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LifeFuel Anyone else considering going MGTOW?



Smug Froggy
May 17, 2023
I am just so tired of the defeatist mindset that often goes along with the blackpill. I am tired of feeling like I need the validation of foids and soyciety just to be able to enjoy a decent life. Like somehow my life is completely over and "never began" just because some Chad worshiping whore does not let me near her smelly flesh hole. I am going to completely give up on the possibility of traditional ascension. My version of ascension is making money to pay for escorts, onaholes, and sex robots (once they come out). I will also 2Dpillmaxx and enter an imaginary relationship with an anime waifu like my nigga @AsakuraHao. Anime girls are much prettier than 3DPD foids anyway. They even mog cute kpop toilets tbh

Inb4 I get bombarded with cope and "you were just sent your own way brooo" replies :horror::feelsUgh:

Think about it guys. MGTOW and the blackpill go hand in hand. Once you realize that foids only truly desire chads, and view normies as ATM machines and beta providers, and literally want incels dead, it makes sense to go your own way. Why would you even want to be with someone who you know secretly despises you? :feelstastyman:

Live a somewhat happy and content life without depending on foid/soycietal for validation. Maybe this is what some of you refer to as the "whitepill" :whitepill:

@IronsideCel @Ericfffc @mrlunatic @Qeasi Cou @Grotesk
If you don't have a choice in the matter, you're MSTOW. Simple as that.

Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. But you were sent there without your constent first.
If you don't have a choice in the matter, you're MSTOW. Simple as that.

Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. But you were sent there without your constent first.
Was just about to say more like MSTOW.
No, I am considering dying.
it is just MSTOW but honestly, whatever makes you happy. I think we're all MSTOW here.
All of us already are... involuntarily
you're MSTOW.
Was just about to say more like MSTOW.
it is just MSTOW

Inb4 I get bombarded with cope and "you were just sent your own way brooo" replies :horror::feelsUgh:
Sigh... :feelscry: Exactly what I expected when I clicked the post button tbh. Ok fine I am going "MSTOW" if that makes a difference for my argument. But answer this question that I put in the OP:

Foids literally want incels dead, so it makes sense to go your own way as an incel. Why would you even want to be with someone who you know secretly despises you? :feelstastyman:
Only normies can be MGTOW.

Incels saying they are MGTOW are high-tier copers.
If you don't have a choice in the matter, you're MSTOW. Simple as that.

Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. But you were sent there without your constent first.
Just waifumaxx and wait for sexbots with advanced AI
This relationship is more real than that of sex havers
True. Now I just need to find the perfect 2D waifu for me. Any recommendations? :feelsaww:
The only guys that can go mgtow are the guys that can pull women
The only guys that can go mgtow are the guys that can pull women
Incels saying they are MGTOW are high-tier copers
Hypothetically, let's say that 10 years from now I moneymaxx and become wealthy then I come across a single mother landwhale who is desperate for a betabux. I will reject her in favor of my superior sexbot and 2D waifu and become a true MGTOW :feelsokman:
Hypothetically, let's say that 10 years from now I moneymaxx and become wealthy then I come across a single mother landwhale who is desperate for a betabux. I will reject her in favor of my superior sexbot and 2D waifu and become a true MGTOW :feelsokman:
Well, let's see. Volcel mindset.
Volcel mindset.
You are approached by these 3 fine women. They say that they find you attractive and want you to fuck them all at the same time in a foursome. WWYD?


You are approached by these 3 fine women. They say that they find you attractive and want you to fuck them all at the same time in a foursome. WWYD?


Volcel if would not.
Foids literally want incels dead, so it makes sense to go your own way as an incel. Why would you even want to be with someone who you know secretly despises you? :feelstastyman:
Because they're hot and You want to fuck them. There's no grand meaning.
Ive been thinking about going MGTOW as im approaching my mid 20s
Volcel if would not.
I know we like to joke around on here but come on dude. The first image is from an article with the title "Obese woman weighing 47st says she's 'too fat for sex' and fears husband will look elsewhere for nookie" jfl. It might actually be physically impossible to fuck these foids if you have a small dick. That is if you can even get hard looking at their naked fat rolls :feelsugh::feelskek:
I used to cope by saying I was MGTOW in high school, I'm certain most people that call themselves that are incels coping like I was
Because they're hot and You want to fuck them. There's no grand meaning.
When I say "be with" I mean a bf/gf long term relationship where you spend lots of time together, invite her to move in to your place, plan to spend your life together, maybe get married, etc, as opposed to a pump n dump casual relationship.

I don't get how you can be an incel, claim you are blackpilled, and still dream about wanting to do this. It's like a jew wanting to be best friends with Hitler.
Sorry, I have no choixe but to "go my own way". I'm forced to go MGTOW.
If you don't have a choice in the matter, you're MSTOW. Simple as that.

Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. But you were sent there without your constent first.
Well he can choose to opt out of the hamweel instead of trying and trying again like copers on self improvement/redpill do.

But on the other hands isn't even this defeatist? To acknowledge one owns non humanity and in doing so stopping to pursue what humans have always pursued? If not strictly validation from irl women the longing for the female companionship as an idea.

The issue here is trying to find any positive way to look at this senseless tragedy. There isn't. Ugliness is a condemn that falls in your head and you have to endure it until your last breath before turning into inorganic non sentient matter.
But on the other hands isn't even this defeatist?
Not at all. It is simply accepting my fate and making the best of this situation and my time on this planet, independent of what foids and soyciety think of me :whitepill:

If not strictly validation from irl women the longing for the female companionship as an idea.
I am not going to long for female companionship. This is what a lot of the non-MGTOW hopeless romantics on here do. Like I said in the OP, I will find alternative means to satisfy my desires with escorts, onaholes, 2D girls, and sexbots. If AI sexbots were around today, I would have probably never signed up for this forum.
The issue here is trying to find any positive way to look at this senseless tragedy. There isn't.
There is one positive way to look at it. I have been blessed with blackpill knowledge at a young age and I have the power to make a decision about what to do with this knowledge. Trust me bro, life as an incel could get much, much worse than it is now. I would rather remain incel than grind and moneymaxx for a decade so I can betabux a roastie, get cheated on, and end up either raising Chad/Tyrone's kids or losing half of what I own in a divorce rape.
Inb4 I get bombarded with cope and "you were just sent your own way brooo" replies
This is 100% true though. “Going MGTOW” when you’ve already been sent your own way is equivalent to getting fired from a job and then yelling “you can’t fire me, I QUIT!” It’s a cope. In fact it’s worse than that and more like standing outside a company you were never hired at and shouting through the window that you quit :feelskek:

If that makes yourself feel better to call yourself MGTOW then do it I guess. But all you’re doing is accepting the blackpill, as we all eventually do with time
Equivalent to getting fired from a job and then yelling “you can’t fire me, I QUIT!” It’s a cope
But all you’re doing is accepting the blackpill, as we all eventually do with time
Not exactly. I am accepting the blackpill AND that it is probably better for me to remain single as an unattractive man anyway. If you found an obese single mother (with kids from multiple men) willing to date you for betabux, would you take the opportunity or GYOW in this situation?

I'm surprised to see this kind of reply coming from you. Didn't you say this a few months back? :feelshehe:
For me it is the "what awaits you if you ascend" posts. Stories about betabuxxers and sub 8 males getting cheated on and abused and divorce raped etc. I don't hold out much hope anymore that I would ever ascend at all, but these posts really do me in. The idea that even if I did it would all be for nothing. It would inevitably end in pain and suffering
Not exactly. I am accepting the blackpill AND that it is probably better for me to remain single as an unattractive man anyway. If you found an obese single mother (with kids from multiple men) willing to date you for betabux, would you take the opportunity or GYOW in this situation?

I'm surprised to see this kind of reply coming from you. Didn't you say this a few months back? :feelshehe:
Yes I did post that. How is that contradictory? Me giving up and not fantasizing about ever ascending is not the same as me joining the MGTOW movement.

MGTOWers don’t admit the reason they have no success with women is because they are undesirable. They say it’s only because all women are awful. Many of them even claim that they’re banging foids left and right but don’t commit because they don’t want a foid ruining their great lives. Worlds apart from an oldcel like me who has given up hope

I’m not coping because I don’t dress up my failure as “joining MGTOW” jfl
Me giving up and not fantasizing about ever ascending is not the same as me joining the MGTOW movement
So you have given up on foids and you are now doing your own thing and trying to find meaning and happiness without having a foid in your life? Idk about you but that is my definition of going your own way.

MGTOWers don’t admit the reason they have no success with women is because they are undesirable. They say it’s only because all women are awful.
I will give this to you. A lot of MGTOW men won't acknowledge the blackpill to protect their own egos. Personally I am a blackpiller 1st and a MGTOW 2nd. But they are right about modern women being awful vapid whores though...

Many of them even claim that they’re banging foids left and right but don’t commit because they don’t want a foid ruining their great lives. Worlds apart from an oldcel like me who has given up hope
MGTOW is a diverse group of men because they don't gatekeep their community as much as incels do. Some of them are virgins, some are escortmaxxers, some are pump and dumpers, and some have been married in the past. In contrast, you will get banned on .is if you mention that you got a kiss from your foid cousin when you were 6 years old. Of course you are going to find more people like you in the place that filters and gatekeeps the most.
So you have given up on foids and you are now doing your own thing and trying to find meaning and happiness without having a foid in your life? Idk about you but that is my definition of going your own way.
We just have different definitions. If someone is actually an incel but claiming to be MGTOW, to me it’s the same as a man on a desert island bragging about giving up smoking. As if he has any choice in the matter. Now that man may be better off for not smoking, but he is coping if he pretends that’s why he gave it up. It is a small consolation after being forced to give up smoking to think to yourself “this is actually a good thing because smoking would harm my health”. Compared to what MGTOW is meant to be, a guy who gave up smoking when he has easy access to cigarettes whenever he wants, but gave up for his health. That’s different than the guy who never had the option, but tries to think of the positives after he’s already lost

That’s whitepilled inceldom vs mgtow in theory

What makes it worse is many of those mgtow guys are lying about their access to girls and are in fact either incels or ugly men who had a bit of luck with women when they were younger but no more, and many are divorce raped boomers

I have been aware of the movement from when it first started. So I know all their justifications, and all their various forms

If you want to be whitepilled and find joy in your life then that’s awesome. But there is no reason to call it mgtow and align yourself with these copers who don’t actually represent what you’re saying

The other thing I would say in response to your last point is this. There were incels before incels.is or r/braincels or r/incels or even r9k. Inceldom is a state of being. You can’t be kept out of the incel “club” or “community” because that is just a concept. Nobody can “gatekeep” the incel community. They might gatekeep incels.is but this is just a forum.

Betabuxxers existed before mgtow. Divorce raped boomers existed before mgtow. And chads who didn’t want to commit because they know foids are trash existed before mgtow. And incels in denial about being sent their own way existed before mgtow. At some point they wanted to all get together under one banner and call themselves mgtow. It’s just a label, and it’s meaningless

So when you ask “does anyone here want to go mgtow” it’s meaningless to me. I’ve been sent my own way already, I don’t have a choice.

Are you asking do I want to cope and imagine I made an active choice? No I don’t

Are you asking do I want to hang out with the based chads and divorcees and coping betabuxxers and incels in denial and blackpill deniers? No I don’t
I'm already MSTOW tbh
To MGTOW you need to have been divorceraped, been betacuxxed or had kids with some manipulative bitch which none of us qualify, as much as us inkwells hate women MGTOW with experience behind their pain can go real hard on their words
The only guys that can go mgtow are the guys that can pull women
True. You have to be what women consider a man, having adiquite bonemass and attractiveness, to be mgtow.
I'm trying out mstow.
What do you mean going? You either get pussy or you dont
Men Coping Their Own Way
Maybe you need a break from the community.
I relate to what has been mentioned as upon taking the pill it starts to make you feel less motivated and eventually you just want to rot.

Of course it doesn't help that this forum is a toxic mentally asylum wasteland where users need to pull each other down and are prone to being mentally unstable and angry. I mean you have a bunch of insecure men , of course they're going to do whatever it takes to hurt each other to feel better about themselves.

It's one of the biggest downsides to joining an incel community. You can relate to the posts made and create threads that feel understood but at the cost of being surrounded by mean spirited negative individuals who are unhappy and bitter understandably but sadly.

If you plan on being happy it's a crime because they'll be jealous of that and assume you might not be an incel when in fact your just trying to improve.

You can continue being Blackpilled regardless of whether you stay in this community or not. Meaning being Blackpilled doesn't mean you have to stay here if that makes sense.

I used to believe mgtow until I realised it was mainly for men who were divorced. The Blackpill covers mgtow and extends beyond mgtow. Blackpill is like the grandpa of mgtow. Mgtow is just a small fraction covering a small aspect of relationships with women but Blackpill covers not just dating but everything harsh about this world.

Take a break and see how you feel. Remember , you can still be Blackpilled and not be a user of the forum. Blackpill is a knowledge you carry for life.
Top tier answer
I am just so tired of the defeatist mindset that often goes along with the blackpill. I am tired of feeling like I need the validation of foids and soyciety just to be able to enjoy a decent life. Like somehow my life is completely over and "never began" just because some Chad worshiping whore does not let me near her smelly flesh hole. I am going to completely give up on the possibility of traditional ascension. My version of ascension is making money to pay for escorts, onaholes, and sex robots (once they come out). I will also 2Dpillmaxx and enter an imaginary relationship with an anime waifu like my nigga @AsakuraHao. Anime girls are much prettier than 3DPD foids anyway. They even mog cute kpop toilets tbh

Inb4 I get bombarded with cope and "you were just sent your own way brooo" replies :horror::feelsUgh:

Think about it guys. MGTOW and the blackpill go hand in hand. Once you realize that foids only truly desire chads, and view normies as ATM machines and beta providers, and literally want incels dead, it makes sense to go your own way. Why would you even want to be with someone who you know secretly despises you? :feelstastyman:

Live a somewhat happy and content life without depending on foid/soycietal for validation. Maybe this is what some of you refer to as the "whitepill" :whitepill:

@IronsideCel @Ericfffc @mrlunatic @Qeasi Cou @Grotesk

You assosiate with trannys?
In my redpill phase i considered myself MGTOW and actually believed the advice that all i have to make girls like me is being more dominant and having "frame". While doing it i most likely looked like a :feelsclown:. Later on i looked up "Blackpill" because i heard it often and everything started to make sense and i stopped being a MGTOW. I prefer living the uncomfortable truth (Blackpill) than believing the beautiful lie (MGTOW) otherwise my hopes will get crushed again.
10% Low effort post in ID
didnt read a single letter, kill yourself retarded coping GrAYfag JoinedMay 17, 2023Posts11,946
We just have different definitions... Inceldom is a state of being. You can’t be kept out of the incel “club” or “community” because that is just a concept. Nobody can “gatekeep” the incel community. They might gatekeep incels.is but this is just a forum
Seems to be the case. Understandable though. We can't even agree on the definition of an incel. Some people think that escortcels are not incels. For example:
"Yeah I fuck every weekend but I have to pay up ugh I am such an incel."
Escortcels are like rent payers and how dare they compare themselves to incels who haven't ever touched pussy
I personally disagree with these people, but they have a valid point. Incel = involuntarily celibate. If you get to have sex (free or paid), then you are not celibate by definition, and it makes no sense to call yourself an incel. The word escortcel is an oxymoron. Well, should escortcels really be considered incels? Should a Chad who slayed when he was younger but went bald and got horribly disfigured in an accident be considered an incel if he now struggles to get a relationship? (Debatable and irrelevant questions, so don't bother answering)

My definition of a MGTOW is the one I stated in my last reply. It generally applies to all MGTOWs, from permavirgins to divorcees.

Are you asking do I want to hang out with the based chads and divorcees and coping betabuxxers and incels in denial and blackpill deniers? No I don’t
Luckily for you pretty much all major MGTOW spaces have been banned. It's hard to find such a place to hang out in today anyway.

In response to everything else: Look I get what you are saying about us not having a choice, but let's be brutally honest here. If everyone here applied themselves 100% and did everything in their power including moneymaxxing, gymmaxxing, used cheats like geomaxxing/SEAmaxxing/betabuxxing, dropped their standards to zero and became beta cucks, 90%+ of us would be able to get with a foid. It might require dumpter diving and the foid might be extremely obese, deformed, or have disabilities and mental issues of some kind. But would it be worth all that effort? Certainly not. The juice would not be worth the squeeze at that point in my opinion :feelsjuice:
You can continue being Blackpilled regardless of whether you stay in this community or not.
you can still be Blackpilled and not be a user of the forum
Did you not fully read my OP? :feelswhere: I never said I was giving up on the blackpill. I am simply abandoning the gynocentric foid worshiping idea that you need to be desired and validated by foids to live a good life. I am going my own way and trying to find my own meaning and happiness, taking the "whitepill" if you will. I am not erasing blackpill knowledge from my memory though.

MGTOW and the blackpill go hand in hand. Once you realize that foids only truly desire chads, and view normies as ATM machines and beta providers, and literally want incels dead, it makes sense to go your own way.
Personally I am a blackpiller 1st and a MGTOW 2nd.
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