mods make a separate section where positive experiences are allowed. So that one can avoid this part if one chooses to do so?
There are other, better sites for that. As I said, this is not for PUA-style field reports. We will never endorse that.

I still have an inkling of doubt that you might be a LARPer.

But if you aren't I just want you to know that this is very brave and wether you succeed or don't, you have my respect.

Also you should open with "You look sympathetic" at least once just for the lulz.
Just give up, there is no way an oldcel could actually ascend it's impossible to do it, you just gonna get rejected and humilliated.
There are other, better sites for that. As I said, this is not for PUA-style field reports. We will never endorse that.
Isn't that what these types of threads are, though?
There are other, better sites for that. As I said, this is not for PUA-style field reports. We will never endorse that.

These types of posts are some of the greatest content to come out of this forum. As long as he isn't trying to show superiority or shame anyone else here then what is the problem?
Isn't that what these types of threads are, though?
Yes, and when they contain brags, they are reported, removed, and warnings are sent out. So far I haven't seen anything that constitutes as a brag, nor has anything in this thread been reported.
These types of posts are some of the greatest content to come out of this forum. As long as he isn't trying to show superiority or shame anyone else here then what is the problem?
The problem is that just because he may or may not have found success, he also may or may not be actually 37 and may or may not be an infiltrator, and in the end, it is impossible to know. It's easier to ban all bragging and not risk giving a LARPing bluepilled fiction writer a pedestal to spew his bullshit from. The only reason a person makes a thread like this is for attention, that's it. It doesn't matter how you sugarcoat it, whether it is labeling it as "education" or "how it really is out there" or "keeping myself honest," it's all for attention. I'm sure that OP and uninstall are not the only people who are approaching women on this forum. The rest of them just don't feel the need to write a saga about it.

You're entitled to your opinion, but that's not enough to justify overturning a rule.
I need to see your face @37YearOldVirgin
Otherwise it’s just PUA-shit
There are studies that show foids like old stable guys (steady job).

Job stability is a huge factor.

Then she is Asian.

Just my two cents.
APPROACH DIARY #1: Korean Girl on the Subway.

She was cute. 23 years old Short dyed hair. Off shoulder top and skirt. No boobs but thin 6/10.

Got on the streetcar and she was sat across from me reading manga on her phone. I watched her casually for a bit and then she noticed me so I smiled (without showing my teeth cuz they're no so good). She half smiled back and went back to reading on her phone.

This gave me courage, so when we both got off at the Subway I decided I'd talk to her if we got on the same train. We did and she sat facing the front of the train while I sat facing across the train perpendicular to her.

After about 30 seconds I leaned over to her and said:

'Excuse me I'm just curious but where are you from?'

'I' m from Korea.'

'Oh Korea! I couldn't tell.'

'Really? Why not?'

'Oh, well you're fashion style is pretty unique and also you were reading manga so I thought you might be Japanese. How long have you been in ........'

'6 months. I'm studying English'

'Cool. How do you like it?'

'Its nice.. But too cold in winter.'

'Haha. Yeah, the air hurts your face. But it's pretty nice in the summer no?'

'Yeah, it's really nice.'

'Where are you going now?'

' I'm going to meet friends at ........'

'Oh awesome. First time?'


'Well it's really fun. You're gonna have a great time... I'm actually getting off at the next stop.'

'Oh..' (seemed a little disappointed)

'Do you have What'sApp?. Maybe I can show you around ............. a bit'

'Yeah sure' (positive with a smile)

'Cool. Here, write down your number. I'm ........... Nice to meet you.'

' I'm ............. Nice to meet you too.' (Gives phone back).

'Well this is me. See you around.' (Smiles. Turns and gets off train without looking back)

To be continued...
The problem is that just because he may or may not have found success, he also may or may not be actually 37 and may or may not be an infiltrator, and in the end, it is impossible to know. It's easier to ban all bragging and not risk giving a LARPing bluepilled fiction writer a pedestal to spew his bullshit from. The only reason a person makes a thread like this is for attention, that's it. It doesn't matter how you sugarcoat it, whether it is labeling it as "education" or "how it really is out there" or "keeping myself honest," it's all for attention. I'm sure that OP and uninstall are not the only people who are approaching women on this forum. The rest of them just don't feel the need to write a saga about it.

You're entitled to your opinion, but that's not enough to justify overturning a rule.

Fair enough. But the matter here is not "overturning a rule", it's an interpration of these types of posts as bragging. If, hypothetically, @37YearOldVirgin started getting a lot sucess and talking about it here, then that should 100% be considered bragging. But, as it stands, getting mostly rejections with some numbers or dates is not something worthy of boastfullness and shouldn't be punished as such.

I do agree there has to be some defense mechanism agaisnt LARPers coming here and making these types of posts deceitfully. I suggest a minimum number of posts, or maybe the providing of a face pic to the mods(a bit more extreme but would rule out foids and attractive fakecels).

I don't believe a considerable number of people on this forum cold approach women on a regular basis. Most normies and even chads don't do it. Us here, most of whom have given up, would be doing it in even less numbers relative to our size. So I feel like the experiences of those who do approach is worth sharing. Even if it is for "attention", the entertainment value is, in my eyes, too high to be discarded.
Good luck. From what I've seen you seem to be one of the more articulate posters on here - it's good that not everyone subscribes to the closed-minded, vehemently misogynistic rhetoric spewed forth by many others. Sounds like you're off to a reasonable start so hopefully it keeps going that way.

However, if he DOES succeed, why should the rules stop working just so that he can pour the suifuel onto those on this forum who are sick of hearing about the successes of others?
Surely if he succeeds that would be lifefuel for the rest of us? If he can lose his virginity at 37 that would give the rest of us hope that our position isn't completely hopeless so we would want to know about it.
OP whats your rating? If you are below a 7/10, odds are they if a foid says yes that she is looking for some bux and to "settle down""settle down""settle down".
What race r u op? Try JBW like @itsOVER
Just for the record, please keep anything that could be construed as bragging out of your posts, thank you.
Noted. Thanks!
I need to see your face @37YearOldVirgin
Otherwise it’s just PUA-shit
Sorry. Not doxing myself on here. Waaay too many lurkers making YouTube vids. Think of me as a short version of Adrian Brody but with slightly less manly features.
Screenshot 20180728 173220
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His account is less than a month old and he cold approached and #closed a cute girl 14 years younger than him.
So either ugly manlet balding oldcels can hook up with girls through cold approaches, or he's a PUA/TRP LARPer trying to spread his bullshit among incels.
If I were a betting man...
OP whats your rating? If you are below a 7/10, odds are they if a foid says yes that she is looking for some bux and to "settle down""settle down""settle down".
What race r u op? Try JBW like @itsOVER
Try reading the text at the beginning of the thread.
His account is less than a month old and he cold approached and #closed a cute girl 14 years younger than him.
So either ugly manlet balding oldcels can hook up with girls through cold approaches, or he's a PUA/TRP LARPer trying to spread his bullshit among incels.
If I were a betting man...
I've made dozens of failed approaches over the last 4 weeks. Closed 2 numbers. 1 ghosted. This was the first success. Watching Uni' s thread and my date yesterday finally inspired me to start my own. Also, I joined up with the explicitly stated goal of cold approaching women and trying to get better and be more confident so.. I mean, as a 37 year old what would you suggest.. Tinder? Jfl.
So if you get rejected 1000 times or something like @uninstall eventually will, what will you do afterwards? You gonna rope?
Honestly I'll probably give up before 1000. Who knows tho.
OK, so let's take this as a legit challenge. Mr. 37, let your next one have skin as white as creamy milk.
Challenge accepted. Or at least one of my next few. I live in a big city with a LOT of Asian and ethnics, so I don't want to limit myself.
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing what is true or not online. That's why the whole concept of "truecel" or "37 year-old virgin" is only believed due to an extension of faith. In other words, this all could be an elaborate LARP in which he writes PUA-style battle diary entries until he finds Ms. Stacy from Perfectville and despite him being an ugly manlet, he gets to slay her prime 18-year-old virgin pussy. Or, it could be real. Either way, bragging is not allowed for a reason, and if he comes back from a date and brags about what he has accomplished during said date, then that is a clear violation of that rule.

What you're saying is essentially that he will not succeed, ever. That would seem to be the overwhelming possibility, you are right. However, if he DOES succeed, why should the rules stop working just so that he can pour the suifuel onto those on this forum who are sick of hearing about the successes of others? I'm just making sure he is aware that the rule exists and that violating the rules will lead to a warning.

Agreed and I'll make sure to leave out suifuel details of 'success' (so anything related to physical contact), if there are any. I'll keep the fails open, and id like to post conversation transcripts or texts that either work or don't, because I think they might be entertaining and informative. If that's within the rules..

And trust me. I will never slay an 18 year old Stacey... unless I go to southeast Asia maybe. Ill just be happy if I eventually hook up with my looksmatch a few years younger than me.
Just give up, there is no way an oldcel could actually ascend it's impossible to do it, you just gonna get rejected and humilliated.
Thanks bro. Good lookin out, but nope.
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I've made dozens of failed approaches over the last 4 weeks. Closed 2 numbers. 1 ghosted. This was the first success. Watching Uni' s thread and my date yesterday finally inspired me to start my own. Also, I joined up with the explicitly stated goal of cold approaching women and trying to get better and be more confident so.. I mean, as a 37 year old what would you suggest.. Tinder? Jfl.

I'm 35 but when I was 26, 27 I did try all the PUA cold approaching thing and it didn't work for me. I was 10 years younger than you are, 5'11", gymmaxxed and looksmaxxed, so when I read that someone looking the way you described got a smile from a random girl on the subway (where do you live where girls smile at people on the subway?) and did a textbook PUA #close... I'm skeptical. It's not a far cry from saying you took a few showers and got a haircut and a cute girl smiled at you on the subway. It's also pretty close to someone on TRP claiming their short, balding, old Indian friend having success with girls so what excuses do we have.
Look, I'll say this. It's alright that you want to approach these women and find a date, but don't forget to take time to develop yourself and do things that you actually love. Rejections may hurt, but if you have something to turn to for self improvement and happiness/entertainment, then maybe it won't hurt too much on a bad day.

Please keep us posted. HOWEVER:

Be aware of the risks, that's all I'll say.
I'm 35 but when I was 26, 27 I did try all the PUA cold approaching thing and it didn't work for me. I was 10 years younger than you are, 5'11", gymmaxxed and looksmaxxed, so when I read that someone looking the way you described got a smile from a random girl on the subway (where do you live where girls smile at people on the subway?) and did a textbook PUA #close... I'm skeptical. It's not a far cry from saying you took a few showers and got a haircut and a cute girl smiled at you on the subway. It's also pretty close to someone on TRP claiming their short, balding, old Indian friend having success with girls so what excuses do we have.

Not giving away my location, but actually she caught me watching her so I smiled first to defuse it and kinda show that she busted me.. then she returned the smile. Also I wasn't staring, just casually noticing her.. So I think she might have just been being polite.

Also, while I may be small, I look young for my age.. probably closer to 31 or 32, and I'm not balding, just have a high hairline and thinning hair. I've upgraded my style and been hitting the gym, supplementing with protein gainer and creatine, and taking Brazilian jujitsu for the last month too. So while I'm not 'big', I definitely look more toned and pumped and see some results already, and I was wearing a button down and jeans that fit and nice dress shoes and sunglasses to hide my eyes. I think all those things helped some tbh.

Keep in mind too, this was THE exception out of probably 50 or more approaches in the last month.
Look, I'll say this. It's alright that you want to approach these women and find a date, but don't forget to take time to develop yourself and do things that you actually love. Rejections may hurt, but if you have something to turn to for self improvement and happiness/entertainment, then maybe it won't hurt too much on a bad day.

Please keep us posted. HOWEVER:

Be aware of the risks, that's all I'll say.

Absolutely. Reading, working out, taking bjj, and trying to upgrade my style are all keeping me feeling good and motivated. I am not trying to burn out, And I expect to get rejected A LOT. I'm just trying to learn and improve right now.
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APPROACH DIARY #1: Korean Girl on the Subway.

She was cute. 23 years old Short dyed hair. Off shoulder top and skirt. No boobs but thin 6/10.

Got on the streetcar and she was sat across from me reading manga on her phone. I watched her casually for a bit and then she noticed me so I smiled (without showing my teeth cuz they're no so good). She half smiled back and went back to reading on her phone.

This gave me courage, so when we both got off at the Subway I decided I'd talk to her if we got on the same train. We did and she sat facing the front of the train while I sat facing across the train perpendicular to her.

After about 30 seconds I leaned over to her and said:

'Excuse me I'm just curious but where are you from?'

'I' m from Korea.'

'Oh Korea! I couldn't tell.'

'Really? Why not?'

'Oh, well you're fashion style is pretty unique and also you were reading manga so I thought you might be Japanese. How long have you been in ........'

'6 months. I'm studying English'

'Cool. How do you like it?'

'Its nice.. But too cold in winter.'

'Haha. Yeah, the air hurts your face. But it's pretty nice in the summer no?'

'Yeah, it's really nice.'

'Where are you going now?'

' I'm going to meet friends at ........'

'Oh awesome. First time?'


'Well it's really fun. You're gonna have a great time... I'm actually getting off at the next stop.'

'Oh..' (seemed a little disappointed)

'Do you have What'sApp?. Maybe I can show you around ............. a bit'

'Yeah sure' (positive with a smile)

'Cool. Here, write down your number. I'm ........... Nice to meet you.'

' I'm ............. Nice to meet you too.' (Gives phone back).

'Well this is me. See you around.' (Smiles. Turns and gets off train without looking back)

To be continued...
After receiving some complaints, considering the delivery of the posts made in this thread, and taking into consideration the posts of other users in this thread, I have discussed the issue with the rest of the staff, and we decided that "field report" posts of this nature are not welcome on the site.

1. It's quite obvious that you are, at best, paraphrasing the discussion here; I'm sure that you didn't memorize it verbatim. Therefore, this is basically guaranteed to be at least partially fiction, or at worst a straight up LARP. There are other factors that lead me to believe that this conversation is at least partially fabricated, although the alternative is that she was just saying stupid shit so it's hard to tell.

2. Talking about getting phone numbers and cold approaches in this format is very PUA-style, which is not what we're about here. It borders on bragging, which as explained before, is an integral rule to this site.

3. There are other sites that are pretty much designed for content like this. This site never has been and never endorsed it. You're more than welcome to document your experiences on some other site and leave a link in your profile, if you think that is something you might want to do.

Thank you for your understanding.
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