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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Any fellow oldcels here (40+)?

Was it hard to escort and imagine all those years in your teens and 20s that you missed out on? Especially validation, which for me is the most important aspect.

At that point, I had pretty much accepted that I will never be validated and just wanted to experience an intimate experience with a woman, however "forced" that interaction may be. Compared to my only realistic alternatives of using my hand for the zillionth time and using masturbation aids, I figured this was about as good as it was ever going to get.

I don't really dwell on missed experiences when I have sex with prostitutes. I live in the moment and try to get my money's worth as much as possible.
I'll necrobump this thread 18 years later.
Much easier said than done I imagine.
Yeah, it is what it is man. You reach a point where you realize those old adages about enjoying what you have are true.

I'd wager that most oldcels rank inceldom as like twentieth out of their current list o' problems.

Myself, I just use it as a pass to post my ramblings here. Like if this was a corvette owner's forum and I just happened to have a rusty old corvette out in the shed; I qualify, but I couldn't really give a fuck.
She's good looking though, you're definitely not incel-tier if you got a girl like that (despite being fake-upmaxxed).

Yeah, I don't care how old he is. Anyone who's able to pull someone like that gets his incel card revoked for life, haha.
Yeah, I don't care how old he is. Anyone who's able to pull someone like that gets his incel card revoked for life, haha.

THIS. There's too many fakecels around here, I don't know why I even stick around to be honest. I guess because it's the only place where I can vent about being treated like shit and getting to blame my looks for it (which is true of course).
THIS. There's too many fakecels around here, I don't know why I even stick around to be honest. I guess because it's the only place where I can vent about being treated like shit and getting to blame my looks for it (which is true of course).

I just hope the fakecels don't keep pushing their limits and eventually overtake this forum like they did r9k. That board is now overrun with Chads who brag about how many women they've fucked while bashing incels left and right.
I just hope the fakecels don't keep pushing their limits and eventually overtake this forum like they did r9k. That board is now overrun with Chads who brag about how many women they've fucked while bashing incels left and right.

I used to browse r9k a long ass time years ago. Baww threads were my favorite. Do those still happen? I assume no but damn those were a good time, honestly. Well there's already a fakecel - if we're going by looks, that is - as a janitor but that's the only fakecel who's got a higher position than most members.
I used to browse r9k a long ass time years ago. Baww threads were my favorite. Do those still happen? I assume no but damn those were a good time, honestly. Well there's already a fakecel - if we're going by looks, that is - as a janitor but that's the only fakecel who's got a higher position than most members.

I haven't seen a baww thread in years, but then again, I've reduced my 4Chad browsing down to nothing recently. I don't even visit the site anymore for reasons I mentioned above. It's a shame because that place used to be one of my go-to sites back in its glory days.
I haven't seen a baww thread in years, but then again, I've reduced my 4Chad browsing down to nothing recently. I don't even visit the site anymore for reasons I mentioned above. It's a shame because that place used to be one of my go-to sites back in its glory days.
That's honestly disappointing. Why do normies have to ruin everything. I don't go on 4chins anymore either because well, it's not for me anymore. Well we still have this forum I guess. Hope it stays loyal to inceldom.
It's crazy to think there are 40+ yo guys posting here alongside edgy teens.
that's why i just come here occasionally. people here not listing to the wizards and going sjw all over the forums. find things to keep busy and dont waste time on these bitches that spit on ya!
that's why i just come here occasionally. people here not listing to the wizards and going sjw all over the forums. find things to keep busy and dont waste time on these bitches that spit on ya!
Going sjw?
that's why i just come here occasionally. people here not listing to the wizards and going sjw all over the forums. find things to keep busy and dont waste time on these bitches that spit on ya!
:lol: If you are all blackpilled you may as well be 90. Why do you fear the older guys here?

Honestly if I had all this info in HS I may have tried to ascend, but today I don't honestly know if it is possible.
Fucking it's over for us manlets, can't even grow taller now and can't even prevent height shrink with age

No, you can't avoid it. It's impossible. The amount of compression on the spine and joints plus calcium loss of aging leads to height loss. This is why you see a lot of people who are 80+ and they look short and hunch-backed.

What did you guys do when you hit 30? Anything special?

In my 20's I still had hopes and dreams of breaking out of inceldom. But once I hit 30 I realized its not going to happen. So a good portion of my 30's were depressing. I eventually got into a lot of different hobbies and interests to keep busy. That actually helped a lot more than I realized it would. Over time the busier I kept myself the better I felt. I began to forget about the shit that was bothering me. Once I hit 40 it was like a whole new experience. It's like the depressions of youth lifted and I looked on life, people and things in a very different light. For example I was super angry in my 20's. Very bitter. Very angry. In my 40's I'm finding myself to be the exact opposite. I'm a lot more mellower. A lot more calmer. So it has made me regret a lot of the feelings of anger and bitterness that I had. In looking back it has made me regret certain decisions I made back then (like cutting out and not talking to family members) because they feel like big mistakes.

Oldcels why haven't u roped?

Considered a few times seriously when I was younger but I felt like it would disappoint my family, especially my mom. But that feeling of ending it all vanished the older I got. I think mainly because time flies by so fast that before you know it, you're a lot older. So its not going to be too long before nature itself will take care of the end.

Im not going to be a 40 year old incel EVER. Im killing myself before the ever happens

I thought the same too when I was younger. But your views and ideas change a lot as you get older. More than you think they will.
I turn 41 coming Sunday.
In my 20's I still had hopes and dreams of breaking out of inceldom. But once I hit 30 I realized its not going to happen. So a good portion of my 30's were depressing. I eventually got into a lot of different hobbies and interests to keep busy. That actually helped a lot more than I realized it would. Over time the busier I kept myself the better I felt. I began to forget about the shit that was bothering me. Once I hit 40 it was like a whole new experience. It's like the depressions of youth lifted and I looked on life, people and things in a very different light. For example I was super angry in my 20's. Very bitter. Very angry. In my 40's I'm finding myself to be the exact opposite. I'm a lot more mellower. A lot more calmer. So it has made me regret a lot of the feelings of anger and bitterness that I had. In looking back it has made me regret certain decisions I made back then (like cutting out and not talking to family members) because they feel like big mistakes.

The part in bold is probably the biggest LifeFuel that I've ever read on this forum. I've pretty much followed the same path as you up to this point:

- Angry and bitter throughout my 20s.
- Depressed during my 30s while trying to cope with hobbies.

If I adopt the same mindset as you during my 40s, maybe the future won't be quite as suicide-inducing as I expect it to be.
Don't rope. You will probably die soon anyway because of all the stress you have gone through in your life.
I want to rope when my cat dies. I can't imagine losing him. He's my only friend.
The part in bold is probably the biggest LifeFuel that I've ever read on this forum. I've pretty much followed the same path as you up to this point:

- Angry and bitter throughout my 20s.
- Depressed during my 30s while trying to cope with hobbies.

If I adopt the same mindset as you during my 40s, maybe the future won't be quite as suicide-inducing as I expect it to be.

I used hate seeing couples. I'd hate the good looking people that had an easy life, that got to enjoy life to its fullest. I'd hate seeing women who wouldn't give me the time of day. It was so bad that I'd even hate seeing children who were simply happy and playing.

That's totally different now. I don't hate them. Because I realized its not their fault my genes were fucked up and I ended up ugly during puberty. If anything I should have been mad at my parents for having me to begin with, then lying to me and lying to my face when I asked them if I was ugly when I was a teenager. But yeah. Anger at others is not in my mind any more. Other people didn't do this to me. It was simply the shitty card I was dealt in life. I don't get mad seeing couples, or seeing good looking people any more. I'm sometimes neutral towards them and sometimes happy for them, I'm envious for sure, but I no longer hate them. I see kids and I'm happy for them too because they dont know any better, and whenever I see them I hope and wish upon them that they never end up going through what I went through because I dont want anyone to go through what I went through growing up.
That's scary right there.

Everything in this thread is very scary...
I hope smoking kills me before i reach 40...
But i guess that ill try to get a job or something if i really reach 30 and im living with my parents. Idk... im so lost.
I want to rope when my cat dies. I can't imagine losing him. He's my only friend.

aaah do you know this article? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/9253739/Man-killed-himself-after-his-beloved-cat-died.html

I really cant imagine a life without my cats but i wouldnt kms. I would also never ever buy again another pet. I would nobody suggest to buy a cat or a dog if you are a very lonely person. You wont be able to handle the death of your lovely only friend...

How old is your cat?
I used hate seeing couples. I'd hate the good looking people that had an easy life, that got to enjoy life to its fullest. I'd hate seeing women who wouldn't give me the time of day. It was so bad that I'd even hate seeing children who were simply happy and playing.

That's totally different now. I don't hate them. Because I realized its not their fault my genes were fucked up and I ended up ugly during puberty. If anything I should have been mad at my parents for having me to begin with, then lying to me and lying to my face when I asked them if I was ugly when I was a teenager. But yeah. Anger at others is not in my mind any more. Other people didn't do this to me. It was simply the shitty card I was dealt in life. I don't get mad seeing couples, or seeing good looking people any more. I'm sometimes neutral towards them and sometimes happy for them, I'm envious for sure, but I no longer hate them. I see kids and I'm happy for them too because they dont know any better, and whenever I see them I hope and wish upon them that they never end up going through what I went through because I dont want anyone to go through what I went through growing up.

Best lifefuel ive read in weeks. Thanks.
I used hate seeing couples. I'd hate the good looking people that had an easy life, that got to enjoy life to its fullest. I'd hate seeing women who wouldn't give me the time of day. It was so bad that I'd even hate seeing children who were simply happy and playing.

That's totally different now. I don't hate them. Because I realized its not their fault my genes were fucked up and I ended up ugly during puberty. If anything I should have been mad at my parents for having me to begin with, then lying to me and lying to my face when I asked them if I was ugly when I was a teenager. But yeah. Anger at others is not in my mind any more. Other people didn't do this to me. It was simply the shitty card I was dealt in life. I don't get mad seeing couples, or seeing good looking people any more. I'm sometimes neutral towards them and sometimes happy for them, I'm envious for sure, but I no longer hate them. I see kids and I'm happy for them too because they dont know any better, and whenever I see them I hope and wish upon them that they never end up going through what I went through because I dont want anyone to go through what I went through growing up.

Fair play to you mate! I have a looooong ways to go before I reach that level of contentment and indifference, but your posts give me hope that I might be able to similarly ascend in the future.
aaah do you know this article? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/9253739/Man-killed-himself-after-his-beloved-cat-died.html

I really cant imagine a life without my cats but i wouldnt kms. I would also never ever buy again another pet. I would nobody suggest to buy a cat or a dog if you are a very lonely person. You wont be able to handle the death of your lovely only friend...

How old is your cat?
Yes I even posted that link here first a few weeks ago.
He's turning 11 in June.
dam i thought i was oldcel at 25 you guys are ancientcels
In my 20's I still had hopes and dreams of breaking out of inceldom. But once I hit 30 I realized its not going to happen. So a good portion of my 30's were depressing. I eventually got into a lot of different hobbies and interests to keep busy. That actually helped a lot more than I realized it would. Over time the busier I kept myself the better I felt. I began to forget about the shit that was bothering me. Once I hit 40 it was like a whole new experience. It's like the depressions of youth lifted and I looked on life, people and things in a very different light. For example I was super angry in my 20's. Very bitter. Very angry. In my 40's I'm finding myself to be the exact opposite. I'm a lot more mellower. A lot more calmer. So it has made me regret a lot of the feelings of anger and bitterness that I had. In looking back it has made me regret certain decisions I made back then (like cutting out and not talking to family members) because they feel like big mistakes.

I'm 22 and angry most of the time. I hate seeing couples, I hate being in uni, I hate it all. Perhaps there is hope that at least these feelings will subside and I can accept the situation, as you said, has been dealt to me. Thanks for sharing your story, brother.
I like talking to oldcels as they can offer wisdom and a glimpse of what it was like for men 30+ years ago. Really we need some straight up geriatric-cels posting here (70 and up). Curious if the 50's were really as great as some seem to think.

So if you have a misogynistic grandpa, by all means teach them how to use the internet and introduce them to this site.
Shit, I'm 31 and I think there are little people my age here. Never even really thought there were 40+ incels here.

We need like a private board for wizards where only incels older than 30 can post.

You will soon realize that 25 is NOTHING compared to real, oldcel pain.

I dunno about that, man. It has definitely gotten easier the older I got. I am more accepting of my life now.
There's a couple older truecels like me (late 20's) but you'll find that most posters on this type of website are young latepubertycels.
I should have a couple years at best left of cope before rope. I won't rope for now because it would really hurt my mother, but when shes dies I will kill myself.
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