Noah (Nakh) people are the most "Caucasian" people of all the Caucasians (Caucasus – Kavkas – Kavkasians) in the Hebrew historical tradition.
Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. The story tells us that there once was a very rich settlement at the place where now there is a lake. Despite their wealth, the people of this city were very greedy. G-d sent his representatives in the guise of beggars, to test them. They asked all residents to give them food, but the residents of the city in response abused and drove them away. Only one poor family in the village shared their food with them.
The poor family left a burnt bread for themselves and gave a piece of white bread for their guests. Leaving the house, the guests told the family that after some time has passed, water will be collected in puddles behind the front door, and when this happens they should gather the bare necessities, leave their home, and go to the mountains. Since poor families do not disobey and so did everything as they were told to do by the guests.
They told the rich of the impending disaster, and asked to follow them. But their greed would not allow them to leave their treasures. That evening, the family watched a terrible catastrophe, they saw the water cover their house along with those who remained. In memory of the terrible events, Nakhs named the lake, the lake of sorrow and cruelty, Kezanoi (Kouzan-Am) Lake > 2:11, 2:52 .