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Venting Any incels just don't care anymore?

If you are a legit 0/10 as you said before why even care at this point? it is beyond over at 30.
I have no control over feeling bad. I know it is hopeless but rather than liberating me this realization seems to have paralyzed me. I cannot do anything anymore except lie in bed and post on this forum. I think this might be clinical depression.
I have no control over feeling bad. I know it is hopeless but rather than liberating me this realization seems to have paralyzed me. I cannot do anything anymore except lie in bed and post on this forum. I think this might be clinical depression.
I can't really relate to your situation right now but we both are incels,i fully understand why you feel this way.Only sufferers can understand other sufferers.
The period from 13-25 is the most important period in a human's development and if you fucked this up your life will be irredeemable. The friends you make in high school and college will be the friends you have for the rest of your life, you are supposed to gain sexual experience and secure a partner within this time period.

By 25 pretty much no girls will be single except tinder whores with genital herpes who you have no chance with anyway. By the time you are employed full time, you will have no free time to do anything. This is because by now you should have been married and expecting your first child.

As you approach 30, meeting new people is almost impossible. Even if you can find the time to go out and socialize, people just don't want to meet you because their social circle is already established. Besides, lone men are looked down upon universally.

After 30 if you are single and incel it is over. If over the course of 17 years you did nit ascend, you won't now. The pool of single women has narrowed down to mentally ill cat ladies and the morbidly obese, but they want nothing to do with you anyway.
well I'm about to turn 25, and you mentioned 25 and 30. So from the time between 25-30, is there anything that is supposed to be done?
Neetbux is welfare?

government gibs me bux... so yes

I mean I have no reason to actually put an effort in. My life is over. Might as well mooch off this system and make normies pay taxes to support me. Fuck em.
government gibs me bux... so yes

I mean I have no reason to actually put an effort in. My life is over. Might as well mooch off this system and make normies pay taxes to support me. Fuck em.
Good for you. Government already takes so much money from men like us anyways.
I stopped caring, haven’t wiped my ass in days smell like shit at work to make foids miserable
I honestly don't really care anymore. I would be fine with dying tonight. Women, Chads, etc. It doesn't matter.

I don't even care enough to go ER. I'm gonna be in my 30s in a couple of years and honestly it's been over a decade since I've really interacted with anyone. I've spent my entire 20s in complete isolation, barely interacting with people at all. When you don't see people often, you don't really see what you're missing out on. I just don't care because I don't know what I'm missing out on. However this life is BORING. There's no feeling of connection with anyone since I'm just rotting in my room 24/7 and thinking about killing myself. I have a shotgun just in case I decide to kill myself since shotguns have 99% success rate. Sometimes I just want to kill myself out of sheer boredom.

However the only thing that is stopping me from killing myself is the love that I have for my parents. I genuinely love my parents and I would never ever do anything to hurt them so I stay alive until they die(which is probably 20-30 years from now). So I'm just rotting for my entire 20s and going to be rotting for my 30s. At least I have my copes such as vidya and etc.

Damn I can relate to so much of what you just said, I'm 29 and I simply gave up on dating for good, there's no point in pursuing women when you're an ugly piece of shit, since I'm a 2/10 subhuman fuck the ability for me to get a girl is completely out of my control.

I also spent the vast majority of my 20s LDARing, I always knew I was an ugly fuck so as a result it really hurt my self-confidence and morale, guys and girls just don't like being around ugly pieces of shit so you have no choice but to become a recluse, the internet became my refuge for the past 10 years, away from this cruel fucked up society.

I tried making friends and getting a girlfriend but it was all met with failure: rejections, petty arguments, burnt bridges, derision from other men, alienation, trouble with the police, getting reported etc I'm fucking tired of that shit, society tells you to be friendly, gregarious, sociable, empathetic, charming, charismatic etc but if you're an ugly guy that won't change anything people will still insist on despising you despite how much you change your personality and disposition for the better, when you're ugly you can't fucking win, its a damned if you do damned if you don't situation for life.

what's the fucking point of trying to get a gf when being an ugly fuck with horrendous genetics will ensure you a 100% failure rate ?, why try to make friends when your looks make you an unlikable leper ?, you just have to quit and live a solitary life, I'm not saying quit in general as in abandon your goals or career or health, you simply have to quit dating and attempting to have a social life outside of this community.

I too have a shotgun, I'm probably gonna blow my brains out once I muster up the courage to pull the trigger, its only a matter of time.
Its over. All I want now is to fuck young prostitutes and make some money on internet - 2k/mo should be enough for the shit hole I'am going to downshift to, yeah.
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I've spent my entire 20s in complete isolation,
I would never ever do anything to hurt them so I stay alive until they die(which is probably 20-30 years from now). So I'm just rotting for my entire 20s and going to be rotting for my 30s.

Literally same situation. Just waiting for them to natually pass away so i can finally kill myself without hurting them.

When i think about it, i realize i am living in hell. This is hell, there is nothing worse than this, there cant be. Just here, pretending to be alive inside, for another 30 years. Nobody deserves this, not even fucking foids. Human life is way waaaaaay too long, man.
In some ways I've given up caring but it paradoxically leads to me taking more extreme positions (I don't care about the economy anymore so I propose shit like taking all of Jeff Bezos' money and giving it to virgin men; and I don't care about foids or old people anymore so I don't care if COVID just straight up rapes the population).

Its unavoidable. I literally care about nothing but my parents. I dont recicle, i try to not really contribute to society by doing a mediocre job at work, i vote the most extremist party possible, i dont care about other people in any context....
Yeah I am 29 and I feel the same. I think this Quarantine had made things worse because now my work and my private life are being mixed up and it just feels like I am not only in a job I don't like, but I am under house arrest doing this shit while the sun is out and my life is passing me by. I don't even care about the money anymore because there is nothing I want to spend it on. My parents gave me $400 for my birthday and I just left it on the table. What am I supposed to spend it on?
But back to your point. I spent my 20s all by myself and now I am getting old and my bad habits are quickly catching up to me. I can't really hold it together anymore and I have nothing left to motivate me to do anything. I hope I get laid off so that I do not have to quit because I really just cannot even force myself to get up out of bed at this point.

Same. I am supposed to be working from home but i just cant. I just do enough to not get fired at this point. No motivation, i have a lot of money and i dont know what i am supposed to do with it. All i do is buying drugs but i cant become a full time drug addict because i have to pretend to have a soul every morning from monday to friday. Why do i torture myself trying? I hate traveling, i hate parties, i hate music, i hate films, i hate vidya, i hate people. I dont know why do i even need money. I know one day i will lose my job and i wont try to get another. I will rot in my parents home like those japanese hikikomoris until they die and i can finally kill myself.

For the last week or so I have spent almost all my time on this forum, which was rare for me to do. I think on a subconscious level my brain knows I'm done for and now the rational part of my brain is trying to come to terms with it.

The fact that i visit the forum so often also means for me that i am close to give up honestly. Usually i avoid even thinking about how subhuman my life is.
When does this misery ends?
The period from 13-25 is the most important period in a human's development and if you fucked this up your life will be irredeemable. The friends you make in high school and college will be the friends you have for the rest of your life, you are supposed to gain sexual experience and secure a partner within this time period.

By 25 pretty much no girls will be single except tinder whores with genital herpes who you have no chance with anyway. By the time you are employed full time, you will have no free time to do anything. This is because by now you should have been married and expecting your first child.

As you approach 30, meeting new people is almost impossible. Even if you can find the time to go out and socialize, people just don't want to meet you because their social circle is already established. Besides, lone men are looked down upon universally.

After 30 if you are single and incel it is over. If over the course of 17 years you did nit ascend, you won't now. The pool of single women has narrowed down to mentally ill cat ladies and the morbidly obese, but they want nothing to do with you anyway.

I can confirm this is the sad truth.

I cannot do anything anymore except lie in bed and post on this forum. I think this might be clinical depression.
Relatable :feelsbadman:

society tells you to be friendly, gregarious, sociable, empathetic, charming, charismatic etc but if you're an ugly guy that won't change anything people will still insist on despising you despite how much you change your personality and disposition for the better, when you're ugly you can't fucking win, its a damned if you do damned if you don't situation for life.
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