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LifeFuel Approach Diary: I Will ApproachMax and Finally Get Laid at 37

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Too small to be seen by the female eye
Jul 5, 2018
So after finally getting my first date in 7 years and it seeming to go well, I've decided to keep approaching and create my own diary thread similar to @uninstall 's.

What you can expect:

- Descriptions of any approaches I make and whether I succeeded in getting a number or not.

- Discussions of tips or ideas I've read or watched that might increase my chances, as well as feedback out how they seemed to be playing out irl.

- Screenshots of text convos that lead to either a successful date plan or ghosting/ nothing.

- Descriptions of dates if they occur.

- An honest admission if I succeed in ascending and a fond farewell as I'll no longer be Incel.

What you should not expect:

- Anything like a daily approach goal or daily updates. I'm focusing on fewer, targeted and high quality approaches and interactions over spamming every foid I see with canned lines and tactics, so I'll go in often.. But only when I feel like I want to and am motivated to do so.

- An 1000 approach max out or similar. I'm not aiming to burn myself out.. and frankly, I am planning to learn and improve so I expect I'll get there before then.

- Bitterness, anger, resentment, contempt, or butthurt venting on my part. We all know and understand female nature. They are slaves to their genetic programming, so rather than hating on it I plan on using it against them in true Game Theory fashion. After all.. If you're gonna play a game, you might as well play to win right?

Wish me luck boyos.

Fyi, I'm a white 5'5 Manley, 37 years old, thin frame (110 lbs), 4/10 face (weak chin and forehead, bugged eyes with bags, receding hairline).
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:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:your first date her 2432nd. Tutorial island
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:your first date her 2432nd. Tutorial island
OP you are a cuck if you date. She has dated dozens of guys this year alone. JFL if you are PAYING to FEED a used up post wall slut when Chad had her at her prime.
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:your first date her 2432nd. Tutorial island
I don't think so. She was younger, shy, and an international student from Korea. They're a little more traditional and conservative over there.
I don't think so. She was younger, shy, and an international student from Korea. They're a little more traditional and conservative over there.
She's fucked 100 men and cannot pairbond do not argue
Is this becoming a trend? I'd love for someone to prove me wrong that day game is autistic and doesn't work.
OP you are a cuck if you date. She has dated dozens of guys this year alone. JFL if you are PAYING to FEED a used up post wall slut when Chad had her at her prime.
Stay off my thread with your bitter bullshit. Jfl if you wanna pull me down like a fucking crab in a barrel cuz it's not gonna happen.
What do you look like? When you're an oldcel, it's O V E R.
I don't think so. She was younger, shy, and an international student from Korea. They're a little more traditional and conservative over there.

How old was she? Where did you meet her? What did you say?

Thanks in advance.
What do you look like? As an oldcel, it's O V E R.
Not a single positive response so far. Y'all really don't want anyone else to ascend do you. Just wanna keep everyone miserable with You?
Not a single positive response so far. Y'all really don't want anyone else to ascend do you. Just wanna keep everyone miserable with You?

I support you.

PM me what I asked if you're scared of getting warned for bragging or something.
This never works sadly.
I don't think so. She was younger, shy, and an international student from Korea. They're a little more traditional and conservative over there.

How much does she weight?
How old was she? Where did you meet her? What did you say?

Thanks in advance.

I'll post the description as my first official diary post. Stay tuned.
Not a single positive response so far. Y'all really don't want anyone else to ascend do you. Just wanna keep everyone miserable with You?
You can try, but if you're here as a 37 year old virgin, it's most likely over.
Is this becoming a trend? I'd love for someone to prove me wrong that day game is autistic and doesn't work.
im bad at math and statistics but if you try often enough hell maybe looksmatch..at least one.
[LifeFuel] Approach Diary: I Will ApproachMax and Finally Get Laid at 37
I'm also supportive. But if your posts begin to resemble uninstall's, you may lose the support.
So after finally getting my first date in 7 years and it seeming to go well, I've decided to keep approaching and create my own diary thread similar to @uninstall 's.

What you can expect:

- Descriptions of any approaches I make and whether I succeeded in getting a number or not.

- Discussions of tips or ideas I've read or watched that might increase my chances, as well as feedback out how they seemed to be playing out irl.

- Screenshots of text convos that lead to either a successful date plan or ghosting/ nothing.

- Descriptions of dates if they occur.

- An honest admission if I succeed in ascending and a fond farewell as I'll no longer be Incel.

What you should not expect:

- Anything like a daily approach goal or daily updates. I'm focusing on fewer, targeted and high quality approaches and interactions over spamming every foid I see with canned lines and tactics, so I'll go in often.. But only when I feel like I want to and am motivated to do so.

- An 1000 approach max out or similar. I'm not aiming to burn myself out.. and frankly, I am planning to learn and improve so I expect I'll get there before then.

- Bitterness, anger, resentment, contempt, or butthurt venting on my part. We all know and understand female nature. They are slaves to their genetic programming, so rather than hating on it I plan on using it against them in true Game Theory fashion. After all.. If you're gonna play a game, you might as well play to win right?

Wish me luck boyos.

Fyi, I'm a white 5'5 Manley, 37 years old, thin frame (110 lbs), 4/10 face (weak chin and forehead, bugged eyes with bags, receding hairline).
Good luck man.

Start wearing lifts and approach older short women. Thats your best chance.
APPROACH DIARY #1: Korean Girl on the Subway.

She was cute. 23 years old Short dyed hair. Off shoulder top and skirt. No boobs but thin 6/10.

Got on the streetcar and she was sat across from me reading manga on her phone. I watched her casually for a bit and then she noticed me so I smiled (without showing my teeth cuz they're no so good). She half smiled back and went back to reading on her phone.

This gave me courage, so when we both got off at the Subway I decided I'd talk to her if we got on the same train. We did and she sat facing the front of the train while I sat facing across the train perpendicular to her.

After about 30 seconds I leaned over to her and said:

'Excuse me I'm just curious but where are you from?'

'I' m from Korea.'

'Oh Korea! I couldn't tell.'

'Really? Why not?'

'Oh, well you're fashion style is pretty unique and also you were reading manga so I thought you might be Japanese. How long have you been in ........'

'6 months. I'm studying English'

'Cool. How do you like it?'

'Its nice.. But too cold in winter.'

'Haha. Yeah, the air hurts your face. But it's pretty nice in the summer no?'

'Yeah, it's really nice.'

'Where are you going now?'

' I'm going to meet friends at ........'

'Oh awesome. First time?'


'Well it's really fun. You're gonna have a great time... I'm actually getting off at the next stop.'

'Oh..' (seemed a little disappointed)

'Do you have What'sApp?. Maybe I can show you around ............. a bit'

'Yeah sure' (positive with a smile)

'Cool. Here, write down your number. I'm ........... Nice to meet you.'

' I'm ............. Nice to meet you too.' (Gives phone back).

'Well this is me. See you around.' (Smiles. Turns and gets off train without looking back)

To be continued...
'I' m from Korea.'
'Oh Korea! I couldn't tell.'
'Really? Why not?'
'Oh, well you're fashion style is pretty unique and also you were reading manga so I thought you might be Japanese. How long have you been in ........'
'Where are you going now?'

Generally wouldn't recommend "where are you going?" after literally 1 minute of meeting her.....too intrusive.
Also, just to let you know, ethnic fact....the Japanese and the Koreans are MORTAL ENEMIES....they HATE each other, and have for hundreds of years. Just letting you know so that you won't insult any other Japanese or Korean.
APPROACH DIARY #1: Korean Girl on the Subway.

She was cute. 23 years old Short dyed hair. Off shoulder top and skirt. No boobs but thin 6/10.

Got on the streetcar and she was sat across from me reading manga on her phone. I watched her casually for a bit and then she noticed me so I smiled (without showing my teeth cuz they're no so good). She half smiled back and went back to reading on her phone.

This gave me courage, so when we both got off at the Subway I decided I'd talk to her if we got on the same train. We did and she sat facing the front of the train while I sat facing across the train perpendicular to her.

After about 30 seconds I leaned over to her and said:

'Excuse me I'm just curious but where are you from?'

'I' m from Korea.'

'Oh Korea! I couldn't tell.'

'Really? Why not?'

'Oh, well you're fashion style is pretty unique and also you were reading manga so I thought you might be Japanese. How long have you been in ........'

'6 months. I'm studying English'

'Cool. How do you like it?'

'Its nice.. But too cold in winter.'

'Haha. Yeah, the air hurts your face. But it's pretty nice in the summer no?'

'Yeah, it's really nice.'

'Where are you going now?'

' I'm going to meet friends at ........'

'Oh awesome. First time?'


'Well it's really fun. You're gonna have a great time... I'm actually getting off at the next stop.'

'Oh..' (seemed a little disappointed)

'Do you have What'sApp?. Maybe I can show you around ............. a bit'

'Yeah sure' (positive with a smile)

'Cool. Here, write down your number. I'm ........... Nice to meet you.'

' I'm ............. Nice to meet you too.' (Gives phone back).

'Well this is me. See you around.' (Smiles. Turns and gets off train without looking back)

To be continued...
Decent dialogue, keep it up hopefully you catch a blessing
Generally wouldn't recommend "where are you going?" after literally 1 minute of meeting her.....too intrusive.
Also, just to let you know, ethnic fact....the Japanese and the Koreans are MORTAL ENEMIES....they HATE each other, and have for hundreds of years. Just letting you know so that you won't insult any other Japanese or Korean.
I'm Asian and also dislike being told that I look Japanese lol
Approach diary #2: Setting Up the Date and Getting Cancelled On

We set up a coffee date for after I finished work 2 days later, but then she cancelled last minute because she had to pick up a friend at the airport. Went something like this:

'Hey. Cool meeting you yesterday. If you ever need an English speaker friend to practice with, I'm your guy.'

'Hi :) Nice to meet you too. Thx!'

'Awesome. I'm pretty busy these days, but how about a coffee or bubble tea one afternoon this week?'

'Sure. I'm graduated already, so I'm free anytime.'

'Cool. I'm free tomorrow from 6 pm

'Sounds good. Where do you want to meet?'

'Text me tomorrow and we can pick a spot that works for both of us :)' (I did this to put the ball in her court, break rapport, and make her invest by following up. )

'Ok, I will :)'

No text all day until 5:30 pm, when she sent this:

'Hey! So sry, but I can't meet you. I forgot I need to get my friend from the airport.'

'Yeah, no worries. Another time then.'

'Yes, please. I'm looking forward to practice my English with you :p'

I didn't reply after that for a couple days.

To be continued...
Generally wouldn't recommend "where are you going?" after literally 1 minute of meeting her.....too intrusive.
Also, just to let you know, ethnic fact....the Japanese and the Koreans are MORTAL ENEMIES....they HATE each other, and have for hundreds of years. Just letting you know so that you won't insult any other Japanese or Korean.

I know this fact. Played it to my advantage because it sorted put her off guard for a sec, but I could play it off as ignorance. Coulda backfired, sure. But it didn't.. As for the where are you going, I just sensed the vibe of the interaction in asked in a non-serious just curious sorta way. Also no problem. But thx!
I can already tell how this thread is gonna go.

You will keep entertaining whores with witty conversations and jokes while they just want you dead because you don´t look like a male model. Most of them will act polite though during the day and pretend like they don´t mind the conversation. Then they will go home and swallow their chad boyfriends jizz while making fun of the subhuman that approached her earlier.

Just keep in mind that the noodlewhore would have sucked your dick if you were taller and better looking instead of rejecting you like she already has.

You literally have better odds of making the NBA with your current stats than getting a gf from a cold approach.
Good luck soldier, may our saints bless you.

So if you get rejected 1000 times or something like @uninstall eventually will, what will you do afterwards? You gonna rope?
I'm really rooting for you man.
As much as I hate pua try reading some of the techniques it can't hurt
So if you get rejected 1000 times or something like @uninstall eventually will, what will you do afterwards? You gonna rope?
He won't stop till he dies
Hey @Lonelycel, good on you for taking the first step. You're gonna do great.
Approach diary #3: Salvaging the Cancelled Date

Waited a couple days after she cancelled and sent the following texts (screenshotting cuz the time stamps are important)

20180726 183707

Screenshot 20180726 183613

We met for brunch the next day. She was funny and we made a bunch of small talk and jokes. I even flirted and called her cute and even sexy on one occasion (when commenting on her outfit) which made her blush. She didn't seem to care much about my age height or even below average looks. I dressed nice and acted fun and confident, and she's also very short, like 5'2. So might be that plus jbw tbh.

Ended with her saying she enjoyed herself and I even got a hug outa it.

**Mods I know bragging is against the rules, so please give me a warning if these diary accounts cross the line and I'll cut out the details. But I plan on posting my fails too. It's all about learning for me tbh.**

20180728 120824
It's funny how a self-proclaimed 4/10 5'5 framecel, 37 year old virgin gets dates and has women respond to his advances without being overly rude (maybe the other were rude, but somehow I doubt that). And we have another member whom females shit all over. It's almost as if the way you come off and what you say matters a lot.

It's almost as if "you look sympathetic" is a terrible opener.
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Hard to say where this one is going. Give it the rest of the weekend for her to contact. If nothing, then on Sun night or thenabouts, invite her to something else for one day next week, but don't make it seem rushed. Schedule it out for like Wed. or even Thurs. maybe. She is either deliberately stalling on answering your texts because she has to think about the prospect of being with you, or, she genuinely does other stuff during those long lapses between texts. Hard to say, man.
It's funny how a self-proclaimed 4/10 5'5 framecel, 37 year old virgin gets dates and has women respond to his advances without being overly rude (maybe the other were rude, but somehow I doubt that). And we have another member whom females shit all over. It's almost as if the way you come off and what you say matters a lot.

It's almost as if "you look sympathetic" is a terrible opener.

He is white approaching Asians.

I am white approaching white.

That's the difference.

It ain't fucking openers.

this approach seems SLEAZY AF.

Not saying don't do it, but I can't see myself doing it.

I am direct motherfucker.

Even if kills me.
It's funny how a self-proclaimed 4/10 5'5 framecel, 37 year old virgin gets dates and has women respond to his advances without being overly rude (maybe the other were rude, but somehow I doubt that). And we have another member whom females shit all over. It's almost as if the way you come off and what you say matters a lot.

It's almost as if "you look sympathetic" is a terrible opener.

Yeah I thought the same. This is giving me hope to a degree.
He is white approaching Asians.

I am white approaching white.

That's the difference.

It ain't fucking openers.

this approach seems SLEAZY AF.

Not saying don't do it, but I can't see myself doing it.

I am direct motherfucker.

Even if kills me.
Then approach Asians?
Don't be that creepy old guy thinking he has a chance with young girls.

At least get rejected by old hags your looksmatch like I do.
Yeah I thought the same. This is giving me hope to a degree.
The way you act around foids matter a lot. People who say otherwise have been living in their mother's basement for too long.

If you give out creepy vibes, she will think you're a creeper and not want to give you her phone number. Inb4 face is what makes you creepy.
The way you act around foids matter a lot, people who say otherwise have been living in their mother's basement for too long.

People here think I am terrible but I am not nearly as bad as you think.

I can tell you, this is a race thing whether you want to believe it or not.

Let him try a white woman and see what happens REGARDLESS of words.
People here think I am terrible but I am not nearly as bad as you think.

I can tell you, this is a race thing whether you want to believe it or not.

Let him try a white woman and see what happens REGARDLESS of words.
Why don't you like Asian foids?

If I were to approach foids, I would solely focus on ethnic ones tbh.
Creepy = Ugly.
THat, too, but there are things you can do that will make you seem more creepy.
Just for the record, please keep anything that could be construed as bragging out of your posts, thank you.
Let him try a white woman and see what happens REGARDLESS of words.

OK, so let's take this as a legit challenge. Mr. 37, let your next one have skin as white as creamy milk.
Just for the record, please keep anything that could be construed as bragging out of your posts, thank you.
He is a 37 year old virgin, I don't see how anything he could do or accomplish could be considered bragging. Stop trying to enforce that rule so tightly. If he succeeds, we want to know about it. It could help other older incels who are in a similar situation.

There is a clear difference between some 37 year old virgin who maybe manages to finally get laid within the next year and some 18 year old "incel" who has made out with 20 girls and has only gotten 7 blowjobs, but hasn't had sex yet.
He is a 37 year old virgin, I don't see how anything he could do or accomplish could be considered bragging. Stop trying to enforce that rule so tightly. If he succeeds, we want to know about it. It could help other older incels who are in a similar situation.

There is a clear difference between some 37 year old virgin who maybe manages to finally get laid within the next year and some 18 year old "incel" who has made out with 20 girls and has only gotten 7 blowjobs, but hasn't had sex yet.
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing what is true or not online. That's why the whole concept of "truecel" or "37 year-old virgin" is only believed due to an extension of faith. In other words, this all could be an elaborate LARP in which he writes PUA-style battle diary entries until he finds Ms. Stacy from Perfectville and despite him being an ugly manlet, he gets to slay her prime 18-year-old virgin pussy. Or, it could be real. Either way, bragging is not allowed for a reason, and if he comes back from a date and brags about what he has accomplished during said date, then that is a clear violation of that rule.

What you're saying is essentially that he will not succeed, ever. That would seem to be the overwhelming possibility, you are right. However, if he DOES succeed, why should the rules stop working just so that he can pour the suifuel onto those on this forum who are sick of hearing about the successes of others? I'm just making sure he is aware that the rule exists and that violating the rules will lead to a warning.
good luck, man. seems it's already working out for you, but it's too early to say much. screw the people trying to put you down, they probably have never approached a woman in their life.
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing what is true or not online. That's why the whole concept of "truecel" or "37 year-old virgin" is only believed due to an extension of faith. In other words, this all could be an elaborate LARP in which he writes PUA-style battle diary entries until he finds Ms. Stacy from Perfectville and despite him being an ugly manlet, he gets to slay her prime 18-year-old virgin pussy. Or, it could be real. Either way, bragging is not allowed for a reason, and if he comes back from a date and brags about what he has accomplished during said date, then that is a clear violation of that rule.

What you're saying is essentially that he will not succeed, ever. That would seem to be the overwhelming possibility, you are right. However, if he DOES succeed, why should the rules stop working just so that he can pour the suifuel onto those on this forum who are sick of hearing about the successes of others? I'm just making sure he is aware that the rule exists and that violating the rules will lead to a warning.

if he can't say anything positive, that's pretty pointless then
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