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Any of you incels ever kissed a girl?

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017
To me being incel is just being a virgin after 20.

Are there any incels who have made out with a girl? I don't mean a smooch or a small peck or a kiss when you were like 2 years old.

I mean, have any of you made out with a girl in middle school or after that?
BlackpilledAF said:

did you get pleasure from it? Like you get when you have orgasm or something? or was it just like lips touching and nothing special?
Made out while drunk with a 3/10. Pretty sure it's mainly to do with height. At 6 foot and there being a lot of curries in my uni my height stands out
Grain_of_sin said:
Read @Ryo_Hazuki signature

Damn, i always thought people get pleasure out of it, that's why they make out for like 30 minutes or more
Nope, never. I actually think about hugging foids more than I do kissing them
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
did you get pleasure from it? Like you get when you have orgasm or something? or was it just like lips touching and nothing special?

Depends on the girl.

Usually, it's very pleasurable, and since I don't get to do it much, when something like that happens and the logistic permits, i'd do it for hours. Also while kissing / making out I'd get a hard dick.

During the height of my sexual frustration, I settled for an incel-tier woman. a 2/10 or 3/10 at best. Surprisingly, she had many boyfriends before and she knew how to kiss well. I "used" her to improve my kissing techniques, using tongue, and shit like that.

I could never touch her sober tho. I'd drink a lot or take mdma (powerful aphrodisiac, among other things) to force myself to kiss her. I had like 3 or 4 makeout sessions with her, each 5 hours, to experiencemaxx. Couldn't do it anymore with her tho. She was ugly af.
Grain_of_sin said:
Read @Ryo_Hazuki signature

Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Damn, i always thought people get pleasure out of it, that's why they make out for like 30 minutes or more

Keep in mind it was the gambler that wrote that though. I'd take anything he said with a massive grain of salt. It's just in my sig because I thought it sounded funny.
BlackpilledAF said:
Depends on the girl.

Usually, it's very pleasurable, and since I don't get to do it much, when something like that happens and the logistic permits, i'd do it for hours. Also while kissing / making out I'd get a hard dick.

During the height of my sexual frustration, I settled for an incel-tier woman. a 2/10 or 3/10 at best. Surprisingly, she had many boyfriends before and she knew how to kiss well. I "used" her to improve my kissing techniques, using tongue, and shit like that.

I could never touch her sober tho. I'd drink a lot or take mdma (powerful aphrodisiac, among other things) to force myself to kiss her. I had like 3 or 4 makeout sessions with her, each 5 hours, to experiencemaxx. Couldn't do it anymore with her tho. She was ugly af.
You should've MDMAmaxxed/drunkmaxxed and hit it.
A few girls. Other guys will say it's not that great, but for me it was.. Your lips seal, your tongues wrestle, you look each other in the eye, your dick gets rock hard, you drip precum. You finally feel grounded to the world you live in and are no longer living in your head, if that makes any sense.
"incels" yeah ok a girl can stomache you enough to kiss you then you aren't an incel. probably all in your head
Never in my life.

...well, until a few weeks ago when I finally escortcelled for a night. It was very overrated.
Fucking fuck even others here kiss girls. I'm so fucking subhuman.
i've never even held a girls hand
TheVman said:
"incels" yeah ok a girl can stomache you enough to kiss you then you aren't an incel. probably all in your head

At 19 it's over
After reading threads like this one I have to bluepill myself hard. The rope is shinning like never before.
No I never have.
I want to fucking kill everyone who said yes. GTFO fakecels.
"Kissed a girl"

Yes and it was awesome.
TheVman said:
"incels" yeah ok a girl can stomache you enough to kiss you then you aren't an incel. probably all in your head

Yeah wtf the fact that girls even kissed some people here just proves most "incels" here are actually fakecels, as they were validated as being attractive at least once in their life
All these fakecels in this thread kissing girls.
Having kissed before long time ago disqualifies me as truecel, not as incel. I'm celibate and it's not by choice.
I thought the rules were quite unambiguous about this.
BlackpilledAF said:
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
did you get pleasure from it? Like you get when you have orgasm or something? or was it just like lips touching and nothing special?
Depends on the girl.
Usually, it's very pleasurable, and since I don't get to do it much, when something like that happens and the logistic permits, i'd do it for hours. Also while kissing / making out I'd get a hard dick.
During the height of my sexual frustration, I settled for an incel-tier woman. a 2/10 or 3/10 at best. Surprisingly, she had many boyfriends before and she knew how to kiss well. I "used" her to improve my kissing techniques, using tongue, and shit like that.
I could never touch her sober tho. I'd drink a lot or take mdma (powerful aphrodisiac, among other things) to force myself to kiss her. I had like 3 or 4 makeout sessions with her, each 5 hours, to experiencemaxx. Couldn't do it anymore with her tho. She was ugly af.

LOL this place is a joke.
This is so fucking stupid. Get the fuck out of here fakecel cunts. I despise you all
Fucking fakecels need to be purged. Fucking fuck
No female ever showed the slightest bit of attraction towards me
Sadness said:
I want to fucking kill everyone who said yes. GTFO fakecels.

How does kissing make you fakecel?

I thought it was all about not having sex and being virgins?

Next you are gonna say “if you have held a girls hand then you are fake cel”

And then it will move down to hugging

Krispinwah said:
LOL this place is a joke.

He had to drink and do mdma
Ok and first commenter have volunteered for a ban. They have my vote
I kissed with fat, ugly 3/10 girl couple times. Had to drunkmaxx to do it. We were almost a couple but she tried to cheat on me with a few normie guys. They all rejected her. I never had sex tho
Yes. Twice at prom (once with my date once with another girl). It felt like a cold, wet shock (in a pleasant way) and was reinvigorating. I wish I could experience it again.
A Good Friend said:
Some lucky filly?

I see what you did here  :bigsmile:
As a matter of facts I did yesterday and am going to do today.
kkt6 said:
Yes. Twice at prom (once with my date once with another girl). It felt like a cold, wet shock (in a pleasant way) and was reinvigorating. I wish I could experience it again.

How in the fucking fuck did you get a kiss from two girls at prom as an incel?

F A K E C E L S. M E
I could but my romantic soul didn't allow me to
UncannyValley said:
How in the fucking fuck did you get a kiss from two girls at prom as an incel?
I don't know. I've told this story here before, but a girl asked me to prom in the twelfth grade. We went, we kissed, and I was too nervous to go to the afterparty.

The second girl was her friend who kissed me for a photo.

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