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News Apparently there's a shooting going on...? (Aurora)

Time to make some popcorn
Lifefuel tbh.

Dead normies make me smile
Going An hero seems to be a lost art these days
ER SZN :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

The thing with these is it gives people like David Hogg more reasons to ban the second amendment completely.
I hope its somebody of us. If yes lets show him some respect.
Nothing interesting will happen.
The thread guests been waiting for:rolleyes::feelsthink:
I read some threads anticipating this yesterday. @Angryatsociety
4 police officers wounded. Shooter apprehended.

It's over.
Sounds like it was a disgruntled wagecuck
just a normie wagecuck who went ER
I read some threads anticipating this yesterday. @Angryatsociety
Yes because after Valentine's day would be a great time to strike because people think they are safe the day after.

This is near Chicago so it's not rare or hard to get a gun, rn the causality figures are very low.

Seems like a workplace grudge.
the wagecucking finally got to him

People were so worried after 9-11; "oh me oh my, what if a terrorist kills us dead randomly?" Life is becoming too competitive for the losers to stand a chance, and we are angry.

Random violence = the best violence.
Well it’s not like the president can just praise a mass shooter..

That would be funny though.
What do you think would happen? If He did tbh?
The outrage would be overwhelming and he would be forced to resign within 5 minutes.

Liberal soyboys would probably have his head.
Good answer. That's exactly what would happen except, I think it would be a fight to get him to resign.
Good news wish it had happened yesterday when we needed it the most.
5 dead including gunman
if only more normies would've perished
Went on twitter.
1/3 of posts were saying that it wasn't an immigrant and so blah blah FUCK DRUMPF
1/3 of posts were arguing because people wanted it to be a white boi
1/3 of posts were about how all shooters are sexists since this dude did time for stabbing a foid
That's not a giga stacy. Just make her skin brown. She will look like a big nosed currywhore.
tbh. But she's white and blond, so she insta gain 8 points out of 10. That's why she's a solid 12/10.
tbh. But she's white and blond, so she insta gain 8 points out of 10. That's why she's a solid 12/10.
Shes not blonde, its an obvious dye job. Also makes me wonder what's under all the fake up, but still better looking then me so eh
There is always a shooting going on tbh
Apparently just some guy who got fired recently. Married with kids, not incel.
Apparently just some guy who got fired recently. Married with kids, not incel.

Is it true he was married w/ kids? I read that he was a factory worker who was described by a neighbor as "a loner who liked to stay out in his porch all day playing with RC toys and who never had guests". I mean, if the shoe fits...
Is it true he was married w/ kids? I read that he was a factory worker who was described by a neighbor as "a loner who liked to stay out in his porch all day playing with RC toys and who never had guests". I mean, if the shoe fits...

Wait, sorry, looks like I’m wrong there - it said “his family say he was stressed out at being laid off”. Turns out that was his mom saying that.

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