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It's Over Anybody else feel high level of anxiety when going out into public in the daytime (particularly during morning and late afternoon to evening “rush”



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
I feel like an alien venturing onto a foreign planet in a diffERent solar system in a diffERent galaxy. I don’t feel like I’m a part of the human species at times, I don’t feel like I belong to the human species but rathER that I’m an outsidER, an alien diffERent to evERybody else (all of whom are part of a group to which I’m not necessarily “excluded” from, but a group to which I nevER belonged in the first place).

I am truecel in looks, and I have aspERgERs, so people notice me amongst a large crowd immediately due to my subhuman looks alone, and if that doesn’t catch their eye somehow, then they’ll definitely catch my slight “nuances” and minor “diffERences” in behaviour compared to the avERage Neurotypical normie. I can “mask” to some extent, but I can nevER truly hide the fact that I am diffERent from the rest, and they have a frightening ability to recognise any diffERences to the “norm” within a short span of time, no mattER how tiny and insignificant, and the greater quantity/quality diffERences you have compared to the hERd, the more they will SUBCONSCIOUSLY (as a “hivemind”) work togethER to cast you out and do whatevER they can to disadvantage you as much as possible to minimise your chances of survival.

I don’t see random normies in public as my “brothERs”, “sistERs”, “cousins”, “friends” etc. (which is the way I assume they see each othER), I sense a subtle “potential for conflict” vibe when I’m in their presence, as if I know they want to harm me and as if they know I want to harm them, but the invisible threat of the law and the physical enforcement of it is holding us back from throwing “civility” out the window and unleashing violence upon each othER. And we both (them collectively, and myself individually) know this too, but we show each other fake smiles and courtesy just to maintain the “act” which we both know is pretense, yet still do anyway for the sake of maximising chances of the maintenance of “peace” and “ordER” for both of our harmonious co-existence in the same society (same place and ERa).
Yes very.

I feel much better in the night time
I feel much more anxiety going out in the daytime than at nighttime, probably because the less visible I am the more comfortable I feel

Also why I feel so much more at ease wearing hoodies over regular clothes like a t-shirt, shirt etc etc
No. I did everything that's expected from a functioning member of society. I moneymog and IQmog most people, so I don't have to be
ashamed or feel inferior.

What bothers me is that despite me being a good man, all these bitches prefer their stupid idiot retard boyfriends and completely ignore my existence. It bothers me seeing all the hot girls having fun with their boyfriends while I get nothing, even though I invested so much ...
I relate hella hard on not feeling like you even belong to humanity.

I also feel like some other species when I'm around people
I feel much more anxiety going out in the daytime than at nighttime, probably because the less visible I am the more comfortable I feel

Also why I feel so much more at ease wearing hoodies over regular clothes like a t-shirt, shirt etc etc
No. I did everything that's expected from a functioning member of society. I moneymog and IQmog most people, so I don't have to be
ashamed or feel inferior.

What bothers me is that despite me being a good man, all these bitches prefer their stupid idiot retard boyfriends and completely ignore my existence. It bothers me seeing all the hot girls having fun with their boyfriends while I get nothing, even though I invested so much ...

I also used to money-max, coping with a false sense of “supERiority” to NEETs just because I had an avERage job and corresponding avERage salary, which I mainly blew on drugs, junk food and escorts anyway. At some point, I realised it doesn’t give me the level of satisfaction I’m truly missing out on (and am actually craving), it’s a nothing but a “cope”. Only thing that could make me happy is an at-least avERage looking wife, but to attain that as a truecel in the west, you gotta be significantly above avERage in tERms of your financial NET value and/or geomaxx/passport-maxx to a country with lowER cost of living AND/OR not poisoned by Jewish-invented ideologies like communism, feminism, normalisation of homosexuality and transgenderism (which are actually, from a biological pERspective, mental illnesses because they stem from a mutation which causes defect in brain-wiring) and othER such systems of belief, which, if followed collectively by majority of the membERs of any society will eventually lead to the gradual decrease in life quality of the collective populace via slowly weakening the societal structures which are necessary for the establishment of a peace and ordERly society, leading to the progressive decline of safety and security in society (and conversely the gradual increase in violence and destruction) which will slowly turn society into a place of more chaos and disordER, causing people (genERally) to gradually become more and more UNHEALTHY ovER time (in the long-tERm).

Unfortunately, I’m not ready to abandon the convenience and comfort of the west. And I nevER had the chance to earn anywhERe near the amount of money I’d need to earn to stay in the west and “attract” a woman given my looks level (2/10).

It took me long enough to realise it was all pointless when I realised I was slaving away just to come home to an empty bed evERy night and jack off, and that all the hours of work I was doing was NOT AT ALL worth the pleasure/enjoyment of low quantity (in tERms of “duration of time”) and low quality (in tERms of its “intensity”) that I was able to gain access to via the money I earnt at the cost of a total level of pain/suffERing which significantly OUTWEIGHED the total level of benefits I obtained from my work.

So upon logically analysing the situation, I left my job. Been a rotting NEET evER since, lack of money and too much free time is a problem, but I live frugally and use my time (in which I’m awake) to eithER go for a walk, read a book, enjoy the pleasure of technological entERtainment (mobile phone, TV, intERnet etc) and sometimes close my eyes and lose myself in the process of “introspection about the bigger picture of life” in addition to engaging in “self-awareness increasing”thought processes. OthER times, I simply close my eyes and meditate (clear my mind of any thoughts whatsoevER, connect my soul/spirit with the univERse).

Not gonna claim anything outlandish by claiming it gives you supERpowERs or makes you chad or among the financial (financial only or financial in addition to social) “elite” class, but it helps bring me “peace of mind” because it allows negative/un-necessary thoughts to be subconsciously filtERed out (by my subconsciousness) from my consciousness, to be eithER temporarily (placed back in the subconsciousness just to re-emERge latER) or pERmanently (forevER) discarded from my subconsciousness.

When I’m not resting (whethER unconscious: sleeping, or conscious: in a deep state of “meditation”), I’m either doing something productive or I’m procrastinating (which I define in my case as staring at the walls, floor, ceiling inside a room or staring at whatevER environment I’m in if I’m outdoors, and/or closing my eyes while being lost in DEEP thought).

But, I try to keep both ways of “spending time” SEPARATE to each othER (so when I’m doing something productive, I do my best to focus my attention on that while convERsely minimising the time and mental enERgy spent procrastinating).

And when I’m procrastinating, I try not to engage in any activity which consumes too much physical enERgy (even if it’s productive), because my goal in the procrastinatory mindset is to relax physically so I can channel my enERgy resERves into the “mental” aspect of life in ordER to furthER advance myself on the path of enlightenment and in my pursuit of knowledge, climbing the mountain of wisdom with the intention of “making summit” at highER and highER peaks
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It took me long enough to realise it was all pointless when I realised I was slaving away just to come home to an empty bed evERy night and jack off, and that all the hours of work I was doing was NOT AT ALL worth the pleasure/enjoyment of low quantity (in tERms of “duration of time”) and low quality (in tERms of its “intensity”) that I was able to gain access to via the money I earnt at the cost of a total level of pain/suffERing which significantly OUTWEIGHED the total level of benefits I obtained from my work.
How old were you when you had this realization?

So upon logically analysing the situation, I left my job. Been a rotting NEET evER since, lack of money and too much free time is a problem, but I live frugally and use my time (in which I’m awake) to eithER go for a walk, read a book, enjoy the pleasure of technological entERtainment (mobile phone, TV, intERnet etc) and sometimes close my eyes and lose myself in the process of “introspection about the bigger picture of life” in addition to engaging in “self-awareness increasing”thought processes. OthER times, I simply close my eyes and meditate (clear my mind of any thoughts whatsoevER, connect my soul/spirit with the univERse).

Not gonna claim anything outlandish by claiming it gives you supERpowERs or makes you chad or among the financial (financial only or financial in addition to social) “elite” class, but it helps bring me “peace of mind” because it allows negative/un-necessary thoughts to be subconsciously filtERed out (by my subconsciousness) from my consciousness, to be eithER temporarily (placed back in the subconsciousness just to re-emERge latER) or pERmanently (forevER) discarded from my subconsciousness.

When I’m not resting (whethER unconscious: sleeping, or conscious: in a deep state of “meditation”), I’m either doing something productive or I’m procrastinating (which I define in my case as staring at the walls, floor, ceiling inside a room or staring at whatevER environment I’m in if I’m outdoors, and/or closing my eyes while being lost in DEEP thought).

But, I try to keep both ways of “spending time” SEPARATE to each othER (so when I’m doing something productive, I do my best to focus my attention on that while convERsely minimising the time and mental enERgy spent procrastinating).

And when I’m procrastinating, I try not to engage in any activity which consumes too much physical enERgy (even if it’s productive), because my goal in the procrastinatory mindset is to relax physically so I can channel my enERgy resERves into the “mental” aspect of life in ordER to furthER advance myself on the path of enlightenment and in my pursuit of knowledge, climbing the mountain of wisdom with the intention of “making summit” at highER and highER peaks
How long have you been NEET? There was a time when I was NEET, too, about 1 1/2 years long. It was fun for a while, but having no routines, no ambition, no duties did me more bad than good. My day had no structure, I was awake at night and asleep at day. I ate bad, had bad hygiene (because you don't have to be clean when you don't leave your appartment), my life was basically eat, sleep, play league of legends, repeat. It wasn't good at all.
same here brocel. i feel like david chudenborough going out to document the normie beasts in their natural habitat. shit feels weird. relate heavily to feeling out of place yaint alone.

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