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- Nov 22, 2017
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In light of the recent redpills about Asia, this should be useful for whitecels
Zielony4 said:JUST BE WHITE.
You can be deformed, smelly, bald, disabled, whatever. JUST. BE. WHITE.
CopingGymcel said:If you're 4+ and white, you should be able to do well, especially if you are tall. The better looking and taller you are, the more luck you'll have like everywhere else.
If you're a truecel like Blackops2cel, you can still get girls (proven by my experiment), but not as many.
skinnyfat said:I mean like, clubs, social events and shit like that, what a whitecel tallcel should do, where he should go, what type of women they should go, if they're up to ONS
Berdea said:Are asians this desperate?
CopingGymcel said:There are bars (at least in Japan) where women are looking for gaijins to hook up with. Gaijin hunters they are called. Other than that, just open up Tinder and slay.skinnyfat said:I mean like, clubs, social events and shit like that, what a whitecel tallcel should do, where he should go, what type of women they should go, if they're up to ONS
skinnyfat said:jesus christ lmaooo
do you think they're up to ONSs? people don't usually have much time in travels
Zielony4 said:Yea. I see, hear, and experience it all the time. :'(
Berdea said:Huh, even still I wouldn't. Race mixing isn't worth it, besides, asians aren't very attractive.Zielony4 said:Yea. I see, hear, and experience it all the time. :'(
skinnyfat said:Most of them aren't, agreed, but check CopingGymcel newest thread, the asians there are pretty attractive
CopingGymcel said:The average South Korean is pretty damn attractive, that's why I chose South Korea for the experiment.skinnyfat said:Most of them aren't, agreed, but check CopingGymcel newest thread, the asians there are pretty attractive
skinnyfat said:Insane to think you got 40 matches in one fucking day, I've done Tinder tests in Thailand and it went pretty well but the girls weren't very good
CopingGymcel said:If you're 4+ and white, you should be able to do well, especially if you are tall. The better looking and taller you are, the more luck you'll have like everywhere else.
If you're a truecel like Blackops2cel, you can still get girls (proven by my experiment), but not as many.
blackcel said:Didn't that experiment get only 3 girls? I wouldn't call that a success since there are a lot of steps that you can fuck up between the match and the p in v action. 40 girls is enough to safely say at least one of them will let you fuck her, but 3 girls is way too low to draw anything conclusive.