Yes. It's no coincidence that with regards to relationships, most of the time the people posting positive success stories are women who had to do little work to achieve their desires in the first place.
It goes like this:
Chad dumps roastie, roastie practices LOA techniques for a couple of weeks, Chad gets bored and hits her up for some sex, "teehee OMG he texted me today OMG I got him back! This works it's amazing!!"
All the while the roastie never even lost contact with the Chad and was lurking his social media and basically in contact with him the whole time. Yet the LOA gurus would have us believe all these women just manifested random chads back into their lives by believing and focusing hard. Lol.
Just go onto any LOA video about relationships or manifesting text messages from crushes/oneitis or whatever. it's literally all women there talking about how they manifested their slayer ex back a month later.
Same thing with most of the other success stories. Guy wants a new car and already has saved most the money for it, does a few LOA meditations, a few months later he has the rest of the cash. He tells you LOA works because he has his car now.
The whole thing is basically untestable and unprovable because if you don't get what you want they'll just tell you that you didn't "believe" hard enough. It's the equivalent of normies telling Incels they just didn't try enough or fake nattys telling gymcels they just didn't work hard enough.