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Anybody else been called a school shooter?



Certified Retard
Mar 19, 2018
Initially it bothered me but I've learned to embrace it and have a bit of fun. For instance, one day I was wearing a new pair of shoes I had just bought and this prick walked up to me with his friend and asked if he could have my shoes before I shot up the school. I responded with: "What would a dead man want with a new pair of shoes?" This kinda put both of them off but they ended up laughing and walked off. Most recently this guy I sit by in class whispered over to me and asked when I was going to shoot up the school, to which I replied: "How's Monday sound? Do me a favor and wear a shirt with a big red target on it. Make my life a little easier." He gave me a confused look and went back to working. Anybody else have similar experiences? What did you say/do?
wear a trench/duster coat when it gets colder buddy
if you're still going to school i mean
wear a trench/duster coat when it gets colder buddy
if you're still going to school i mean
Nope, I am off for break. But I will definitely do so in the future.
ive been called everything from drug addict to school shooter to pedophile and everything in between
kek they called me down to the principle's office to talk to her and the school police officer the day after Nikolas Cruz went ER. Some cunt tried to get revenge on me for making her fail a test by saying she felt threatened by me. Stupid worthless bitch
whenever they say that they want you to shootup the school i guess:kys:
yep until i punch them in the face then they call me a bully
ive been called everything from drug addict to school shooter to pedophile and everything in between
I have also been called those things. Although pedophile seemed to stick the most. That one I cannot laugh at. It hurts tbh.
Yeah first time I remember going home and crying,but now I like it.
Yes, in my high school I was flagged as potential school shooter
No, a classmate of mine was regularly tabbed as one though. I thought that he just transferred out but the vice principal assumed we were friends since we had every class but homeroom together and told me he called a threat in apparently.
Everybody in school had some retarded nickname- I was the school bomber. I got smashed on a class "party" in a villa one time in 10th grade and started ranting and explaning how to make ANFO, smokeless powder, pipe bombs and shotguns, how I want to blow the school etc. People would make detonator clicking motions with their thumb to banter after that- even the teacher made it one time. Never been bullied seriously about it, though.
Called that a few times I remember.
Many times in my younger years.

And then counselors tell me it's all in my head.
Yes. I remember it really well actually. I was in HS and a Chadlite who bullied me for 2 years straight was making fun of me in some way by the vending machine (snackcel), I raged at him and he said I'm going to be the next school shooter.

I've also had someone say I LOOK like a school shooter based on my passport photo kek. And like others once I got a haircut and people said I looked like a pedophile.
Everybody in school had some retarded nickname- I was the school bomber. I got smashed on a class "party" in a villa one time in 10th grade and started ranting and explaning how to make ANFO, smokeless powder, pipe bombs and shotguns, how I want to blow the school etc. People would make detonator clicking motions with their thumb to banter after that- even the teacher made it one time. Never been bullied seriously about it, though.

only a good lookin' chad could get away with this
Only once, but everyone and their mom asked me if i was ok...ALWAYS, got annoying as fuck

Im high school everyone avoided me, I even overheard two black GANG MEMBERS saying "yo that nigga look like he can fuck somebody up" so ill take that as a compliment i guess
-already familiar with edgy/ironic shooter worship culture by middle school
I got it a decent amount. If most of the kids ever heard gunshots in MS most of them would probably think I was likely to be the shooter.
in 2003 there was a school shooting here in germany.
2 students
1 secretary
1 assistant teacher
11 teachers
1 cop

16 total

when my mom saw it on the news she had some sort of breakdown and started crying like crazy, then she took away all my "violent" video games (i only had game boy and SNES at the time, so it was literally all just cartoony childrens games) but i managed to get them back a few days later

but yeah my own mom pretty much thought i was a potential school shooter when i was just 11 years old. pretty depressing when you think about it.
in 2003 there was a school shooting here in germany.
2 students
1 secretary
1 assistant teacher
11 teachers
1 cop

16 total

when my mom saw it on the news she had some sort of breakdown and started crying like crazy, then she took away all my "violent" video games (i only had game boy and SNES at the time, so it was literally all just cartoony childrens games) but i managed to get them back a few days later

but yeah my own mom pretty much thought i was a potential school shooter when i was just 11 years old. pretty depressing when you think about it.
Damn, that sucks. My mom thinks I’m a suicidal schizophrenic if it’s any consolation.
Labeled as the school shooter because of my creepy appearance.
kek they called me down to the principle's office to talk to her and the school police officer the day after Nikolas Cruz went ER. Some cunt tried to get revenge on me for making her fail a test by saying she felt threatened by me. Stupid worthless bitch
How did you make her fail the test?
That is pretty funny, had she bullied you before or just a random foid?
She pretended to be my friend for a while but I found out she was talking shit about me behind my back
Been called / still be called a
- pedohile
- school shooter
- ugly bastard
- awkward person
- failure of life
But honestly I dont care cause it most is/will be true ;)
Pretend to shoot them with your hand.
I definitely have. In high school, I was severely bullied, yet people told the teachers and other people that they were scared I would come into school with a gun. They said that yet they were still bullying me.
In middle school I got called school shooter to my face, not so much in HS.
Nope. But I've been called a rapist.

There were these two kids at my high school who wore French coats and everyone thought they would shoot up the school. Even they managed to have girlfriends
Isn't it strange how Black Pilled those bullies are about looks IRL but turn Blue Pilled the minute they bully you online on Reddit. The double standard is massive.
kek they called me down to the principle's office to talk to her and the school police officer the day after Nikolas Cruz went ER. Some cunt tried to get revenge on me for making her fail a test by saying she felt threatened by me. Stupid worthless bitch
dafuk? tell this story instead of girls trying to have threesomes with you
dafuk? tell this story instead of girls trying to have threesomes with you
Lmao. So right after we got back from christmas break which was in early january, this girl in my english class tried befriending me for some reason, probably because she lost a bet. After a while I gave in and we started talking. Neither of us were interested in each other at all, but I helped her with school and other shit like that. Then one day some some kid in our class told me that she was telling everyone about my shitty family situation, which I had told her about. She didn't know I knew though. She started ditching class a lot, but had to come in to take a test on different essays and articles we read, and the night before, when she asked me what she needed to study, I told her to study the wrong articles lmao. And she was stupid enough to believe me. She failed and I got a good grade so she knew I lied, and decided to get back at me by taking advantage of St. Nik by telling the school she felt like I was a danger. They searched my backpack and found nothing. Kek
Lmao. So right after we got back from christmas break which was in early january, this girl in my english class tried befriending me for some reason, probably because she lost a bet. After a while I gave in and we started talking. Neither of us were interested in each other at all, but I helped her with school and other shit like that. Then one day some some kid in our class told me that she was telling everyone about my shitty family situation, which I had told her about. She didn't know I knew though. She started ditching class a lot, but had to come in to take a test on different essays and articles we read, and the night before, when she asked me what she needed to study, I told her to study the wrong articles lmao. And she was stupid enough to believe me. She failed and I got a good grade so she knew I lied, and decided to get back at me by taking advantage of St. Nik by telling the school she felt like I was a danger. They searched my backpack and found nothing. Kek
damn so many girls tryna fuck but you too mentalcel to reciprocate. she said it as vaguely as that? just that she felt you were a danger? u should ask her out now
damn so many girls tryna fuck but you too mentalcel to reciprocate. she said it as vaguely as that? just that she felt you were a danger? u should ask her out now
Keep in mind that the principle didn't tell me it was her, but I know for 100% certainty that it was. I guess she thought that since I smoke cigs and wear weird clothes that I'm an edge lord about to snap lmao. And there's no way I could ever get it in with her
Keep in mind that the principle didn't tell me it was her, but I know for 100% certainty that it was. I guess she thought that since I smoke cigs and wear weird clothes that I'm an edge lord about to snap lmao. And there's no way I could ever get it in with her
cigs r bad4u
I've been told I look like a serial killer. And then these very same people are the ones who go "omg how could somebody shoot up a school??"
There were jokes made in high school that I had a hit list of people I wanted to kill for picking on me. Joke's on them; I actually wanted to kill everyone and there's no way I'd bother writing out all of their names.
I’ve been sent to the guidance councelor several times for being a “potential school shooter” lmao
All the time. Not sure if they're serious about it though because whether its a roastie or some random dude they always laugh and smile about it.
No I'm not white.
Initially it bothered me but I've learned to embrace it and have a bit of fun. For instance, one day I was wearing a new pair of shoes I had just bought and this prick walked up to me with his friend and asked if he could have my shoes before I shot up the school. I responded with: "What would a dead man want with a new pair of shoes?" This kinda put both of them off but they ended up laughing and walked off. Most recently this guy I sit by in class whispered over to me and asked when I was going to shoot up the school, to which I replied: "How's Monday sound? Do me a favor and wear a shirt with a big red target on it. Make my life a little easier." He gave me a confused look and went back to working. Anybody else have similar experiences? What did you say/do?
Also lol'd at your answers. :feelsokman:
Everybody in school had some retarded nickname- I was the school bomber. I got smashed on a class "party" in a villa one time in 10th grade and started ranting and explaning how to make ANFO, smokeless powder, pipe bombs and shotguns, how I want to blow the school etc. People would make detonator clicking motions with their thumb to banter after that- even the teacher made it one time. Never been bullied seriously about it, though.
That's funny. Where are you from?
Only once, but everyone and their mom asked me if i was ok...ALWAYS, got annoying as fuck

Im high school everyone avoided me, I even overheard two black GANG MEMBERS saying "yo that nigga look like he can fuck somebody up" so ill take that as a compliment i guess
You got status now. Should be able to get a gf now and escape inceldom.
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All the time. Not sure if they're serious about it though because whether its a roastie or some random dude they always laugh and smile about it.
They may not be serious but they are DEFINITELY trying to put you down. I'd much rather be physically bullied than taunted, being laughed at is degrading.

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