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Anyone else feel like a 7 in the mirrror but a 2 in photoes

post your pic and we will rate you
Photos show waht other people see which is what really matters.
I agree with other posters but instead of posting u should PM. PM me
Bathroom is misleading because it has great lighting. A full body mirror in the bedroom is better
More like a 4 in the mirror and a 2 in photos
I hate photos, especially shitty smartphone cameras.
You are more familiar with your face in the mirror as it's the one you see more regularly. Mirrors are a better judgement but bear in mind your face is flipped and you have familiarity-cope. Pictures mean more in today's society of social networking anyway. A picture cannot represent what you actually look like 100% due to being a flattened, 2D image. I too suffer from good mirror-bad picture syndrome. The reality is, if you doubt your appearance in any way, regardless of medium, then it's over, because females are brutal critics.
LeagueEuW said:
Too paranoid to give anyone my picture

Send it to one of the mods. That should be pretty safe.

Splintercel said:
You are more familiar with your face in the mirror as it's the one you see more regularly. Mirrors are a better judgement but bear in mind your face is flipped and you have familiarity-cope. Pictures mean more in today's society of social networking anyway. A picture cannot represent what you actually look like 100% due to being a flattened, 2D image. I too suffer from good mirror-bad picture syndrome. The reality is, if you doubt your appearance in any way, regardless of medium, then it's over, because females are brutal critics.

What I hate most is when a photo takes away all the definition in your face and makes you look like a bloated potato.
I've never understood this. I look ugly as fuck in mirrors and still ugly, but way better in photos.
Post pic and delete in 1 hour
I look better in pics and standing still in the mirror than I do when I talk.
Yes, OP. I looked great in photos when I was 16. Definitely not now though. Plus I am a profilecel. Nose and jawline ruin me, so I look better from the front.
GeneticFilth said:
I've never understood this. I look ugly as fuck in mirrors and still ugly, but way better in photos.

Maybe you have one of those uneven, asymmetrical faces that looks much better when not mirrored?
incelman said:
Photos show waht other people see which is what really matters.

im pretty sure mirrors are more accurate than photos tbh a lot of things can distort your face in photos like the type of lens, how close you are to the camera etc. front facing smartphone cameras are especially distorted. you probably think that photos are more accurate because you look uglier in them.
I don't smile for photos because when I smile I look like an ugly try-hard but when I don't smile I just look ugly without the try-hard
Well... at last your avatar is great man uhsauhsuhasuhashuauhsuhsaauhs
Probably just not used to the unflipped version of your face. Mirror is more accurate and photos just flip the face so it looks unusual to you.
I look like dogshit in photos and my webcam
Mirror > photos in most cases because of distortion caused by focal length and cheaply processed lighting indoors

High quality video shot with anhything about ~50mm focal length is the most accurate because it shows you in motion and usually prevents anglefraud.
Honestly, long rage videos are the most accurate.
I love when people delude themselves like this. You look like how you look in PICTURES. Mirrors subconsciously make you think you look better than you actually are when you aren't. How you look in pictures is how people look at you in person. I can't stand the cope where people say you look ugly in pics but better irl. Nah that's not how it works. If it does it's not that big of a difference. A 4 in a mirror to a 2 in pics. A 5 in a mirror to a 3 in pics.

Delusional. Cope.
I. Haven't. Looked. Good. In. Any. Picture
Feels bad, otherwise, I would blow social media with my face.
Yeah me too, 7 in the mirror and 4 in camera photos, i try to not look to the gym giant mirrors too much because after i can`t stop myself to staring.

"Holy fuck, who is that hunk".
It's because of lens distortion.


Camera lens = how good you'll look in a photo. 135mm is ideal but the focal length for most, if not all, phones is far lower than that which is why you look like shit in phone selfies. Higher than 135 is passable since the distortion won't be as pronounced but low focal length = death.

Isecure people should never EVER take selfies on a shitty smartphone camera. Smartphone/wide angle lenses are known to greatly exaggerate asymmetry and make certain features apprear more bulbous.

Get a decent quality point and shoot/dslr camera and have someone take the photo of you from about 6 feet away and with a good focal length. You'll look close to the way you do in the mirror.
interesting. all my selfies are just on a stupid phone camera. should i rely on the phone video to better determine my looks then?
the only accurate way to rate yourself is through video. take a video of you walking around and doing the dishes or some shit. anything to get video of you from multiple angles organically.

dont do this if you have any hope left. ugliness confirmed in videos boyos nglll
blackpill_incel said:
the only accurate way to rate yourself is through video. take a video of you walking around and doing the dishes or some shit. anything to get video of you from multiple angles organically.
dont do this if you have any hope left. ugliness confirmed in videos boyos nglll

I'm doing it right now, wish me luck boyos
blackpill_incel said:
the only accurate way to rate yourself is through video. take a video of you walking around and doing the dishes or some shit. anything to get video of you from multiple angles organically.

dont do this if you have any hope left. ugliness confirmed in videos boyos nglll

I actually have an old phone that still works but the back camera doesn't work. What's the difference in accuracy from the back to selfie camera?
Mblackpill_incel said:
the only accurate way to rate yourself is through video. take a video of you walking around and doing the dishes or some shit. anything to get video of you from multiple angles organically.

dont do this if you have any hope left. ugliness confirmed in videos boyos nglll

I thought this was settled. Ratings are nice but the only way to tell if you’re attractive is how females treat you. They don’t hide their feelings for good looking guys. You’ll know.
km107 said:
I thought this was settled. Ratings are nice but the only way to tell if you’re attractive is how females treat you. They don’t hide their feelings for good loooking guys. You’ll know.

This is legit.
km107 said:
I thought this was settled. Ratings are nice but the only way to tell if you’re attractive is how females treat you. They don’t hide their feelings for good looking guys. You’ll know.

attractiveness at least by psl standards is universal. gl guys faces trigger dopamine release in both men and femoids

marin said:
I'm doing it right now, wish me luck boyos

goodluck mein negro
Nope, I feel like a 3/10 in the mirror but 2/10 in pictures.
-good angle
-perfect distance
-side lighting
-slight duck lips
self rating 5

any other conditions
I look bearable in the mirror but hideous in pics
weservenomsg said:
-good angle
-perfect distance
-side lighting
-slight duck lips
self rating 5
any other conditions

That's a hell of a guide of how to fraud pics tbh
I feel like puking when I see me in the mirror and like killing myself when in photos.
itsfuckingoverboyooyoyoyyoyos said:
im pretty sure mirrors are more accurate than photos tbh a lot of things can distort your face in photos like the type of lens, how close you are to the camera etc. front facing smartphone cameras are especially distorted. you probably think that photos are more accurate because you look uglier in them.

What do you think is more accuraate? The camera eye or the mirror?
incelman said:
What do you think is more accuraate? The camera eye or the mirror?

It depends.

Mirrors are 3D, so depth and angularity shows up better. It's also high resolution, so no detail is lost. The main issue is that it's mirrored, so if you have an asymmetrical face, you may look better (or for some people, worse) in the mirror. This also causes people to think they look worse in photos, because their asymmetries seem twice as prevalent, as they are used to the asymmetry being in the opposite direction. It's also easier to not notice your flaws as it's a moving image and you're used to looking at yourself in the mirror.

In photos, it's a still image, 2D. Every flaw that you can overlook in the mirror are there right in front of you. Photos (especially not professionally takes ones) tend to lose out on detail, which can make a person look better or worse, depending on which details are lost. There's also lens distortion which is a huge issue with most cameras, especially if you're close to the lens (e.g smartphones).

Photos and mirrors can both be extremely inaccurate if the lighting is too good or too bad. If you're standing in front of a mirror inside of a club or a bar (or wherever there is good lighting) with super good lighting, then that's not really how you look like to everyone else, especially during the day. You can easily look twice as good in a mirror or photo if the lighting is good enough (e.g Zyros in his photos). 

The best way to get an understanding for how you look to everyone else is to have someone take a photo of you with a DSLR camera with a good lens, outside in neutral lighting

Unless you have a good camera and someone who knows how to use it, I'd say that mirrors are more accurate.
CopingGymcel said:
It depends.

Mirrors are 3D, so depth and angularity shows up better. It's also high resolution, so no detail is lost. The main issue is that it's mirrored, so if you have an asymmetrical face, you may look better (or for some people, worse) in the mirror. This also causes people to think they look worse in photos, because their asymmetries seem twice as prevalent, as they are used to the asymmetry being in the opposite direction. It's also easier to not notice your flaws as it's a moving image and you're used to looking at yourself in the mirror.

In photos, it's a still image, 2D. Every flaw that you can overlook in the mirror are there right in front of you. Photos (especially not professionally takes ones) tend to lose out on detail, which can make a person look better or worse, depending on which details are lost. There's also lens distortion which is a huge issue with most cameras, especially if you're close to the lens (e.g smartphones).

Photos and mirrors can both be extremely inaccurate if the lighting is too good or too bad. If you're standing in front of a mirror inside of a club or a bar (or wherever there is good lighting) with super good lighting, then that's not really how you look like to everyone else, especially during the day. You can easily look twice as good in a mirror or photo if the lighting is good enough (e.g Zyros in his photos). 

The best way to get an understanding for how you look to everyone else is to have someone take a photo of you with a DSLR camera with a good lens, outside in neutral lighting

Unless you have a good camera and someone who knows how to use it, I'd say that mirrors are more accurate.

I think we can agree that if you are a 23 year old virgin you are ugly anyway since no girl has fucked you at this point
incelman said:
I think we can agree that if you are a 23 year old virgin you are ugly anyway since no girl has fucked you at this point

That's a good possibility. Time to take the plastic surgery route.
CopingGymcel said:
That's a good possibility. Time to take the plastic surgery route.

No amount of plastic surgery will change your genes man. And girls can tell if you had done PS. It's over.
incelman said:
No amount of plastic surgery will change your genes man. And girls can tell if you had done PS. It's over.

So what is making you ugly? What are your main flaws?
CopingGymcel said:
So what is making you ugly? What are your main flaws?

-Bad harmony

-dead beady eyes

-no jaw

-recessed chin

-stright eyebrows

-bird nose

-weird lips

-long face
incelman said:
-Bad harmony

-dead beady eyes

-no jaw

-recessed chin

-stright eyebrows

-bird nose

-weird lips

-long face

Lower third and bird nose are "easy" to fix through plastic surgery. The long face (I assume long midface) and eyes are another story, those kind of will fuck you, if it's as bad as you say.

How long midface are we talking?


Jsanza tier?


This extreme?


A good midface for measure. 


Long midface, still looks good.


Are you better looking than this guy? Similar flaws?
CopingGymcel said:
Lower third and bird nose are "easy" to fix through plastic surgery. The long face (I assume long midface) and eyes are another story, those kind of will fuck you, if it's as bad as you say.

How long midface are we talking?

Jsanza tier?

This extreme?

A good midface for measure. 

Long midface, still looks good.
Are you better looking than this guy? Similar flaws?

I have diface like jsanza but my nose is worse
I feel like a 0 in the mirror and a 0 in photos

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