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Anybody else been called a school shooter?

They may not be serious but they are DEFINITELY trying to put you down. I'd much rather be physically bullied than taunted, being laughed at is degrading.
It doesn't bother me much tbh most of the time it's just friendly banter but occasionally there are some where it seems there's more to it. I just try not to let those things bother me or else I wouldn't be able to think properly
Been a long time but the principal (with a Doctorate in Psychology) said to a close-contact that I 'looked like I kill people.' He was too pussy to say it to me personally; but whatever.
They may not be serious but they are DEFINITELY trying to put you down. I'd much rather be physically bullied than taunted, being laughed at is degrading.
When I was in high school people said I looked like a school shooter.
Yes all the time. One time someone sat at the table I was sitting at and asked "Is this the school shooter table?"

I've been told I look like a serial killer. And then these very same people are the ones who go "omg how could somebody shoot up a school??"
The hypocrisy of these idiots simply amazes me.
Yes all the time. One time someone sat at the table I was sitting at and asked "Is this the school shooter table?"

The hypocrisy of these idiots simply amazes me.
Isn't it strange how Black Pilled those bullies are about looks IRL but turn Blue Pilled the minute they bully you online on Reddit. The double standard is massive.
Dude what in the FUCK is up with the text on the bottom lol
Isn't it strange how Black Pilled those bullies are about looks IRL but turn Blue Pilled the minute they bully you online on Reddit. The double standard is massive.

IRL bullies dont post on reddit lmao
reddit is full of bullied loser nerds who cope by clinging to bluepills
When I was in school I was called a pedo as a joke because I looked "weird".
Initially it bothered me but I've learned to embrace it and have a bit of fun. For instance, one day I was wearing a new pair of shoes I had just bought and this prick walked up to me with his friend and asked if he could have my shoes before I shot up the school. I responded with: "What would a dead man want with a new pair of shoes?" This kinda put both of them off but they ended up laughing and walked off. Most recently this guy I sit by in class whispered over to me and asked when I was going to shoot up the school, to which I replied: "How's Monday sound? Do me a favor and wear a shirt with a big red target on it. Make my life a little easier." He gave me a confused look and went back to working. Anybody else have similar experiences? What did you say/do?

I get scared looks from people cuz I kinda look like this guy's facial expression by default in real life...
What? I'm talking about the hypocrisy of people who call others "serial killers" because of their looks, yet they're surprised when school shootings happen. Even perplexed by them.
When I was in school I was called a pedo as a joke because I looked "weird".
I've had that too. Sick planet of idiots.

I wish people at school had seen me as a potential shooter. I certainly hated them all enough.
Only the once. Though admittedly I had just shot 24 kids in a schoolyard :feelsbaton:
kek they called me down to the principle's office to talk to her and the school police officer the day after Nikolas Cruz went ER. Some cunt tried to get revenge on me for making her fail a test by saying she felt threatened by me. Stupid worthless bitch
Fuck that bitch
Everybody in school had some retarded nickname- I was the school bomber. I got smashed on a class "party" in a villa one time in 10th grade and started ranting and explaning how to make ANFO, smokeless powder, pipe bombs and shotguns, how I want to blow the school etc. People would make detonator clicking motions with their thumb to banter after that- even the teacher made it one time. Never been bullied seriously about it, though.
Sounds like your true intentions came out haha
Sounds like your true intentions came out haha
Not really, I've read too many guerrilla manuals and was in my "that normal-looking kid that's actually psycho super edgemaster" phase.
Not really, I've read too many guerrilla manuals and was in my "that normal-looking kid that's actually psycho super edgemaster" phase.
Me too I'll always remember the right ratios for making anfo napalm etc
School shooter, paedophile, pyromaniac, serial killer, a future Hitler... been called all of that.
Let me guess you wear all black. So do I

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