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Anyone else here can't get over a oneitis?



Living girl repellent
Nov 8, 2017
As bluepilled as it is, I've become so obsessed with a girl that I think about her every night. While deep down I know she'd rather die than date and love a subhuman such as myself, I can't help but want her. I want to hold her and kiss her run my hands through her hair... It's tearing me apart.
I haven't had a oneitis since high school. I've had some crushes on like two girls when I started my current job 3 years ago, but they weren't obsessive at all.

I'm not close enough with any females (outside my mother, really) to be able to even see one of them as a oneitis. I don't have any female friends and have never really had any. I don't know most girls, their personalities or their interests. I'm not a "love at first site" kind of person. I might want to fuck a girl because she's cute, but I won't crush on a girl I barely know just because she's cute.
I haven't had a oneitis since high school. I've had some crushes on like two girls when I started my current job 3 years ago, but they weren't obsessive at all.
Be glad that you don't, it's absolutely brutal especially when you see them with another man.
This is the result of having no female contacts
Yes I still can't get over my high school oneitis. It kills me to know how I still think about her yet I doubt I cross her mind ever.
She's getting railed by her boyfriend while you shitpost on incels.is
Yes I still can't get over my high school oneitis. It kills me to know how I still think about her yet I doubt I cross her mind ever.
That's one of the ultimate blackpills right there - while she's everything to you you're nothing to her.
Just end us already. :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
Be glad that you don't, it's absolutely brutal especially when you see them with another man.
I may never have had a chance, anyway. I personally don't feel I am even allowed to pursue girls until I know what I look like when I'm looksmaxxed and have gotten my shit together socially. Which hurts, because I feel it could take years with no guarantee as I waste my youth (I turn 22 in late July).

I once had a girl at work tell me that I remind her of Sam from Lord of the Rings. To this day I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult (probably because she wasn't being malicious about it). She doesn't work there anymore so I'll never know.
The stupidity of having a oneitis is one thing TRP is completely right about
i legit forget all my oneitisis names

it was over years ago
I still can't get over any of my oneitis.
Time to dream-maxx buddy boyo
Be glad that you don't, it's absolutely brutal especially when you see them with another man.
Well she did at first. I was very unhappy. Then she broke up with him, I ended up in an outpatient hospital for two weeks because of this crush, and then I got rejected.

Probably dodged a bullet. Before I went super crazy she told me on Facebook that the reason she wasn't in school lately was because of a suicide attempt and self-harm. Being the socially stunted 14 year old I was, I didn't see the obvious red flag and still was into her. But fuck did it hurt. And fuck do I cringe about how retarded I was being about it.
Not bluepilled to have a oneitis. It's bluepilled to think you'll get the oneitis.
No oneitis for quite some time now. Feels good, have to admit.

Also, I got over all of my oneitis, there were like three or four of them. Two of them easier, one of them particularly hard... Nowadays I honestly dont even think about them anymore.
my last true oneitis was in 8th grade I got over her by 11th
Well she did at first. I was very unhappy. Then she broke up with him, I ended up in an outpatient hospital for two weeks because of this crush, and then I got rejected.

Probably dodged a bullet. Before I went super crazy she told me on Facebook that the reason she wasn't in school lately was because of a suicide attempt and self-harm. Being the socially stunted 14 year old I was, I didn't see the obvious red flag and still was into her. But fuck did it hurt. And fuck do I cringe about how retarded I was being about it.
Holy shit brother, that's absolutely brutal... Sorry you had to endure such an agonizing experience.
I made the same mistake as you did, missed the ref flags and ended up like you did.
I got over mine after I realised she was a massive slut who just friend zoned me to get me to pay for her when we went out while she talked shit about me behind my back.
Holy shit brother, that's absolutely brutal... Sorry you had to endure such an agonizing experience.
I made the same mistake as you did, missed the ref flags and ended up like you did.
Its all good. I apologized and we ended up on friendly terms (though we weren't buddies; I had no friends in high school).
Its all good. I apologized and we ended up on friendly terms (though we weren't buddies; I had no friends in high school).
Glad it ended somewhat happily and you didn't let hate and jealousy consume you. Don't know how you managed to fight that.
I never really loved anyone tbh. How can you love a girl who never let you get close to her?
Glad it ended somewhat happily and you didn't let hate and jealousy consume you. Don't know how you managed to fight that.
Yeah well now I am full of hate and jealousy. Sometimes makes me feel bad whenever I have a positive interaction with a female coworker.

And it's not I hate them or think of hating women when I talk with them. But female nature depresses me.
I also spent two weeks in a psych ward at the end of high school as a result of a bad case of oneitis

Amorous love is dangerous guys, that's why religion used to warn against it
Yes, a long time ago with the Canadian girl whom I never met in real life. It was a long time ago though. I haven't fallen in love or had a crushed on anyone ever. These things pass with time, it can't be helped it's just your brain trolling your logic side.
Is it that 16 year old again...
I always fall for oneitis. It can be random girl, likely attractive, whom i get to see with some regularity. It looks like it could work. Problem here is, she's above your looksmatch, ironically enough, it is not always the main problem. You are already far, up to knees in fantasy about your future romance. For you it's clear and for her.. does she even know your name? Continue fantasizing and you will love her to the point that probable refusal will be unbearable and will eventually physically (mentally too) hurt you. There is no oneitis. Real term for it - limerence. One of worst bluepills for incels out there.

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